A22-Lancast«f Farming, Saturday, Saplambar 25, 1993 Reiff Repeats Previous Market Championship LOU ANN GOOD Lancaster Fanning Staff EPHRATA (Lancaster Co.) As she did in five other county fairs this season. Lisa Reiff cap tured the grand champion market lamb title'and the showmanship title on Wednesday evening at the Ephrata Fair. Ryan Donough showed the reserve champion market lamb with his homebred Suffolk cross. In the breeding sheep division. In the brooding sheep competition, Jerry Bollinger’s Suf folk yearling ram is named champion over all breeds with Jessica’s Stoltzfus’s Dorset ewe named reserve. Jerry Bollinger and his Suffolk yearling ram was named the grand champion breeding sheep. Bollin ger, 18, also was named reserve in the overall showmanship category. Since he graduated from Ephra ta. Bollinger works full time, but continues to enjoy raising sheep on the side with his twin brother and a younger brother on his patents’, Ray and Sharon Bollinger’s farm. “It’s my best year ever," Bollin ger said of his reserve champion- Wins With At Ephrata ship at Ephrata, Denver, and for showing the champion market lamb at the 4-H Fair earlier this year. He also showed the supreme champion ewe at the E-town Fair. The Suffolk yearling ram, Vernon, was purchased from James Hef fner. For the third year in a row, Jessi ca Stoltzfus took the reserve champion breeding sheep title with a Dorset ewe. The 11-year-old Jes sica has a 15-head flock of both breeding and market sheep. She prefers die breeding sheep because she becomes more attached to them since she keeps them a longer period of time. Jessica is the daughter of Frank and Irene Stolt zfus of Elizabethtown. The top quality market lambs that Lisa ReifF consistently shows are the result of an exercise prog ram that she puts her Suffolk flock through. “I’m doing the same thing as every other year,” she said. Lisa and her brother Lyndon, children of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Reiff of Sttasburg, have been accumulat ing trophy after trophy in county fair competitions for the last sever al years. Lisa said her sheep earn ings go into a college fund and par tially to support Lyndon who is now in a Bible training school in New Zealand. Nine-year-old Ryan who took the reserve market lamb title with his medium-weight Suffolk-cross, Twinkle, said that the same lamb was also named reserve at the Eli zabethtown Fair. He doesn’t plan to sell Twinkle. In a repeat performance of five other county fairs, Lisa Rem takes the grand champion market lamb honors. The reserve championship goes to Ryan Oonough. Judge John Eaton Jr., center, praises the good sportmanshlpand show manship displayed by the participants. but to put her back in the breeding program that he and his parents, Ed and Laßue Donough operate on their Manheim farm. The Donoughs have 20 breeding ewes and use all homebred lambs to show. The lambs are conditioned by putting them through hurdles and an exercise program. Last year, Ryan showed the grand champion overall at the Manheim Fair. Twinkles is a niece of that champion. “We are playing genetics for show sheep and it seems to be pay- ing off.” Ryan’s dad said. Four years ago, he purchased a top qual ity ram in Indiana, which is used for breeding. Judge John Eaton Jr., York County livestock judge, classified the 83 entries as tough judging because of the extreme competi tiveness of the quality of sheep shown. Eaton was especially impressed with the good sport manship and showmanship dis played by participants in the show. A partial listing of results from the Ephrata Sheep Show follows: IMS EPHRATA FAIR SHEEP SHOW Market Lambe-Llghtwelghte Careaea Lamb*: 1. Keith Bollinger; 2. Kendall Rattl; 3. Rant* Hoover. Claae 1:1. Hatty Hoovar; 2. Jaft Bollinger; 3. Jerry BoHlngar. Claaa 2:1. Kendall Ralff; 2. Sarah Zurln; 3. Keith Bollinger. Claaa 3; 1 . Gerald Boyd; 2. Sarah Boyd; 3. Gerald Boyd. Champion Lightweight; Gerald Bpyd. Reserve Champion Lightweight: Ken dall Rein. (Turn to Pago A 24) HAY. STRAW & GRAIN SALE Every Thursday at 1 p.m. Auction will continue all year long Vintage Sales Stables, Inc. (Rt. 30,10 miles east of Lancaster In Paradise, PA) For Into. 717-442*4181 lustiness 21E-*5B 6SIU homo L Robert Frame, Sr. president Glenn S. Frame Mgr.
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