840-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Saptembar 25, 1993 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication SAT. OCT. 16 - 9AM Anti ques & Household Goods. Loo: From Lancaster, Pa. take Rt. 272 So. app. 10 mi. turn West onto Truce Rd. cross over Rawlinsville Rd onto Hilldale Rd. to 6th house on left. By John & Ada Roper. Kreider, Kline & Good Aucts. SAT. OCT. 16 - 9AM, Anti ques, Household Goods, Lititz Collectibles. Located At 605 Woodcrest Ave., Lititz. Lancaster Co., Pa. Terms By, Charles & Eria Showers. Horst Aucts. SAT. OCT. 16 - 9AM, S 801 l Top Desk. Dry Sink w/Top, Antiques, Log, Barn, Household Goods, Farm Equip. & Tools. Located Along Old State Rd. Turn N. Off Rt. 73 Onto School House Rd. At Earl Twp. School For 1 % Mi., (1 V* Mi. E Of 3 Pleasantville Or 4 M W Of Boyertown) Then LARGE PUBLIC AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE FARM LAND AND COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE INCLUDING BARNHARTS MOBILE HOMES. INC. MARION, PENNSYLVANIA AND CREEK SIDE ACRES GREENCASTLE, PENNSYLVANIA SATURDAY , OCTOBER 9, 1993 NOTICE: Selling For Ivan Barnhart Jr. who is retiring from his business and farming interests due to health reasons: PARCEL 1 includes valuable commercial real estate located along U.S. Route 11 at 5839 Molly Pitcher Highway at Marion, Pennsylvania. Improvements include a modem single story five room office building, (3) modem Morton prefabricated buildings and other improvements on this prime location. • REAL ESTATE will be sold at 1:00 P.M. with the complete inven tory of Barnhart's mobile homes being sold beginning at 9:00 a.m. includ ing TRANSPORT VEHICLES • EQUIPMENT AND TOOLS • DIS PLAY FURNISHINGS AND OFFICE EQUIPMENT • GARAGES • MOBILE HOMES and other related items. PARCEL 2 ini known as Creek Side Acres which is located along West Weaver Road at Martin’s Mill Bridge Estates. With approximately 1100 ft. on both paved road frontage and creek frontage, improvements include a new 24 by SO bam, storm shelter areas, a good well, over 5,000 of fencing and (6) pad dock areas. Two homes are permited on these parcels with the acreage maintaining horses and beef cattle. • REAL ESTATE will be sold at 6:00 PM along with a small line of FARM EQUIPMENT. FOR INSPECTION AND ADDITIONAL information on either of these parcels of valuable real estate, please contact the owner at (717) 375-2441. A DETAILED AD listing for both auctions of inventory and equipment will appear in this newspaper at a later date, James G. Cochran Auctioneer PA#ASOOO727-L & Cochran H - Please Clip This Ad For It May Appear Only Once - West On Old State Rd. For 1 Mi, Pike Twp., Berks Co. Watch For Signs. Sold For Edith V. Leh. Frey Aucts. SAT. OCT. 16 - 9:3OAM 14'x6S' Mobile Home and Household Goods, located one mile S. of Rt. 741 on S Vintage Rd., Paradise Twp., Lane. Co., Pa. By. Alma C. Ranck. Leon D. Kurtz, J. Omar Stoltzfus, aucts. SAT. OCT. 16 -11 AM 10 Tracts - Perked and Surveyed ranging in size from 2 acres to 39 acres. Sullivan Co. (Nordmont Are), Davidson Twp. For Jack L. Keener. J. Omar Landis, aucts. SAT. OCT. 16 -12 Noon, Real Estate auction. 28. acres. Located: 1-81 exit 31 take Rt. 443 west for 2 miles, turn right onto Old Forge Rd. Go IVi miles to property. Located in Pine Grove Twp. Schuylkill Co., Pa. 4 miles W. of P.G. Mr. & Mrs Dennis Mussere. Dwight D. Miller, auct. ON AUCTIONEERS A ASSOCIATES LTD. Professional Construction A industrial CQupmonl Auctioneers 7704 Mapiivlll* HI fO In 22? lotntlail MO 21713 0222 (301) 731 0531 • TOIL FREE (MO) 1 100 310 2144 • FAX (301) 432-2144 Wllomfti>n»»nM»>WllHinHiiiii.«H«vWM SAT. OCT 16 - 4:3OPM Farm Toy Consignment Auction at Lancaster’s Farm & Home Center off Rt. 72. Auct. Kling Aucts. Mark Keller. Info. 717-768-3066. SUN. OCT. 17-2 PM, First Ever-Exdus ive Ned Smith Art Auction Located In Boalsburg Fire Hall, Boals burg. Pa., Centre County, 4 Miles East Of State Col lege, Pa. Just Off Rt. 322. Ronald J. & Ronald S. Gilli gan, Aucts. MON. OCT. 18 -10 AM, Real Estate, 2V4 Story Dwelling, Fine Antiques & Household Goods, Car. Located At 1315WestMain St. (Lincoln), Ephrata, Lan caster Co., Pa. Terms By. Alva S. Weinhold. Horst Aucts. TUES. OCT. 19 - 3:3OPM, Antiques, Household Goods, Tools & Guns. Located At 811 Grandview Dr., Ephreta, Lancaster Co., Pa. (Across From Ephrata Hospital). Terms By, Kathryn Keifer. Horst Aucts WED. OCT. 20 - 12 Noon. Wind-Drift Milking Herd & Bred Heifer Disp. Middle town, Md. Remsburg Sale Service, Sale Mgr. WED. OCT. 20-1 PM Valu- imately 10. S acres Thomas E. Blkle Associate able Real Estate, 70 Acre M/L. lane. Co. Dairy Farm. Located 1 mile N. of May town, Pa. on Rt. 742. By Betty Jane Good. Harold "Abo* Shaffner, Mark Dif fenderfer, aucts. WED. OCT. 20 & THURS. OCT. 21 - Large Two Day Sale Of Farm Equipt, Etc. At Our Sales Lot Located 6 Miles South Of Chambers burg, Pa., One Mile East Of Marion, Just East Off Rte. 81 Along Rte. 914. Owners, Jerrold & Gloria Oaks. Marion Auction Service, 5174 Horst Rd., Chambers burg, Pa. 17201. WED. OCT. 20 - S:3OPM Real Estate, approx, one Antiques - Furniture - Small Collectables - Paper Items Coverlets - Quilts - Farm Items Sat Oc t. 2nd, 1993 Time: 8:30 A.M. Located at 315 Pleasant View Rd. New Cumberland, Pa. If traveling on 1-83 north use exit #l7 Reeser Summit go to first Rd. on left cross over the bridge to Hain Rd. turn right, 1-83 south use Exit #l7 Reeser Summit turn right go to first Rd. to left Haln Rd. to sale.' Signs posted. Antiques - Furniture - Small Collectables - Paper Items Coverlets - Quilts Softwood 2 drawer round leg harvest table 7’6”Lx35”W; New England style drop leaf table; wash stand; oak dresser; section stack able bookcase shelves; dovetail blanket chest; S pc. modem pine bedroom suite; high posted single bed; cottage style dresser; Empire chest of drawers; Davis treadle sewing machine; wicker platform rocker, round stand & patio furniture; drop leaf kitchen table; modem 2 pc. hutch; oak Morris chair; ladder back rocker; Winthrop desk; spool leg flower stand: grained painted wood box; older Maytag wrin ger washer, butcher bench; bucket a day stove; Elizabeth cook stove; wall minors; old porce lain button hat rack; martin basket; dated can ning jars; meat platters; Moss Rose pattern tea pot plus other tea pots; press glass pcs.; cake stand; odd plates; Armtale platter & mugs; milk pitcher; green depression plates; Ger many cups & saucers; Bird pattern vase; ker osene lights; PRR oil tin light; NY CS lantern; tin comb rack; Cowden & Son Hbg. crock; 2 gal. jug w/blue flowers design, damage; Stangel spongeware pitcher, S&P; gray gra nite pcs.; milk pail; flat & sad irons; tin wash boiler & lunch bucket; Erie, Warpack & Gris wold #5 & 8 frying pans; cutting boards; egg basket; hanging scales; meat saws; Hains milk bottle; deep well pitcher frames; reverse paint ing of Bridge on glass; embroider picture; 2 Winter prints 1 signed Chandler & IJ. Parker; *27 Chautauqua chart; older fold out Valentine cards; several 100 s postcards; *42 Morrell Hams, Walt Disney calendar plus other calen dars; Goldens Blue Ribbon cigar cardboard sign; ’25 & 34 Montgomery Ward, 1912-34 & S 3 Sears Roebuck Co. catalogs: ’O2 copywrite Black Beauty book; 100 Lucy comic book; 1860-61 deed; ’47 Smith Bros. Cough Drop ink blotter; 2 papper mache bunnies; pocket watch w/train on; Sterling knob walking stick; old doll parts; several flowered coverlets; block, log cabin & crazy pattern quilts; bed linens; rain bow carpet; 5 hook mgs. FARM ITEMS Broad ax; trailer axle; window frames; hay pulley tin scoop; Myers pitcher pump; tree trimmer; hames; single & double'tree; saw mandal; swing saw for saw mill; grain cradle; side PTO for CMC truck. This is only a partial listing, lots more not mentioned. Auctioneer Note: This sale offer a nice selection of furniture. Good sale plan to attend. Bring your lawn chairs. Plenty of parking. Terms of sale: Cash or good personal check w/proper ID. No out of state checks. Refreshments by Lisburn Fire Co. Not responsible for accidents. ELIZABETH J. HAIN Owner Little IKE Elchelberger auctioneer Pa. Lie. #AU001954-L Now booking all types of public sales Call for available dates Ph. Lewisberry 938-6322 acre zoned industrial, large mfg. shop, horse bam, car riage shed, 5 bedroom house. For Levi E. Jr. ft Lin da J. Stoltzfus. Property .located just off Rt 340 in Bird-In-Hand, Lancaster Co., Pa. Steve, Sieve Jr. Petersheim, aucts. WED. OCT. 20 - 7:3OPM, Feeder Cattle Sale. Located Four States Lives tock Sales, Hagerstown, Md. ■ FRI. OCT. 22 - 1 ;30PM, State Graded Feeder Pig Sale. Located At Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc., Exit 12, South Off 1-81, Left Onto Alexander Spring Road. 717-249-4511. c Hi public figl AUCTION 10 Tracts - Perked and Surveyed Ranging in Size from 2 Acres to 39 Acres Sullivan County (Nordmont Area)” Davidson Township Adjacent to 50,000 Acre State Game Lands Auction to be conducted near farmhouse on Tract n Saturday, October 16, 1993 At Precisely 11:00 A.M. For directions and location write auction firm. For Complete Brochure #3l. TERMS: 15% Down Day of Auction - Balance Within 45 Days “A Few Lots Will Be Offered With a Reserve Bid” Auction For JACK L. KEENER (215) 589*4683 Auction Conducted By The J. OMAR LANDIS AUCTION SERVICE Jay M. Witman, AU001127-L 1605 Apple Street, Ephrata, PA 17522 (717) 738*7900 Or (717) 665*5735 Materials- Collectibles Sdt., Oct. 2nd At 9:00 A.M. At 232 West Market St., Jonestown, Pa. 17038 (Sale To Be Held At Rear Of Property In Large Bam.) Furn. & Tools* Sm. Kenmore Under Counter Ref., 20"-30"-40" Elect. Stoves, Kerosene & Oil Stoves, Colebrook Fur nace Wood Stove, Ward 220 Volt Table Saw, 24’ Alu. & 36’ Wooden Ext. Ladders, 3-Step Ladders, Agway Power Lawn Mower, Painters Plank, Furn. Dollies, Wooden Shelves, Old Dresser Bases, Cane Chairs, Old Benches, Old Youth Bed, Rope Bed Parts, Approx. 75 Old Drawers, Old Crown & Dresser Mouldings, Assorted Old Walnut- Oak- Cherry- Pine- Poplar Boards, Oval & Rectangular Marble Tops, Planks, 2-Man Saw, Tree Pruner, Garden Tools, 2-Nice Ladies Bicy cle, Metal Storage Locker, Metal Beds & Frames, Sled, Several Old Nail Kegs w/ Nails, Roll Barbed Wire, Hand Saws. Braces & Bits, Carpenter Tools, Slick Chisel, Lots Of New Plumbing Fixtures & Hardware, Electrical Supplies, Vise, Misc. Chains. Sockets & Wrenches, Ext. Cords. Power Tools, Fishing Rod, Etc. Building Material* 15-Various Kitchen Cabinets, Alu. Storm Windows, Alu. & Wooden Storm Doors, Interior Doors, 2-Free Standing Shower Stalls, 3-Bath & Kitchen Sink, Formica Countertops, Paneling & Plywood, Plastic & Wood Mouldings, Vinyl Shutters, Medicine Cab., Building Paper, Carpet, Scrap Metal & Lumber Piles. Several Pcs. 'h ” Copper Pipe, Bull Rope, Etc. Collectables- Deer Head, Flat Irons & Griddle, Iron Skillets, Butchering Hooks, Old Fashioned Meat Cutter, Lard Cans, Glass Dresser Pulls, Butter Churn, Old License Plates, Wash Boiler, Old Spagh etti Maker, Lunch Pails, Old Oil Jar, Metal Sprinkling Can, Etc. Guns: Baker 12 Ga. Dbl. Barrel Shotgun, . Savage Model 99.300 Cal. rifle, Old Shot gun & Rifle Shells & Cleaning Rods To Be Sold At 12:00 Noon. Conditions By: Owners, Roy & Helen Deaven Kleinfelter’s Auction Service
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