832-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Septembar 25, 1993 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication THUR. SEPT. 30- IPM 79 M/L acre farm, West Coca lico Twp Schoeneck - Cocalico Area. 85 Furnace Hill R(f., West Cocalico Twp, Lane. Co., Pa. By Christian S. & Anna W. Martin, Horst Aucts. OCTOBER FRI. OCT. 1- Chester White & Spotted swine national sale, Keystone Classic. Farm Show Com plex, Cameron & McClay Sts., Harrisburg, Pa. Harry H. Bachman, auct. FRI. OCT. 1 - 9:3OAM 1977 Vi Ton GMC pickup truck, Somaco Wet Dry Sander, Tools. Located at Mifflin Co. Industrial Plaza, Lewis town, Pa. from Rt 322 take exit to Rt. 522-22 South, follow auction signs. By Ben Novak, trustee. Ronald J. & Ronald S. Gilligan, Aucts. FRI. OCT 1 & SAT. OCT. 2 - SAM, 2 Day Public Auc tion Of Valuable Real Estate, Household Goods, Antiques, Winross Trucks, Tools & Cars. Located 3 Miles South Of Leo la Turn Off Rt. 23 East On 772 To Mascot Mill, Turn West On Stumptown Rd. To 2605, Upper Leacock Twp., Lane. Co. Pa. Terms By, W. CLaude Charles. Robert E. & Jeffrey R. Martin, Aucts. FRI. OCT. 1 - 2PM & SAT. OCT. 2 - SAM Real estate, antiques, tools, household goods, car. Located on E. Main SL, Honey Brook, Pa. (Next to Beams Sunoco). By Isabel T. Lord. Roger and Tim Spencer, aucts. SAT. OCT. 2 - SAM Antique furniture, general antiques, collectibles & personal property. At Springetts Fire Co. Social Hall, 3013 E. Market St., York, Pa. Estate of Ray Lynn. Brian L. Gilbert, Jacob A Gilbert, aucts. SAT. OCT. 2 - 9:3OAM, Antiques & Household Goods & Real Estate. Located At The Hoy Barn hart Residence. 524 East Burnside St., Bellefonte, Pa., Centre Co. Ronald J. & Ronald S. Gilligan, Aucts. SAT. OCT. 2-11 AM ICC& DOT rights, trucks, tractors, van trailers, cars, tools, equip., parts, tools equip. Estate of Ethel I. Dean. Held on Old Rt. 9, Wappin gers Falls, NY., 1-84 to Rte. 9 N„ left on Middlebush Rd., next right to sale. From Poughkeepsie, RL 9 S. to Pizza Hut, turn right to she. D. Luther, aucts. FRI. OCT. 1 - 3PM & SAT. OCT. 2 - 9AM Real estate, tools, antiques, personal property for the estate of the late James W. Swine ford. 310 E. Chestnut St., Selinsgrove, PA. 17841. From Harrisburt traven N. on 11 & 15 into Selins grove, at 2nd traffic light turn right on Pine St. and SECOND ANNUAL SNYDER COUNTY FFA ALUMNI FARM TOY SHOW & AUCTION OCTOBER 9, 1993 Time: 9 A.M.-2 P.M.; Auction: 2 P.M. Consignments: 12:00-2:00 P.M. Table Rent: 15.00 Each Admission Charged- $2.00 Adult $l.OO- 6-12 West Snyder High School Rt. 522, Baavsr Springs, Pa. Information: Michaal C. Hauek Judl A. Hauck RD 1 Box 308 RD 1 Box 430 - Wlnfiald, PA 17889 Mlddlaburg, PA 17842 717*968-3483 717-858-4489 cross bridge, continue to 2nd St. turn left, proceed to E. Chestnut St., turn right. Kenneth E. Hassinger, Neil A. Courtney, aucts. FRI. OCT. 1 -11 AM 110 acre Dairy Farm located along Spring Ridge Road, South Hampton Twp., Franklin Co. Terms by: Jer ry Mahoney & Norman Kolb. Horning Farm Agency. 2'A STORY DWELLING. IST FLOOR: Eat-in kitchen w/cabinets, living room, dining room, sewing room, 'A bath, laundry. 2ND FLOOR: 4 bedrooms, full bath, oil hot water heat. NEW INSULATED REPLACEMENT WINDOWS. SANDSTONE BANK BARN. For Dairy (40 cows), milk house w/ss bulk tank; CONCRETE STAVE SILO, Stanchion & free loafing. 32’X54' TOBACCO SHED W/ CELLAR. 3 STORY GARAGE & WORK SHOP. 2 GALV. GRAIN BINS, GALV. FEED BIN. This farm located in Lancaster Co. farm area! IDEAL HORSE FARM near PRO JECT 70. 35 TILLABLE ACRES, 12 ACRES, MEADOW W/STREAM, 30 ACRES WOODLAND, FARM POND w/ fish. Open House: Sat., Sept. 4 & Sat., Sept. 11 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. or call 215-267-5839 or 215-267-0794. Also 1350 Tobacco Lathe. No Out Of State Checks Unless Accom panied By A Current Bank Letter Or Prior Arrangement With Auction Service. Michael Kane, Atty. Terms By: CHRISTIAN S. MARTIN ANNA W. MARTIN Horst T. Gl*nn (717) ist-ifti- mn 738-30*0 Timothy G. Fix < (717) 731-2132 Thom** A. ■VOICES OF EXPERIENCE FRI. OCT. 1 - 6PM Con signment of guns & hunting equi-. Miller’s Auct. Center Bethel, Pa. Call to Consign. Auct. Dwight D. Miller. FRI. OCT. 1 - 7PM, Feeder Cattle Sale. Located At New Holland Sales Stables, Inc, New Holland, Pa. FRI. OCT. 1 & SAT. OCT. 2 - 4-7 PM 17th Annual Ben efit Auction, Juniata Men nonite School. PO 60x 278, McAlisterville, PA. Long’s Auction Service. SAT. OCT. 2 - SAM. Valu able Real Estate, Car, Anti ques, Household Goods, Riding Lawn Mower, Roto tiller, Farm Items, Tools, Etc. Located Approx. 2 Mi. Along Rt. 74 To Sale. Sign N. Dillsburg Along Rt. 74 Or Posted. Haar, V. Hardy & Approx. 8 Mi. S. Carlisle D. Hardy, Aucts. PUBLIC AUCTION SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2,1993 ANTIQUES & HOUSEHOLD GOODS - 9:30 AM. REAL ESTATE • 12:30 PM. Selling At Public Auction The Real Estate And Complete Contents Of The Hoy Barn hart Residence, 524 East Burnside St., Bel lefonte, Pa., Centre County. Many Nice Pieces Of Oak Furniture, Unusual “The Juno” Oil Lamp w/Stained Glass Shade, Old Baseball Cards - Mantle & 1909 Tobacco Cards, Old 20” German Jointed Doll, Oak 31 Day Wall Clock w/Ped. - V. Old & Works —, PRR Track Walker Lantern, Sterling Silver, 1968 BSA Antique Motorcycle - Running Cond., 185 Honda 3 Wheeler, GUNS, - Many items too numerous to Mention. AUCTIONEER: RONALD J. & RONALD S. GILLIGAN #AU339-L & AA2223-L Public Auction Sale Sat., Oct. 2, 1993 9:00 A.M. Directions: Go 5 Miles South of Exit 247 Off 1-81 Rt. 33 West to Brandywine, West Virginia. On Rt. 21, Watch for Signs near Navy Base. FARM MACHINERY. HOUSEHOLD ANTIQUES. GUNS. HAY. ETC. 1990 Ford XLT Diesel P.U. 4x4,16 Ft. Stock Trailer, 861 Ford Tractor Live PTO, 961 Ford Tractor live PTO, IHC 350 Tractor Live PTO 3 Way Hyd. Tork Amp., Farmall H With Loader, Antique IHC 10-20 Tractor, 12 HP IHC Lawn Mower, J.D. All Terrain 5 Wheeler, Homelite 8 HP Rototiller, Shindaiwa 500 Chain Saw, 3 Pt. 8 Row Sprayer, 3 Pt. Boom Poles, 2 Row Stalk Chopper, Smoker Hay And Grain Eleva tor, Com Sheller With Motor, 3 Pt. Wood Saw, 3 Pt. M.F. 2 Bottom Trip Plow, 3 Pt. Ford 2 Bottom Trip Plow, Ford 2 Row Com Planter, 21- Row Planters, 8 Ft. N.l. Fen Spreader, N.l. 310 Com Picker, Papec Grinder Mixer, 12 Ft. Tilt Trailer, 6 ft. Tilt Trailer, 4 Wheel Trailer, 8 Ft. IHC Wheel Disc, 8 Ft. Dunham Cultipacker, 3 Pt. 3 Sec. Harrow, Hyd. Dump Wagon, IHC Post Hole Digger, Shaver Post Driver, S&6 Ft. 3 Pt. Bush Hogs, 515 Ford Mower, Ford 513 Side Rake, 3 Pt. Cement Mixer, 3 Pt. Potato Digger, 3 Pt. Potato Sprayer, 3 Pt. Water Pump, 150 Gal. Fuel Tank, N.H. 845 Round Baler. 24T J.D. Baler, Plow To Fit Cub Tractor, 3 Pt. Potato Plow, J.D. Subsoiler, Head Catcher, 2 Platform Scales 2 Electric Air Com pressors, Steam Jenny, 12 HP B & S Engine Old, Electric Hack Saw, 2 Fuel Pumps, Large Lot Tractor Repair Manual's Large Lot Welding Iron Old & New. PONY AND EQUIPMENT 12 Yr. Old Pony, Rides & Drives, Gentle, 2 Wheel Cart. Harness, Set Of Small 2 Pony Work Harness, Lots Of Brass Fancy, Set Of 2 Horse Fancy Parade Harness, Other Single & Double Horse & Mule Har ness & Driving Harness, 1 Horse Buggy 2-1 Horse Wagons, 2 Horse Wagon, Horse Sled, Plow, Har rows Cultivator's, Oliver Manure Spreader. Lots Of Single & Double Trees Hames, Etc., Anvil Forge, Shoe Box, Tongs, Several Collars, Pack Saddle, Etc. HOUSEHOLD Cedar Bedroom Suite, Deep Freeze, Microwave Oven, Elec. Heater's, Singer Sewing Machine, Royal Elec. Cash Register, 8 & Super 8 MM Projector, 3 M 217 Copy Machine, Elec. Meat Tenderizer, Space Heater, 2 Hole Wood Stove, Honey Extractor, Dish Washer, Sink A Cabinet, Lamps, Etc. GUNS WILL BE SOLD AT 12 NOON IS Guns Old & New Including 2 Winchester Model 12's & Very Old Browning Pump. ANTIQUES Bottle Collection Of 10 Wild Turkey's 2 #l's Elvis Music Decanters, Jim Beam Car's & Trains, 3 Edison Cyl. Players, Oak Roll Top Desk, Grandfather's Clock, 3 Oak Wall Phones, 2 Copper Kettlee, Sepera tor, Iron Pots & Kettles, Lard Press, Sad Irons, Pic ture Frames, Ice Cream Chairs, Show Case, Wrought Iron Chairs & Table, Porch Swing, Hall Tree, Lots Of Glass, Depression & Other, Set Very Old Chi na Old Rose, 2 Copper Boilers Ball Clock, Dolls, Aladdin & Oil Lamps, Etc. HAY St CORN 680 Bales Clover, 630 Bales Meadow Hay, 600 Bales Alfalfa Hay, 10 Round Bales Clover, Approx. 3 Tons Com. Terms: Cash Or Good Check With Proper I.D. Day Of Sals. Not Responsible In Case Of Accident Owner, R.I. SICKLER SR. 304-249-5310 Bob Evans Auctioneer W.Va. License 4444 Phone 703-896-7296 Food Served By Calvory Lutheran Church VALUABLE REAL ESTATE VA Story House 28’x44’ Shop/Garage 1.8 ACRES (Earl Twp.) TUES., SEPTEMBER 28-6 P.M. LOCATION: 752 Gristmill Rd., Ephra ta. Take Rt. 322 East of Ephrata to traff ic light at Hlnkletown, turn left onto Martindale Road to Gristmill Road turn left approx. 1 mile property on right. VA Story frame with siding, 3 bdrm., 2 bath home, first floor = eat-in kitchen with dining rm., family and living rm., bedroom and bath. Second floor = 2 bdrms. and bath. Daylight basement with family rm., summer kitchen and storage area. Oil HW baseboard heat, on-site well and septic. OUT BLDGS. 28’x44' Two Story block and frame garage and shop with second floor storage. 20’x24’ pole type barn with water and elec., fenced pasture and utility bldg., all on 1.8 ACRES with garden area, fruit trees, professional landscaping, and circle macadam drive. Inspection by Appointment or Open House- Sat., September 18 & 25 from 1 to 4 PM. For plot plan, financial assis tance, terms, Call Auctioneers #733-1006. NOTE: This Is an exceptionally clean country property. Plenty of room In gar age for 4 vehicles. Meal setting and buildings for family with pets, horses, etc. Earl Twp. Garden Spot Schs. 10% down Sale Day, Balance 60 days. Terms By: Samuel W. & Elva S. Reiff #215-445-5204 Kenneth Howard, Eaqulra Auction Conducted By: Randal V. Kiln*, Lloyd Kraldar Roy Good, Jr., Auctioneer* Lie. #499L #733-1006 KUNE, KREIPER.A GOOD AUCTIONEERS PUBUC AUCTION OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE THUR., OCT. 14. 19*3 Sale at 7:00 P.M. Located in New Holland turn off Rt. 23 at New Holland Ford on North Hoover Ave. left on West Conestoga St. to 551, Lane. Co., Pa. Lot 75’x150’ M/L Brick & frame w/aluminum siding split level dwelling. Kitchen w/built-in cabinets, electric counter top stove, 2 ovens, garbage dis posal, dining room, living room w/wall to wall carpet, 3 bedrooms w/closets, wall to wall carpet, full bath, closet In hallway. Bottom level family room w/wall to wall carpet. 2 closets, full bath, laundry. 2-car garage w/electric door opener. Oil fired hot air heat, elect, water heater, central air, town water & sewer, 200 amp service, 12'x14' storage shed. Open for inspection Sat., Sept. 25 & Oct. 2 from 2:00 till 4:00 P.M. or for appointment call 656-7770, 10% down day of sale, balance on or before Dec. 14, 1993. Terms by LARRY E. WOLF JANE R. WOLF Aucts. Robert E. & Jeffrey R. Martin 656-7770 AUOOOSBOL Linda Kling, Atty. JS
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