New Poultry Science Workbook Available LITITZ (Lancaster Co.) A new 40-page poultry science curriculum workbook is avail able from the National Voca tional Agricultural Teachers Association (NVATA), thanks to a cooperative development project between the National FFA- Foundation and Beacon Products. Beacon, a division of the Woodstream company based here, manufactures a broad line of products and accessories for the care and breeding of poul try, game birds, hogs, rabbits and pets. Beacon’s two-year sponsorship covers develop ment and distribution of the new curriculum, which had been identified as a critical need among vo-ag educators. In addition, the firm is promot ing the new materials through its distributor and dealer networic. Poultry Science and Enter prise Analysis was researched and compiledl by Dr. Robert A. Martin, associate professor of agriculture and extension edu NIPPLEMANIA? □VAL SYSTEMS* YES, NIPPLEMANIA IS RUNNING WILD! DID THE EXCITEMENT OF NIPPLEMANIA HIT YOUR FARM YET OR ARE YOU STILL SCRUBBING AWAY ON YOUR OLD WATERERS? BUY THE VAL NIPPLE WATERING SYSTEM FROM HERSHEY EQUIPMENT CO. INSTALL NIPPLES IN YOUR POULTRY HOUSE TO REDUCE YOUR LABOR COSTS AND IMPROVE YOUR PERFORMANCE AT THE SAME TIME TT€RSH€V mtm mKm equipment go. cation at lowa State University, under contract with the Nation al FFA Foundation, which had secured the partnership with Beacon. According to Dr. Martin, the new curriculum is designed to help students: * Identify the scope of the poultry industry and its eco nomic significance. * Develop a fuller under standing of the importance of science in the poultry industry. * Acquire scientific infor mation and use it in poultry production, processing, mark eting, merchandising and consumption. * Explore career opportuni ties in the poultry industry. * Develop personal skills in the area of decision making, communication, leadership and citizenship. “Vo-ag teachers will find a variety of teaching units to help students discover the many imputs, costs and other factors that must be considered in'con ducting any business enter WE HAVE THE CURE! CALL TODAY! We ‘Tafa Customer Satisfaction (Personally Poultry Notes Supplement to Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Sept 25,1993—Page 13 prise. The Curriculum is focused on poultry science in general, and broiler production in particular, because this is a direct means to demonstrate the complete enterprise cycle,” notes Jack Keller, regional director of the National FFA Foundation. According to Howard Mag ness. Beacon sales and market ing manager, “Beacon has sup ported vo-ag programs in vari ous way sover the years. Our current sponsorship of the pouyltry science program addresses a need that was clear and immediate. FFA and NVATA have the experience and resources to administer this program effectively. And we anticipate Beacon distribu tors will benefit because the program enables them to offer the new poultry science curri culum to vo-ag teachers and FFA chapters at the local level.” Vo-ag teachers may contact the nearest Beacon distributor or dealer or the NVATA SYCAMORE IND. PARK 255 PLANE TREE DRIVE LANCASTER, PA 17603 (717) 393-5807 national headquarters (PO Box 15440, Alexandria, Va. 22309) Poultry Calendar (Continued from Pag* 1) Health and Processing, Sher- Or Health Seminar, Marek’s Update, Kneider’s Restaur- Extension Meeting (MAC), University of Delaware, Newaik, Del. Sniidin. I c l)ru;ir> 13 Pa. Game Bird Conference, Dr Inn, State College, thru September to obtain their free copy of the new curriculum workbook. Poultry Management and Health Seminar, Laryngo tracheitis Prevention and Biosecurity, Kreider’s Health Seminar, Fly and Insect Control, Kreider’s ference, Nittany Lion Inn, University Park, thru April Health Seminar, Improve Pellet Quality, Days Inn, Health Seminar. House Bill 100 Implications, Kreider’s Restaurant. Manheim, noon. National Chicken Month GEORGETOWN, Del. September marks the fifth annual National Chicken- Month promotion, and shoppers and restaurant goers nationwide will find their number one protein choice an even better buy during the month-long event. Centered on “The Smart Meal” theme, National Chicken Month spotlights chicken and the many ways it fits into today’s diet. A healthy low-fat. low cholesterol food, chicken is unmatched in versatility and available in a variety of convenient forms. One of the best values available to consumers, chicken also fits easily into tight family budgets. Throughout National Chicken Month, shoppers will find chicken specials fea tured at many local supermarkets. In addition, restaurants as well as schools, hospital, and corporate cafeterias will join the celebration by highlighting chicken on their menus. In conjunction with National Chicken Month, Delmarva Poultry INdustry.lnc., the trade association for the poultry industry on the Delmarva Peninsula, is offering a publication entitled “Simply Nutritious Chicken.” To receive a free copy of the leaflet, send a self-addressed, stamped business-size envelope to Simp ly Nutritious, c/o Delmarva Poultry (NCM), R.D. 6, Box 47, Georgetown, DE 19947-9622. 1010 West Main Street • P.O. Box 258 Mount Joy, PA 17552 (717) 653-1102 See Us @ Booth 65 ft 66
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