Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 25, 1993, Image 162
D26>Lancaater Farming, Saturday. Stptember 25.1993 Smith's Implements, Inc._ 12258 Buchanan Trail West, Mercersburg, PA Phone (717) 328-2244 & 2226 WUM JD 2RN Corn Head w/Slip Clutch JD '216 Forage Box w/4 wheel running gear, rear unload Coming In. Call For Detail* JD 216 Forage Wagon w/Roof & third beater, rear unload Coming In, Call For Details JD 35 Harvester, 1000 RPM Call For Price NH 489 9’ mower conditioner w/ hyd. cylinder, very good condition JD 39 T sickle mower, 3 pt hitch IH 1190 9’ mower conditioner, good condition Call For Details $2400 JD SV» ’ Hay pickup head, w/slip clutch Call For Details ★ JD 714 Forage Wagon w/third beater w/JD 1275 tandem running gear ★ $3,900 JD 1327 Rotary disc mower conditioner JD 1600 12’ swing arm mower conditioner, 4 years old JD 430 round baler w/large high flotation tires Call For Details Gehl Model BHISOO 3 pt. hitch round bale mover $l,OOO JD 7 Ft. pick-up head w/gauge wheels, excel.- cond JD 2500 5X spring reset plow (6X can be added) $4,200 JD 740 field cultivator, foldup unit, 16’ working width Call For Price JD 27A stalk shredder Call For Details JO 450 Hydro push manure spreader w/high flotation tires & hydraulic end gate Call For Details $1,400 Ml 3639 manure spreader, w/hydraulic endgate, tandem axle, excel, cond Call For Details Also A Dealer For Sunflower ie Equipment And H&S Equip Tilla r^~ } WALTEMYER’S rT M- SALES & SERVICE INC. TRACTORS NEW 5400 MFWD 6400 MFWD-CG 5400, 2WD w/540 Loader 5200 2WD 6400 CG USED 1948 Farmall H w/Loader JD 3020, PS, WF HARVESTINi NEW 4435 Combine 444 Cornhead JD 913 Flexhead JD 9400 Comb. USED MF 200 forage harvester w/2RN head IH 303 Combine 10’ G.H. 2 RW C.H. TILLAGE NEW 960 Field Cultivator 825 6RN 3 pt. cultivator 2000 4X spring reset semi mount plow Kvernland plows OMPACT UTILIT] NEW 670, 770, *7O, 855, 1070 USED 1620 Grasshopper front mount mower AMT 622 nice Model 1080,11 HP, Trac. Vac. New Utility Trailers in Stock Route 24, 2 Mile South Of Red Lion 1219 Hayblne USED 1190 IH Mower Conditioner 336 Baler w/30 Thrower PLANTING NEW 7200 6R dry fertilizer 750 No till drill, 10’ & 15’ 7200 4R dry fert. 450 17DD drill USED 494 JD Corn Planter AC no till corn/soybean planter, 6 & 11 row, liquid fertilizer AC 4 Row No-Till Corn Planter (Liquid) Ml$C. NEW Westfield tailgate auger 403 Rotary cutter 503 Rotary cutter 603 Rotary cutter 516 Rotary cutter 717 Rotary cutter 720 running gear 95 3 pt. scrapers 1008 rotary cutter Unverferth gravity bln Unverferth header wagon Brllllon 16’ folding wheel harrow IH 1890 12’, gas engine, stake body truck JD AT4O cult, tor 3020 Meyer 360 Equalizer Spreader JD 25A 2 R Braco Potato Harvester w/PTO Drive * 717-244-4168 Call For Details $4500 $l2OO Call For Details Call For Details Call For Price ment HAY E9UIP. NEW USED ON For Every Make & Manure Spreaders Feed Wagons VUm UmM T-lar Holla Mato MaM OakiCam. Mao*. ■ •*»•» MoM MrinCnv. Mao*. 135 r ?W s&‘ - wS> Ariaway 706.000 Jtt. Pn «sH" **'* \ Oahl MO NMO aaapa Allaway nojUO INMI Man IH.N HAS 1(0 177.40 141.14 •utlar 100 J04.J1 gahj £***» **•*[ - M no 010J0 «M 4 ByUtt m tw.»l Oahl 700-000 tM.IO 101.07 in aa *00.70 Sahl MO.OI H 700.110 «■» __s=_ Gs m~ <B3l "far omi tioo-tooc 1*7.*1 « tST **wi Maaoav NO IMJO 077.00 Hank* (MUM* 140.11 <{D 770 2HJO 111.01 ST* 01M10 NM 107.70 Oahular 170 40001 " d« «« 7»tl NH (70 non OTMt ißtullwu JR ZB2L d°... Jl*. IMJ * im mm amm EnwStt two TBCW ntrtM Pill .JiiZL n W filW"BKi "BHBf Wttmrint 490 *** »•» W. 44 OMB IM 901.70 tit.lf wit 40 74.01 M • t27.1t 99.51 I” i 191 I I ■ 1 1 I -J [OMtc 140 | 994.90 | | SINGLE CONVEYOR CHAIN With Rubber Paddle 10%" SPROCKETS M7H For Butlor, Jomoowoy, Cloy, Etc. s6*2B For Ft B UnSs G STANDARD ROLLER CHAIN R,VETED ■ urs 3 liTi atn KM*: >r< IKI v.lKltxHHL.'ill n'.TinTiiKiTißKi^i ■■ UK II Kill HI I ■ ■ :I ’I nr, ■■ !* ■ ■ »I«'M■ i:I ißr:aKi*'iai>an< > i tnirniimnraam reFianrirTFTaaTKTHß:; > .I siyib-t MB TOUMITMOI PRATT INDUSTRIES CALL FREE 800-342-3322 ■ 800-392-3377 PRE-FALL SPECIALS On Used Tractors and Equipment $8,900 it ,'4 Kubota L 2250 4x4 w/ftow Dual Loadar, Vary Sharp r* -- ' ■ IH 284, New Paint, Vary Mica Condition $8,900 Ford 600 w/Loador Hydraulic Buekat Ford 1500 4x4 w/Loador Ford 1510 w/Loador t Baekhoa IH 284 2WD, Gaa, Vary Clean John Doara 318 w/Mowar John Doara 650 4x4, Turl Tlraa, Low Hra. John Doara 650 4x4, w/Bally Mowor, Vary Claan John Doara 305 Roar, 5 Gang Raal Mowor John Doara 1050 4x4, 784 Hra., PS, Clean John Doara 755 w/Looder Kubota Full Serivce, Parts And Rental YOR CHAIN a»WHIiUi«WIWIWIH maMW•*»*«—THATaWTWWTUm»WT»»aWIMMCT pL_A> " ' ! ■ r ■ " * ' < r » << I 1 *' Kubota F2lOO w/Vac Syatam Only 130 Hours, Balanea Warranty } -■ ,~.*n mP' Kioto 22 HP, w/Loadar t Powar Starring - ’’ .ipn 'zZLy*~ I 7 *•*“*'' " ad •*, *W IT i ' —' ’ if' *>* S' John Doara 1050 4x4, More Used Tractors & Equipment Kubota L 305 4x4 2,100 hrs naada aoma physical attention Kubota 81750 HSD w/81-Speed and Loader Kubota 87200 HSE, 2WO, Low Hrs. Kubota 87200 4x4 w/New 60'.' Bally Mower Kubota 82150 HSD, 4x4 w/Loader Kubota L23S 4x4 w/Loader Kubota 81550 HSD 4x4 w/Loader t Mower, Very Nice Condition Yanmar 166 4x4 w/Loader, 199 Hrs. Harley 9 FL Power Rake Bobcat Ransoms 60” 3 Wheel Mower (2) Gravely Walk Behind Mowers And Leasing Available « Flnanclni Model Forai ja.ji m w/SOO Hra. NICARRY EQUIPMENT, INC. RD #2, Box 2008, Reading, Pa. 19605 215-926-2441 Located: 4 Mltea North of Rsodfng On Rt 01 0 Htloo South of Loooport Rag. Houro: Won, thru Fri 0 to i; Pot 0 to I ie Boxes NEW ANSI IH 255 4x4 w/Loadar, Low Hra. Kubota BISSO w/Loadar t Bally Mowor, Only 400 Hra. Shift, Low Hours ..$5,900