■ TjßfcMtM Vol. 38 NO. 49 The Mains family and their hired man gather near the freestall bam. From left, they are Larry Diehl and Matt, Liza, Libby and Monie Mains. Giveaway GOfcs Long Way Toward Promotlftg Beef ANDY ANDREWS Lancaster Farming Staff FAIRFIELD (Adams Co.) On a warm night this past August, about 9,000 people who visited the Port Royal Speedway just west of Harrisburg got a special treat a free hot roast beef sandwich cour tesy of a producer who puts dollars on the line when it comes to prom oting “teal food for real people.” Bob Weikert. a livestock buyer Dairylea Reviews Year SYRACUSE. N.Y. During the past year, Dairylea continued to achieve strong positive financial results with a year-end profit representing a return of 19 percent on invested capital. The figures were announced by Rick Smith, Dairylea’s chief executive officer at the Cooperative’s annual meet ing held this week in Liverpool. More than 750 fanner members and industry guests attended the two-day event, which included a management presentation by Smith and an annual address by Dairylea President Clyde Rutherford. During his presentation. Smith said that the Cooperative con tinued to pay a competitive price to dairy farmer members with milk sates increasing $3B million, or 12.5 percent, over 1992, Total milk marketed by Dairylea increased from 2.2 billion pounds to 2.5 billion pounds, or 11.3 per cent, as member and afiliate mem ber milk production increased IS percent. The Cooperative experienced an increase in member farms, with SB*t®* il »?W H,gß “ TV 60( Per Copy in Fairfield, believes “some body’s gotta do something’’ in promoting the value of beef to the general public. He provided the free sandwiches the second year in a row during Beef Night at the Speedway. Owner of sprint car number 29 is proud of the promotion he pro vides for the industry by placing the message in clear print boldly at the top of the car, on the car’s “wings.” 627 dairy farmers joining Dairylea in the last re months. In compari son, the New York-New Jersey Milk Marketing Order’s and the Northeast rflilkshed’s farm num bers decreased by 5.6 percent and 2.8 percent, respectively. ■ "Our organization had another strong year,” Smith reported, (Turn to Pago A2I) VERNON ACHENBACH JR. Lancaster Fanning Staff HARRISBURG (Dauphin Co.) An investigation into the environmental impact of milk house wastewater is ongoing, but a Department of Environmental Resources researcher has said that farmers who flush milkhouse 'wastewater into their manure stor age are handling it properly. Glen Rider, with the DER Bureau of Waiter Quality Manage ment, Division of Permits and Compliance, said that, although research is continuing into the bio logical “strength” of milkhouse wastewater, the department con Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 16,^1993 DER Milkhouse Wastewater Study Continues Weikcrt’s ear makes several appearances at the big racing events to get the message out about the importance of eating beef. But the biggest event for Weikert was watching the many good results of the promotion. However, more needs to be done. He is working closely with the Beef Council to ensure promo tional materials are provided by the Council to producers and others involved in the business to increase positive awareness tow ard beef. ‘‘That was the best promo an individual has done this year,*’ said Tammy Balthaser, industry relations/compliance manager for the Pennsylvania Beef Council, who helped at the event. “It was a super event, really worthwhile. It’s nice to see producers helping to promote their product” The Beef Council works closely with industry representatives to (Turn to Pag* A2S) tinues to maintain its position that it approves of the practice of mix ing milkhouse wastewater with manure as long as the composite is handled as manure. Rider said the primary concern about milkhouse wastewater is when it is discharged into a subsur face system, such as an onlot septic system. Because of the expected high amount of organic matter and pipeline cleaner acid, it is sus pected that slugs of milkhouse wastewater' eould overload the underground systems, causing environmental problems. Also, many daily farms have doubled or tripled in size since Main Family At Home With Dairy Of Distinction BONNIE BRECHBILL Franklin Co. Correspondent MERCERSBURG (Franklin Co.) When Monie Main was thinking about moving his family off the farm they rented near Walkersville, Maryland, he had each family member write down what they wanted in a farm. His son Matt chose a pond, daughter Libby a house with a balcony, and wife Liza a brick bam with fig ures. Monie’s wish was that the entire farm be tillable except for a hillside for the cows to lay on. Everyone’s wish was fulfilled when they purchased a farm just outside of Mercersburg on Route 16 three years ago. “Monic came up to a sale and saw this farm and thought I might like the house, and I came up, and I did!" Liza said. The limestone house, built in 1794, has nine large rooms and two fireplaces. The house was structurally sound and well-insulated. “We were fortunate,” Liza said. The Main’s farm is District IS’s Bob Weikert’* sprint ear acts as a flying billboard for nationwide beef promotion during Beef Night at the Port Royal Speedway. At the event, about9,ooo people received a free beef sandwich, courtesy of Weikert. Keith Kauffman pitots the car, which placed third at the event many milking facilities were con structed, increasing the possibility that there are overburdened onlot, underground septic systems with problems. Concern about milkhouse wastewater has not been strong and only seriously studied by the DER. A survey of milkhouse wastewater grab samples was ini tiated late last year and field col lection conducted earlier this year. Samples were taken from dairy farms across the state. A strong attempt was made to get actual milkhouse waste samples which represent the range of dairy Arm ing operations. Four Sections newest Dairy of Distinction. Because the farm had been used for beef cattle, the Mains had to do some work to convert it to a com mercial dairy operation. They put in a double-6 parlor with individu al weighers and automatic take offs. set up so that one person can milk. They also added a manure pit and a large freestall bam to house their ISO cows. The freestall bam is open in the front, and was con structed to provide lots of air and open space. Because of the open front, snow blew in during last March’s blizzard. “It’s made for the other 364 days of the year,” Monie said. Disease problems are few, and the cows are contented because of the amount of air. Built three years ago, the bam is situated at an angle on a slight ridge so that the sun is always shining in. Two buildings a wagon shed and a com crib had to be removed for the bam to be con- (Turn to Pago A 32) “All the sampling results are back, from the survey that was done across the state," Rider said. “Right now we’re in the process of reviewing all that data.” According to Rider, DER staff representing a number of discip lines within the department met last week for the first time to look at sample results. Eventually. DER staff are to compile an analysis and determine the degree of govern mental involvement which should apply to discharging milkhouse wastewater into onlot, under ground septic systems.- (Turn to P«B« $19.75 Per Year