Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 02, 1993, Image 64

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    816-Uncttt*r Farming, Saturday, Oclobar 2,1993
Lancaster Society IS
Edna Buckwalter was hostess to
Lancaster Farm Women No. 18 on
Saturday, September 18. at Kreid
er’s Restaurant with 20 people
attending. Devotions were in
charge of Ella Mae Hershey. Roll
call was answered by telling the
last time you had homemade ice
Debra Kieider gave an interest
ing and information talk on ‘The
Ice Cream Story.” Pennsylvania
was the second highest producer
of ice cream last year. A quiz was
given to the members about some
statistic in ice cream production.
??? Wanner was the winner,
receiving one half gallon of ice
The nominating committee
gave the slate of officers for the
Berks Society 1
The September meeting of
Berks County Farm Women
Group 1 was held at the home of
Naomi Howard, Oley. The group
enjoyed a sing-along and fellow
ship after the business meeting at
which President Ruth Walters
presided. Eleven members were
Plans were finalized for those
Excellence Since 1903
3368 York Rd.
PA 17329
CMI onwto today
for mon InNnfMton
next two years, president, Ruth
Landis; vice president, Roberta
Shipardson; secretary, Martha
Stoner, corresponding secretary,
Mary Lou Shelton; and treasurer,
Mildred Gteider.
This society with No. 17 helped
with bingo at Conestoga View and
took prizes.
There is a bus trip scheduled for
October 12. to Fort Hunter, where
members will tour a mansion and
t«kr. a boat ride in the Susquehan
na River.
Society No. 35 will entertain
Society 18 on October 9 at a lunc
heon at the Farm and Home
Anna Esbenshade will be the
hostess in October at 502 E. Eli
zabeth Drive, Lancaster.
members who are planning to
attend the Berks County Farm
Women Convention to be held at
the Berks County Agricultural
Center, Leesport, on October 2.
The group will celebrate Farm
Women Day along with their reg
ular October monthly meeting on
October 13 with dinner at the Yel
low House Hotel, Douglassville,
at 6:00 p.m.
P.O. Box 126,
NJ 08885
Lancaster Society 14
On July 14. Lancaster Society
14 entertained the ladies from
Society No. 20 at die Farm and
Home Center. As members were
in the basement at the Center, they
hardly realized a storm was bre
wing. Just as die program started
the lights went out. Members
improvised lighting with a flash
light as Janet Bigler had an inter
esting display of bottles. She had
bottles from various parts of the
world. As she told about each one
Polly would flash the light on it.
Some were very old and all wer
pretty. Hostesses were Helen
Herr, Clara Rohrer, Viola Hostet
ter and Helen Breneman.
Members held our yearly picnic
at the Strasburg Pavilion on
August 12. Husbands and families
were also present Hostesses were
Lebanon Society 20
Lebanon Society 20 met on
Sept 13 at the home of Barb
Harding for a fun night
The group voted to give a dona
tion of $2OO in Yvonne Ziegler’s
Members were reminded to
bring a baby item to the County
Convention at Kenbrook Bible
Camp on Oct 13.
|lnob only, mil
Edna Groff, Elva Rowe, Miriam
Groff and Elma Barge, who
' arranged the food and served cof
fee and cold drinks. Martin
Franke. curator at the Hans Herr
House, told of life in colonial Pen
nsylvania. He and his wife Christ
ine were dressed in colonial attire
and ehowed some articles used by
the early settlers. The lecture was
very interesting and the old arti
cles brought back many
Members met at die home of
Caroline Stoltzfus on September
8. The hostesses, Janet Leaman,
Ruth Longenecker, and Jean Tho
mas, served delicious refresh-
ments. For the roll call we each
told what we brought for the auc
tion. The auctioneer was Jean
Members voted to go to Chan
nel 8 Live one day.
1994 Committees were
Members played “Guesstures”
for “fun night”
Next month’s meeting will be a
breakfast to celebrate Farm
-Women’s Day.
Society 24
Lancaster Farm Women #24
met recently at Brethren Village in
the Fiddcrcst Dining Hall, when
Dorothy Winner served as hostess
to the group.
A book review was given by
Charlene Richardson of New Hol
land. Reports were given on the
recent Rummage Sale and (dans
for the bus trip on Oct. 4, to frank
lin Mills shopping were finalized.
This month meeting will be a visit
to Welsh Mountain Samaritan
Home to entertain guests there.
Followed by dessert and meeting
it Yoder’s Restaurant, New
HERSHEY (Dauphin Co.)
Children ages 6-9 can experience
a bit of history by participating in
a class in which they can discover
how people lit their homes prior to
the 1860’s. By the time the class is
over participants will have hand
dipped four, fat, ready-to-use
beeswax candles to lake home.
Class size is limited and the
registration deadline is October
22. The fee for the class is $6
members, $9 non-museum mem
bers. For information call (717)