HARRISBURG (Dauphin Co.) A North Carolina exhibitor captured top honors in the 1993 Eastern National Holstein Show, held last week in conjunction with the Pennsylvania All-American Dairy Show at the Farm Show Complex. Ernest Kueffner of Winston- Salem exhibited the grand champ ion female, “C Alanvale Inspira tion Tina,” winner in the 4-year old class. The reserve grand champion female was “C Metkley Staibuck Whitney,” a 5-year-old cow exhibited by Twin Wind & Takachi of Bridgewater, Connecticut. Pamtom Farm of Hudson Falls, New York, exhibited the champ ion bull of the show, a senior year ling bull named “C Monteith CC Klassic.” The reserve champion bull, “Cochran Starbuck Darwin,” came from amother New York farm. General Cochran Farm of Amenia. The junior champion female, “Hillpine Jed Carla,” was exhi bited by Ron Heffner and Marion Andrew of Jefferson, Maryland. Deanna Sparling of Troy, Pen nsylvania, exhibited the reserve junior champion female and best junior female bred and owned by the exhibitor, “Maple Flat Acres Rosie." Pamtom Farm was named the premier exhibitor of the show, while their premier breeder award went to Penn Gate Farm of Littles town, Pennsylvania. The premier sire was “Hanover Hill Starbuck.” Dennis Patrick of Woodbine, Maryland, presided over the judg ing ring, which saw 565 head of Companion Hybrids. Rht A BettenShot At ASgser Yield. Spread your risk and avoid a hurry-up harvest with this team of top-yielding corn hybrids from DEKALB. I I mmlw Mli 1 tHR&MK MR«in * MNWMIi ' It I I y a 7 )=Poor, VUSM Versatile hybrid with outstanding disease resistance. Key traits: Good seedling growth. Very good plant health. Excellent root strength. Management tips; Adapted to a wide range of soil types and tillage practices. Responds to higher populations. Very early hybnd for mid- Atlantic growers, with yield and health required to take advantage of early com premiums Excellent full-season grain hybnd for northern growers with very good silage characteristics. Earning Our Way On More Of Your Acres. 0 . V * Holstein Honors Split At Eastern National Show Holsteins in competition. The All- American, one of the nation’s pre stigious dairy shows, is sponsored by the Pennsylvania Dairy and Allied Industries Association, Department of Agriculture and Farm Products Show' Commission. IMS EASTERN NATIONAL HOLSTEIN SHOW Junior Bull Calf; 1. Qanaral Cochran Farm, Amenlo, NY; 2. Nancy A. Kochar, Mf- Wntown, PA; S. Elzy-Acrae, MMaraburg, PA. Senior Bull Calf: 1. George W. Smith A Han HW Hoi., Frederick, MO; 2. Pamtom Farm, Hudaon Falla, NY; 3. Towar Syndi cate, Amanla, NY. Sanlar Yaarllng Bull: 1. Pamtom Farm, Hudaon Falla, NY; 2. Qanaral Cochran Farm. Amanla, NY. Champion Bull: 1. Pamtom Farm, Hud aon FaDa, NY. Raaarva Champion Bull: 1. Qanaral Cochran Farm, Amanla, NY. Spring HaMar Calf: 1. Twin Wind Hoh- Mina, Bridgewater, COT; 2. Elizabeth Wal ton, Carllala, PA; 3. Dole A Donna Bandlg, Fredrick, MD. Winter Call: 1. Budgoo A C Hill J A N Bur dette. Maroariburg, PA; 2. Mfehael A Patrick Carey, Tltuavilla, PA; 3. Courtney Mller, Dar lington, MO. Fall Halfar Call: 1. Emily J. Millar, N. Granby, CT; 2. Stanley W. Zabrtakio, Aurora, NY; 3. Donald Doan Keller, MMdloimm, MD. Summer Yaarllng Halfar 1. Twin,Wind Holataina, Bridgewater, CT; 2. Richard Allyn, Canaan, CT; 3. Ron Heffner. Mika Haath A Kan Empy Jr., Jalfaraon, MO. Spring Yaarllng Halfar: 1. Lynn A Bonnie Miller, Towanda, PA; 2. JamaaJuitin Burdet te, Maroaraburg, PA; 3. Troy D. Young. Qraencaatla, PA. Winter Yearling Halfar 1. Hon Heffner A Marion Andrew, Jalfaraon, MO; 2. Danielle », Troy, PA; 3. Cheater Docker, Sue , Fall Yaarllng Heifer 1. Juedn C. Jacobs, The Plaina, VA; 2. Joan Seidel, Dave Youn ger A Steady Lane Holeteina, AshMd, MA; 3. Ron Heffner A Marlon Andrew, Jetfereon, MD. Boat Junior'Female Brad A Owned By Exhibitor 1. Oanisle Sparling. Troy, PA; 2. Twin Wind Holetalne, Bridgewater, CT; 3. Robert Kyle Burdette, Meroereburg, PA. , Junior Champion Famala; 1. Ron Hef fner A Marlon Andrew, Jetfereon, MD. (Turn to Pag# A2I) I | MKM MHiJw * UNBmm 1 •mwmSi* * * I I I I ti y 9«Poor, (^Excellent t « 13 DK623 "Ur Our 111-day yield leader. Produces big yields under a wide range of environmental conditions. Key traits: Good stalk quality and excellent root strength. Very good stress tolerance. Good early stand establishment and seedling vigor. Medium tall plant with medium ear placement. Medium shank and husk cover. Guilty ear with very good test weight and gram quality. Tied for Ist Place in the 1992 New Jersey NCGA Yield" Contest (Class A Non-Imgated) for Rustm Farms of Denton with 219 84 bpa. Management tips: Widely adapted, top end yield potential under irrigated and favorable conditions. Relatively small seed size. Very good resistance to Southern Com Leaf Blight. Average Ist and good 2nd generation resistance to com borer. Showing the Junior champions of the Eastern National Junior Holstein Show, from the left, Oble Snider, president of the Pa. Dairy & Allied Industries Association, Amy Mearfde, dairy princess, Emily Miller with the reserve julor champion, Danielle Spar ling with the Junior champion, and Jennifer Grimes, dairy princess. Showing tho champions of the Eastern National Junior Holstein Show are, from the left, Amy Mearkle, dairy princess, Dennis Patrick, Judge, Carolee Patrick, with reserve champion, Harold Smith, with the grand champion, and Jennifer Grimes, dairy princess. ' Contact your local DEKALB Representative For More Information mm 1 1 NKm* 1 ' * 9 a 7 9=Poor, I=Excellen OK 646 u tT Ibp yielding 114-day hybrid. Key traits: Contest winning yields. Fast seedling growth rate Very good plant health Tall hybnd with medium ear placement. Large ear, excellent ear flex length and girth. Shows yield well. Excellent ear retention. Took Ist Place m the 1992 New Jersey NCGA Yield Contest for Rustm Farms of Trenton with 209.07 bpa (Class A, Non-Imgated), and for Richard Tindall of TVenton with 198 02 bpa (Ridge-Rill, Non-Imgated). Management tips: Adapted to vaned soil types and weather conditions, but highest yields come from better soils at moderate plant populations Adapted to bean and com ground Massive plant excellent silage choice for tonnage, protein & digestibility Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 2, IW3-A27 Mexican Mission HARRISBURG (Dauphin Co.) State Agriculture Secretary Boyd E. Wolff declared the Department’s recent trade show in Mexico's successful effort to ex pand the market for Pennsylvania agricul tural products. The department sponsored a Pennsylva nia USA exhibit at the third Festival de Ali mentos y Bebidas USA *93 (FAB ’93), held from August 31 to Sep tember 2 ih Mexico City. 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