'- j « 016192 S~>IL PERIOOI CA^A D ITAf| O UNIVERSnV -i — I |l|^N v \ z. Bj, j Vol. 38 NO. 48 Dr. Donald Evans, assistant dean for extension in Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences, left, presents the Honorable Samuel E. Hayes, Jr., retired legislative leader in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, with the 1993 National 4-H Alumni Recognition Award and the 1993 Pennsylvania 4-H Alumni Recognition Award. Hayes Receives 4-H^Awards UNIVERSITY PARK (Centre Co.) The Honorable Samuel E. Hayes, Jr., retired legislative lead er in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, has received the 1993 National 4-H Alumni Re cognition Award and the 1993 Pennsylvania 4-H Alumni Recog nition Award. Dairy Industry Committee Meets HARRISBURG (Dauphin Co) The first meeting of the Pen nsylvania Dairy Industry Future Committee (PDIFC) was held late last month at the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture Build ing on Cameron Street. Agriculture Secretary Boyd E., Wolff, who co-chairs the commit tee with Dr. Lamartine Hood, Dean of the College of Agricultur al Sciences at Pennsylvania State University, said the newly estab Krista Byars 600 Per Copy The national award is one of eight in the United States. This is the first time in 10 years that a Pennsylvania citizen has received the national award. The state award is one of two in the Com monwealth. As a state legislator, Hayes was (Turn to Pago All) lished committee will develop a vision for the future of the dairy industry. ‘This committee results from the summit meeting of dairy industry leaders that was held at Penn State in 1992,” Wolff said. "The first session demonstrated that soms very knowledgeable people are willing to put in long hours in an exhaustive effort to identify what needs to be done for (Turn to Pago A 39) Jsff Bollingar Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 9, 1993 First Annual Hoss’s Fore FFA Golf Tournament Raises $8,500 VERN ACHENBACH JR. Lancaster Fanning Staff BOWMANSVILLE (Lancaster Co.) The first annual Hoss’s Fore FFA Golf Tournament was held at Hawk Valley Golf Course near Bowmansville in eastern Lan caster County and raised about $8,500 for the Pennsylvania chap ter of the national agricultural Relaxing at the Globe Run Holstelns exhibit In the cattle barns prior to World Dairy Expo competition were Pennsylvanians, from left, seated, Dave Fava, Scenery Hill; Beth Ann Cooley, Allenwood; John and Alice Foster, Globe Run Farms, Petersburg; Bob Hammer, Miffllntown; and back, Joe Stitt, Martlnsburg; Andy Morley. Genesee; and John "Andy” Foster 111, Petersburg. A Visit To The World Dairy Expo JOYCE BUPP York Co. Correspondent MADISON, Wis. Thou sands of domestic and internation al agriculture visitors turned out last week for the 27th annual World Dairy Expo, one of the most prestigious cattle exhibits and trade shows in the alternation Amy Jones youth development program, according to the foundation execu tive director. According to Mary Jo Cancel mo, executive director of the Pen nsylvania FFA Foundation, the concept of the outing was to match up golfing with raising funds for the non-profit foundation, which has historically depended on pri- al dairy industry. Site for the annual event is the Dane County Expo Center with its beautifully-decorated show arena and numerous bams for housing the more than 1,500 of the finest show cattle from the United States and Canada exhibited in the com petition. The trade show which ran Timothy Bishop Four Sections vatc donations and some public assistance to fund and support the youth development programs in Pennsylvania. Over the past several years, the foundation’s annual state grant of $40,000 was threatened because of state budgetary difficulties. Mean while, county and local govem- (Tum to Pag* A 33) concurrent with showring events featured exhibits by more than 1,000 equipment manufacturers, suppliers, trade and breed organi zations associated with the dairy industry. A largc craft forum, numerous dairy-related vendors, cattle breed (Turn to Pago A3B)' PLA Youth Winners NEW TRIPOLI (Lehigh Co.) —Every year the PLA recognizes four youth outstanding in the live stock industry. This year’s win ners for the “Youth Award” are Krista Byers and Jeffrey Bolling er, representing the FFA and Amy Jones and Timothy Bishop, repre senting the 4-H. The female FFA “Youth Award” recipient is Krista Byers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Byers of Millerstown, Pa.. She graduated from Greenwood High School and is presently attending $19.75 Per Year (Turn to Pago A 24)
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