Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 25, 1993, Image 177
LATE MODEL MF USED 1984 MF BSO, 4 Wheel Drive With IS R Floating Head 1982 MF BSO With IS Ft. Roaring Head 1982 MF 860 With IS R Roaring Head 1981 MF 860 With IS R Roaring Head 1980 MF SSO With 13 R. Roaring Head 1980 MF SSO With 13 R Roaring Head 1979 MF SSO With 13 R Roaring Head 1979 MF 760 With IS R Roaring Head 1978 MF 760 With IS R Roaring Head 1978 MF 750 With IS R Roaring Head 1978 MF S4O With 13 R Roaring Head USED TRACTORS MF 3660-4, 140 HP. 814 Hr*. MF 3525-2, 110 HP. 2882 Hi*. MF 374-4 With Loader, S 7 HP. 735 Hi* MF 390 Tractor, 70 HP. 750 Hr* MF 1085, 82 HP. 3568 Hr* MF 1085, 82 HP. 3980 Hr* MF 1080, 82 HP. SSI6 Hr* MF 1030-2, 26 HP, 232 Hr* MF 1035-2, 31 HP, 185 Hr* MF 1045-2, 35 HP, 262 Hr* MF 40 With Loader. 3170 Hr* MF 30E With Loader. 668 Hr* MF 265, 6S HP, Dieiel MF 275, 68 HP, Dieiel, 1400 Hn. MF 165, 47 HP. Gai IH 350 Tractor, 42 HP. Rebuilt Ford 9N Tractor HAY EQUIPMENT New Idea 483 Round Baler, 1 Yr. Old MF 128 Baler Demo Vicon 151 IE 5x6 Round Baler Demo MF 5 Big Square Baler Ufed Vicon 1211 E 4x5 Round Baler Demo Vicon 321 Diic Mower Conditioner Demo Vicon 216 7 Ft Disc Mower Vicon KM24O Discbine, Pant NH 256 Rake Pequea 910 9 Ft. Tedder, Like New Lucknow Tbb Grinder Lely Rake Teagle Bale Shredder - Vicon RS74O Tedder 24 Ft Vicon KM2BI Mower Conditioner JD 10 Ft Diic. M&W 5 Tooth V-Ripper. Vicon 18 Ft. Field Cultivator. $650 $1,875 $2,605 $7,000 $2,100 MANURE ft FEED MIXER EQ UIPMENT 1H 595 Tandem Spreader* ~ $3,000 NH 795 Tandem Axle Spreader $4,500 NH 791 Tandem Axle Spreader $2,400 NI 244 Tandem Axle Spreader $l,OOO NT 365 Tandem Spreader $4,500 Nl 75 Bu. Ground Driven Manure Spreader $1,200 MF 2-16 Spring Trip 3 Pi. Plow Dunham 14 Ft Cultipacker Teller 3 PL Rotary Hoe Buffalo 6 Row Cultivator-Ridge-Till, Like New. Pequea 6 Row Cultivator Hinicker Bnid^n^^^^T^Ts^edfo^^. Woodi 60 HP Ratrd 8 Ft. 3 Pi. Blade Low Cost 7 Ft. 3 Pt. Blade Brady 7 Ft. Flail Chopper Danuser 3 Pi. Pott Hole Digger Shaver 3 Pl Hydraulic Post Drive Brady 12 Ft Flail Shredder NH 360 4RN Harvester Head, 2 Yean Old NEW IDEA 803 C UNISYSTEM 234 HP CUmmins, 1300 Hours, 868 Chopper Unit, 6240 4 RN Cornhead, 628 7 Ft. Grass Head. $36,000 $33,000 $22,000 $22,000 $32,000 $31,000 $16,000 $14,000 ... $O,OOO .$12,000 .$ll,BOO $83,000 $lB,BOO $21,000 $16,000 ...$B,BOO ...$7,800 J B,OOO 6,700 ....$7,600 ....$7,900 ....$4,700 $19,800 $3,900 $2,000 $l,BOO $6,900 52,200 59,900 ...$36,000 so,Boo ...$12,500 53,900 s9oo .<...51,100 51,280 58,900 s2Bo 51,900 54,800 $BOO $5,700 $8,900 $B,BOO s6Bo s3oB $2,800 s6Bo $2,800 $B,BOO Normal claaning acroat tlopat THE CIHAS HARVESTER The VAsooautomatic feeder, simple aad functional Individual feeding for yield and quality The VA 500 can be programmed to increase daily ration automatically uo to a new maximum. The increase is very gradual with consequent beneficial effect on feed utilisa tion and health. As milk yield decreases towards the end of the lactation you can in struct the feeder to automatically and gradually decrease the daily ration to nil over whatever period you choose. Once a week or so amendments may be programmed into account for the current milking situation (new cows calved or dry etc.). All other instructions can be entered at any time to coincide with the receipt of figures from milk recordings and analysis. The VA 500 saves a lot of labour and time working out new rations. The CLAAS Culterbox Is a unique balanced design using 2 knives In a V configuration. This forces the cut ting action toward the center Instead of the outside. This le the secret of their horsepower requirement and good quality of cut. Concentrates correction for all livestock When there is a sudden change to bulk feed intake (for example because of bad weather or a switch to a different quality of silage) rations can foe adjusted for the whole herd by making a single entry on the controll ing keyboard. This has proved to be particularly easily accomplished and prevents fluctuations in prodtrction. •25 Cow System $1,900 •75 Cow System $3,900 ■5O Cow System $2,900 »100 Cow System $4,900 3-D in operation To enture maximum feed quality from maize It is vital to crack every kernel. Digestion of uncracked maize falls as the maize becomes drier. Independent trials have shown the Claas corn cracker to be dose tc 100% effective. From the cylinder the com passes through the two large diameter rollers with saw tooth profiles The rollers run at differem speed* to intensify the grinding effect and open up each kernel. It is a tairly tough process so the latest generation of com crackers take account of the wear involved on the roller*. Nothing can reduce the wear but Claas have cut the coat of repal' by making the outer sleeve replaceable. The shaft, drive pulley and bearings can all be reused which cuts down repair bills dramatically. Adjusting the distance between the two rollers Is accomplished by turning two handles, easily accessible behind the cab. In no time at all the degree of cracking can be matched to the ripeness of the crop. RELIABILITY With the MF-3-D cleaning system, the crop Is distributed evenly across the full width of the sieves, performance remains stable and output maintained. The 3-D cleaning system provides dynamic slope compensation which means that the upper sieve moves sideways against the slope of the hill. The degree and direction of these movements depend on the inclination of the slope. Quick reaction and of course equal performance in any direction on slopes of up to 20%. , With the MF 3-D system you can operate at the same speed on slopes as on flat land. Daily per formance can be maintained. MAXIMUM FEED QUALITY COMBINING SLOPES THE MF 3-D CLEANING SYSTEM