Revenue Department Clarifies Sales Tax On Manure Tanks HARRISBURG (Dauphin J The exemption, however, Co.) The Pennsylvania U f l ) P" ient ’, and suppliesused does not apply to an entire Department of Revenue has oTCradon'of^i^i^ 1 Y poultry house or the entire clarified the state sales tax rh* building housing a hog feeder exemption so that farmers who ha® ? f Revenue operation. Farmers who have construct manure holding facil- l-.h;® 1 ® 1 ™ 1 " 6 ,; that a ? ianurc questions concerning the sales ities beneath high-rise poultry q . uallfies as tax should consult the Pennsyl houses do not hSe to pay sali Sales and Use Tax Reg lax on that ponton of their new ‘ h '„ “■“'on 226 or they should con building, aecordlng to Agricul- f VIoTZZ*TT« ~c‘ ,he De P a » m '" l lure Secretaty Boyd E. Wolff. Jsl°, g dor at Revenue. Sales Tax Division Wolff, who has asked for a ' v (717) 783-9360. clarification, commended offi- __ . . i so cials at the state Department of EPA ApprOVCS LJUIK MIX Revenue for their decision which will benefit poultry tConMnu** from Pag* 02) producers cane, see dhng johnsongrass, crab “ln the past, manure facill- «'.*“■ r f, d ri “. ties in the basements of hog T 1 woo ">’ C“P -o , , .. _ . e 6 grass, and volunteer com. feeder operations qualified for “ jhe Galaxy tank mix is general the exemption while similar iy better suited for northern beans, units under poultry houses did Miller said, while the Storm tank not qualify,” Wolff said. mix is better suited for southern “These manure facilities can beans, accurately be called ‘manure “A tank mix with Galaxy will tanks’ and as such they are control velvetleaf, cocklebur, and equipment directly used in the pigweed very well because of the operation of a farm.” higher concentration of Basagran The Tax Reform Code of herbicide in Galaxy.” Millersaid. 1971 exempts from sales .tax ‘' A , UI± m . ix with Storm win con any purchase of machinery, f™. m o m,n gg lo |y and ragweed r J belter because of the higher con- PHONE: 717-626-1164 or 717-394-3047 FAX 717-733-6058 Mon., Tubs., Wed.. Fri. 8 AM to 5 PM; Thurs, 7 AM to 5 PM Q FARM SQUIPMENT ih 5100 grain drill 24x6, 00 opener*, firming wheels, grass seeder, ex cellent condition, soybean special, $4,200. (717)597-4790. IH 510 grain drill, 18x7, double rib tires, OD open ers, firming wheels, grass seeder, excellent condi tion, $2650. Can deliver. 216/358-2763. IH 51 silage wagon w/ chute. $4OO. (301)898-7426. IH 656, gas, tri-cycle, new motor, outlets, TA, excel lent rubber, $3,850. 410-833-9091 Deere 5460 4x4 chopper, 3,334 hrs., 23* tires, $26,900. Delivered. 1-800-248-2151 BATWING MOWER WOODS B-320, demo, new, $B,OOO. 410-833-9091 2250 Gal. Calumet Slinger Spreader, 4Year Old, 21.5X16.1 Tires, Excellent. $4200 Or Best Offer. Ju mata Co. (717)589-3320. 2-Case SC's (1) w/Loader, All Original Paint, Runs Great, $BOO and $lBOO. (908)946-8876 Evening. 2 Generators, Willy's En gine, Both Run Great, Large Capacity Power Sources. $750/Each. $l2OO/Pair. (908)946-8876 Evening. 2 MF #44 Corn Heads, $5OO for both; Dynavent 11 HP bedding chopper, ex cellent condition, $lOOO. 215/683-3561. 2R mounted #237 JD corn husker, shed stored, $BOO Or Best Offer. 215-756-6541. 2R Ml Corn Picker, good condition. 215/273-3692. 2 used 13.6x16 turf tires, $125 080. 10 ton floor jack, $l4O 080. Bandsaw for metal, $l4O 080. (410)357-8031. Fusion is added to the tank mix at 8 to 10 ounces per acre. The 10-ounce rate may be necessary with conditions such as low soil moistuie and low relative humidi ty, and should be used when weed foliage is dense or when weeds have reached the maximum recommended growth stage. An approved crop oil concen trate at 0.5 to 1.0 quart per 25 gal lons (0.5 to 1 percent by volume) of water should always be added to the tank mix of Fusion with Galaxy or Storm. BUY. SELL. TRAPE OR RENT THROUGH THE pvh i d 100 C IH crawler loader, ex cellent, $7lOO. 315-536-2141 Yates Co. IH 1460 Combine w/20‘ 820 Flexhead, 863 Corn head, Will Separate. (717)464-3697. IH 1486, CAH, 540 & 1000, TA, 20.8 rubber, $8,750. 410-833-9091 IH 1586, CAH. 4,400 hrs., 540 & 1000, 2 valves, working air, axle duals, full weights, sharp Western tractor, $12,500. 410-833-9091 IH IPR corn picker, white elevator. (717)653-4848. IH 3 Bottom Semi-Mount Reset Plow w/Coulters. $700; Oliver 4 Bottom Semi-Mount Plow, Like New Bottoms. $700; JD 5 Bottom Semi-Mount Plow. $500; Ford 4 Bottom 18’ Plow $650. (609)767-0444. FORD 9700 fender, 8 spd., runs excellent, new paint, $6,350. 410-833-9091 FORD 9700. CAH. fresh engine, $B,OOO. 410-833-9091 FORKLIFT Koehring 710, gas, 4,000 lbs., 30', rebuilt engine, $4,000. 410-833-9091 *323 Ml 1R corn picker, picked less than 100 acres. 410-775-7430. 3300 Deere Combine & Header, very good. $4,950. Larry Stalter ‘The Combine Man" 1-800-248-2151 13 ton steel feed bin 717-665-4743. 18' TUFFLINE HYD. FOLDING TANDEM AXLE DISC, ready to work, good heavy disc, $3900. 717/866-5825. 1936-37 (5) JD unstyled B's, brass tag- round spokes- flat spokes, long and short frames, good runners, 1 restored, per fect. Starting at $3,495. (908)946-8876 evenings. centration of Blazer herbicide in Storm.” 10* Miller OffsetOisc Level ing Cylinder, Disc Blades 80%. Real Good Condition. $3300. 301-349-5432. COLLECTOR XTI9O-HC Hi Crop, excellect condi tion, low hrs., $4995 080. (908)946-8876 evenings. Collectors JD 620's, 720's, 820‘s, SON, 60N, BN, AN, Etc. (908)946-8876 Evening. Combine; NHTR-85 4Wh.Dr. 3208 CAT 30.5X32, 2700 Hrs, 6RN, 4RW, 13'Qrain, V.G.Cond. Extra Parts. (717)358-3113. Cultipacker, Brillion 10', 4* axle, $5OO. (301)898-7426. Cutditioner, New Idea. 7' flail, good condition and one for parts, $1200; 5 wheel hay rake, pull type, $3OO. 703-837-1063. Deere 4x4 kit for self pro pelled choppers, $6,000.; 4x4 kit for 20 series combines, $6,000. Larry Stalter ‘The Chopper & Combine Man* 1-800-248-2151 Deere adapter plate for chopper, to snap ears. Larry Stalter The Chopper Man' 1-800-248-2151 Dismantling for Parts: Hun dreds of (arm tractors new and old several JD 2 cylin ders also dozers and track loaders. Call for any part you might need. Atkins Tractor Salvage. Union WV 24983. Phone 304-772-3741. Dri-all Dryers: 1 is A-20 oil PTO, 400 Bu/hr continuous flow; other is PCII6 gas 30hp electric, 250 bu/hr, continuous flow. $lOOO/ b o I h . 908-859-2616. F3L912 Deutz Diesel, 50hp, good condition; 10% off on double heat treated guards; also other specials on (arm supplies. Smuck ers Repair, 94 Summit Hill Drive, Strasburg, PA 17579. IH 830 plus hay pickup & 2R crop head, 1000 RPM; BU 940 & 920 unloading wagons, 3 beaters; Int. 56 blower. 609/298-5024. IHC 234 picker mounted on 560 gas tractor, field ready, $3OOO 080. Baltimore Co. 410-357-4073 after 7PM IH sub-soiler 5 tooth auto reset, $3,500. Ml 279 flail mower, 9', $l,BOO. Hes ston baler 4600 w/thrower, late model. IH field cultiva tor 18' flat fold, $2,500. (717)336-6547. International FarmaH Cub, single point hitch w/plow, 48' flailer mower, blade, wheel weights, chains, $3200. 717-966-3996. International 56 Corn Planter w/lnsecticide Sprayer. $600; JD 3 Bot tom Plow Pull Behind. $300; Ford 3 Bottom Plow $4OO. (717)938-4017. Int. Offset 6‘ Disc, almost new, 22* blades in front, has transport wheels, ready to use. 215/679-8921. JD 13' Rigid Combine Head, Very Good Condi tfon, Shed Kept. (717)944-1346 Days or (717)533-5127 Evenings. JD 1R snapper com head. Will deliver. 717-665-4743 JD 334,3 RN cornhead, fits 55 combine $900; JD #350 hayrake, 3pt, drawn, PTO driven, $350; Brady 7' flail mover, delivery available. York. 717-456-7783. JD 336 baler w/#3O ejector, real nice, $4500; Brillion 10' packer w/4* axle, $725; Favorite gravity bin wagon, like new, $875; 30' elevator w/corn chute & motor, $625. 215/562-4464. JD 343 Cornhead w/ Adapter Plate for Forage Harvester; NH 38 Crop Chopper. (302)653-6055. JD 8300 grain drill, 18x7, dd openei*. like new condi tion, $3850.717-653-5359. JD AR propane, $2800; 530 $2900; 730 d-atd. $4400; 28’ thresher $800; IH com binder $600; NH #22 silo blower w/pipe $3OO (both new condition); 1800 bu. wire com crib, $5OO. 717-597-3364 day; 717-597-4296 evenings. JO B, does not run, $750 080. Call after SPM 609-227-8217. JD-D 3020, side console, dual outlets, original tach, ex.cond. tricycle, $9000; 2bin wagons. 410/692-2380. JD D's 1936 Unstyled, Like New, Show Quality; 1 Styled D, Very Good Con dition. (908)946-8876 Evening. JD GM tractor #22100; JD G tractor #23547, both good running condition, $2OOO/each. 908/359-5934. JD grain drill, 7b, 15 hoe, double disc opens, good condition, $250. 215-249-3913 Bucks Co. JD High Quality Flex Heads: 220, 216, 213. Shinabery Equipment, 517/523-2883. JD High Quality Corn Heads: 843,643,443,444, 343. Shinabery Equip ment. 517/523-2883. JD High Quality Combines: 7720, 6620, 7700, 6600, 4400, Shinabery Equip ment, 517/523-2883. JD Model 2800 5 bottom on land plow, variable width, spring reset, buster bar, $4,000; JD Model 1418 Rotary Mower, pull type, guards, cuts 14 feet, $4,500; Rhino model 950 rear blade, Oft. cut, 3-way hyd. wriaii wheel, $1,500. All units are mechanidy ex 'ellent 'nd 'to sell. enings Lmostw Fwimng, Saturday, September 25,1993-03 Farmall 350 utility w/P8 8 last hitch, .$2876; Farmall Cub w/nww plow' 8 Ipt. hitch, $1450; Nl 5 bar hay rake, $525; Ford Jubilee 3pt., good tires, $2900; Brillion 16' wing harrow, $875. 215/862-4464. Farmall 460 w/WFE and 3-bottom plow, $3OOO OBO; 1H206 combine w/13‘ grain head, $2200 080. Good condition. 814/652-6866 Bedford Co. Farmall H, 12 VoK, 40HP, Hyd. outlet, belt pully, runs excellent, $l,OOO. 301/898-7428. Farmall M tractor, restored, live PTO, 2-way hyd., power crater engine, $3500. (218)287-8934. Farmall Super A Cultivator Engine, Rebuilt, New Paint, Battery, Good Hy draulics, Manuals Extra F/R Rims, Tires. $1750; CAT D-2 Dozer Engine, Rebuilt Hydraulics, Fair Steering, dutches Frozen, Complete Manuals Extra Parts. $l5OO. (215)865-4563 Bucks County. Farmers = Dealers - Your advertising pays for itself when you advertise your equipment in the farm equipment section. 717-394-3047 or 717-626-1164. Fixer Upper Special; JD 4840 Tractor w/Cab, Fire Damage, Cab Burned Out, Tractor Can be Fixed. Seri ous Inquiries Only. $8950. Daytime (304)772-3741. JD 750 no-til drill, 15', used 450 acres, dolley wheel, seed box, $19,500. (301)297-8501. JD 780 Hydo-push spreader; 2 NH crop carrier 8 forage wagons; Stoltzfus feeder trailer, 30' w/locking head gates. 410/893-5724. JD 830, 730, 630, 1952 G; 1938 Q, on spokes. Call evenings. 717-222-4432. Cleaner F 2, 1,000 separa tor hrs., SN 39610, very good, $9,500. Larry Staller ‘The Combine Man* 1-800-248-2151 Gleaner F gas, 13* & black 4 row wide header, good, $7,950. Larry Stalter The Combine Man‘ 1-800-248-2151 Gleaner M Combine, side hill blower, 15' floating head; Ford 5000 WF. Far mall M. All excellent condi tion. Columbia County. (717)784-4499. Glenco 16' vibra shank harrow; Brillion 11T chisel plow w/gauge wheels; Alu minum elevator w/motor; 15' Krause transport disc w/new disc blades; 10* Bril lion cultimulcher; Interna tional 16-disc grain drill; 15.5x38 tractor chains; JD 2020 dime), 30% rubber, remote cylinder valve; 3pt JO tool bar w/twisted teeth; JD 80A, 3pt blade. 717-632-4022. Grain bin, 10,500 bushel, $4,500 (717)759-1308. Gravity wagon, good shape, 111 tires; Hesston stacker and stack mover; JD silage wagon, 12 ton running gears, needs floor. Baltimore Co. 410-343-1077. G.T. tomatoe side dump, good condition, $4000; 1992 Pik-Rite tomatoe harvester, used 150 acres. (717)426-2659. Hesston 4800 big square baler, field ready, $15,500. (215)598-7687. HIGH TORQUE DIESEL STARTERS with. 3 yr. warranty for most domestic tractors and select imports. With 6 month no risk money back guarantee. Call Gary D. Sneath at 1-800-622-7892 IH 1066, CAH, outlets, TA, shafts, recent overhaul, vary nice, $6,500. 410-833-9091