Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 23, 1993, Image 1

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    ■ aixca st
Vol. 38 NO. 50
Federal Protection Sought For People Who Use Animals
Lancaster Farming Staff
HERSHEY (Dauphin
Co.) Farmers and livestock
producers and processors should
consider themselves at risk of a
personal attack by animal-rights
extremist terrorists, according to
U.S. Rep. George Gekas, R-
While there was no specific loc
al incident available by presstime
to back up that notion for farmers,
there is ample evidence that those
Cambria County Extension Showcases
New Services At Ag Advisory Council Meeting
Managing Editor
EBENSBURG (Cambria Co.)
New and innovative ways for
Penn State Extension to serve farm
and urban communities were
showcased at the extension office
when the Penn Stale University Ag
Advisory Council met here this
For example, a coalition of com
munity agencies formed with
extension has embarked on a prog
ram aimed at teen parenting and
pregnancy prevention that has
received support from the 21 high
school districts in the county. The
program, initiated by Kathryn Hos
tetler, Cambria Co. extension
director, features seminars at the
extension office and programs that
arc taken into the school class
room. This program is just one of
the new ways extension has
become more visible and useful in
the urban setting.
A companion program uses a
4-H club approach for youth offen
ders in the justice system. An eight
week program put together by
Gary Washington, assistant exten
sion agent, gives the judge a reha
bilative option for youth in trouble
with the law. Working with the
probation officer, the youth at risk
Wool Act Td Be
Phased Out, Says ASI
Lancaster Farming Staff
KEMPTON (Berks Co.)
Wool producers may face some
tough financial times ahead in light
of the recent decision - by the U.S.
Senate and House to pass a bill that
eliminates the Wool Act
Late last week, the Senate
Passed the 1994 Agriculture
Appropriations Bill, which funds
National Wool Act payments
to qualified producers next April,
ha separate bill, S.B. 1548, legis
lation to phase out the National
Wool Act, was passed.
This could have immediate and
Mastic consequences for many of
■he 110,000 wool producers across
•he nation, according to Joseph R.
Vogel, president of the Pennsylva-
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who use animals for research have
been the target of terroristic, per
sonal attacks.
To slave off this threat. Rep.
Gekas has proposed HR 3064;
legislation that would extend to
people the protections granted
farm buildings and biomedical
research facilities and other opera
tions which legally use animals.
Max Lang, head of the biomedi
cal research department at Hershcy "
Medical Center in Hershcy, said
Monday during a press conference
is given a project of choice to com
plete and all the usual 4-H record
books and oral presentations are
required. The parents arc also
required to become involved. In
this program called “Step In The
Right Direction,” almost all of the
youth assigned a project have com
pleted the program.
“This program has been very
effective in helping the youth
involved,” Hosteller said. “For
most of them, this was their ‘first
brush’ with the law and was minor
in nature. Prior to this program,
these kids would have been
released to their parents with no
outside intervention. Now each is
enrolled in a group situation with
caring staff assisting them in learn
ing skills that will help resolve
future conflict situations in their
A number of parents of the youth
reported that the program has
assisted them to get their kids back
on track. The extension service
now has plans to start a 4-H club of
youth who have completed the
“Steps” program.
Back in production agriculture,
Gary Sheppard, extension agent
from Westmoreland County,
reported on the new Dairy MAP
nia Sheep and Wool Growers
According to the ASI Leader, a
bulletin published by the Ameri
can Sheep Industry Association, as
written in S.B. 1548, with the sig
nature of the President, the Wool
Act will be eliminated with the end
of the 1995 marketing year. In
effect, payment rates will be
reduced by 25 percent for the 1994
crop and 50 percent for the 1995
According to ASI, because of
the work of lobbyists and industry
leaders, the “compromise” bill
was reached to ensure continued
payments. The compromise gives
“producers time to make critical
short-term management decisions
(Turn to Pago A2B)
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 23, 1993
at the research facility that he has
received hundreds of death threats
because of his job overseeing a
research facility that uses animals
to rest medical technologies before
trying them on humans.
He said that while he has never
suffered from a personal physical
attack in relation to his job, his
peers across the nation and in the
British and European countries
have been subject to car bombs,
death threats, etc., in addition to
destroyed research facilities, test
(Management And Profitability)
program. Dairy-MAP works with
dairy managers to improve all
areas of dairy farm management in
a workshop setting.
“It’s important to recognize that
management skills are useful to all
managers, not just those responsi
ble for other people,” Sheppard
said. “Management begins with
managing yourself and your busi
Lancaster Farming Staff
Co.) Four-H would not exist
without your love for the commun
ity, for children, and for 4-H,
Zoann Parker, Lancaster County
4-H agent, told 4-H leaders at a
Leaders honored at the Lancaster 4-H recognition banquet Include, clockwise from
seated, Mary Lowry, 25 years; Vickie LeFevre, 15 years; Stella Hess, 20 years; and
Eleanor Good, 15 years.
Lancaster 4-H Honors
Leaders At Banquet
animals, and years of research.
An acquaintance of his in Cali
fornia has had to move residence
every couple of weeks because of
the harassment from animal rights
extremists who have repeatedly
found his home and attacked per
sonal property and threatened he
and his family, Lang said.
Another biomedical researcher
whom Lang said he knows, was in
the back yard of his own home
when his car, parked at the front of
the house, exploded because of a
ness resources to achieve goals.
Dairy-MAP concepts can be used
by any dairy manager, regardless
of the size or type of business. Par
ticipants learn that the five ele
ments of management are plan
ning, organizing, staffing, direct
ing, and controlling the business’
resources to accomplish estab
lished objectives and goals.”
(Turn to Pago A 29)
dinner held in their honor on Tues
day night
Leaders who volunteered many
hours of their lime to the 4-H were
honored at the banquet, in addition
to the 4-H Superior Achievement
Award winner (formerly called the
Outstanding 4-H’cr).
Four Sections
car bomb.
According to Lang, many
researchers have gone to using
remote control car-starting devices
because of the threats on their
lives, and no longer have the plea
sure of being secure in unlocking
their car, getting in and starting up
for a drive.
Lang said his colleague was in
the backyard with his wife, when
he remotely switchcd-on his car
and heard a loud explosion not
only did the car explode, but the
front of the house was destroyed
Luckily no one was hurt, he
Enough is enough, according to
Lang and several others who spoke
during a Monday news conference
at the Hershey Medical Center.
In effect, they said they arc tired
of being afraid of extremists and
terrorists. They want a stronger
Enter Rep. Gckas, who is cre
dited by those who support animal
use as being a friend of the animal
(Turn to Pag* A3O)
Eric Wenger, 17, son of Nelson
and Alma Wenger, Manheim, won
the 4-H Superior Achievement
Award. Eric is a nine-year member
of -MaSlcrsonville 4-H.
When she began as leader, Mary
Lowry became active in the Peque-
(Turn to Pag* A 25)
$19.75 Per Year