H HORSES A MULES s BAGGED PEANUT HULLS FOR BEDDING Call 717-653-9175 BROKE MULES FOR SALE HENRY E. KAUFFMAN 205 Ball Road Chrlatlana, PA 17509 (Naar 9 Polnta) 717-529-2614 Frank Waldman • Laava Maaaaga MONARCH HORSE & STOCK TRAILERS Frank Pierce RD 1 - Box 360 Newmanstown, (Schaefferstown) PA 17073 1717) 949-3246 SWINE ARNOLD HOG FARM Consigning 10 Bred Gilts. 6 Open Gilts & 2 Boars to Pavilion. N T Show Side: Sat., Oct. 2,1993. Information call Mike 716-343-4525. FREE TRUCKING to Pavilion, New York, October 2,1993. Arnold’s 86th Hog Sale Sat., October 16, 1993 1 p.m. Lebanon Fairgrounds, Lebanon, PA Auctioneer: Harry Bachman 717-867-1809. Crossbred - Yorkshire - Landrace ) SO RBff.n Handmated due October thru Decerrv ber. Registered & Crossbred. Bred to top tested boars. Growth, Backfat & Loin Informa- 30 TESTED BOAR! tlon Available. 1.46, Growth Ratio 109, .63 Bl active. #36-2* Weight at 212 Days 360 lbs., WDA 1.70, Growth Ratio 127 (fastest gaining boar we have produced to date) 1.03 BF, (.51 ADJ. to 230#) 6.80 loin. “Omar" (3) very aggressive litter mates, aver aged 170 lb., .72 BF (.56 ADJ to 230 «) 6.43 loin. Their Dam 7 litters 94 born 71 weaned. Landrace Sli 40 OPEN GnTfSI Registered & Crossbred. All animals vaccinated tor rhinitis, erysipelas, lepto & parvo. Validated brucellosis & pseudorabies free herds. Tested monthly. Herd health Dr. Tim Trayer. 1-800-222-4084 PA Only 717-733-0513 Others PA Yorl All Boars Sired by “Awesome” 50-2 Champion Boar to Michael Hartman 345 lbs., 1.55 WDA, 1.00 BF (.54 ADJ.) 6.56 loin $360. High selling boar to Fleming Bros., MD 365 lbs., 1.65 WDA, 1.00 BF (.46 ADJ) 7.12 loin $5OO. NY BOAR TEST SALE 9/18/93 High Indexing high loin boar to Brian & Eugene Hege, Fayette ville .54 BF, 2.34 ADG, 2.38 FE, 7.79 loin, 126 index, $675. Lot #4 .59 BF, 2.28 ADG, 2.38 FE, 6.27 loin, 119 index, $750 to Mary Beth Fisher, Vermont Lot #lO .54 BF. 2.14 ADG, 2.48 FE, 5.92 loin. 106 Index, $775 to BUI Abrams, NY. 87th Hog Sale, Saturday, December, 11, 1993 Yorkshire - Crossbred - Land race Leon L. Arnold, 355 Schaeffer Rd., Lebanon, PA 17042 717-273-5880 For Sale At The Farm: Boars - Open Gilts - Farm Show Project Feeder Pigs 19 SHEEP St [ GOATS 1993 BRED EWE & EWE LAMB SALES SATURDAY OCTOBER 2 3:00 P.M. KEYSTONE INI. LIVESTOCK EXPO. FARM SHOW BUILDING HARRISBURG, PA For more information: Hampshires: Sarah Fleener OfcvrjfE » (215)589-2588 .| Shropshires: Ron Miller (215)682-4009 (7 Southdowns: V ] ) Yvonne Trostle \y (717)757-6062 Weight at 212 Days 310 lbs. WDA ■ (.31 ADJ. to 230#). 6.56 loin. Very #3*B* LOW Mniatura ragistarad Baby doll pat ahaap, unique, very tiny and friendly, atari ing at $500.215-297-0767. Outatanding Suffolk Ram from Pina Haven Stock. $250 8 Ewea; Some Due In Oct $4OO. Call Before 9PM (215)381-3780 Monroe Co. 3 Year Old Purebred Rnn Ram. (717)872-6036. ANGORA GOAT HERD DISPERSAL-Regiatered Whites, Black Buck, Whites Carrying Color Genes. (215)257-8847 Evenings. Brad Dairy Goats (9). $9O Ea. (609)894-2706. Dorset flock dispersal, 30 Ewes, Myers Ram. All for $2OOO. 717-367-4674. FALLOW DEER breeding stock for sale. Better return per acre than beef or sheep. Suitable for small acreage or woodland. Mq» ture bucks, does, or year lings available. Negative IB and brucellosis test re- sults. Kelly Warren. Virgi nia. 804-589-1095 Evenings. Flock Reduction, Yearling Triplet Finn Ram, Ewes- 2 Year Finn/Dorset and Commercial. (814)832-2592. Um swine Replacement GUts Cost too high? Raise your own. Select and evaluate Start paying yourself to raise gilts. Mike (717) 258-1056 CHESTER WHITE & SPOTTED SWINE v[~h yNmj KEYSTONE CLASSIC I LOCATION: Farm Show Complex - Cameron & McClay Streets, Harrisburg, Pa. Held In conjunction with the KEYSTONE INTERNATIONAL LIVESTOCK exposition. rUL 9 JVeiy Genetics Today ■■EfIEBHyB More Profitable Tomorrow BOARS SMS February & March January thru April FEATURING • Top quality breeding stock from the following progressive and' leading breeders of the nation - New genetics at their best - Be sure and attend both the show & sale. CHESTER WHITE PA. Rodgtr Bankart Faaaor Hog Farm Charlea Griast Scott Lazarua Jamoa T. Parian & Son Mlchallna Waabar KILE Farm Show Complex 2301 Cameron Street Harrisburg, Pa. 17110 (717) 787-2905 Ringside Telephone • 787-4160 Purebred Angora Goat Kids, Males and Females, Very Good Wool. (717)456-7196 6PM. Pygmy Goats NPGA Ro gistered, Sell Out Prices, 6 'oos, 4 Wethers. (410)656-6845 Before 9PM. Reg. Suffolks, 4 young ewes, twins, triplets, good type, ram. 215/584-0672. Reg. Suffolk Ram, 1)4 years old, throws mostly twins, asking $lOO. 717-865-7415. Two recorded grade does; 1 yearling, 1/2 Nubian; 1 3/4 Nubian, 4 months old. (717)469-0658. Used for Sale-Polypays and Crossbreds-Over 100 to Choose From-$5O/Each. (804)922-7676. SWINE Yorkshire and Hampshire boars and gilts from healthy and productive herd, Delivery available. Charles B. and Mark W. Hall, RD#l, Box 263, Ju lian, PA 16844. Centre County. (814)355-1647. Grand Champ Boar 1992 KILE HOLLOWAY DUROCS Excellent selection of bosre & open gilts svsllsble off the farm or delivered to your door Satisfaction guaranteed Call Dave 717-230-6966 FRIDAY. OCTOBER 1. 1993 Show 9:00 a.m. Sale 6:00 p.m. MD. Ricky Bauar Laßoy Schaaffar OHIO Brobat Farm Laatar Banlatar Craaawall Broa. Paul Crlvallaro HARRY H. raACHMAW College 17003 (717) W 7-1809 UncMter Ftnrtng, Saturday, September 25, 1 WMM swine Bennecoff Hogs. Hamp shires, Poland China, Berkshires, Boars and Gilts. Service Age. 215-285-6581 or 215-285-6582. Chester White, Ouroc and Spotted, boars and gilts for sale. James Parlett, (717)662-3610. Ouroc, Yorkshire, Spotted, Chester White S Landrace Boars, Open Gilts and Bred Gilts. Calvin Lazarus and Sons, 4290 Bridge Street, Whitehall, PA 18052. 215-799-3375 or 3831. FOR SALE-Yorkshire Service Boars. Elwood E. Houser, 2150 Quentin Rd„ Lebanon, PA 17042. 717-272-5798 or 273-2921. The Mg Of Tomorrow At Onr Place Today! apM. l —- a 40 y»ri of Twtod Gonollet rj\. JVf s BRED GILTS • OPEN GILTS • BOARS Write Or Phone For Your Needs. Csrtlfisd Brucellosis end Pssudorsblss Pros Herd Bano Thomas Park Thomas Mark Slshr (717) SSS-SS2I (717) MS4C44 (717) (SS-7007 RD #l, Box 2445, Baavaitown, PA 17S1S ATTENTION HOG FARMERS Packers Want Lean Hogs Improve Your Herd Genetics By Calling THfIM€S B€ND P€NN JAY S CLAUDETTE HORST 410 Vallty View Rd., P.O. Box 83 Schseffsrstown, PA 17088 717-949-3381 * YORKSHIRE, HAMPSHIRE, DUROC, LANDRACE k HYBRID BREEDING STOCK CANADA'S LARGEST PUREBRED ROP TESTING HERD SPOTTED SWINE PA. C. Wyatt Bowman Faaaor Hog Farm Oanton Griaal Wm. Hllty Jr. Erin Hoy Glngar Kagg Ruaaall Kagg ■Brian Laka NATIONAL SPOTTED SWINE RECORD CHESTER WHITE SWINE RECORD ASSN. 1803 Detweller Drive Peoria, Illinois 61615 (309) 693-1804 or 691-0151 1993423 Ity feeder pigs For Sale From Pseudorabies Free Herds Fred Patterson 615-364-7050 Purebred Hampshire and Yorkshire Boars and GUts Guaranteed to work, free delivery, Clark Farms P.O. Box 362, Houstontown, PA 17229 717-987-3273 (3272) Landraea Duroc Yorkshires Largs tthltaa F 1 Ctessbrtds Laalla 1 Lazarus Bros. Jamas T. Parlett & Son Michasl'Webar MD. Ricky Bauar OHIO Redding Spot Farm Richard Vornholt
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers