Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 25, 1993, Image 101
Garage to be tom down p am ruurc iin removed, 24 x 5 4,114 BiMJXNGS AND story double plank w/alate SUPPLIES tool. Pottsville area. Beet .. .. offer. 717-868-3213. A GEBHART'S POLE Antique buHding materials, BUILDINGS' & beams, wide pine boards, Let quality and value stand flooring, doors, etc. (or you. Custom design 717/249-2304 and built, commercial, reel- SAVE I,ooo's. Steelwood domial or agricultural. Put bldgs. FALL Factory deals. *"“£9 “P today -500 to 5,000 sq.ft. Going 717-259-0438. fast. Won't last long. 246-1110. Order NOW. "B* Grade Glass Board and Plastic Sheets up to 14 * Thick, (Special 4X8X.080 Plastic Sheets $10.00). Glenn Beidler, Freeburg, PA, Snyder County. (717)539-8903. Close-Out Inventory of ABS Fittings, Approx. $lO,OOO Wholesale Cost, Price Negotiable, Will Send List Upon Request; Corian Tub Wall Kit- Almond, $3OO. (410)692-5252. Cramer's Discount Roof ing, lowest prices in 3 states. See display ad sec tion 4. (717)567-6762. FLOORING-New kiln dried TAG, 2xB Y.P. Can defiver. NOAH SHIRK SAWMILL 717-354-0192. Flooring, Wide Plank, T&Q, •GOLDEN OAK*. y, x6*xlo‘, Pine V, xl4'xB‘. Also Maple, Beech, Cherry, Walnut, 8000+ sq.ft, available. Priced right 215-565-6038. FOR RENT: 4000 sq. ft. building w/Tound roof, 24* high doors, available now, Make offer. Ben E. Stolt zlus, Box 696, RD 1, Honey Brook, PA 19344. Lancaster Farming 1 E. Main St. Ephrata, Pa. 17522 717-394*3047 or Utltz 717-626*1164 FAX 717*733*6058 PHONE HOURS: Mon., lues., Wad. A Frf. 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thura. 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. OFFICE HOURS: Mon. thru Frl. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The following categories are available for your classified advertising. In Section D. Oeadline- Thursday morning at 9 of each week’s publication 1- Farm Equipment la- Construction Equipment 2- Farm Eq. Wanted 3- Silos and Unloadera The following categories are available In your classified advertising. In Section C. Deadline- Wednesday afternoon at 5 of each week's publication. 4- Building and Supplies 5- Grain Equipment 6- Dairy Equipment 7- Livestock Equipment 8- Cattle 9- Horses & Mules 10- Sheep & Goats 11- Swine 12- Artificial Breeding 13- Hog Eq. A Supplies 14- Poultry A Supplies 15- Feed A Seed 16- Fertilizer 17- Plants 18- Fruits A Vegetables 19- Nursery 20- Lawn A Garden 21- Services Offered 22- Quslom Work 23- Help Wanted 24- Situations Wanted 25- Business Opportunities 28- Household 27- Pels 28- Lost 29- Found 30- Computers 31- Node# 32- MleeeWanaoua 33> Recreational Vehicle* lie AlHftf U- Thick* ft TraHere M- Real Estate Hkitglan UMUAQMO MNfIL FOR: Milkrooms, Parlors. Feed Mangers r >*r (Jft cs^ c .p «-*»■- sassr" Whit* & Colon 4'xO' • 4'xO’ • 4'xlo' .090 Savo 50% 4S«-SS«/aq. ft. ALSO: Full Un* Of Roofing A Siding Largo Inventory In Stockl Call For Low Prlcaal . A.B. MARTIN ROOFING Ephrala, PA 17522 (717) 384-8076 Pannyan, NY 14527 (318) 836-0944 CLAS MAIL TO: LANCASTER FARMING P.O. Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522 NOTE: Please do not use this form for Mail Box Market Ads, see Instructions with Mailbox Markets. Name Address City. Zip Please startin # . I enclose . Box Replies: Ads with answers coming to a box number, c/o Lancaster Farming: $1.50 per ad per week additional. This newspaper will not be responsible for more than one Incorrect insertion of any advertisement. SECTION C - WEDNESDAY AT 5:00 P.M. SECTION D • THURSDAY AT 9:00 A.M. OF EACH WEEK’S PUBLICATION Locust posts for sale. Diffe rent lengths and widths available. Also will cut 4x4's to length. (216)488-6036. Must sell (2) arch style steel buildings. (1) 25x26. Immediate delivery. Seri ous inquires only. 1-800-526-1110. PAYING TOP DOLLAR FOR ORIGINAL WIDE AT TIC FLOORS. WE RE MOVE. 717/229-2806. Red Cedar, Beautiful Ap palachian Aromatic, Band saw Cut. 2* to 10* Wide Board, Any Thickness. $l.OO to $2.50 per Bd.Ft K.T. Nilsson P.O. Box 512 Fairfield, PA 17320 Or Call Our Field Office . (205)523-5363 Evenings. ,v STEEL BUILDINGS, all types and sizes. Call for current 'Specials*. 410-329-6757. A Used Gondola shelving, excellent condition, also heavy duty stock room shelving, and heavy duty pallet racking. Priced to i sen. 717-423-5132. John Koser’s K3R YOUR HOME IMPROVEMENT NEEDS LOCATED NORTH OF ELIZABETHTOWN OPEN MON.-FRI. 6 to 6; SAT. 9 TO 3 • Kitchen Cabinets • Plywood A Waterboard Painted • Asphalt Roofing Shingles • T-1-11 Siding • GP Insulation Roofing • Railroad Ties Excellent • Shutters Prlelna *. Replacement Windows rncing • GP Vinyl Siding 717-367-0283 SIFIED Phone (. üblish m with the DEADLINES: WANTED: Roofing slate, win remove old slate roof or win pay the highlost price around for good used roof ing slate In any quantities. PA, NJ. OE, DC. Call LEELAND SLATE ROOF REPAIRS 717-627-4884. New and Used Structural Sch 40 Pipe For Sale % " thru 8” Pipe. J & L Equipment St. Thomas, PA 717-360-2637. DON’T IGNORE IT- , RESTORE IT! Mason ry/Restoration specializing in restoring old stone/brick houses * and bams. Also Laying Eldorado Stone JftJ Restoration 717-442-4773 ad'ordeTblank™ PLEASE WRITE CLEARLY PLEASE CALL OUR CLASSIFIED AD DEPT. IF YOU WANT TO ADVERTISE A DISPLAY BOX IN OUR PAPER. State, word ad times issue. Classify under >7 38 39 (Phone Numbers Count As One Worrit Uncester Firming, Saturday, September 25, 1993-Cl3 WANTED TO BUY: Old at tic flooring and log houses. Lane. Co. 717/626-4620. For Log Cabins, Bank Bams, k Jl Roof Boards & £ % Original Floors (Wide) jf ILE 1 ! I>—■ ■ i ■ii hi ——■——— EBniMla dml birds with pWl ■POTVBV Ivllll MD-A-BMD parches. r*o-a.§iro 1 100 m a restricted use pesticide HORD MARKETING SO kl 21743 Cahimbua, Ohl* 43221 l-800-545-6574 1-800-227-1781 Wooden beams, doors and 4' long pieces of siding from old machinery shed, $75. Call (410)795-6497 after 6 PM. BUILDINGS Top Quality Materials A Workmanship Please call us before signing with anyonel We WILL Save You Money TIMBERLINE BUILDINGS 1-800-842-0376 Top Brand Names, Low Dollar Steel^^^Aluminum Super Panel - 26 Gauge 26 & 29 Gauge • Painted, Galvanized DellV ®X Anywhere } & Galvalume \ PA, MD, NJ. DE, / • Large quantity roofing doors, \ t«y VA wva Jr windows & trim in stock Call 1 (800) 964-1550 Anytime (215) 384-5942 Reuben Graber Home: (216) 383-5274 CALN DOOR & SUPPLY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES word per week - 1 or word per week - 3 or 11 word minimum 1 Time 2 Times 3.96 7.92 4.32 8.64 4.68 9.36 5.04 10.08 5.40 10.80 5.76 11.52 6.12 12.24 6.48 12.96 6.84 13.68 7.20 14.40 360 per 300 per Words up to 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 16 19 20 2 times more times 3 Times 9.90 10.80 11.70 12.60 13.50 14.40 15.30 16.20 17.10 18.00