Cl2-Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, September 25, 1993 Winebarks Exhibit Maryland Swine Champion EVA MARTIN - * Maryland Correspondent TIMONIUM, Md. Supreme champion female of the open class at the swine show at the Maryland State Fair went to the Ken Wine bark Family of Myerstown. Pa., exhibiting a Hampshire, the reci pient of the Lewis Peters Memor ial Award by Darlene Bauer. Judge James Parlett of Airville, Pa. said “She has a long, long stride and will become a powerful brood sow. I look for a champion that will generate down the road.” David Halloway of New Free dom, Pa. claimed the supreme champion barrow and the supreme champion pair of banows with his outstanding Durocs. He was the recipient of the Maryland Pork Producer Association’s Will Har vey and C.R. ,Galbreath trophies. Placings for the Open Class Swine Show in breed categories were: BERKSHIRE Grand Champion Boar - Ariie Cornbow er, New Fraedom, Pa. Raaarva Grand Champion Boar - James Martin, Hampstead. Grand Champion Famala • Russel Corn bower, New Freedom, Pa. Raaarva Grand Champion Famala • Ar lie Cornbower. Grand Champion Barrow • James Mar- Exhibitors Pick Up Ribbons At Md. Hog Championship EVA MARTIN Maryland Correspondent TIMONIUM, Md. Joseph Brendel won grand champion 4-H market hog at the Maryland State Fair. His 235-poung middleweight was sold at the 4-H Livestock Sale Cargill Announces Early Order Seed Prices MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. Farmers who order and pay for Cargill com hybrids for spring planting can purchase many of the company’s hybrids at prices lower than a year ago. Dr. Jack Carlson, com product manager, said Cargill’s seed pro duction fields in Illinois and Michigan look good at this point and he expects adequate hybrid supplies. However, he cautioned that the crop is still behind sche dule in some areas and advised farmers to purchase seed now since an early frost could change the seed supply outlook. “The best policy to get the desired hybrids at the lowest pos sible price is to order and pay for seed now,” said Carlson. “With only a few exceptions, prices for Cargill hybrids are now the same or lower than they were a year ago. But price changes are possi ble for seed that is ordered but not paid for.” Farmers who pay for Cargill hybrids by November 1 will receive an additional nine percent discount. A financing program at competitive interest rates also is available to qualified producers. Cargill plant breeders have developed nine new hybrids for spring planting: • Cargill Hybrid Seeds 3577. (93-98 day relative maturity) This is an excellent forage hybrid with excellent grain quality. It flowers early and has excellent plant health and stress tolerance. • Cargill Hybrid Seeds 3777. (95-101 day relative maturity) This hybrid features excellent grain quality, heavy test weight, and flowers early for its maturity. It also is noted for excellent plant health'and stress tolerance plus high-tonnage forage. • Cargill Hybrid Seeds 4277. Reserve Grand Champion Barrow - Ruwall Cornbower. Grand Champion Pair of Barrows - Jama* Martin. Rasarva Grand Champion Pair el Bar* rows • Russal Cornbower. CHESTER WHITES Grand Champion Boar - Rural Rhythm Farm, Dayton. Rasarva Grand Champion Bear - Rod gar Bankart, Hanover, Pa. Grand Champion Famala - Jamai Mar tin. Rasarva Grand Champion Female - Rodger Bankart. Grand Champion Barrow ■ Rural Rhythm Farm. Rasarva Grand Champion Bamw - Rur al Rhythm Farm. Grand Champion Pair of Barrows - Rur al Rhythm Farm. Reserve Grand Champion Pair of Bar rows • Leroy Schaefrer, Upperco. DUROCS Grand Champion Bear - David Halloway, New Freedom, Pa. Reserve Grand Champion Boar - J. Howard Meredith, Jr., Wymllla. Grand Champion Famala - J. Howard Meredith, Jr. Rasarva Grand Champion Famala • Da vid Holloway. Grand Champion Barrow - David Hollo way. Raaarva Grand Champion Barrow - Da vid Holloway. Grand Champion Pair el Barrowa - Da vid Holloway. Raaarva Grand Champion Pair of Bar rowa - J. Howard Meredith, Jr. HAMPSHIRES Grand Champion Bear - Ken, Janet, Jan- Ine and Brandon Winebark, Myers town, Pa. Raaarva Grand Champion Boar • Caro lyn Thomas, Stewartstown, Pa. for $4.25 per pound by Dick Mc- Gee of Backus Coip., Harrisons Pure 5, and J. Howard Meredith. Monica Feeser’s 245-pound heavyweight was named reserve grand champion. Receiving the grand champion fitting and showing award from the Dean of the College of Agri This hybrid has excellent yield potential and superior stress toler ance. It also has excellent stalk strength and test weight. • Cargill Hybrid Seeds 6677. (108-111 day relative maturity) The hybrid features excellent yield potential and plant health. It is recommended at moderate plant ASA Commends USDA’s Commitment To Vegetable Oil Printing Ink (100-105 day relative maturity) This-hybrid has good yield-to moisture ratio and good stalk and root quality and overall appear ance. The hybrid dries fast after black layer occurs. • Cargill Hybrid Seeds 6337. (106-109 day relative maturity) DENVER, Colo. U.S. Sec retary of Agriculture Mike Espy announced at the American Soy bean Association’s (ASA) Soy bean EXPO that the USD A intends to use vegetable oil inks in the printing of USDA documents. Steve Yoder, Florida soybean farmer and ASA president, said, “We strongly support this decision and commend the Secretary’s assertiveness. We know in practi cal terms that when a vegetable ink is used it is probably going to be soy ink, and USDA’s use of soy ink builds demand for soybeans.” ASA has been rallying for pas sage of the “Vegetable Ink Print ing Act of 1993” since its intro Fair Junior Beef Breeding (Continued from Page Cll) CHAROLAIS Summer Yearling; 1. Wade Myeri, Dal laitown. Champion - Wade Myeri, Dallaitown. HEREFORD Senior Cad: 1. Jennifer Altobelli, Dover. Summer Yearling: 1. Amanda Daugher ty, York. Champion • Jennifer Altobelll, Dover; Re aarve • Amanda Daugherty. SIMMENTAL Senior Calf: 1. Kalla Myeri, Dal let town. Summer Yearling: 1. and 2. Wade Myeri, Dalaitown; 3. Oroan Little, Felton. Junior Yearling; 1. Travli Reid, Dallai town; 2. Raymond Slough, Sevan Vallayi; 3. Amy Trowbridge, Spring Grove. Lola Jr. Yearling: 1. and 2. Raymond Stough, Seven Valeyi; 3. Jamie Raid, Oal- Grand Champion Female ■ K, J, J, I B Wmebark. Rasarva Grand Champion Female - K, J, J, ft B Winabark. Grand Champion Barrow - Rural Rhythm Farm. Reserve Grand Champion Barrow • K, J, J, a B Wlnebark. Grand Champion Pair el Barrows - Rur al Rhythm Farm. Reserve Grand Champion Pair of Bar rows - Leroy Schaefer. POLAND CHINA AND SPOTS Grand Champion Boar • Rural Rhythm Farm. Reserve Grand Champion Boar - Ken neth Bauer. Grand Champion Famala - Michael We ber, White Hall. Rasarva Grand Champion Female - Rur al Rhythm Farm. Grand Champion Barrow - Rural Rhythm Farm. Reserve Grand Champion Barrow - Kenneth Bauer. Grand Champion Pair of Barrows - Rur al Rhythm Farm. Rasarva Grand Champion Pair of Bar rows - Rural Rhythm Farm. YORKSHIRE Grand Champion Boar - Keith Martin. Rasarva Grand Champion Boar • Keith Martin. Grand Champion Female - Jennifer Fllnchbauth, York, Pa. Raaarva Grand Champion Female - Keith Martin. Grand Champion Barrow - Jennifer Flmchbaugh. Raaarva Grand Champion Barrow - Ar lie Cornbower. Grand Champion Pair ol Barrows - Ariie Cornbower. Raaarva Grand Champion Pair ol Bar rows - Leroy Schaefer. culture. University of Maryland was Kevin Donnelly. The placings for the market hog show were: Fitting and Showing I - 9-Vaar-Olds: Cortnay Hlll-Dukshart, Daren Gordon, Jill Harrison. Fitting and Shewing 10 -11: Megan Ry narzewski, Katie Henley, Jessica Hester. Fitting and Showing 12 - 13: Justin duction into the House of Rep resentatives in April. If passed, the bill would require the federal gov ernment and its contracting print ers to use vegetable ink when cost effective. “Espy’s voluntary decision to use vegetable ink now sets a pre cedent that could encourage other government agencies to use soy ink, and nullify the need for legis lation,” said Yoder. “ASA will continue to work as a principle force on this issue." Secretary Espy was the first Congressman to use soy ink on documents to his constituents and the only Congressman to use the Soy Seal on U.S. documents until the government disallowed its use. laitown. Champion -Travit Reid, Dallaatown; Re serve - Raymond Slough. Cow-Calf: 1. Amy Trowbridge, Spring Grove. Heifer Pair: 1. Raymond Slough, Sevan Valleys; 2. Wade Myers, Dallastown; 3. Gr een Unto, Fenton. OTHER BREEDS Senior Calf; 1 . Shawn WalUmyer, Alrville. Summer Yearling: 1. Shawn WalUmyer, Alrville. Junior Yearling: Jodi Dutray, Dallastown. Lata Jr. Yearling: 1. Jodi Outrey, Dallas town. Champion and Raaarve Champion - Shown WalUmyer. ■rad and Owned: 1. and 2. Shown WUti myar, AkvSo; 3. Jodi Dutray, Dallaatown. Heifer Mr 1. Jodi Dutray, Dallastown. Supreme champion gilt of the Maryland State Fair was a Hampshire shown by Ken, Janet, Janine, and Brandon Winebark of Myerstown, Pa. Shown here Is Brandon and Janine Winebark with Judge James Parlett. Johnson, Haathar Rynarzawskl, David Hanley. Fitting and Shewing 14: Erin Chaudry, John Hale, Jennifer Wlldeson. Fitting and Shewing 15: Kovin Donnelly, Leroy Schaefer, Holly Talbert. Fitting and Showing 15: Jason Spicer, Tara Chaudry, Randy Mullinix. Fitting and Shewing 17-11: Kristine Mann, Brian Russell, Matthew Soper. Grand Champion Fitting and Shewing - Kevin Donnelly. populations but will respond to higher rates. • Cargill Hybrid Seeds 7897. (114-118 day relative maturity) Very high yield potential and a rapid drydown rate are features of this hybrid. It has excellent stan dability and stress tolerance. • Cargill Hybrid Seeds 8097 W. (115-118 day relative maturity) This specialty white hybrid has demonstrated excellent yields over a wide range of envi ronments. Its grain is noted for superior test weight, hardness, and crown scores. • Cargill Hybrid Seeds 8327. (115-119 day relative maturity) The hybrid features outstanding yield potential, stay-green, and grain quality. It performs well under conventional and no-till programs. • Cargill Hybrid Seeds 8396. (117-121 day relative maturity) Very good yield potential and resistance to maize dwarf mosaic virus are important features of this new hybrid. It also performs well under conventional and no-till programs. B BUILDINGS AND SUPPLIES 24x60 tobacco bam, A-1 condition, 6 tier, you re move from property. Lan caster Co. 717-299-2076. Allied Steel Buildings, Commercial, Industrial, Agricultural. Building YOUR Business is OUR Business. A.S. HOOVER INC. 3125 Manor Road, Coatesville, PA 10320 1-800-942-2501; 215-942-2501. Junior and Rttarvt Grand Champion Fitting and Showing • Megan Rynarzewskl. Reserve Senior Champion • Erin Chau dry. Raaarva Junior Champion - Justin Johnson. Class 190-195 Lbs.: Jennifer Bly, David Gordon, Jessica Cook. Class 200 Lbs.: David Bly, David Bly. Brad Dunst. Class 205: Jennifer Wildesen, Megan Ryanrzowski, Glenn Cook, Jr. Class 210 Lbs.; Jill Harrison, Monica Fsessr, Kevin Donnelly. Class 215 Lbs.; Megan Rynarzewskl, Erin Chaudry, George Abell, Jr. Class 220 Lbs.; Jessica Hester, Kristen Warfield, Kevin Stiles. Ctaaa 225 Lb*.; Tara Chaudry, Carrie Brown, and Jennifer Cook. Claea 225 Lbe.: Leroy Schaefer, Tam Chaudry, Ryan Omdorff. Claea 230 Lbe.: Kristen Turner, Justin Johnson, Melanie Soper. Class 230 Lbs.: Eddie Harrison, Jr., Jen nifer Wilde sen, George Abell, Jr. Claea 235 Lbs.: Joseph Brendel, Mary Kaminski, Mark Rill. Claes 240 Lbe.: Kristin Turner, George Abell, Jr., Holly Talbert. Class 240 Lbs.: Kristin Turner, Randy Mullinix, Kristins Mann. Class 245 Lbs.: Monica Feeser, John Hale, Scot Mullinix. Class 245 Lbs.: Kevin Stiles, Matthew Soper, Melanie Soper. Class 250 Lbe.: Paul Olson, Tracy Clag ett, Dori Thompson. Class 250 Lbs.: Jonathan Gibson, Holly Talbert, Brett Fogle. Class 255 Lbs.: John Hale, Monica Fees er, Holly Talbert. Grand Champion - Joseph Brendel. Reserve Grand Champion - Monica Feeser. Lightweight Champion • Megan Rynar zewskl. Reserve Lightweight Champion - Jill Harrison. Medium Weight Champion - Joseph Brendel. Raearvs Medlumwslght Champion - Le roy Schaefer. HMvywstght Champion • Monica Fees- Reearve Heavyweight Champion - John Hall. Chain Link Fence, new, slightly imperfect, heavy 0-gauge galvanized. 3’-$.OO/ft, 4'-$l.OO/ft, s'-$1.55/fl, 6‘-$1.65/ft, 7'-$l.BSm, B'-$1.95/ft Call 717/822-7820, if no answer leave message. Resawn heart pine floor ing, 7-14* wide; resawn chestnut Mooring; 22*x25' 2 story chestnut log house. 7J7/374-7122.
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