AlB-Lancastar Farming, Saturday, October 23, 1993 Estimated Daily Livestock Slaughter Under Federal Inspection October 20, 1993 CATTLE CALVES 123.000 4,000 124.000 5,000 123.000 6,000 WEDNESDAY (EST) WEEK AGO (EST) YEAR AGO (EST) WEEK TO DATE (EST) SAME .PD LT WK (EST) SAME PD LT YR (ACT) PREVIOUS DAY ESTIMATED STEER AND HEIFER 99,000, COW AND BULL 27,000. Leesport Livestock Auction Leesport, Pa. Wednesday, October 20, 1993 Report Supplied by PDA CATTLE 290.. PDA .. Supply included 117 il. steers ft heifers, 45 feeder cattle ..Compared with last Wednesday’s market: si. steers mostly 3.00 to 4.00 higher; si. cows mostly 1.00 to 2.00 higher. STEERS; Choice 1050/1400 lbs. 68.00-73.25, two head 74.75 ft 75.50, Select 65.00-69.00, couple 70.50, few Standard 55.00-59.00. HOLSTEINS: Choice 64.00-67.00, Select 60.00- HEIFERS: Choice 66.00- two 71.00, few Select 57.75-63.25. COWS: Breaking Utility and Commercial 46.00-49.75, one 52.75, Cut ter and Boning Utility 45.50-50.00, Canner ft low Cutler 40.00-45.50. Shells down to 30.00. BULLOCKS: few Choice 63.50- few Select 58.00-62.25. BULLS: few Yield Grade No. 1 1060/1450 lbs. 55.00-63.75, few No. 2 800/1530 lbs. 50.50- FEEDER CATTLE: Steers: few Large Frame No. 1 425/515 lbs. 88.00- Bulls; few Medium Frame No. 1 300/615 lbs. 63.00-68.00. CALVES 119..VEALERS: Standard and Good 70/95 lbs. 40.00-55.00. RETURNED TO FARM: No. 1 Holstein Bulls 90/135 lbs. 135.00-158.00, No. 2 85/125 lbs. 75.00-125.00; No. 1 Holstein heifers 90/135 lbs. 142.50-200.00 mostly 180.00- Few Beef cross 75/110 lbs. bulls and heifers 130.00-167.50. HOGS 140..B»rrows and gilts 3.00 low er; Sows 3.00 lower. BARROWS AND GILTS: few lots US No. 1-2 245/260 lbs. 43.00- 1-3 225/235 lbs. 42.00-43.50, lot 2-3 285 lbs. 41.75, few lots 1-3 205/225 lbs. 40.00-40.25. SOWS: US No. 1-3 330/630 lbs. 35.00-38.25. BOARS: 29.00- FEEDER PIGS 119.. Couple lots US No. 1-3 23 lbs. 100.00 & 110.00, 30/65 lbs. 65.00-81.00.- per cwt. SHEEP 102.. few Choice 85/135 lbs. Wooled si. lambs 47.00-55.00, lot 60 lbs. 67.00. Slaughter sheep: 15.00-23.00. GOATS 16... Few Large 40.00-80.00, few Medium 25.00-45.00. all per head. Natchez Animal Supply Low Prices Eqvalan Horse Wormer (Ivermectin paste 1.87%) $9.19 per Tube • VACCINE • ANTIBIOTICS • WORKERS • VITAMINS • INSECTICIDES PRODUCTS FOR CATTLE...DOG...CAT...HORSE...SWINE Request ★ New Catalog-^^- P O Boa 1528 V • Ntlclwz. MS 39121 1-800-M7-47M 2nd Day and next day air available To provide all your excavating needs digging - grading sewer and storm water work septic system We are also PA DER Certified To Perform Underground Storage Tank Removals (717) 336-3925 Reamstown Excavating Inc. 13.000 15.000 16.000 373.000 371.000 366.000 Westminster Livestock Hagerstown, Md. October 19, 1993 Report supplied by auction SLAUGHTER COWS: 113 HEAD. UTILITY 46.00-49.75; HIGH DRESSING TO 51.00; CANNERS 42.00-46.00; SHEL LY 42.00 DOWN. BULLS: 17 HEAD. YG#l 1350-2300 LBS. 59.75; YG#2 54.00-58.25; LOW DRESSING 50.00-53.00. FED STEERS: NO HIGH CHOICE. WATER FILTERS Will Ship UPS at extra coat ns Qty. 128 Case Lot Micron Sizes 1,5,10,20,30,50,100 Mi*,, WATER SYSTEMS Mysrstown, PA sc ■— m Call (717) 666-838 S SHEEP HOGS 350.000 355.000 360.000 1.046.000 1.097.000 201,000 19,000 * 23,000 54.000 55.000 54.000 FARM CALVES: HOLSTEIN BULLS 81 90-120 LBS. 135.00-157.00; 75-85 LBS. 100.00-130.00; HOLSTEIN HEIF ERS. FEW OFFERED: BEEF X BULLS TO 155.00. 1,090^000 S TOCK CATTLE: 157 HEAD. PRICES LOWER. STEERS 400-600 LBS. 74.00-81.00; 600-800 LBS. 68.00-77.00; 800-975 LBS. 64.00-76.00; HOLSTEINS 500-700 LBS. 61.00-67.00. HEIFERS: 300-500 LBS. 68.00-75.00; 500700 LBS. 64 0 075.00; 700900 LBS. 55 0068.00. Gain capacity without sacrificing bird comfort or aisle width Win DURATRIM-CB DURATRIM-DBS ® Curtain Back ® Dropping Board and Scraper You got more room In our top cage lor extra bird! Note the extra wire In partitions, backs and tops for added strength ULTRAFLO® 80 feet per minute has a 5 year warrai Special wire on cai floors Is welded bet being galvanized. Tl gives stronger weir and better coating, one more reason why Chore-Time outlasts other systems agn systems Northeast LOW CHOICE 1000-1200 LBS. 64.00- SELECT 1200-1400 LBS. 61.00- STANDARD HOLSTEINS 54.00- FED HEIFERS; FEW OFFERED. LOW CHOICE 800-900 LBS. TO 64.50; HOLS TEINS SELECT TO 55.25. VEAL CALVES: 111 HEAD. LOW CHOICE 200-350 LBS. 79.00-88.00; CULLS 85-110 LBS. 55.00-65.00; 50-80 LBS. 50.00-56.00; WEAK/ROUGH 45,00 DOWN. BUTCHER HOGS: USBI&3 215-260 LBS. 44.00-44.85; «2&3 43.00-44.00; 300 LBS. 39.00-40.00; 1 375 LB. AT 35.75. SOWS: 300-450 LBS. 36.00-39.00; 450-700 LBS. 37.00-40.25. BOARS: 400-750 LBS. 32.75-33.75; 1 935 LB. AT 25.00. BULLS: 200400 LBS. 80.00-90.00; Chore-Time Duratrim Cage Systems are designed to be perfect for remodeling! Here are the facta why ULTRAFLO# outperforms tlowiyK nafefatd REVAMv Our»nt«dsi Eaay apltdna andnotrouMMon* guide* to rr-' time yttar SIMPLE OPERATION. EAST AUGER CONNEC “Push-Puir Fewer Units TOR. Allows fast and with low HP motor are simple installation, also located along the feeder quick and easy repair of line as needed. auger if ever necessary. Northeast Agri Systems. Inc. Flyway Business Park 139 A West Airport Road Lititz, PA 17543 Ph- (717) 569-2702 400-600 LBS. 65.00-75.00; 600-800 LBS. 62.0073.00; 8001000 LBS. FEW TO 55.00. LAMBS; 55 HEAD. CHOICE 90115 LBS. 60.00-64.00; 115-125 LBS. 54.0058.00; 7090 LBS. 65.0074.00; 6070 LBS. 73.0080.00; FEW 140150 LBS. 34.0042.00. SHEEP: 25 HEAD. UNDER 200 LBS. 28.00-39.00; OVER 200 LBS, 19.0028.00. GOATS: LARGE 65.00-101.00; MEDIUM 35.0066.00; SMALL 35.00 DOWN. PIGS AND SHOATS: 15 HEAD. BY THE HEAD FROM TESTED HERDS. 30-40 LBS. 22.0034.00; 3 HEAD 55 LBS. AT 35.00. BOARS: 9 HEAD, 200-280 LBS 34.0035.50. NEXT TUES., OCT 26, SPECIAL FEEDER CATTLE SALE. Morrison Cove Livestock Martinsburg, Pa. October 18, 1993 Report supplied by auction CATTLE 303. STEERS CHOICE 70.0073.00; GOOD 68.0070.00. HEIFERS: CHOICE 69.50-72.50; GOOD 64.0068.00. Otstomar* ' .OOOp«ry*«r ,(XXWHmhog<«. STORE HOURS Mon-fit 7-30 to 430 Sot 800 to Noon 24 Hr 7 Do/ R«P<* s«vtc« 1-800-673-2580 Remodel with Chore-Time and you can have more birds, better per formance and less maintenance. Chore- Time’s 4 tier, 20 inch deep Duratrlms are the same width as 3 tier dropping board systems and 4 tier reverse cages. Go from 60,000 birds to 80,000 birds. Over 80% of the nation’s top egg producers* have already switched to Chore-Time cages with ULTRAFLO® Feeders!* Egg producers have been putting up with obsolete chain feeders far too long. Now there’s a better way Chore-Time’s proven ULTRAFLO Cage Feeding System Since introduction, more than 80% of the top 54 egg producers* have gone to ULTRAFLO. A lot of smaller ones have too. They’ve all looked at the advantages and chosen ULTRAFLO. That's because it makes them more profitable Total egg production and egg size—these are the best benefits of our complete feeding system. Why not check out the facts for yourself’ Contact us now—or ask any producer who owns ULTRAFLO. Because the only negative comments about our feeding system come from our competition—not from our customers *The Top 54 U S Fgg Producert as listed In NovJDec 1991 FCG INDUSTRY Call or send for the list of over 80% top egg producers who have switched to Chore-Time! Call or send for the list of over 200 Ultraflo® houses In the Northeast. COWS: UTILITY A COMMERCIAL 42.50- CANNER A LOW CUTTER 36.50- BULLOCKS: GOOD A CHOICE 59.00-6S.SO. BULLS: YIELD GRADE NO. 1 51.50-69.75. FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS 65.00-86.00; BULLS 60.00-79.00; HEIF ERS 53.00-78.00. CALVES 252. PRIME, NO MKT. TEST; CHOICE, NO MKT. TEST; GOOD 81.00- STANDARD 40.00-73.00; HOLSTEIN BULLS 90-130 LBS. 130.00- HOLSTEIN HEIFERS 90-130 LBS. 135.00-190.00. HOGS: 171. US NO. 1-2 46.00-47.75; US NO. 1-3 44.50-46.00. SOWS: US NO. 1-3 35.00-38.00. BOARS: 30.00-34.00. FEEDER PIGS: 24 HEAD. US#l&3 20-50 LBS. 11.00-23.00. SHEEP: 91 HEAD. CHOICE LAMBS 65.00-73.00; GOOD LAMBS 57.00-66.00; SLAUGHTER EWES 19.00-27.00. GOATS: 17.00-72.00. IS LOADS OF HAY. ALFALFA 106.00-116.00; TIMOTHY 64.00-86.00; 4 LOADS OF STRAW AT 90.00-99.00. Egg tray la out thar to pravant egg Jam-ups 'his axlra high lip on tho ogg ray savaa aggs Contracts Take advantage of this ideal income opportunity for family farm*. Call f of information on production contracte for new and remodeled layer houses. 1-800-673-2580 m m m year warranty cagas. Call or md for a copy . Available with 24"x20” cages 16"x20” cages Get 33% more Irds because It i only 73” wide