Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 25, 1993, Image 194

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    Page 10—Poultry Notea Supplement to Lancaater Farming, Saturday, Sept 25,1993
LANCASTER (Lancaster
Co.) The Northeast Poultry
Show is scheduled for Wed
nesday, September 29, and
Thursday, September 30, here
at the Lancaster Host Resort.
MOre than 750 people went
through the exhibit hall last
year, and show planners expect
a larger turnout this year
because of some new attrac
tions and what they consider to
be a very dynamic program.
Exhibit Hall -
New Attractions
In addition to the large num
ber of vendors displaying new
products and services, the exhi
bit hall will also feature a spe
cial producer seminar each
On Wednesday, September
29, Dr. Charles Pitts, Penn
State University, will discuss
“Effective Fly Control.” Fly
problems have been extremely
difficult for producers this
year, U.S. Pitts, former head of
Penn State is Entomology
Department, is a leading U.S.
On Thursday, September 30,
Mike Brubaker, Brubaker
Agronomic Consulting Ser
vices, Inc. will discuss “Nutri
ent Management - It’s The
Law.” Many agricultural states
are under pressure to account
for the proper management of
fertilizers and manures (nutri
ents) because of possible con
tamination of ground and sur
face water. In Pennsylvania, a
law has already been passed
required farmers with more
than 2,000 pounds of livestock
or pultry per acre to operate
with an approved nutrient man
agement plan. Brubaker has
been at the forefront of these
issues and his firm is ranked
the sixth largest agricultural
consulting firm in the U.S.
Visitors to the exhibit hall
this year will also have an
opportunity to win a new $lOO
bill. Each adult entering the
exhibit hall will be given a
number. A number will be
drawn every hour for a new
$lOO bill, and winning num
bers will be posted at the exit.
The exhibit hall is open to the
public free of charge both days
from noon until 5:00 P.M.
Parking is free and food and
beverages can be purchased in
the exhibit hall.
Guest Speakers - The con
ference portion of the North
east Poultry Show scheduled
for 9 a.m. until noon both days
features two celebrity guest
speakers. On Wednesday, Sep
tember 29, Charles McDowell
will report on “How Are
Things in Washington?”
McDowell is the Washington
columnist for the Richomnd
Times - Diospatch and a regu
lar panelist on television’s
“Washington Week in
Review.” McDowell was the
featured speaker last year at
Pennsylvania’s Keystone Cor
nucopia dinner.
On Thursday, September 30,
guest speaker is Bob Hope’s
head comedy writer. Gene Fer
ret. Ferret’s topic is “Humor -
It’s Good Ferret
wrote the Command Perfor
mance Show for Bob Hope to
Northeast Poultry
Mike Brubaker
Or. Charles Pitts
appear before Queen Elizabeth
II and traveled with. Bob to
many battlefields to entertain
the troops.
A registration fee is required
to attend the morning confer
ences and includes two break
fasts and one dinner. Those
interested should contact the
Pennsylvania Poultry Federa
tion at (717) 652-7530.
Wednesday Conference -
Following a complimentary
buffet breakfast, Dr. Richard
Reynnells, national program
leader for poultry science,
USDA Extension Services will
open the conference with the
presentation, “Animal Welfare
- The Washington Scene.” His
responsibilities include water
quality, food safety, and the
animal rights/welfare issues for
USDA. Reynnells will pin
point what poultry and egg pro
ducers can expect from the ani
mal rights group in the imme
diate future.
Dr. Stephanie Doorcs, Penn
State University Food Science
Department, follows Reynnells
with a discussion concerning
“The Impact of Food Safety on
Agriculture.” Doores has been
recognized for the Outstanding
Young Women of America
Award (Montgomery, Ala.),
Pennsylvania Future Farmers
of America Honorary Key
stone Degree, and Gamma Sig
ma Delta Honorary Agriuclture
Society Excellence in Teach
ing Award.
Doores is expected to review
the public pressure for safer
food and how it might affect
the food industry. The Wed
nesday morning conference
concludes with keynote speak
er, Charles McDowell.
Thursday Conference -
Thursday’s conference also
begins with a complimentary
(Turn to Pag* 12)
Show Opens Sept. 29
Northeast Poultry Show
nrn i>i 4 i>l*l 7 i*i ’i” 1"i“i ,5 1“ I,s1 ,s i ,o ii»1 ”j
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 20 29
39 40 41 42 43 44 43 46 47 40
58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67
77 78 79 80 01 02 83 04 05 06
1993 Northeast Poultry Show Exhibitors
Booth #2B
Accu-Sort Systems, Inc.
Booths #lO5, #124
Acme Manufacturing & Ventilation
Booth #l6
Aerotecb, Inc.
Booth #63
AGRI-TECH®, a division of
Agricultural Corporation
Booth #5l
Agway Inc.
Booths #6B, #B7
American Coolalr Corp.
Booth #lO
American Cyanamkl Company
Booth #47
American Egg Board
Booths #34, #35
American Selected Products
Booth #25
Ammonia Hold, Inc.
Booth #52
Blomune Co.
Booth #67
Cascades AgH-Pak Inc.
Booth #144
Ciba Corporation
Booth 106
Centurion Poultry Inc.
Booth #53
Contlnential Grain Company
Wayne Feeds Division
Booths #74, #75, #93, #94
Cumberland Division of GSI
Booths #65, #66
DeKalb Poultry Research, Inc.
Melhorn Sales, Services & Trucking
Booth #l3B
Diversified Imports
DJ.V. Co., Inc.
Booth #44
Eastern Ag Services
Booth #142
Egg Association of America
Egg Clearinghouse, Inc.
Booth #ll3
Egg Industry
Booth #79
EMM Sales & Services, Inc.
Booth #l2
Erie Crate & Mlfc. Co.
Booth #BB
Eurlbrid Inc.
Booth #lB
Farm Building Sanitations Inc.
(Bcitzel’s Spraying)
Booth #l3l
Farmer Automatic of America Inc.
Booth #6O
Farm Credit in Pennsylvania
Booth #llO, #lll, #ll2
Farmer Boy Ag, Inc.
Booth #45
Farmers Mutual Hall Insurance
Booth #4B
Booths #4, #5
Food Processing Systems
Booth #29
Heritage PMS, Inc.
Booth #96-99, #ll5-118
Hershey Equipment Co., Inc.
Booth #62
Insect Guard, Inc.
Booth #3l
Intervet Inc.
Booth #137
Kcmin Industries Inc.
Booth #l4O
Lancaster County Poultry
Booth #147
Lanson Industries, Inc.
Booths #lO7, #lOB, #126, #127
Cubing Systems Corporation
Booth #143
Martin Water Conditioning
Booth #56
Booths #B, #9
Mid Atlantic Label
Booths #49, #7O
Modern Poultry Supplies, Inc.
Booth mf
NO MITE STRIP Division of Car-
Mac Products, Inc.
Booths #2O-24, #39-43
Northeast Agri Systems, Inc.
Booth #27
Oaklte Products Inc.
Booth #146
Packaging Corporation of
Booth #122
Booths #32, #33
PennfieM Corporation
Booth #2
Poultry & Egg News
30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37
49 SO 51 52 53 54 55 56
68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75
07 80 89 90 91 92 93 94
Booth #l3
Poultry Management Systems
Booth #139
Poultry Water Quail
Booth #6
Prevent Distributors Inc.
Booth #5O
Pullets Unlimited
Booth #B2
Purina Mills, Inc.
Booths #lO3, #lO4
Papettl’s Hygradc Egg/Qual
State Farms
Booth #7
Rochester Midland Corporatli
Booth #B5
Salmel Poultry Systems
Booth #lOl
Sanofl Animal Health, Inc.
Booth #l4l
SAY Plastics
Booth #l4
Scchler Foods
Booth #37
Select Laboratories, Inc.
Booth #B3
Sol Chemical & Equlpm
Booth #B6
Solvay Animal Health, Inc.
Booths #129, #l3O
Booth #46
Sterwln Laboratories
Booth #3
Booth #ll
The Gregory Manufacturing
Booth #125
Tri Bio Laboratories, Inc.
Booths #72, #73
Tri-County Confinement Syst<
Booth #B9
USDA-AMS-Poultry Division
Booth #46
USDA/National Agriculture
Us tics Services
Booths #77, #7B
Val Products, Inc.
Booth #lOO
Vineland Laboratories
Booths #5B, #59
Wenger’s Feed Mill, Inc.
Booths #BO, #Bl
Whcclock Hatchery, Inc.
Booth #26
Ziggity Systems