Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 25, 1993, Image 139
JD 6R-30" front mount cul tivator, complete w/toolbar rear'section. Fits 2510 through 4020; T Land clearing diac, $400; 40' King Wyse conveyor $BOO. 609-885-1962. JD 70 standard, nice, $3,000. 410-833-9091 JD Post Bounder, Like New $1100; Nl Double Feeder ISOBu. Manure Spreader, Near New $2700; Fox 900 Corn Chopper, w/Knife Grinding Attachment, Excellent $1560; NH Model 25 Silo Blower, Excellent $850; Smidley 3 Stall Creep Feeder, Near New $250; MF 4 Bottom Plow, Very Good $225. Call Days 814-695-8478 Evening 814-695-3421. CULTIVATORS: 3 point or horao drawn avail* MOWERS: 3 point or trailing taaturoa: guards A abla in 1-2-3- or 4 rowa can ba uaad aa a HaM blada, movs back and forth cuts Ilka a scissors, cultivator with a fsw attachmants. Qrsat for vag- virtually no plugging. atablos. Wa can custom build: Options: rolling shlalds, disc hlllara, liquid aids drsssars, row tracking system. RAKEB: available Inground drive or PTO ataal DEEP TILL SLITTER: AvallaMa In lor 2 ahanka, wliaala or rubbar tiroa Faaturoa: forma a vary optional hydraulic*. On Sala Now fluffy windrow, can also ba uaad aa a windrow Invartar. Doaa net ropa hay. A raal loaf aavar. Com blndara: gat your ordara In by June 1,1994 We Also Carry Flex Tine Harrows I & J FORKLIFT PETTIBONE SUPER 6, gas, 4x4, Hke new rubber, excellent con dition thru-out, $4,000. 410-833-9091 JO 730, diesel. NF, nice, $2,800. 410-833-9091 White 2-105.106 hp, excel lent condition, completely overhauled w/cab, tires like new. York Co. 717-862-3972. White 2-155, Cab, 20.6X38, 1000 PTO, Nice, $7900. (717)867-4896. White 2-60 w/ROPS, nice. 717-933-9219. While 8800 combine, 3000 his., 6RN, 4WR, 15' Ilex, will separate; Parting out 8600 combine. 717-569-8925. The I & J Cultivator MANUFACTURING Dept. LF, 5302 Amish Road • Gap, PA 17527 717-442-9451 (Call Batwaan 8:45-9:00 AJM. Weekday Aak For Jake) WANTED; Old 'Country Gentlemen” or "Farm Jour nal* or farm related maga zines. 717-692-2645. WANTED: Snapper head for John Deere harvester, 2R. 814-662-4203. WANTED; Straw Chopper, MF 760-860. (304)876-3892. WANTED: Tractor with loader, 30 to SO hp. Call 215/873-9193, Phil Washington. WOODS “Belly” mower for Farmall Cub, s', new, $825. 410-833-9091 Zetor 5211 P/S L/PTO, 3/pt., 350 hrs., $7,250. 410/833-1847. Zetor Hay Tedder, demo, 9'W, $1450. 410/833-1847. 10% OFF ALL CULTIVATORS BOUGHT UP TO 11-30-93 Nl 319 mounted corn picker gathering unit. 320 8-roll husking bed, very good condition, $1,200. (814)658-3602. Nl 701 Uni-system, 72 corn head, 722 shelter, nice condition, field ready, kept inside, 1 owner, small acreage. 717-529-6744. Nl 706 Uni-System, 743 3R 30" Hd., 737 Husker, GMC Diesel, Shed Kept. $lO,OOO. (301)898-7426. Nl 737 husker and 740 feeder house, both in good condition, $2,000 for both.., 770 high moisture throat,' like new, $675. (717)235-1790. Oliver 76, 13 Hole Single Disc Drill, $5OO. (215)756-6723. jSSB FORD TRACTORS New 3430 (2) Used 8N NEW HOLLAND New 650 Round Baler New 40 Forage Blower New 463 disc mower Used 770 harvester Used 272 Baler w/SS Used 469 Haybine Used 442 Disc Mower OTHER TRACTORS New Bolens HIS 2 Dsl. OTHER EQUIPMENT New Kuhn FC3OO Disk Mower Conditioner New Ford 140 3x16” Moldboard Plow New Ford 133 High Clear- ance Chisel Plow New Ford 151 48x16" Auto Reset Plow New Ford 152 58x16" Auto Reset Plow Used IH SOT Baler w/ engine We Ship Parts UPS Same Day Sweigard Bros. Inc. 3882 Peters Mtn. Rd. Halifax, PA 17032 717-896-3414 Since 1937 WEED WIPER. 15’ Can tury, tike NEW, $l,OOO, IShp, 20hp, 30hp electric motors, 3 ph., $3OO. (717)382-4878. We specialize in flat belt ing, cut to order, baler throwers, self unloading wagons, long table blower belts. Franklin Co. 717-263-0573. If no answer 717-597-8896. Oswalt 230, 1990, TMR mixer wagon w/scalas, used 2 years, very good shape. 301-634-6060. Deere 5200 SP chopper, air, small knives, 90% tires, rotating air screen, sheded, $18,900. Delivered; Others Available. Larry Stalter "The Chopper Man* 1-800-248-2151 Parting Out; Gallon 118 grader; Cat 9554; IHC 150; TD9; T 9; TD6; G2ser load ers dozers. Lots of parts left. Cascade hyd. barrel damp and rotator for forklift enclosed cab 9SSL Some rset, NJ 908-668-3414. ■ NEW! JOHN DEERE FARM TRACTORS By Randy Lelfingwell. One of the best detailed histories available on America's favo rite farm tractors JOHN DEERE. More than 250 stunning color photographs, are rare archival pictures. Starting from early experimental to Waterloo Boy, the Model D, the great Johnny Poppers and the four and six-cylinder models of today. Also has many specs & Serial numbers. No John Deere fans won't want to pass up this excep tionally well done history. 192 large pages. Quality Hardcover $29.95 1 ■ NEW! FARMALL TRACTORS By Robert N. Pripps & Andrew Mori and. The first devoted history of FARMALLS in vivid color photographs of original & Restored farm tractors. A must for Farmall own ers, 40-B&W photos, and 80 Color. 128 pages. Quality Softcover $19.95 ■ NEW! CLASSIC FARM TRACTORS By Randy Lelfingwell. Take a nostalgic tour of America's agricultural heritage as over 250 vivid action colord photos bring back memories of all famous American Tractors. Included are John Deere, International. Ford, Case, Minneapolis Molina, and Far mall. 192 pages Quality Hardcover. Excellent price of 0n1y..., $19.95 ■ NEW! OLIVER HART-PARR A quality CrasJioa Book by Charles H. Wondol. The (irat-aver hiatory, alto indudes Cockshutt, Nieholt A Shepard A While tractors A Farm Equipment. Extensive serial fs and reference section Hst Balers, Com Pickers, Cultivators, Harrows, Drills, Mowers, Plows, Windrowers. Over 1000 Photographs, 206 large pages. Quality Leatherette Cover, Regularly $30.08 Spedall .'. $36.95 ■ NEW! A FULL PULL THE SPORT OF TRACTOR PULLING. Covers the engineering skills of tractor own ers who modify their machines to produce thousands of horsepower. Superchargers, gas turbines, aircraft, helicopter, tank and torpedo boat engines, have been adapted. Most classes are covered, including minipullers. Illustrated by 120-vivid action col ored photos, 112 pages. Quality Hardcover. Regularly $34.95 Spedall.... $29.95 ■ NEW! ILLUSTRATED CASE TRACTOR BUYERS GUIDE By Peter Letoumeau. The first-ever buyer’s guide on Case Tractors. Every model of collectible and working J.l. Case up to 1960 Is profiled with development histories, options, specifications and investment ratings. Unique five-star value rating system. Valuable reference, 200 B&W photos, 160 pages. Quality Softcover $16.95 photographs specially selected from the Minneapolis-Moline Co. Archives. Included are photos of rare UDLX. Features brief history. 144 pages Quality softcover.. $24.95 The Early and lata series appeaar in 130 photographs from Catarpillar Archives. Shown in construction, logging and fanning, featured a concise history. Indispend abla, 144 pages Soft Cover $24.95 NEW! CATERPILLAR SIXTY PHOTO ARC HIVE, 130 Photographs 144 pages $24.95. SPECIAL! Both above collectors Archive Books $45.95 ■ NEW! FARMALL E SERIES PHOTO ARCHIVE lanciHef Firming, Saturday, September 25,1993-D5 TD6 Crawler tor-Parte, PTO, Good Undercarriage. (717)530-5661. Tractors 900,500, L, Case 660,560, WD9, IH parts for W 9, WD9, TD9, 630 Case. Cab for 930 CK. Interstate Batteries. AARON KING, 155 HERR RD., RONKS, PA 17672. Two Row Corn Head for New Holland 717 or 770 and New Holland Tank Spreader. (717)675-2687. Two row New Idea mounted husker, good condition. 215-5365094. USED TRACTOR PARTS, also rebuilt dutches and torques. We ship UPS. Hill- T Farm Sales - Service, 4295 Richmond Palestine Road, New Madison, Ohio 45346. 513-548-0718. Pneumatic tire, towmotor, forklift, 4000#; aluminum 4* irrigation pip* and fittings, Race 5 Race. 609-661-5279 M-F, 68PM. FISHER’S FARM SHOP RR 1 - Box 114 Lincoln Unlv., PA 19352 218-860-4477 Coll Botwoon 9:15 A 9:30 Monday A Thursday Reconditioned Welders 1 - 230 Amp Hobart 1 - 250 Amp Hobart 1 - 225 Amp Lincoln 1 - 225 Amp Millar