Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 25, 1993, Image 33

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    Fair Honors Holstein Breeders
Maryland Correspondent
TIMONIUM. Md. During
the Holstein Show at the Mary
land State Fair, special awards are
presented to recognize outstand
ing achievements and accomplish
ments of Holstein breeders.
The Breed Improvement Com
mittee of the Maryland Holstein
Association, chaired by Steve
Wilson, made selections for 1993:
outstanding senior breeder, Joe
and Nona Schwartzbeck Family:
outstanding junior breeder, Cam
and Anne Davis along with Tom
and Kirsten Powell known as Uni
vom Associates; and Distinguish
ed Service Award, Marlin Hoff.
Senior Holstein
Breeder Award
Joe Schwartzbeck started dairy
ing by selling cream from his Jer
sey cow while he was in high
school. After serving a stint in the
Army, he began fanning full time
Distinguished Service Award went to Marlin Hoff. From
left, Dennis Remsburg. donor of award; Kathy, Marlin, lan,
Matt, and Debbie Hoff.
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(717) 569-7063 Sales Promise
' in Montgomery -Goimty in -1960
with a group of Jersey cows. In
1964, he married Nona Louise
Brown and purchased his first re
gistered Holstein.
In 1968, Joe and Nona moved
from Montgomery County to their
present location in Carroll Coun
ty. The farm was appropriately
named Peace & Plenty and has
grown throughout the years to be a
450-acre farm. In the early years.
Schwartzbeck purchased groups
of cows from Kingstead Farms,
providing the foundation fix' his
herd. Peace & Plenty Kingstead
Fury, a daughter of Ideal Fury Re
flector. was one to help make the
Peace & Plenty prefix familiar to
breeders across Maryland and
throughout the country. Fury went
on to Madison in 1974 where she
was a member of the winning
senior get and was named best ud
der of the show. The next year.
Fury sold at the Pennsylvania All-
1- 2110 4WD
2- BNs Gas
Other Used LGT & Attachments
Americanize for more than five,
Over the years. Schwartzbeck
has used bulls such as Elevation
and Starbuck with great success.
This has provided him with a sur
plus of cattle which has allowed
him to merchandise top quality
cattle into many states and foreign
countries. The Peace & Plenty
herd has received many All-Mary
land awards, and at the 1993
Maryland Spring Holstein Show
they received the premier breeder
and exhibitor banners. The current
herd BAA stands at 105.9 on 136
cows with nine excellent and S 3
very good. Their DHIR average is
22,914 milk and 882 fat. The Na
tional Holstein Association has re
cognized the herd for outstanding
production and type with the PBR
award for 10 years.
Schwartzbeck has given greatly
of his time and energy to the dairy
industry. He is currently president
of the Maryland Dairy Shrine,
chairman of the Maryland Hoi
stein Association sale committee.
*anda director of Maryland PDCA.
He is past president of the Mary
land Holstein Association, Carroll
County DHIA, and Carroll Coun
ty Holstein Club. He has been se
lected by his fellow breeders to
represent them as a delegate to the
National Holstein Convention
eight times. Schwartzbeck was re
cognized by the Maryland Jaycees
as Maryland’s Outstanding Young
Fanner in 1973. Nona has also
given greatly of her talents. She is
past president of the Carroll Coun
ty Fair Board and the Carroll
County Ag Center. She has served
the Maryland Holstein Associa
tion as chairman of the Junior
(Turn to Pago A 34)
* Super Clean Ford
Junior Brooder Award winner, Unicom Associates, from
left, Kirstln, Matt, Tom and Benjamin Powell; Cam, Anne,
Scott, and Sarah Powell; and Charles lager, presenting the
award for the Maryland Holstein Association.
ly, left to right, Lisa and Gus Schwartzbeck with their two
children, Aubrey and Davis, Nona, Shane and Joe
Schwartzbeck, with Ruaaell Wachter, donor of award.
7710 w/Cab
Lancaster mining, Saturday, September 25, 1993-A33