Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 18, 1993, Image 58
BIS-lancMtcr Farming, Saturday, Saptambar 18, 1993 Mexican Pickers Dominate Pa. Mushroom Industry LAURA RANDALL National Geographic News Service KENNETT SQUARE (Chester Co.) At the end of a long work day, Martin Sabala, 24, relaxes for the first time since S a.m. and talks about his 11-year career as a mushroom-picker in rural south eastern Pennsylvania. ‘The hours are long and there is nothing to do at night, but eco nomically for me, this is the No. 1 place to make money for my fami ly,” says Sabala, whose stonew ashed jeans and long hair make him look more like a high-school student than a husband and father. With tales of good wages, abun dant work and “tranquilidad” spinning in his head, at age 13 Sabala followed his own father here from Moroleon, Mexico. His brothers, a cousin and an uncle soon followed him. More than 80 percent of the Chester County, mushroom indus try’s 10,000 workers are Mexican; many come from Moroleon, a town of fewer than 50,000 people in the mountains of central Mexico. Since the early 19705, Moro- Icon men have left their wives and Hector Bedolia, 31, cuts the stems off mushrooms in Ken nett Square. Like many other mushroom workers In Chester County, Bedolia Is from Mexico. Along with many of his co workers, he commutes from nearby Delaware, where hous ing is less expensive. His family remains in Mexico City. Dahl Outside DD Wood Furnaces Hot Air and Hot Water. Domestic Hot Water Woodchuck Sales and Service 717-532-5820 •on Ra Excavatim 710 Flvopointville Rd. • Denver, PA 17517 General Excavating Site Preparation (215) 445-4667 We Have A Backhoe, Loader & Pan . To Better Serve Your Excavating Needs children behind to work almost non-stop for six or seven months at a time in the mushroom camps of Pennsylvania. Recently, however, the 2,000-mile commutes have begun to ebb. Motivated by loneliness and a 1986 change in U.S. immig ration laws, thousands of laborers are bringing their kin north permanently. Many favor the farms of Pen nsylvania, because mushrooms are grown indoors and offer year round employment. The state pro duces almost half the nation’s mushrooms. Migrant workers are nothing unusual in Chester County. At the turn of the century, Quaker mushroom-growers employed Ita lians, who then began to buy their own farms and hire black laborers, who in turn were followed by white Tennesseans and later Puer- to Ricans. In the 19705, as Puerto Rican workers moved on to other areas and higher-paying jobs, the young men of central Mexico began to replace them. But the recent settling-in of these Mexican immigrants has created some unexpected prob Martin «o| "ra2 Mm 'WmtSki * € * '"*4? Atonia Sepulveda reads English with a Spanish speaking kindergartner In Kennett Square. Sepulveda, who moved to the state from Puerto Rico in 1968, is a former mushroom-picker who has moved on to teach in Chester County’s “Even Start” prog ram for youngsters who don’t speak English. lems in this small community 30 miles southwest of Philadelphia. La Comunidad Hispana, a local service organization, estimates that more than 200 Mexican fami lies have moved to Chester Coun ty in the past year. In one school district last Sep tember, about 40 Hispanic child ren, few of whom spoke English, showed up unexpectedly for clas ses. And workers at Project Salud, a health clinic, are seeing an aver age of two to three new families every week. Lack of affordable housing in Chester County has caused some Mexican workers to commute from neighboring Delaware. Fam ilies double up in trailers and apartments to save money on rent. Single men live in one-story dor mitories on the mushroom farms or cram into apartments with as many as a dozen other workers. “It’s a type of homelessness,” Sheila Druley, executive director of La Comunidad Hispana, tells National Geographic. • Agricultural • Commercial • Residential • Retaining Walls • Bunker Silos • Manure Storage, Etc. LET OUR EXPERIENCE WORK FOR YOU ESTABLISHED SINCE 1979! WE ORIGINATED THE CONCRETE SYSTEM! Sizes And Layouts To Your Specifications We Work Hard For Customer Satisfaction! Most of the mushroom-pickers earn the minimum wage $4.25 an hour or about $l.lO a basket Bonus pay for every pound picked and 60-liour work weeks help pickers afford cars for them selves and clothing and other goods for relatives in Mexico, The growing presence of the low-income immigrants has erected an invisible wall between them and many natives of predo minantly white Chester County. ‘This tends to be a conservative area,” says Druley. “There is some discomfort at guys standing around on a comer, seeming to do nothing. Some locals don’t under stand that many of the workers come from small villages, where they have a kind of plaza to go to congregate and socialize.” But, in a county whose eco nomy depends on mushrooms, everyone agrees that sensitivity toward the Hispanics has grown in the past year. Two bilingual police officers and a Spanish-speaking dispatcher Commodity Bins And Trench Silos Authorized Dealer For KEYSTONE CONCRETE PRODUCTS • Hog & • Trench Cattle Silo Slats Walls • H-Bunks • J-Bunks have been added to the state police force in nearby Avondale. Several local churches have migrant ministry programs. A task force of mushroom-growers and commun ity leaders is exploring possibili ties for more low-income housing. Kennett Square, population 5.210, at first glance seems like any other small town in rural Pen nsylvania, except that the Hispan ic influence is evident: rows of tortillas, jalapeno peppers, and sliced mango at the local super market, “leche” and “cafe” on the McDonald’s menu. At Kennett Middle School, teacher Palmira Matos helps new ly arrived Mexican students make the transition to American class rooms. Matos herself is a picker’s daughter who came to Chester County from Puerto Rico when she was 13. “I know what my students are going through,” she says. “They are battling two evils: not know- (Turn to Page B 19)