TOWER SILOS • For Maximum Preservation of Harvested Crops • For Convenient Storage with Lowest Labor • For Feed Selection and Mixing Capability CONTACT TOUR LOCAL SILO COMPANY OR i TOWER SILO MARKETING BOARD 317-742-0083 PICKY. PICKY. PICKY. YOU JUST CAN'T MATCH OUR MIX These new Oswalt® four auger Model 200/250 mixers are designed to process and mix all feeds, including baled hay, into a folly-blended TMR...better than anyone! The aggressive, notched, 20"-diamctet foil-pitch, four auger mixing pattern, dual shear shelf design and exclusive, self-lubricating TUff-Glide® liners help feed materials flow more freely, reducing horsepower requirements and virtually eliminating material hang-ups and dead spots. Pick Your Best Payment Plan. ZWOWa, l2 3* Mmrths DISCOUNTS Mmrths «Mjto UMI LAPPS B Ji\ 5935 OLD PHILADELPHIA PIKE, GAP, PA 17527 PHONE: 717-442-8134 f=W=\ WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL r _ FlMdio Dispatched Trucks See your Oswalt Dealer today! :N E •we nwmtmeif a par tm tpsllata Is isducsd around Mm. Feod Is i«>wml m Mm oxygen. hatter Mrmentallan. Allows storage si high moMlurs (rslns sr dry grain* In s conventional nils. Ths Linars Ars Msnulsetursd To Fit Mott Standard Dlamalor Silea. , AARON GROFF and SON farm a dairy store 103 Clstrvltw On, Ephrata, PA 17522 Phons (717) 3544131 Stars Haura • Mon, Thura. A FH. 7 AM. to I P.M. Tims. A Wad. 7 AM. to 8 P.M.; Sat 7 AM. to Noon ATTENTION HARVESTORE® OWNERS Are you tired of digging out that old bottom unloader that's eating up all your profit? Let Silo Conversion Com pany convert your Harvestore® into a usable and profitable top unloading structure. Ask these Harvestore owners how their silo works w/the top unlosder. Elton Metzer (717) 323-3803 Unden, PA. Bruce King (717) 297-2803 Troy. PA. Phillip Bennetch (215) 589-5461 Newmanstown, PA. Tom Sedlock (814) 265-0968 Brockway. PA. Frank Squire (717) 942-6444 Ntckolson. PA Price Includes brackets and installation of hexpod or tripod. Hexpod or tripod supplied by owner At SILO CONVERSION COMPANY 812-944-7102 Strengthen Your Silo With Shotcn Fill Pipe Telescoping K |k p . Vinyl and Steel Section * WIK npa New. n JS, Used ra 0r And Vinyl Repair 1 Arm Pipe Swivel Rocon -. Sleeve [Support Bracket Transition ditioned \ Quae Silos \Tlb«hlofne) FusmiaH I 'tS" a -i ki or Steel Available 4 A.n. Motorized \\\ je Pipe * | 1030 Spreader or XjJl Support Multi Flo S.H Pn*atad W Braokete Spreader b J '/ u«ed with alio Page) nvrr Specials For Silo Accessories. Most Any Type Stave Silo Work. S & S Silo Repair .(215) 273-3993 (717) 768-3993 Myron Ssoltzfui (215) 273-3993 “S. (717) 295-5460 SELTST" m Now With Now Expansion Ring For Easy Installation • Osltys repair or raplacsintnl of esrrodod allot. • Prevents esrraslvs acids from contacting silo wall - extends silo IKo. • Oulek Installation. • Effectively sseh allot Irani air and waathsr. €NU>lSifc l l |li>W FOR wsNMunßWtt nM ironv I^O*OOX3JBrK ISJSrMVJMK.X CAEX 1-800*468-4000 u Call Jim Beckham H Your Silo Noods Now Lifo... Try Our Poly Sib Liners Fanning, Saturday. Suptember 25.1993-D45 ZOOK’S SILO REPAIR Buy And Sell Silos General Repair Work Extensions, Roof Repair, Chute Repair, Tear Down & Rebuild. Reline With Shotcrete Distributors, Fill Pipe RD 2, Box 90 Honey Brook, PA 19344 (215) 273-9211 MARVESTORE® STRUCTURES AND UNLOADERS FOR SALE (1) 17x40 down on skids (3) 20x27 down on skids (1) 20x40 down on skids (1) Slurrystore® 4209 down on skids (1) 17’ Hercules Unloader (1) 20’ Hercules Unloader (1) 20’ Sweep Arm Auger Unloader (1) 20’ Goliath Unloader Model 74 (1) 20’ Goliath Unloader Model 70 (1) 20’ Goliath II Unloader (New) Also have 3,5 and 7 V 4 hp motors For more information, call (717) 265-2392 After 6 pm, call (717) 265-2960 BADGER'S AGRI M SERVICE. INC. SB Diilsburg, PA ■i 15 Miles South of 717-432-8377 Harrisburg Brian Badger FOR SALE Automatic 600 Bu. Roller Mill, Rebuilt, Complete w/Motor & Magnet Hopper, Low Profile $2,800 Model 70 20' Goliath Unloader, Totaly Rebuilt $8,900 * All parts undar warranty Not Affiliated with A.O. Smith Harvestore Products F QUALITY MIXER AT A QUANTITY PRICE 1 Red Auggie BUY A [ 2000 Series REAL «w/f.Rr Mixer Blender/Feeders i