08-Lancatter Farming, Saturday, Saptambar 25, 1993 NEW HOLLAND JD R: Massey Harris 44, ELEVATOR COMPANY diesel standard; McDoor- New 30’and 36'Elavators; mg 650 LP; CASE DC; new parts tar Model 155 Twin City KT. 1930, runs. nh. We will trade, buy or painted; TC KTA, 1936, en- rebuild your used or da gine free; TC 1220, 1929; maged NH Elevator. Thank TC 2132. EVERETT You. Thom Wheary, Jr. BROS. 614-922-3335. 717/687-0102. JD Tractors 2-GW Wide Fronts, Original Front Ends, Excellent Condition; 1G Narrow Steel Seat; 2G Unstyled, Very Good Con dition. (906)046-8876 Evening. John Deere AR 1946, re stored, nice, PA. (717)872-6007. Lanco forage wagon, 3 beater w/rool, $875; Grove wagon 3-beater w/roof, $lOOO. 215-445-6156. Large Gravity Bin w/Grove Running Gear on Steel Wheels, $750; Nl #lO Man ure Spreader, $500; Nl #7 1R Com Picker, $450; NH 350 Grinder Mixer, Works Good, $6OO. (600)767-0444. , Late 715 Int. combine diesel, low hre. & header, $6,950. 1-800-248-2151 J.L. HOLLINGER & SONS INC. RT. 72N, Manhelm, PA. 717-664-2444 717-665-2354 FAX 717-664-2835 NEW & USED Farm & Construction Equip. John Deere 210 C TLB w/ROPS Canopy, Standard Hoe, Rune t Operates Very Good $13,900 NH L 775 diesel, GP bucket Case 1845 diesel, big rubber, needs work Case 15308 gas, good condition 'B9 Mustang 940 diesel, aux. hyd, very clean Erickson skid loader diesel, hydro Case 1816 C gas, very good JD 24 diesel Case 1840 skid loader, w/light package, aux. hyd., runs & operates like new, low hrs , ’74 Case 5808 TLB, ROPS, diesel •80 JD 410 cab, 4NI bucket ’B6 Ford 655 A cab, standard 'B7 Case 480 E ROPS, standard *BB Case SBOK 4x4 cab, extend a hoe, new rubber 'BB Ford 555 cab, standard backhoe ‘79 Ford 555 ROPS standard backhoe Ford 600 TLB, gas, clean (2) JD 310 A TLB, w/ROPS canopy, standard hoe, good cond. FARM TRACTORS Case 1290, 2WD, w/loader & rake, very clean IH 460 diesel engine, runs good 'B9 Case 455 C crawler loader w/backhoe attach, 800 hrs $28,000 MF 200 crawler loader w/ripper $6,800 ’74 Case 450 crawler loader, GP bucket ROPS $8,780 ’74 Cat 951 C loader GP bucket, v. good $14,000 ’B5 Benati 716 crawler loader, GP bucket, cab $23,800 JD 4SOC 6 way dozer, VG $14,000 JD 750 dozer, straight tilt blade, vg cond $28,000 JD 450 C backhoe attach ~ $3,000 (2) IH 1758 crawler loaders, 4NI buckets, excel. U/C, vg cond $12,000/ea. JD SSSB crawler loader, backhoe attach., rans & operates like new, excel cond $lB,BOO Case 8508 crawler dozer, 6 way angle blade, ROPS canopy, 90% U/C, runs & operates excel $lB,BOO TCI DP-460 shooting boom forklift, 32’ mast, stabilizers, power by diesel engine, good cond. $18,500 1980 Eager Beaver 9 ton, 3 axle lag-a-long, ex. cond $3,100 Cub Cadet 884, diesel engine, 50" mower, like new $3,680 Onan 10KW generator, 2 cyl. Onan gas engine, excel $1,850 Miller portable welder $2,280 Oliver forklift w/14' mast, gas, good tires, runs & operates good $3,800 Case 25+4XP trencher w/blade Case DHSB diesel trencher w/plow & backhoe Case 40*-4 trencher w/plow Raygo 400 A, 84” drum diesel.. Hyster C 6158 72” drum diesel. 1985 Banad 716 Crawler Loader, - Cap, OP Buckat $23,800 New & Used Parts For Oliver, Minn. Moline $ New Holland. 717-333-4256 NH 254 rake tedder excel lent condition, $3500; NH 469 haybins excellent con dition, $4500; JO 337 baler no thrower excellent condi tion, $4000; 2 Dry Hill hay baskets, $l7OO each; JD 210 disc very good condi tion, $2500; Glen co 7 tooth soil saver good condition, $l2OO. 717/529-3179 after 7:3opm. NH 270 Hay Baler w/Model #5O Thrower, Good Condi tion. (717)865-4546. NH #55 rake, new condi tion; GT 370-350 grain dryer, new condition. 410-922-5180. NH 717 Chopper, 2R 38" Comhead, 9 Knives, Very Nice. $l6OO. (301)898-7426. John Deere 555 A Crawler/Loader/ Baekhoe w/Rope Canopy, GP Bucket, V.G. & Operates SKID LOADERS BACKHOES CRAWLERS MISCELLANEOUS TRENCHERS DIRT ROLLERS X<v Caaa 8508 Cratwlar/Ooiar ta/ROPB Canopy, 8-Way Angle Blade, Excellent Cond. $18,500 Lockwood Mark XL potato harvester w/belted chain, very good condition. 717-788-1486. MANURE SPREADER NH 790, tandem, 2 beater, $1,600. 410-633-9091 MF 1144 Com head, 4R, narrowest width 36' row. Berks Co. 215/445-6426. MF 135 Tractor w/Rabuilt Motor. $2500; Farmall Cul Tractor w/Sickle Ba Mower. $1500; Ford 4 Boi tom Auto Reset Plow. $750; Krause 10 Tooth 3Pt. Chisel Plow. $5OO. (609)767-0444. MF 2745 tractor, 24 spd trans., V-8 engine, dual wheel, CAH, positive trac tion. (304)876-3247 No Sunday calls. MF 540 Combine with 13’ grain and com head. Dau phin Co. 717/367-6875. MF's 65, Two, On* Runs, Needs Clutch $2BOO, Other Needs Motor Work; Also Nl*7 Compfcker $250 and JD itar with Spare Parts $l2OO. Sussex County, NJ (201)383-0070. $lB,BOO $5,000 84,000 83,500 $9,500 $3,500 $4,500 $5,400 $14,200 ... $8,780 $13,800 .$17,800 $17,800 $29,800 $12,800 $12,000 ... $4,800 $10,780 $lO,BOO ... $2,380 ... $4,500 $lO,OOO .. $6,500 $20,000 $13,900 Used Harsh 375 TMR Wa gon, Excellent Condition, Ajtorox. 2 Ybars Old. (717)263-6199. Real Collector JO 1935 Da Orchard, Good Condition and Straight. (906)946-8876 Evening. Rigid grain heads for small grain. Larry Stalter The Combine Man* 1-800-248-2151 ROLLER ESSICK pull type, vibratory, needs motor work, $5OO. 410-833-9091 HERR & LEAMAN Used Farm Equipment Sales & Service 10 miles S. of Lancaster along n*. 222 JD 2953, MFWD, w/cab, SGB, vary nlca JD 4450 SGB. powar ahift, MFWD JD 4250 SGB, MFWD, powar shift, 20” radlals, nlca JD 4640 SGB, quad w/front whaal aaaist JD 4440 SGB, quad JD 4440 SGB, powar shift JD 2940 fsndar tractor, vary sharp JD 2940 yaar-a-round cab w/alr, MFWD 1976 JD 4630 SGB, 20” tiros JD 4430 SGB, quad JD 4430 SGB, quad JD 4430 SGB, 3400 hrs., vary nlca, w/no air JD 4240 SGB, quad JD 4030 quad fandsr tractor, ’77 modal JD 4020 gasjiowar shift, WF JD 4320 45683 v cab, air JD 3020,Tlias*l, NF, powar shift JD 830 D 2 cyl. JD 730 L.P. gas, straight & good JD 318 hydro lawn mowar JD 316 hydro lawn mowar IH 782 diaasl w/SO” dock Now Stocking Now Koykor Quick Attach Loaders For Moat JD & IH Farm Tractors, 40 HP To 180 HP. Combines COMING IN: Nl 800 C 4WD 750 original hr«. r w/839 & 846 6RN, gray machine vary nice 1983 JD 7720 combine, nice JD 6620 dlasal rubbar JD 4420 air, monitors, haador hslght JD 7700 diaaal, hydro, air, nlcs JD 7700 D, varlabls spaad, aarly modal, shsddsd, good condition, chaap JD 6608fldaal. hydro, 404 angina 19/u modn, mca 1976 JD 4400 dlaaal, nice JD 4400 dlaaal, 2000 hr*. JD 4400 D, air, 1974 modal IH 715 Garman dlaaal, hydro, AC IH 715 D hydro w/atr Ml 800 w/alr, 4WD w/639 huakar & 844 N head, real nice unit Nl 705 D, 500 hra. on angina major Implements & Mia IH 720 6x18” auto raaat IH 720 6x16” auto raaat IH 720 5x18” auto raaat IH 720 5x18” toggle trip plow, aaml mount Caa* IH 720 4x18” auto raaat, almoat new IH 720 4x16” auto raaat IH 710 4x16 auto raaat IH 700, 5x16” auto raaat IH 470, manual fold 16’ disc, naads bladas KMC dlac chlaal IH 550 apraadar * JD 510 round balar JD 640 hay raka Brady 1440 12|atalk ehoppar Ground pickup, aida mountad Factory JD WF to fit 520 thru 730 Factory JD WF to fit 3020 thru 4020 Dual whaala • 34’a and 38’a Tractor Walghta JD A IH IH 544 dlaaal, hydro Far mall IH 504 utility IH $56 dlaaal IH 706 dlaaal IH 1256 Box 191 New Providence, PA 17560 (717) 786-1600 Fax Or Leave Message 717-786-4773 F 8- Potato bin stacker, 24‘ boom, varygoocranditiflin. Lahigh Co. 218-296-2883. PUBLIC AUCTION: Mary land, October 9th. Lots of horse equipment and har ness at Damascus, Mont gomery County, Maryland. 301-253-2473. R6O Gleaner, 4WD, 300 bu. bin, low hours W/R630 Com Head, excellent 3150 JD, 4WD w/loader. 7085 Deutz Allis. 2WD. DXI4O Deutz, 4WD. 412/254-4753. QUALITY TRACTORS AND EQUIPMENT/REASONABLY PRICED/SERVICED i AVAILABLE WITH A 100% WARRANTY ON ENGINE AND DRIVE TRAIN DELIVERY AVAILABLE Tractors lal-a-matlc, 28” Farmall 400 & 450 D & gas Farmall HAM Nl 713 4 715 grain haads Nl 702 D 4 701 G 4 702 G Nl 717 eombina JD 4020 dal., powarahlft JD3O2OG Shaver Post Drivers: HDB $lOO5, HDIO $1605. Ta neytown Farm A Hard ware, 410/751-1800. SICKLE MOWER, side mounted, JO 250,5', $2OO. 410-833-9001 Silo Press Bagger, $2500. (908)852-6268. Deere 3300, 4400, 6600, 7700, 6620, 7720; IH axial flows & heads. Wholesale prices to farmers. Larry Stalter The Combine Man’ 1-800-248-2151 IH 3588, 2+2, Nice Tractor IH 1486 cab, air, original & vary sharp IH 1486 Factory Cab, Air, 1979 Red Power IH 1086 cab, air IH 986 factory cab, air, It,-38 liras, nlcs w/2600 hrs. IH 986 factory cab, air, 25 '0 hrs., sharp IH 986 factory cab, air IH 886 factory cab, air, vei ,■ nice Casa IH 885 fendar tractor, 38” tlras, roll guard IH 6840 IH 84 hydro, 2800 hrs. IH 1466 whits cab, nsw 1 IH 1066 fender tractor, 370 hrs., sharp IH 1066 rad cab w/alr IH 1066 White cab w/alr IH 966 w/cab & air IH 966 rad cab w/c'r, sharp IH 966 fender tractor, WF, i pt. IH 806 dlaaal WF IH 5740 IH 656 dlaaal. WF, hydro IH 656 gaa, narrow front, 3 pt. Farmall H Whit* 2-70 w/roll guard, 1400 original hra., vary nlea AC 185 dlaaal, 2800 hra., nica Caaa 1835 C, dlaaal. skid ioadar Caaa skid ioadar, good Casa 18358 gas, skid loader Heads MF 1163 6RN MF 1143 4RN MF 1144 4RW^ MF 1859, ISjrfKr w/UII reel MF 13’ 1859nlax haad w/6 bat Ull raal IH 943 4RN, vary nlca (2) IH 843 4RN, 1 Vary Good JD 443 lrao. 4RN JD 443 wmadaptar kit JD 443 hl-tln, vary nlca JD 444 hl-tln, var nlca JD 444, 4RW JD 216 flax JD 215 Flax Blac Raal JD 215 flax, yalk > raal JD 213 flax, black raal JD 213 flaxaagSsJw raal JD 13’ & rigid haad JD adapter for aar corn head to chopper Nl 766 hay pickup head Nl 713 grain head Nl 763, 3 Row Chopper H* ad Nl 743, Quick Attach Nl 844 N, 4RN Nl 741 quick attach throat Have Part Number Ready We Ship U.P.S. MINNtAPOLIS MOLINE PARTS NEW AND USED AND TRACTORS. EVERETT BROS. 614-922-3335. MOWER WOODS 15' P swing, new, $5,300. 4 >833-9091 Model 2M International Wide Row Corn Picker, Good Shape. Will Sell w/ Tractor or Without. (717)432-9704. Mounted 602 Ford 2R Com Picker, Good Condition. (717)766-6200. IH 70 hydro IH 806 diaaal 4 gaa IH 560 0 IH 706 gaa tractor IH dual PTO unit* IH 826 diaaal IH 1026 hydro
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers