Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 25, 1993, Image 112
C24-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 25, 1993 IMhqg EQUPUENT SUPPLIES BSaSSSSS^Si Ai BOSS HOG... The Best In Woven Wire Flooring \ I ,1.1 llll.Lß t v ft 't E HOG BOOKS! Comprehensive Authoritative “THE PIGMAN’S HANDBOOK” Shows best routines and practices for maximum productivity 256 pages illustrated $29.95 "OUTDOOR PIG PRODUCTION” Lower capital cost, better health record. Chapters on Housing, Breeding, Feeding, Fencing, health etc. 224 pages $29.95 "PIG AILMENTS” recognition and treatments. On-The Farm methods. Gives clear advice, many invaluable Instructions. 280 vivid action photos (32-Color) 168 pages $33.95 SPECIAL! Complete above Hog Library, all above 3- Hardcover Books regularly $93.85 for $82.85 Shipping & Handling $3.50 (Parcel Post) U.P.S. Shipments $4.50 MC/VISA/CHECK/C.O.D. DIAMOND FARM BOOK PUBLISHERS Dapt LFH, Bos 837, Alasaadrla lap, NT 15607 Ph: (613) 475*1771 E E E E E OKS HOGB Fax: (613) 475-3748 mEIHOGEQUPUENT SUPPLIES - Met Concrete hog slats, in sin- "“"W P«;«. portable hog glee, gangs and custom. K chute with auto- V CONCRETE. RD2, Box ma,i c head gate. Other 1000, Mifflintown, PA mi# c. hog equipment. 17059. 410-848-5343 after SPM. r +>** * 0 0 * } ** EE] POULTRY i SUPPLIES (2) Beacon adult turkery feeder lines 4007 ea, in cludes motors and hop pers, $1.50/foot 080. 717-582-4431; 717-582-2352. (2) Choretime Model C feeder Knee, 4407 ea. In cludes motors and hoppers $1.50/foot 080. 717-582-2352; 717-582-4431. 4-6 month old Emu chicks, healthy, straight legged, 100% birds, $12,000/pr. 4 pair available. (215)754-6296. Farmer Automatic, Cage systems for pullets and lay ers, 4-5-6 decks, 301-633-1840. Flight Condition Pheasant and Quail for Sale. For More Information Call (717)486-7419. Hydraulic turkey loader $2OOO. 410-306-8786. Cash for Chuckor, Quail, Squab, Silky, Rabbita, Mutoovy Ducka, Mallard Ducks. BO BO POULTRY WHOLESALE MARKETS. 718-386-1117 6am-3pm. Deep Pan Chore Time Feeders and Control Pans, Hoppers and Bools, As sorted Motors 20.00; Switches, Gas Pipe 3-30’ Vent-O-Matic Fans, 100-Floresent Ballast 0 Watt, Kalglo Alarm Sys tom, Fogger System 1 Gal. Nozzle. Call After 6PM at |71 7)653-2185 No Sunday Ducklings; French selected hybrid musoovy ducklings available year ’round. Call Doug Wain ho Id for pricing. Days (717)354-4424; evenings (215)445-7303. Ringneck Pheasants: full feathered, hard flying. Chukkars; thousands of them. Red, Yellow, Golden, Reeves, Silver, Temmlnck Tragopan, Elliotts, Blue Eared, Lady Amherst, Gambel Quail, Doves, Cockatltes, Love Birds. Evenings. (608)298-9131. (We Buy Po Weekly For Cash! * • Leghorn Fowl i • Spent Fowl , • White Plgeone • Benteme • Bantam Rooatere • Brollera • Rabblle ' • Guinea Hene • Muecovy Ducka We Pick Up At The Farm Watkln’s Live Poultry 718-272-6712 bet. 7 AM 6 6 PM 718-843-9302 After 7 PM [try Northeast Agri Systems • Your Authorized MASTER DISTRIBUTOR serves the needs of the Poultry, Dairy & Swine Industries M&Sxh Bulk (aad bkw In • «Ma variety d capadtlaa. (or any application. , . - Gan ulna Chora-Tlma FLEX-AUGER 1 IJ laad delivery HaxlUa augar ayatama. tj. Broiler t brolar branding loading jMr _><> i »BF ll sK. •yatatm, Including the now Chora-Tlmo vti / dMHtJ i Modal 2000 and tha Modal C laadata. \ItS L Fana S oomplaM ventilation ayatama, Ab" S^MS Including tha now lan oadlator. Innovative CHORE-TIME/SWISH water- Ing lor any kind oi poultry applcatlcn. Chora-Tlmala aadualva MEAL-TIME* pig and hog laadlgg s wearing ayatama. ■ErjiJil Chota-Tkna'a produellan-booatlng cow K^BRw loading ayatam lor dairy eparationa. HyIHA ■ HI Shenandoah j distributor Jmmcinerators^^^^__ J? TOLL FREE CUSTOMER SERVICE NUMBER: 1-800-673-2580 ayn systems NORTHEAST AGRI SYSTEMS, INC. ® F**oy ftAhMS tart STORE HOURSt Men.*Fii PR tSM WmT AfepOrt Rood UOIO4JO an UNK. PA 17 uST SOI. MO lO Noon 9i Hr.-7 Doy Ropotr S*vtco ntomm-tm $ BBBBR SWANS: White Muta* and Plasson waters wanted. Black Australiana, adults Will buy late modal ptesson and babias. Call JR broilsr drlnkars. York 717/630-3001 nights or County. Call days leave message. RR2, (717)632-8718. Box 266, Harveys Lake, PA lB6lB WANTED TO BUY EMU’S All Ages 1-800-333-3548 KAUFFMAN REFRIGERATION 760 N Colsbrook Rd., Manhsim, PA 17545 (717) 665-6953 • Egg room refrigeration • Walk-Ins • Reach-Ins ■ Ice Makers SALES AND SERVICE Now Booking Chukar Chicks For Fall And Winter Delivery Chukar 690 each 1000/up 100 Miles Free Delivery Per 1000 Chicks - Call For Details a DOUBLE R FARMS RO #2 Box 92 . ) Templeton, PA 16259 i \ 412-968*2173 f FJn Chicks Shipped Anywhere In USA. Guerenleed Uve UsrpWKUWW Delivery. Chokers Avelleble Yeer>Round SPACE HEATERS II ft EMU INFO. Mid Atlantic LL Bmrann ?A (215) 255-5191 MD (410) 398-2432 >ll direct to a tor cash. * Fowl * Pigeons * Bantams * Pullets * Capons * Rabbits * Guineas * Chukars * Turkeys * Lambs * Goats JACK MINTZ POULTRY 215-267-4784 FEED I SEED 10 Ton Ear Com, sound and dry. Banual M. Fiahor, 722 A Potars Road, Now Holland, PA 17SS7. 20 Aero Standing Com for Slags in Jonsatown Araa. (717)M5-4546.