LAWN MAINTENANCE Mature person with working knowledge of lawn tractors and equipment. Must have current drivers license, and willing to relo cate to middle Chester Co., pa. Must be able to work Independently and make de cisions. Full-time year-a-round, hospitali zation and paid holidays. State wages desired with references. Reply to: J-54 “ do Lancaster Farming ROB 609, Ephrata, PA 17522 jj FARM EgUIPMEN^IALES Jj Put your farm background and experience H to work selling John Deere farm equip- S ment. Local territory available with Num- D ber 1 dealership. Related sales experi- S ence preferred. Excellent pay plan, bene- H fits, and training provided. Send Resume: m Sales Manager SB LEHIGH AG EQUIPMENT. INC. 6670 Ruppsvllle Road lBlO6 Hardaparson or coupla tor 130 cow dairy. Housing, room tor employes owned cows. (814) 445-4066 MECHANIC Waidlng Exparianoa Pfifimd Summit Hill Welding 94 Summit HIM Driva Straaburg, PA 17879 717/687-8266 | at SAM Lane. Co., PA Herdsperson/ ' Herd Manager tor 300 cow herd. Must be responsible, able in all daily functions including management, Al & herd health. Full Benefits, Housing, insurance, good salary ' Write: Box R-14 Lancaster Farming, PO Box ON, Ephrata, PA 17822 Route Truck Sales Person For Expanding Dairy Supply Business Dairy Background Preferred. CDL Required Opportunity For Aggressive Individual. Commissions and Benefits Reply to: Box R-19, Lancaster Farming PO Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522 PARTS MANAGER WANTED FOR CASE IH DEALERSHIP Experience Preferred Send Resume To: Eckroth Bros. Farm Equipment RD 2, Box 24A, New Ringgold, PA 17960 Modem Daily Farm Looking for herdsperson (Or responsibility of a second milking operation. Duties include: milking, feeding, heat detection and scraping. Tfcne off. House and insurance ajafftable. (215) 706-eais FARM MANAGER To manage large South East Pennsylvania Grain Farm. Should be knowledgeable in all phases of farm equipment add grain farm operations. Must be a self starter with good management skills. Excellent salary and fringe benefits (and home, if desired). Please write with full resume & salary desired. All applications will be kept in strict confidence. Write: c/o HELP WANTED A Growing 90's Company Is Seeking Hog/Poultry Equipment Installer To Join Our Installation Crew. Interested Persons Must Be: Mechanically Inclined Customer Oriented Highly Motivated And Have High Work Ethic Goal to Advance to Management Position In The Future. Our Company Offers Excellent Benefits, Including Health Insurance, Paid Vacation, Holidays. 410 K Plan, Etc. Contact Marvin Hoover or Darrell Marks At Fanner Boy. Ag, Inc. Between 7:30 AM - 4:30 PM, Mon.-Frl. (717) 866-7565 Hardeman Depart Mana gers and Al Laval of Swine Production Employees. Wanted for Growing Orga nization. Super Opportun ity for Motivated People. Expansion Taking Place in the Daimarva Pan insula. Call (302)436-4100 or Send Resume to P.O. Box 32. SalvyvMa, DE 19075. R-24 Lancaster Farming P.O. Box 609 Ephrata, PA 17522 |2£| BUSINESS MOORMAN’S, a nationally known feed company, is expanding in the Northeast and needs area distributors or contract millers. MOORMAN'S offers: * A national reputation for high quality/high performance products * A strong commitment to research * More than 100 years of livestock feed experience JUUULUI * A well-trained Sales Force * Competitive margins vttPMnH Interested parties should contact Rod Pony, Ph. (217) 222-7100 IfRSBTHMESS FOR SALE On Rt. 6, on the Golden Mile in Wysox, PA, Bradford County. Take out food service business, all hoitypftade, bakery, deli. 717/265-8442 Herdsperson, Central NJ. 50 Head rag. Jerseys, Dsiry of Distinction. Loose housing w/parlor. Experi ence in al aspects of herd management, A.I. a plus, 5- weak and 1 weekendAnonth. Housing provided. Salary commen surate w/axperience. 006/722-3700 Ext. 239, 6- Lancaster County, PA. Herdsman/Herd Manager for 300 cow herd. Muet be responsible, able in all dairy functions including management, A.I. 6 herd health. Fun benefits, hous ing, insurance, good sal ary. Write: Box J-50, Lan caster Farming, P.0.80x 600, Ephrala, PA 17522. ■ WANTED Honest Diary Farmar Saaks 40+/- Stall Bam and House to Rant/Buy in East ern Lancaster County. Re faraneaa Available. (215)042-9617 Laava NEED FARM WORKERS? Exeallant, drug/aloohol fraa, hardy workers for indoor/pacwng jobs (eggs, poultry, fruits, vegawMas, nurseries, ale.) Calf con tractor 718-529-6010. Re ferences available. I^lbusiness H OPPORTUNITIES ) Business j Opportunities j ! Expand your bualnasa J | into Cumbarland I | Valloy, Pa. * V • 5, M0 Square Ft. V I Warahouao | I -1,100 Squai* FL ’ | Fumlahad Offloa | 1(0 aaparata offleaa i and racaptlon araa) | «• Experienced Manager | Available ’ I Call ( j (717)530-9337 8-8 I j or (717) 281-9129 | locally mada furnitura, painting*, carving*, or othar I tarn* of intoraat. 717/421-4300. incwter Farming, Saturday, September 25, 1993-C3l APPLIANCES Central PA’a oldest A largest usad only appllanea store now open In Lebanon. Over ISO rebuilt appliances to select from. All appliances guaranteed 1 year. w.s. Enterprises 15 8. oth St Lebanon, PA . 717-272-2408 PETS African Pygmy Hedge hogs, newest exotic pet. Friendly, palm-sized, ideal for limited space, easy care. Breeders, pet lovers welcomed, SI7S-$450. 717/865-4473. AKC Australian She pherds. Blue merle and black tri males. Born 7/23/93, ready to go. Black tri male, bom 12/26/92. All w/working-conformation lines. Shots current Stud service offered. 215/693-8095 WemersviHa. AKC Boxer pups, fpwn and white, shots, wormed, males, females, $250 UP. 717-627-2371. AKC Dahnation Pups. Mole and Female. Both Parents on Premises. Call After 4PM. Akron, PA. (717)859-2053 Ready 10/9. Australian Cattle Dog Pup pies, AKC, Shots/Wormed, Working Background, $250. (215)942-3020. FOR SALE: Registered border ooiKe puppies, very nice, ready now. FRESH FROZEN MEAT FOR DOQB 8 CATS. 215/286-9400, 600/234-2607. Mastiff pups'and stud ser vies, fawn color, family raised, excellent disposi tion. 717-442-9208 leave message. Miniature Doberman Pincher pups, red, regis tered, shots 8 wormed, 1 male, 1 female. Rtl92 E. between CentreHall and Rebersburg, PA. 16872. Norwegian Ekhound pups, AKC, nice, frlsodty, shots, wormed, parents on pre mises. 717-364-9196. Registered Australian Cattle Dog Pups (Blue Resists) Parents Excellent Disposition, Guaranteed to Work. No Sunday Calls. 301-842-2578. Registered Australian Cattle Dog Pix». very intel ligent and obedient Full mask. Farm Raised w/TLC. 717/532-9441. WANTED TO BUY: Pup pies, mixed breed & AKC for resale in pel store. Fair price paid. Call Norman Wheeler 215-380-1445. AKC PUPPIES WANTED All Breeds - Part and Whole Utters Resold As Pets - We Pick Up PONT SELL TILL YOU CALL US "CALL NOW” WANTED PUPPIES JACK’S DOG FARM • RT 611 PIPERSVILLE, PA 18947 215-766-8802 Chocolate Lab Popples, AKC, 7 Females $275, 3 Males $250, $3OO for pick of litter. Must See. (717) 872-4638 Evenings or (717) 872-8884 POT BELLIED PIGS FOR SALE $75 each. Stack or White Mata or Female Buy 10 or More $5O Bach BUTE GENETICS INC. 1-800-333-3548 yL r WANTED ,1 Puppies yj f | i For Pets AKC, Purebred, Mixed Ltttere. Stud service for most broods. Tnmpoitulon ptvMti. Forest Ridge Kennel 296 S. Vintage Road Paradlao, PA 17562 717-442-4259 1»
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