Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 25, 1993, Image 120
C32-L*nc*ster Farming, Saturday, Sapiamber 25,'1993 |S£fl PETS sssssssssssssss CASH FOR PUPPIES IN LITTER LOTS For Resale As Pets $ Cash Paid $ Will Pick Up $ * Call Charlie Hackett T $ For Prompt Pickup $ $ 215-681-5236 $ sssssssssssssss PUPS WANTED foM JO JO O’NEILL TES* Daily Pickups In Penna I Need All Types, Pure and Cute Mixed Breeds and Barnyard Specials. All Pups Must Be Cleaned And Healthy And Free Of Bugs To 8 Weeks Only. For Extra Prompt Reliable Pick-up Call Early Mon., Tues., or Wed. for best results call all day Monday 1-800-392-4953 or 1-609-452-8903 AKC Collie Stud Service Nice Markings, from good stock 717/284-5146 NOTICE RECREATION- For the best big game hunting in North Central PA. 1717)324-2841. INVITATION FOR BIDS The Chester County Conservation District is request ing bids for the construction of an Agricultural Waste Storage System to be funded in part by the Chesa peake Bay Program. Construction of this project is Y expected to begin during October 1993. The site is A located in West Sadsbury Township, Chester \ County. \ The site showing is scheduled for 10:00 AM Septem v ber 29, 1993. Prospective contractors will receive a a bid package consisting of instructions to bidders, a \ sample contract form, the plans and specifications for ? the project and a bid sheet. Small and minority 6 businesses and women’s business enterprises are A encouraged to respond to this invitation for bids. A Sealed bids will be accepted until the public bid open i mg at 10.00 AM on October 6, 1993, in the Chester v County Conservation District office Y To obtain a bid package or more information contact A the Chester County Conservation Distnct at: A Chester County Conservation District \ Government Services Center, Suite 395 \ 601 Westtown Rd. O West Chester, PA 19382-4544 > (215) 696-5126 X Contact: Jim Saltsman KIMSCEU>INEOUS Dupps Single Hog or Goat Dehairer and Gat Fired Single Hog and Goat Scat der. $2500. (410)756-2420. A&W Country Meats. Rear 12 Middle Street, Taneytown, MD 21787. Big Dutchman Winross truck* for safe, $5O/ea. Supplies are limited. Call HERSHEY EQUIPMENT CO., INC. 717-393-5807 today! BRIDGEPORT MILL, 1980 with readout, 42’ table $2,500. BRIDGEPORT MILL, variable speed, crome ways, power feed, 42’ table, $3,500. BRIDGEPORT MILL, 36’ table, $l,BOO. Please call (908)788-8022. For Sale: Stainless Steal 56 Gal. Drums, like new, $75 each. 717/733-4763. FOR SALE: Used 404 Weflsaw, $l7B. Lebanon Co. 717-636-1984. EU LOST Black male setter, Raider, lost near Liverpool, PA, on 8/24/93, $lOO reward. 717-444-7856. Fellow farmers are you cur rently experiencing finan cial difficulties or have you had difficulties in the past? For helpful information phone 717-653-0214. Farm toys-Collector Se ries, Show Tractors, Pedal Tractors, Trucfcs-for sale at all times. Visit our large dis play during business hours. Wengers Farm Ma chinery, Inc., 251 S. Race St., Myerstown, PA 717/866-2130. WANTED: Used tools aid machinery. Buy, Sell, Trade, Consign or Finder. B.J. TOOL*SUPPLY, RT 422 W, Myerstown, PA. 1-600-772-9645. Modot CBOOBH 245.00&8TU clean burn waste oil furnace, UL ap proved, new, $4250; Sun lire waste oil furnace, 280.0008TU. UL ap proved, self-contained, w/2SO gal. oil storage, ap prox. 14' of triple wall stack w/damper, used 6 months, $5250. 717/545-8655 M-F 6-5. PAYING TOP DOLLAR FOR ORIGINAL WIDE AT TIC FLOORS. WE RE MOVE. 717/220-2806. SAVE MONEY ON WOODWORKING MACHINES! Band saws, Jcinlsrs, plan ers, routers, scroll saws, drill presses, table saws, sanders, ladies, shapers, dust collectors A more in stock. 30 Day Free Trial! 1 Year Warranty. Call For Low Prices. 1-800-445-4660. Terre HHI, Pa TAPE MACHINES: Used, great condition, electric and manual, gum sealing tape machines, IK -3 inch tape usage dispensers, $5O manual units and $75 for electric dispensers. Call (717)386-3510. Very large bronze church bell, approx. 500 lbs., dated 1805 w/hanger, stand, and wheel, $1750 080. 302-3265004. Gun Safe $1,250. 3-head sash sticker, $B5O. 3R transplanter, $1,250. (717)286-5306. Hot air furnace, combo wood/coal, blower system, thermostat control, 2200 sq.ft, capacity, used weekends, excellent condi tion, Harmon model SFISOO. Call 717-336-3937. Winter Garden Salad Co. Winross Trucks, SSO/each. 717/624-4911 ask for Tom. Woodworking Shop equip ment: Planer, routers, saws, large assortment bits blades and hand tools. 3000 board feet kiln dried hardwoods. $7OOO takes all. 717/386-2872. ■Clef TRUCKS & ■■ TRAILERS /J# A AUTO BODY & SAILS 1/01 B Division Mwv Now Holland, i-A - /1/ OS 1 . 00.44 cr e □ I Hydraulic Cider Press, home use, $l5O. Larger made to order. Lane. Co. 215/445-5309. MEAT CUTTING BAND SAW. $323. Call -800-445-4669. TIRONIB’S TARPS 717/584-2928 1/800/874-2928 GAME FISH Fmgarllng* and Adult*. Large and Small Mouth Sail, Spotted and Rock Baa*. , BraamCrapplaa, Trout, Channal Cat*. Bulhaada, # WaKeya*. Parch. Minnow, Northern*, Plokaral. Muaklaa, Rad Oil*, Mulled, Carp, Cad, Tuitlaa, Froga, krael Carp. Ako Aquatic Plant* and Walar MmTyf Llliaa. COLORFUL CATALOG *2.00. ■K# . , * Truck, Air and Parcel Pont Delivery. ZETTS FISH HATCHERIES ' •45S* - DRIFTINQ, PENNA. t(*34 . Phono: 514445-CM7 LIVI Wanted To Buy Wide Old Attic “Flooring” Log Cabin* • Summer Kitchens • Early Timber Frame Houaea & Sm. Timber Frame Outbldga. • Large Two Sealer Outhoueee - Frame Smoke houeee For Removal. Indian Doora • Interior I Exterior Doora w/Strap Hlngaa • Wide (Thick) Roofer Boarda • Wide (Thick) Cheatnut ft Yellow Pina Boarda, Wide Grainary Boarda, Old Stone ft Brick Interior Salvage Removal. Houaa (Hand- Hewn) Baama/Raftara Only. (“No Bam Baama or Siding") (Reasonable Priced Demolition Sarvioaa Avail.) Top Dollar Paid - “Travel The Farlhaat - Pay the Moatl (218) 887-1002 Anytime Travallnfl to All of Pa., Md.. Dal., N.Y., W. Va.-Va.l PAINTED STEEL ROOFING ft amnio • Qolvonlzod/Qolvolumo • 24/28 Qaugo • 3 Major Branda Avallabla • Lama Stock Trim ft Shoot • SV Crimp Mow AS LOW AS $32“ . Conestoga Building Supply Now Notion*. PA 17817 717-354-2613 or 1-800-844-0404 KiSfl TRUCKS A TRAILERS 1964 International DCI6O w/14‘ Grain Body Dump w/345 Engine. (215)285-6525. 1969 Hail 6000 gal. trailar, 2 oompartmente, bottom load acuHy. 717-383-1401. 1970 Ford F5OO Truck, Cab and Chassis, 361 En gine 15.000GVW, 12' Body Fits, Good Tires. $BOO (717)776-5803. 1973 C3O Chevy flatbed truck, parts, Bxl2 bed, large metal tool boxs, dual wheel rear, propane fuel system. 717-859-2706. 1974 International Fleet star 2070, fresh rebuilt, 290 Cummins, w/papers, 13 speed, wettine, 1020 tires, very nice condition, $6500. 717-677-9794 Evenings. 1976 Ford L 750 grain truck, 5+2, PS, PB, 14' Omaha grain body, IS ton Harsh scissor hoist, good condition, asking $4250. 717-786-1119 avenings. 'Mixing in RDuilt Coilltton Damage Vehicles 1978 Brockway twin screw, long whMl Iwm. 220 Cum mins, 13 apMd, new tires, now battalias, too many naw porta to Nat, in excel lent condition, road ready, $lO,OOO. (717)862-3164, after SPM (717)027-6342. 1078 QMO 6600, 366 oaa, S-i-2 trans, PS. 27,600 GVW w/20' Knapheida flatbed, 4 yaara old, 120,000 miloe, good condi tion. 717/620-4626 after 6pm. *B7 Ford XL HD F 250, super cob, 460 auto, traitor towing package, PS, PB, cruise, tilt, air, AM-FM cassette, like now condition, $10,500. 717-733-2873 'B7 Ford XL F250,4x4 w/8' stake body, 351 auto, PB, PS, AM-FM, dual tanks, 8,600 QVW, 41,000 milas, excellent condition, $8,975. 717-733-2873 'BB Chevy Silverado 4x4 Blazer, 3SO FI, auto, PS. PB, PW, PDL, cruise, tilt, air, AM-FM stereo, alumi num whls., black 5 silver, 1 owner, excellent condition, 88,000 miles, $8,600. 717-733-2873 'BB Dodge D2SO, % ton. 318 EFI, auto, PB, PS, AM FM, Mtehelin radials, 6,600 GVW, excellent condition, $6,700. 717-733-2873 'B9 Ford F 250, HD, % ton, 351 FI, auto, PB, PS, AM FM, 8,600 GVW, 48,000 miles, dark brown, ,1 owner, excellent condition, $8,975. 717-733-2873 'B9 Ford XL F 250 Super Cab, 351 EFI, 5 spd, PS, PB, cruise, ML air, AM-FM, 6,800 GVW, 44,000 miles, new Mchelin radiate, blue, excellent condition, $11,998. 717-733-2873 ■9O Dodge LE D 250 dub cab, HD. V* ton, 360 EFI, 4 spd., PS, PB, air, AM-FM cassatle, 8,510 GVW, 13,000 miles, dark blue, like new w/balance of factory warranty, $12,900. 717-733-2873 *9O Dodge LE Dl5O. 4x4, dub cob, 318 EFi, auto, PB, PS. AM-FM. 26,000 mites, charcoal 8 silver, excellent condition, $12,000. 717-733-2873 DO Ford F 250, HD. 4x4, 351 EFI. auto, PB, PS. AM FM, dual tanks, 8,600 GVW, new radials, 1 owner, 49,000 miles, $12,500, 717-733-2873 DO Ford XL F 150,300 EFI, 5 spd., PS, PB, AM-FM cassette, dual tanks, new radials, 45,000 miles, black, excellent condition, $8,300. 717-733-2873 91 Dodge, 5.0 diesel, dual wheels, auto, 25,000 miles, CB, tow pkg., extras. Per fect condition. $18,500. 014/460-4159. Chevy 4WD, Dually, 6.8., 4Spd., 370 Gears, Lock- Outs, Towing Package, 16' Radials, PS, PB, Sleeper, $5OOO. (717)762-7040. Chevy C3O, 1985, w/11' steel flatbed, 454, AT, PS, PB, AC, good condition, $5900. WANTED; 12' truck bed.7l7-345-4882. Chevy Duley Crew Cab, 1988, 35,000 miles, 454 4-wheel lowing package, cap, bed liner, many ex tras, mint condition, $17,500. 717/348-7927. 1977 International Trans tar, BVO2 with Jake, 0-5 spd., 11R24.5 alum/steel Budds, 75% rubber, $4500. 814/267-4460. 1079 Ford 800, 429 gas, 32,000 QVW, S-i-2, PS, air brakes. 410-877-0880. 1979 6MC, 6 passenger window van, 400 engine, automatic transmission, tow package, HQ, $lOOO. 717-927-9624. 1979 R Modal Tandem Axle Mack Tractor, 300 En gine, 60 Transmission, 11R24.5 Rubber w/ Wetline. $7500. (215)383-7042. 1980 Datsun Pick-Up 4X4, Qood Motor, Fair, Cab. (215)756-6723. 1982 GMC Astro S/A truck tractor, 671 TA, Detroit tflesel, 10-speed, 11-22.5 tires, $7250. 717/546-8655 M-F, 8-5. 1985 Iveeo Z-230 turbo diesel, 5 speed, 10' dump body, 17,000 QVW, runs great, $6,900. (410)287-9030. 1988 Pelsrbilt 379 Long hood tractor, 425 Cat. 48’ bunk, 9-spd., air ride, all alum. Budds, 80% rubber, wetline, lots of chrome, 359,000 total miles, offer. 1974 tank trailer, 8500 gal., vapor recovery, skuliy sys tem, bottom load, good condition, $3,500. Shertzer 35 ton low bed, 15" tires w/ramps, new paint and floor, $5,000. 215/343-0156. 1990 Ford F 350 diesel P/U 4x4 XLT LariaL air, auto, am/fm, never in snow, mint condition, $15,900 080. 201/694-0834. 1993 Bonanza 17 fool horse stock combo, $3200 tack comp. 717-284-2020. 20’ Steel Grain Dump w/60* Removable Sides, Triple Bam Door Type Tail gate w/Graln Gaia..s4soo. (301)478-2156. 2 1977 Mack trucks, w/or without tanks; 3 tanks; 2-4000 gal., 1-5300 gal. 717/S?2‘2*As after 7:3opm except Thur. 3 Possum-beßy cattle trail ers, reasonable, aeD 1 or all. 410-368-0412. 70 Int. 18* dump buck, rough, 410429-1027 76 Ford 9000 270 Cum mins turbo diesel truck, 4200 gal. liquid manure tank, vacuum pumb, side sprawling, tan, good oondi tion, $16,000. (717)529-2803. 77 IH 18* Insulated Box, Power Steering, Air Brakes, New Tires, 35,000 GVW. (717)374-0759. 81 Int 2600 tdm. axle, 22' flat dump, w/grain sides, 56 GVW; 80 Int 1800, 20 ft flat, w/grain sides, 27 GVW; 78 Ford P6OO step van, 15 GVW; 74 Ford 750 Cab/chassis 27GVW; 65 GMC5000,22 ft van body, 27 GVW. 1970 Diamond Reo Tandem Tractor. 1969 Fruehauf Stainless Steel 13'4'x45' Dry Box. (609)358-0831. 'B7 Dodge 250, HD, M ton w/8’ Reading utility body, 360 auto, PB. PS. AM-FM, 6,510 GVW, 43,000 origi nal miles, 1 owner, new radials, excellent oonditon. $8,975. 717-733-2873