Di2-LancMt*r Farming, Saturday, Saptambar 25,1993 STOUFFERBROS. INC. 1066 Lincoln Way West. Chambersburg, Pa. Phone 717-263-8424 TRACTORS ’Massey Ferguson 85 Gas Tractor David Brown 1212 ' IH 460 Tractor PLANTERS IH 400 Cycle Plantar JD 3060 Harvester w/2-Row Head ft Pickup Gahl CB4OO Harvester Assortment of Gahl 99 Forage Blowers IH 550 Harvester NH 27 Blower MOWER CONDITIONERS Hoaalon 6200 Soll-Propollod 12 Ft- Vary Good Condition Vtoon 201 Disc Mowor Conditioner HoMton PT7 (1) Com 555 Mowor Conditioner* Caoo 650 Soil Propollod IH 1190 Mowor Condldonor NH 1495 Soli Propollod Gobi 860 JD 930 Soil Propollod Sales, Parts And Service For... ★ CASE UTILITY ★ GEHL ★ VICON ★ WFE ★ KUBOTA ★ HESSTON ★ SAME SKID LOADERS & UTILITY Csss 455 Track Loader Casa 580 C, Cab A Standard Hoe (1 In Stock) Cass 580 E, HOPS, Sid. Hoe Casa 1737 Unloadar Dynahoa 120 Loadar/Backhoa NH L-455 Skid Loader Gahl 4510 Skid Loader Gahl 4610 Skid Loader Ford 1600 w/Loadar A Backhoa LAWN & GARDEN Kubota F2lOO w/5 Ft. Mowor 6 Dump Groao Cotchor Arlene Rider Satoh 370 D w/Loador, 4WD Wheelhorae 312-6 With Mowor A Graoa Catcher MISCELLANEOUS JD 740 FloM Cultivator (16 Ft) JD 10 Ft Dlok Harrow Boillmode Splnnor Spreader NH 304 Spreader Oliver 62T Bolor With Thrower IhlUlnlcH UQULIi NEW SPREADERS IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY • Spreader Tanks - 2250 Thru 6500 Gallons • Vacuum Tanks - 1500 Thru 4500 Gallons • Earthen Pit Pumps • Vertical Shaft Pumps • Truck Mount Tanks - 2250 Thru 4500 Gallons • Propeller Agitator • Replacement Vacuum Pumps - 177 Thru 353 CFM*s SNOOK’S EQUIPMENT RD 3, Box 84, Mifflinburg, PA 17844 PH: (717) 966-2736 ASK FOR ERNEST OR DEAN “WE’RE HERE TO SERVE YOU” 'llent Ford Tn 8700, cab, air, DP, weights, 3,700 hrs. 7710 11, 4WD, DP, rpU bar, triple deluxe hyd., 18.4x34, power 1,600 hrs., 1 owner 7710 11, cab, air, 18.4x38, weights, 2,400 hrs. 6610, DP, dual deluxe hyd., 18x34, 2,000 hrs. 6600,16 spd, 18.4x34,1981 model, 2,400 hrs. 6600, DP, dual hyd, 540 fc 1000 PTO, 18.4x34 2,900 hrs., 1 owner 5610 H, 4WD, 1990, roll bar, dual deluxe hyd.. 16.9x30 w/Ford 7410 QT loader, 300 hrs. 6610 11, 4WD, roUbar, 18.4x30 w/QT loader. 1,650 hrs. 5610 U, DP, dual deluxe hyd., 18.4x34,1,200 hrs. 6600, DP, 2 remotes, 16.9x38, 2,500 hrs. 4610 11, dual remotes, 15.5x38 w/Pord 7209 QT loader, 900 hrs., 1 owner 4000 SU, del., S epd., 16.9x24, 3,100 hr*. 4000 SU,gas, S epd, 16.9x24, 3,100 hre. 3000, gee, 8 epd., PS, weight!, 3,500 hre. 2600, diesel, 8 epd., LPTO, PS, 3,100 hre. BN, w/d*aßWibutor ** JD 870T4WD w/JD 80 loader, 110 hre. FNH 144 windrow inverter, like new FNH 489 haybine, like new FNH 254 rake 4c tedder, like new NH 28 forage blower, good condition JD 8250 18x7 grain drill, excellent Roll bar fita 5000 thru 7610 New Canopy fita new style Ford roll beta Sims cab enclosure w/hcater 4c curtains, fits moat Fords All Tractors Tsstsd On Our Farms. Plaaaa Call For Appointment Burkholder Bros. Lebanon, PA 717-272-2352 717-949-2123 ■a* , . ** ‘*"#o USED TRACTORS AC Dl9 w/loader IH F 460 IH F7O6D Used Woods 1860 Mow’n Machine Case IH 235 w/Loader IH 504 Yanmar 140 w/Mower Cub Lo-Boy Kubota L 345, 4WD IH 484, 2WD JD 210, 14’ DISC IH 56 Blower IH 1190 9’ Mower Conditioner IH 2000 Loader (fits 756) IH 800 6R planter Kuhn 200 Mower Conditioner Nl 353 Spreader Ml 484 Round Baler Ni 555 Baler w/klcker IH 440 Baler w/Thrower IH 510 Drill 18x7 Woods HD 315 Mower T King Cutter 6’ Ford Finish Mower Woods RM 500 HOW YOU CAN GET UP TO 15% MORE IN THE BAG WITH THE KELLY RYAN SELF-CLEANING • Pack mora punch from the center with leas h.p. for tighter and more uniform bage of teed r. r * «' dlametere 2 wh etandard (up to 12' by apaolai order) • Vi " cables, ISO' and 200’ • No hydraulica. Ruat-fraa, chroma diao machanloal brake - Tongue cantered for cloaa bag a pacing and road travel • ON bath gaaibox I drive chain • #lOO roNar chain main rotor drive • Gearbox 840 or 1000 rpm PTO ■ Safety-tint, V-bait driven conveyor for alda feeding • Daalgn perm Ha bagging nearly twice aa faat aa other modala • Adapts quickly tor road transport - Frontload dump hopper available • 0' Rotor M above ground • Many mora desirable features UP NORTH SILAGE BAGS 9 Mil CUSTOM BAGGING • All Hama USA mada. AG PRODUCTS CO.. INC. 717/328-3177 mSSStoBF iER
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers