C3O-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 25, 19! WW* ■"tu Roller Mill Rental Automatic and Roskamp Free Local Delivery Auger and Blower Discharge Check Our Prices For Availability Call Lee-Mar Farm Morgantown, PA (2151 286-9052 EKI HELP WANTED S2,SO(VWEEK Why would anyone pay you $2,500/week? Farm or Ag related background re quired. Call 1-800-488-7570. (2) full-time positions avail able; (1) egg processing plant; (1) poultry house worker. Call 717-665-2616. An aggressive national feed manufacture is seek ing qualified applicants for sales representatives in South Central PA dairy market Candidates should have ruminant sales exper ience. This 1 position offers competitive salary and ex cellent benefits package. Send resume and salary history in confidence to Lancaster Farming c/o S2S, P.O. Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522. Progressive 90-cow Reg. Holstein Form in Lane. Co., PA is seeking an exper ienced and enthusiastic person to work in all areas of farm responsibility. Posi tion includes helping with milking, feeding, general herd care and crop work. We offer a goal oriented environment along with housing and complete compensation package. Call (717)656-1071. Experienced herdsperson needed for 140 cow Jersey herd, responsible for herd health, management, re cords, and Al. Modern milking facilities, housing available, state salary re quirements. (412)667-0452. EXPERIENCED MECHANIC FOR CASE IH DEALERSHIP Send Resume To: Bckroth Bros. Farm Equipment RD 2, Box 24A, New Ringgold, PA 17960 Experienced Crew Foreman: For Post Frame Builder. Travel Required. Above Average Compensation with Health Insurance Retirement Plan, and Ffoftt Sharing. Reepoad To: R-21 % Lancaster Pamln| MB 609, Ephrata, Pa. 17832 % FARM MANAGER for Small Commercial Farm, Organic Market Garden, Selling to DC and Balti more, Salary Commensu rate w/Experienoe, Excel lent Benifits. Catoctin Mountain Area, Thurmont, MO. Send Information to Lancaster Farming c/0526, P.O. Box 609, Ephrata, PA. Full time herds person. 100 cow Reg. Holstein farm, Bucks Co., PA. RHA 21,000. Job includes milk ing and field work, salary plus health insurance. Ex perience preferred but not required. 215-795-2267. Fulltime employment needed on large poultry farm, Millersville, PA. Some outside work. (717)872-6036. HELPER/PARTNER FARMING/SAWMILL/ FIREWOOD BUSINESS: Must take care of cow and few animals for me. You can have land and animals of your own. Paul Yerger, Auburn, PA 17922, 717/754-4661 evenings. HELP WANTED: Agricul tural Maintenance Me chanic Needed in the Ephrata Area. Will Train. 717-432-8377. Herdsman for 1100 cow dairy. Experience in A.I. and diagnosis/treatment of herd health disorders (Inc. 1.V.). Computer experience helpful. Housing available. Salary and benefits. Kreider Farms, 1461 Lan caster Road, Manheim, PA 17545, 717/665-4415. Private horse bam, Lees port area. Feed, clean stalls, groom. Full or part time. Housing available for person or couple willing to do chores, cut grass, etc. 215-916-2004. TRUCK DRIVER FULL TIME Must have CDL, current medical certifi cate, clean driving record, 3 years experience with livestock and must be at least 25 years of age. Vintage Sales Stables, Inc. 717/768-8204 L. Robert Frame 215/4SS-8518 Evenings SERVICE MANAGER Wanted for combination ag & consumer products dealership in south east New York. Must have experience in service management, be well organized, have good people skills and be computer lit erate. Salary and incentive package com mensurate with experience. Send resume and letters of reference to: BOX R-25 Lancaster Farming PO Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522 Fertilizer and Chemical Applicator Wanted Large progressive Co-op serving Chester Co., PA, Cecil Co., MD, has a full time opening. Job includes field application, truck driving and maintenance. Must be 21 and able to get Class B CDL. Reply to: Southern States Co-Op PO Box 399, Rising Sun, MD 21911 410/658-5518 (Farm Equipment Mechanic 1 Needed for progressive John Deere I dealership, 2 years minimum I experience. Excellent pay and I benefits. Resume with references: I Attention Gary George I Lehigh Ag Equipment, Inc. I 6670 Ruppsvllle Road I Allentown, PA 18106 I No Phone Calls M REAL ESTATE APPRAISER Individual would be responsible for conducting uniform and accurate appraisals of real estate collateral and assets. College degree preferred with an emphasis in the areas of agriculture and the fundamentals of real property appraisal. Experience in agricultural credit and appraisals preferred. Good oral and written communication skills are mandatory. Position requires working knowledge or willingness to utilize computers, existing or future State licensing and certification, day travel (occasional overnight travel) and dependable transportation. Excellent benefits package. Deadline for applications Is October 4, 1993. Send credentials and resume with salary history York Farm Credit, ACA Personnel Manager P.O. Bos 2427 York, PA 17405 8, EOE/AfllrmatlTe Action Employer .8 Lancaster County Farm seeks FULL-Time modem farm equipment operator. (Field worn, skidloader and truck driving). Premium pay for CDL. (717)684-2490. DAIRY HELP WANTED: Feeding, general farm work. Housing, hospitaliza tion, other benefits. 717-398-2912. -Dairy farm looking for full time help. Bam and field work. Must be good with cows. Reference required. Housing available. (717)966-2173. Dairy help wanted. Feed ing, general farm work, housing, hospitalization, other benefits. 717-398-2912. FARM EQUIPMENT MECHANIC OPERATOR Able To Weld And Repair Equipment. House Furnished. Salary Based On Experience. Campbell County, VA Lakewood Farm 804/332-6289 Person, Couple or Family to work on 70 cow dairy farm. Stall barn. Must be good with cows. Interest in registered Holstelns a plus. Barn and field work. References required. Housing available. 717/367-3667 Job Opportunities Available Due to the Expansion of our Manufacturing Division We Need MIG WELDERS Immediate Part-Time Positions Experience Helpful Or We Will Train Available For Welders, Etc. In Opr Manufactur ing Plant. Must Be Reliable "Worker. Competitive Pay. Come In For Application To Join A Solid Growing Company FARMER BOY AG Rt. 422 East, Myerstown, Pa 17067 (717 866-7565 HELP WANTED A Growing 90’s Company Is Seeking Hog/Poultry Equipment Service Man. Welding, Electrical, and Computer Experience Will Be Helpful. Interested Persons Must Be: Mechanically Inclined Customer Oriented Highly Motivated And Have High Work Ethic Goal to Advance To Management Position In The Future. Our Company Offers Excellent Benefits, Including Health Insurance, Paid Vacation, Holidays, 401 K Plan, Etc. Contact Marvin Hoover or Darrell Marks at FARMER BOY AG, INC. Between 7:30 AM - 4:30 PM, Mon.-Fri. (717) 866-7565 Farm Crest Feeds Looking for someone to perform all duties In the hog unit for 650 sow farrow-to-feeder pig unit in Lancaster County. Must be dependable and high ly motivated. Our company offers excellent benefits Including health Insurance, paid vacation, holidays and 401 K plan. Willing to Train Call Bill at: 717-426-2846 REGIONAL SERVICE MANAGER Midwest manufacturer & national distri butor of agricultural & industrial applica tion equipment has an immediate opting within its growing customer service organ ization. The individual will be assigned to the East Petersburg, PA, facility and will direct the activities of service shop diesel mechanics and field representatives in the Eastern Seaboard Area. Key requirements include diesel or heavy duty equipment training, supervisory experience in field service, and successful communication skills to include troubleshooting by tele phone and direct supervision. Competitive wage and company benefit package including 401 K and profit sharing. Interested individual should send resume and salary requirement to: AG-CHBM EQUIP. CO.. INC. 1188 Enterprise Road East Petersburg, PA 17520 717-569-2610 E.O.E.
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