C2B-Lancaster Firming, Saturday, September 25, 1993 CHRISTMAS TREES Nicely sheared. Douglas Fir, T’-lO’, White Spruce PRODUCE PACKAGES win Cardboard Cartons, WMed fit Unwaxed ?i 7-437-2444 for inform* Stapli n 6°Machlnef-Wooden Baskets. fo " of teave <"<****>■ FRECON ORCHARD SUPPLIES K to BvJs”VcSn «*r fir 5K' toff $12.00; oik qe7 oooq Douglas Fir SVi to 7 $9 5 5 : Wh j to Pjne p re . mium 6' to B’X ' $12.00; #1 6' to 8’ $B.OO. (717)667-6447 Call Even -1 _ PUMPKINS „ " ino pr Weekends. HOWDBNS Nice Wholesale Christmas rffli rv7*» Trees, Scotch and While VhMP ennniMiKD Pine $5 to $10; Douglas SPOOKIEB Rr, Norway Spruce $l5; JACK-B-LITTLE Chronister's Tree Farm. ORNAMENTAL GOURDS Adams County. INDIAN CORN (717)677-9392. NECK PUMPKINS Scotch Pine, Douglas Rr, „--,w A kiuii/urot: Christmas trees, 5’ to 7V4 DELIVERY ANYWHERE Well sheared and low TRUCK OR TRAILER LOADS prices. Call WE GROW & HAUL (717)582-4163 PLEASANT HILL FARM 717-6 C 7 -7586 NIGHTS 4 717-633-7002 DAYS US] NURSERY 1000 Christmas Trees, Douglas Fir, White Spruce, Blue Spruce, White Pine, 4'-7‘. Make oiler. 717-763-8789. 9,000 sheared Douglas Fir Christmas trees, $B.OO/each. Can be bought over 4 years. 717-758-9177 Bark mulch and mushroom soil, trailer loads and smaller loads also avail able. Carman's Coal and Mulch Products, (717)653-9580. ELLIOTTS CHRISTMAS TREE FARM AND NURSERY. 200 Acres of Wholesale Pine, Spruces and Firs. Sizes 4-14'. Prices Start at $5.00. B&B Trees 3-B’. 20% Discount on Seedling Orders of 5000 or More. Call for Complete Price List (717)349-9916 or (717)349-7319. EVERGREEN SEEDLINGS & TRANSPLANTS. Spruce, Pins, Fir (or Christ mas trees & nursery stock. Write or call for price list. Croshaw Nursery, P.O. Box 339, Columbus, NJ. 08022. or call 609-298-0477 Fraser Fir* Trees, from North Carolina, good qual ity. Call for wholesale price list 410/836-2905. Many extra large and large field grown and potted PJM's, azeleas, and rho dodendrons. Bridgeton, NJ. (609)451-8189. by NURSERY FINEST QUALITY CHRISTMAS TREES For 45 Years Doug. Fir, Blue Spruce, Norway and White Spruce Call or Write for Price List TOBIAS YULE TREE FORESTS P.O. Box 168 Pine Grove, PA 17963 717/345-4952, 717/366-0213 88888888888^^ 888888888 Wholesale Nice Bushy Cushion Types, Field Grown, Good Supply, All Colors $1.85 Bach Delivery Available BRIDGE VIEW FARMS AND NURSERY Waterford Works, NJ 609/767-2363 STONE MOUNTAIN PREMIUM GROWERS Evergreens B&B, Cut, Seedlings and Transplants, Pine, Spruce and Fir, Scotch Pine by the Block $5/Tree Natural s7A"ree Greenzit Shade Trees, B&B Maple, Oak, Locust, Cherry and Plum (717) 436-9564 or (717) 667-6447 Evenings TREE TRANSPLANTERS: 3 models, plants trees from 3* seedlings to 10' shade trees. Rentals also avail able. TREE PLANT DE SIGN INC. RD 1, Box 104, New Ringgold, PA 17960 717-386-3515. WANTED: Used Tree Spade for digging nursery stock. HARMONY DALE FARMS, Phillipsburg, NJ. 908-859-2616 (Daria). CHRISTMAS TREES: Douglas Hr, Blue Spruce, White Spruce, Norway Spruce. Cut and BAB. Starting at $5.00. Price list available. BENSINGER’S, POB 198, New Ringgold, PA 17960 717-386-2107. JUNIATA TREE FARM PO BOX 97, Mt. Pleasant Mills, PA 17853 717-694-3723 Quality Christmas Trees at resonable prices. Thousands of trees Douglas Fir 6-9’ Fraser Fir 6-10’ Concolors 6-12* B&B Norway Spruce 6-12’ | ELIZABETH FARMS | | CHRISTMAS TREES ML | | QUALITY I | Douglas Fir, Scotch Pine, White Pine, | | Norway and Blue Spruce f f CUT TREES AND B&B | p Call or write for price lists: | | 2121 B. Furnace Hill Pike | I Lititz, PA 17543 p % CALL 717-626-TREE or 626-7878 | sessssssMsssseess***®®*****®*®****** LIVE AND CUT CHRISTMAS TREES Pine, Spruce, Fir, and Hemlock Call or Write For Our Fall and Spring Specials CUT TOUR OWN CHRISTMAS TREE NOVEMBER 26 to DECEMBER 24 8 to 5 Dally SHOWERS CHRISTMAS TREE FARM 630 Clearvlew Road Aspers, PA 17304 717/677-6494 717/677-6816 717/677-8881 JSI, trees Since 1946 Pennsylvania Grown Douglas Fir, Colorado Blue Spruce. Scotch Pine, White Pine. Fraser Fir And Others. TOP QUALITY AT REASONABLE PRICES Call Or Write For Prices CARING NURSERIES Vi P.O. BOX 538 /Vft Indiana, PA. 15701 '* W* (800) 223-7075 Toll Free (717) 943-2891 John (717) 943-2499 Dave CHRISTMAS TREES FOR GREENS Douglaa Fir S Balsam Fir 717/839-2900 LAWN a GARDEN Grasshopper Demo sale, get free push mower when you buy a Grasshopper new or demo. Model 6148/S 48- deck, $4796; Model 720 K, 52’ deck, $6375; Model 7210, 61- deck, $8768. USED; Model 718 K, 52' deck, $3750; Model 1822 D, 52’ deck, $4550; 61* deck, $BOO. Lloyd W.Reynolds, 410/833-1847. Princess Trees ‘Paukmina Trees’ One and Two Year Olds Available. (215)932-4232. Two Day Shipping. Railroad Ties, BFt, Hand Hewn. (717)653-9175. Snapper Year End Clear ance. Zero-Turn Mower, 18HP, 48’ Cut, Regularly $5500 Sate $4700. Other Snapper Mowers 10% Off. Dave's Lawn & Garden. (717)665-5501. MB SERVICES OFFERED Cider pressing by appoint ment, 6 bushel minimum. Berks Co. 215-683-3094. DAIRY CATTLE HOOF TRIMMING, foot problems treated. Nelson Nolt. (717)355-2428. HOOF TRIMMING, Cum berland, Perry & Franklin Counties. Tim Fuller, Carli sle, PA. 717/249-3174. POLLINATION Tony B HONEY BEE REMOVAL SPECIALIST. Wasps & Hornets. Venomous Insects. Honey and Bees wax. 1-800-47-STINQ Stoltzfus Custom Bagging Haylage, Silage, High Moisture Corn, 6’ and 8’ Bags, PTO Driven Machines 215-273-3891 LLOYO Z. NOLT (717) 733-7226 Baa v , AGRICULTURAL “ [\ KOUSIHAL RCSDENIIALjgjJm jSOMIHEHOAL fIv&KTIK©, ©lS©©^ @@^ 4 ★ _ Times Are Hard Neglect Now • Gives Problems Later Try Our Experience, Let It Work For Youl Roofing • Siding • Spouting General Spouting • Seamless K Style Gutter • v, ~ ' • Half Round Gutter & Small |j^ Repairs • • Soffit & Facia Installation • JD • Window Capping (covered w/metal) • • ACROUNE* Vinyl Replacement Windows • Aero Pane* For Total Window Performance 717-656-0242 Wilmer R. Ebersol 58 Hellers Church Rd. Leola, PA 17540 Quality & Service Comes First Soybean roasting on your farm. Dale L Schnupp, RD 6, Lebanon, PA 17042. 717-865-6611. f CATTLE | I HOOF I TRIMMING (215) 348-0897 Zimmerman's Custom Freezing Complete Mobile Unit P.O. Box 43 New Holland, PA 17557 717-355-2048 1-800-472-2641 PROFESSIONAL HOOF TRIMMING: Over 20 years experance. Fast and accurate work. 70-100 cows per day. Increases milk production. Easy and gentle on the cows and farmer. No farmer’s help needed. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED 717-785-0770 410-484-6191 Joe Russell Hoof Trimming 10 years experience References available (717) 927-9775 1301 LINCOLN ROAD UTITZ, PA 17543
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