Md. Fair Names Winners Of Color Breeds EVA MARTIN Ayrshire Open Show Fair. Reliable Macy, a junior yearling. Maryland Correspondent Palmyra Farm's Covey Farms This beautiful 4-year-old is sir- Judging the show was Douglas HMONIUM,Md —Results of CVR Rosetta was chosen grand ed by Covey Farms Vitality Reli- Evans of Georgetown, N.Y. the Maryland State Fair Color champion of the open class Ayr- able. Junior champion went to junior Hail*' Calf: Maple Deli Farm, Pei- Brccds dairy show arc: shire show at the Maryland State Maple Dell Farm for Maple Dell mym Farm, Vaiee-Pride Farm. Intarmadlala Halter Calf: Palmyra Farm, Lanaway Farm, Mapla Dali Sanlor Halfar Call: Mapla Dali Ma '""f- ’“** 1 i pla Dali Farm, Palmyra Farm. Summar Yaarllng Witparing Ayrshirat, Mapla Dali Farm, Whltper- Junior Yaartlng Halfar: Maple Dell, Ma p* °*