H LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT 1983 Clicks, 4 hone trailer gooseneck, removable stalls, 3VLx64’Wx7Vi'H. $12,000 080. 215-584-1094. 3000' rubber belt lancing, 64 ft Stephen L Stoltzfus, RD«2, Box 64-A, IV4 mi S/of Honey Brook along Rt. 10, PA 19344. 4 year old Stormfront Car riage, good condition, wheels just rehooped, hy draulic brakes, speedome ter, double pane windows and doors, fiberglass doors. Stephen Stoltzfus, 1724 Valley Road, Christ iana, PA. ‘93 Stock trailer, H.D., 16’x6'x6'3*, 2 rubber tor-| sion axles, radial tires, 4W brakes, $3500. 215/8684)186. Class 111 Trailer Hitches. $69-5119.00. 10-12,000 Lb. Capadty/Lifelime War ranty. Inspection -Sendee -Parts. Tow Dollies. ’CLICKS’ 717-656-7027. FREE GUIDE -TENSILE i FENCE, Strong -Lasting i -Economical; also portable electric fence. Phone Or-1 der Supplies 1 -800-245-69026 (412-459-6991). Harvester Bunk Feeder, complete, auger style, fully lined glass bed, 200' ready for transport, $2250. 215/793-3557. Harvesters Wa-ro-matic roller mill, 200 bth, excel lent condition, $1,500. Also Harvestore suppliment mo ler, $2OO. (302)349-4629. Sawdust CRW (dean re cycled wood) and 4x4 x T locust posts. Ed's Land scaping. (717)367-1006. SAWDUST & SHAVINGS & HOG WOOD Bags & Bulk Bulk Can Be Picked Up IN Downlngtown, PA ED VOGT & SON, INC. Southampton, NJ 08041 410-928-3276 r CORRAL THE SAVINGS WITH A QUALITY PVC FENCE! 1 Set yourself free from costly and time consuming maintenance. Fencing with PVC is a wonderful alternative to customary traditional fencing materials and increases the value of your home. QUALITY ESS JlUlllllMlfltllllllllLll ' i L ilium iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii QUALITY Our First Desire In Serving Youl KENCOVB FARM FENCE 111 KmMI law, Malravlll*. M 1*717 RfETQDISe 1-800-248-6908 "TENSILE FENCE’ 412-459-8991 Blimp T—l ■ 4 Sit ________________ 12*4 Gauge Crimp Sleeve $9/Per Hundred NO FENCE CONTRACTOR IN PA KNOWS MORE ABOUT ROTATIONAL GRAZING THAN I DO AND THAT’S A FACT! JOSEPH H. HICKS X / 814-632-8489 V I 814-632-3050 \ £ \wsmkJ / \pgßPBiaeg/ f Spider Fence Pac (Temp Fence) Python (Water System) 1 (800) 866-FENC SPLIT RAIL FENCING Looking For Heavy Duty Split Rail Fencing? Pressure Treated Post and Ralls Long Lasting Warranty 2, 3 and 4 Rail Fence Available Low Prices Wholesale and Retail Manufacturers of Outdoor Wood Fencing Installation Available xializing in HIGH TENSILE Fence Installation Since 1979 Plus Installation of: ■■ Split Rail • Board • Woven Wire • 2x4 Wire H Diamond Mesh • Streambank Fencing ■jß I ■ Deer Control & Containment Fencing RB FENCE Systems 1800 W. MAIN ST., EPHRATA, PA 17522 • (717) 738-4774 MAR-PRO AG-FISH PLANT FOOD FROM THE SEA BENEFICIAL FOR EVERYTHING THAT GROWS IN THE SOIL 5 & 55 Gallon Or Bulk CaM 1-800-633-2676 LIQUID MOLASSES 5 Gil. 55 CiL Drum or Bulk DRT MOLASSES SO Lb. Bi«i •$?/ corn ft SOYBEAN OILS >'vf FOR ANIMALS 5 G«L ConUiner, 55 GiL Dram or Bulk ZOOK MOLASSES CO. West Main St, Box 160 HH 2221 Honey Brook, PA 19344 CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-327-4406 Over SO years Of Service We U.P.S. Dally 1 800 633 7093 • VINYL FENCING DIV. - (717) 354-9760 622 N. Shirk Rd., New Holland, PA 17557 • chain Link biv. - (7i?) 355-0300 147-A Amlshtown Rd., New HoHand, PA 17557 - PLASTIC LUMBER DIV. • (717) 3254-2117 1439 Division Hwy., New Holland, PA 17557 Before You Buy Call New Holland Fence 717/686-9596 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 25, IM3-Cl9 MAPLE HOLLOW FENCING I==|S.:lSl Specializing in High Tensile Fence Installation Fence lor: Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Deer Control Rail Fence - Board Fence Brian Barkley RR #l, Box A-l (814) 623-8851 Buffalo Mills, PA ISS34 BREWEX - For Use In Dairy Feeds BREWEX is used extensively in complete dairy formulations to contribute utilizable energy. It is a price/performance value when used in dry feeds, liquid feeds and on-farm mixes. MIX WITH DRY FEEDS: BREWEX is found in commercial pelleted rations for dairy, hogs and poultry as an energy source to replace com. BREWEX replaces com on a pound for pound dry basis and provides for improved pel let durability, reduced mineral segregation, dust control and improved palatability in dairy rations. ON-FARM MIXING A commercial Jersey dairy farm, having over ten years of experience in feeding BREWEX to partially replace com finds that • BREWEX replaced 5% to 10% com/day • BREWEX improves butteriat about 0.1% • BREWEX mixed with forage reduces mortality due to displaced abomasum • BREWEX helps cattle to stay on feeds 5 Gal. Container. 35 Gil. Drum or Bulk
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