4-H reaches young people across the nation, offering them an opportunity to contribute to their community as they develop indepen dence, awareness and responsibility. With subjects like livestock, plants and soil, energy, ecology and jobs and careers, boys and girls between the ages of 9 and 19 par take in activities and projects aimed at pro moting creativity and personal growth. Thejir 4-H experience provides a foundation of strong ideals to live by as they become our next generation of adults. It’s an important organization... one that we heartily support and proudly salute. National 4-H Week October 3-9, 1993 Sarring Ttw Faming Induriry Far Ovar 25 Yam. IIM EMaiprtM Rd. Eod Manbug, PA 17520 •ohlm ( 717 > *69-2610 CO. INC. LANCASTER SILO CO. 108 Horseshoe Rood, Lancaster, PA 717-299-3721 SBBNB BLUE BALL NATIONAL BANK A tgbsidU'f ol Ptonftoo Fm«n