Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 25, 1993, Image 198

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    Page 12—Poultry Notes Supplement to Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Sept. 25, 1993
(Centre Co.) Penn State’s
new Poultry Education and
Research Center is nearing
completion, said officials in the
College of Agricultural Sci
ences. Faculty and staff are
expected to start moving into
the new facilities later this fall.
“Relocation of the poultry
research and education farm
from its current site has been a
college priority* for at least
three decades,” said Dr. James
Starling, senior associate dean
for administration in the col
lege. “It’s rewarding to see this
new facility become a reality.”
“This new center will give
our faculty and students access
to state-of-thc rt facilities for
studying pou.try,” said Dr.
William D. Weaver, professor
and head of Penn State’s Poul
try science department. “The
present poultry farm was built
in the 19305, and it’s fairly
antiquated. This new construc
tion will bring our facilities up
to date. We’ll be able to
accomplish much more in both
leaching and research.”
The Poultry Education and
Research Center is located off
University Drive extension on
the northeastern fringe of the
University Park Campus. The
$5.5 million facility will con
tain six separate buildings with
an area of approximately
50,000 square feet. An addi
tional $650,000 will be
invested in new equipment.
“The new complex includes
a central research and admini
strastion building,” said Weav
er. “There are separate houses
for meat birds, young layers
and adult layers, as well as a
breeder building for genetics
work and a meat processing
Among the new facilities are
four environmental chambers.
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“These chambers allow us to
control the birds’ environ
ment,” said Weaver. “Each
chamber can hold up to 400
birds We can alter the cham
ber’s temperature, relative
humidity, ventilation, and light
rates to simulate different sea
sons, housing types or other
environmental factors.
“Although some items will
be moved from the old poultry
farm to the new center, out
dated equipment will be
replaced by modem equiva
lents,” said Weaver. “New
items to be installed in the
facility include incubators, rca
scarch and commercial produc
tion cages, and various lab and
processing equipment.”
Penn State’s College of
Agricultural Sciences plans to
hold a dedication ceremony for
the Poultry Education and
Research Center in Spring
1994. In the meantime, here’s a
preview of what the center’s
six buildings will include:
• The Research and Admi
nistration Building will house a
conference room, environmen
tal chambers, a hatchery, a feed
mixing area, battery rooms, a
surgery room, student housing
and office space.
• The Meat Bird House will
have four sections, each with
24 research pens and a laborat
ory. The Pullet House will fea
ture 10 individual floor pens, a
large pullet cage rearing room,
a feed mixer and feed room,
and a laboratory.
• The Cage Layer House and
Turkey Grow-Out Facility will
have six'floor pens, cage layer
room for 5,000 hens, laborat
ory and egg storage space, and
an analysis and processing
room. The building also will
contain 24 floor pens for mark
et turkeys.
• The Breeder House will
Lancaster, PA
Facilities Nears Completion
Penn State :ry .
pletion. The $5.5 million facility will contain six separate buildings with an area
of approximately 50,000 square feet. An additional $650,000 will be invested in
new equipment.
have a largte artificial insemi
nation cage room for breeders,
along with floor pens, an egg
(Continued from Page 10)
buffet breakfast followed by
breakout sessions for broiler,
egg, and turkey producers. At
the Broiler Conference, Dr.
Vergil Davis, director of avian
biological development and
regulatory affairs for Sanofi
Animal Health, Inc., will
review a new treatment for bur
sal disease. Following Davis,
Noel Dykes, Sterwin Laborato
ries, Inc., will review ventila
tion options. Dykes is recog
nized as one of the authorities
on various ventilation
At the Egg Conference, Dr.
Richard Cast, a microbiologist
with U SDA’s Southeast Poul
try Research Laboratory in
Athens, Ga„ will give an over
view of all the research to-date
on Salmonella cnteritidis. For
egg producers who have been
plagued with this problem,
Cast will provide a glimpse at
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Dale Anderson
cooler, and laboratory. The
Processing Building will con
tain processing rooms, walk-in
Poultry Show Opens
what help may be expected
from research efforts. Joanne
Ivy, vice president of the
American Egg Board, follows
Cast with a “first” for U.S. egg
producers. Ivy will preview the
new television commercials
produced by Grey Advertising
which will probably air in
October 1993.
At the Turkey Conference,
Dr. Y.M. Saif, a member of the
Department of Veterinary Pre
ventive Medicine and Depart
ment of Poultry Science at
Ohio State University, will
review recent rends in manag
ing turkey diseases. Saif is fre
quently consulted by the com
mercial turkey industry for
advice and counsel regarding
turkey diseases.
Dr. Mike Hulet, Penn State
University Poultry Science
Department, will discuss how
litter can affect urkey quality.
Hulet is a recent addition to the
Penn State faculty, but has
coolers and freezers, laborat
ory space, a shop and a garage.
been involved in numerous
projects regarding litter at his
former university, Virginia
Polytechnic Institute and State
AT the conclusion of the
breakout sessions, conference
attendees will be treated to a
special presentation by Gene
Ferret, Bob Hope’s head com
edy writer.
Social Functions - Hospital
ity suites will be open Tuesday,
Wednesday, and Thursday
evenings. There are also two
other social events during the
Attendees have the option
Wednesday evening of travel
ing by bus to the Dutch Apple
Dinner Theater to sec the musi
cal drama, “Phantom of the
On Thursday evening, the
show concludes with a social
and banquet in the hotel ball
room with special door prizes
and humorous presentation by
Bryon Townsend.
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