Reserv* Champion Middlawalght; 3. Bart Martin. Haavy Claaa 1. Eugene Hunt; 2. Travis Rhodes. Heavyweight Division Light Class 1. Cami Topper • Champion Heavyweight; 2. Jason Keller. Middle Class 1. Missy Becker; 2. Chris Jeffcoat. Heavy Class 1. Candice Fllcklnger, Reserve Champion Heavyweight: 2. Janel Keller. The 1993 Adams County 4-H Steer program will conclude on Thursday, November 4 with a show and sale at Wenger’s Sad dlery, north of York Springs, just off Rt. 15. These Adams County 4-H youth need your support at the sale. Your support as a buyer can follow one of two alternatives. First, the meat from these grain fed cattle is tender and juicy and makes excellent freezer beef. You could get together with a neigh bor, friend, or relative and split the costs and use the meat for the freezer. Second alternative is for you to buy a steer and resell it to a commercial buyer at a fair market price if you are not interested in the meat product. With either alternative, you attend the sale or send a bid for the price per pound you wish to pay. The sale is scheduled to begin at 7 p.m., Thursday, November 4. Hauling of the steer for either alternative can be arranged. Con tact Jared Tyson, county 4-H id the optional MFWD for tpmed traction and get a tigjht i-degree turn angle. SCHEFFEL EQUIPMENT CO. Bom!, PA •14429-5009 GEORGE V. SEIPLE A SON Eaaton, PA 215-259-7149 h PA : inc. SMTTH’S IMPLEMENTS, INC Marcaraburg, PA 717-329-2244 SOLLENBERQER EQUPMENT Evaratt, PA •14452-5223 agent at (717) 334-6271 or (717) 624-4S2S for more information. Cumberland County The Cumberland County 4-H Program concluded a busy sum mer of camping with an Environ mental Camp in August at the Monroe Township Elementary School. The camp featured workshops on plant ecology and identifica tion, wildlife habitat evaluation, and insect identification. Campers made crafts associated with the workshops, painting T-shirts with leaf shapes, mounting leaves and insects, and making posters of the habitat around the school. The campers also learned how to test water and use a compass and measure distance by pacing. They played nature jeopardy to test their knowledge of environ mental trivia in such categories as wildlife habitat and plant identification. Participants took a field trip to Havre de Grace, Md. where the Susquehanna River enters the Chesapeake Bay. They tested the water in the bay, toured a decoy museum and lighthouse, and learned about shoreline vegeta tion. The campers also visited'the Steppingstone Museum, a tum-of the-century farm. They churned butter, washed laundry on a wash board, and observed a potter and High-quality maintenance parts at budget-stretching prices Save time and money on oil changes. Extend oil change intervals by 50 hours when you use John Deere Torq-Gard Supreme® Flus-50 oil with a John Deere filter in a John Deere engine. John Deere Utility Tractor Car and Light Truck Oil Filter... Batteries... Reliable engine protection for Starting power that fits over many John Deere utility tractors. 90 percent of cars and light 6Q f»2* mo™ trucks on the road today. 12-volt. Q .525 CCAs. 80-minute reserve. 60-month warranty. Lifetime trade-in allowance. $64.51* (with exchange) Reg $73 31 (TV6H2) Kubota Tractor Oil Filter... A high-quality replacement for Kubota #190001206. $3.99* (PMLF334I) Ford Tractor Oil Filter... Replaces Ford No, CIAZ-6731-A. $3.51* (PMLF33I3) In (hete parts, note# Imm parte better. Whatever brand <rf farm takes to fit your needa Justask. TOBIAS EQUIPMENT CO., INC. Halifax, PA 717462-3132 WALTEMYER’S SALES & SERVICE Rad Lion, PA 717-2444169 WINELAND EQUIPMENT, INC. Martina burg, PA •14-793-2109 M.S. YEARSLEY A SONS Waal Chaatar, PA 215496-2990 blacksmith. Thirty-two campers from throughout Cumberland County attended. Teen counselors, Greta Colestock, Jamie Glcnnon, Lean ne Haycock, Cassie Knerr, and Tanya Zelger supervised the cam pers and helped teach the work shops. Water quality agent Tom McCarty, Master Gardener Marci a Thompson, and volunteer leader Robert Glennon taught the work shops. County 4-H coordinator Anthony Betonte directed the camp. The district show recently held at the Lebanon Area Fairgrounds waS represented by 48 Lancaster County riders in 34 classes. Thirteen contestants from Lan caster will move onto the state show held October 29-31 at the Harrisburg Farm Show Complex. Allison Eberly was a 4-H dis trict show multiple winner. Alli son won three out of her four clas ses and wil go onto States in all four classes. Jennifer Goodman was also a 4-H multiple winner. Jennifer won two out of her four classes and will go to states in three of her classes. The results are as follows: Grooming and Showmanship 13 to 15 2. Allison Eberly; 4. Nathan Stoltzfus; 5 Holly Sanderson. Grooming and Showmanship 12 and Undsr 4. Jennifer Goodman; 5. Amber •John Deere dealers are independent retailers who determine Iheirown prices, so actual selling prices may vary from the prices shown Offer prod through September3o,l993 Lancasttr Arming. Saturday, Saptombtr 18, 1993-813 Swlnehart. Pleasure Pony Driving S. Emily Just. Pleasure Hotm Driving 1. Jennifer Goodman; S. Jaaaica Hill. Stock Scat Equitation Jr 1. Aliiion Eberly; 6. Kyle Kettering. Weatern Pleasure Horae Sr. Rider 5. Nathan Stoltzlut. Western Pleasure Horse Jr Rider t. Allison Eberly; 4. Daniel Talbot; 6. Sara Ham*. Western Pleasure Ponies ever 12.2 2 Kyle Kettering. Western Pleasure Ponies 12.2 and Under 1. John Snyder. Western Riding 1. Jennifer Goodman; 5. Robert Shuster-Edelson. Pole Bending Horse —l. Keith Miller; S. Roy Haldeman Jr. Clover Leal Barrel Race Horae—4. Roy Haldeman Jr.; 5 Noel Benner;' Raised Key hole Horse 4. Matthew Stark. Pleasure Pairs —l. Erin Tys Gantz & All son Longenecker; 4. Abbey Hershey & Kan Moyer. County Team 1. Allison Eberly, Knsty Frybarger & Ellen Gerhard. Hunter Seat Equitation Sr. (Over Jumps) 4. Megan East; Working Hunter Horse 6 Gabriel Bowman. Saddle Seat Equitation Jr —l. Lisa Pen nebecker; 2. Melissa Meiskey, 4. Lora Metzler Hunter Seat Equitation Sr 6. Barb Hall. Hunter Seat Equitation Jr 5 Jennifer Paxson Saddle Type Pleasure Horse 1. Lora Metzler, 3 Lauren Hayes. Saddle Type Pleasure Ponies 1 Melissa Meiskey. Hunter Horse Under Saddle 5. Gre gory Paxson. Seven 4-H members also com peted locally at the Pennsylvania 4-H Horse Breed Show held recently at the Williamsport Riding Club. They com peted with their horses against youth from 21 surrounding counties. Winners at this show will also now have the chance to compete at the State 4-H Horse Show in October. Registered Quarter Hera* CoH of this yaar 1. Kelly Pantz. Fllllaa sf this year 1. Kslly Pantz. Yearling fllllaa 1. Floyd ShoMar, Jr. 2-yaar aid fllllaa 1. Tipeon OUonneH: 2. Bobbie Jo Girton. Yearling gahflngs 1. Floyd Sholder, Jr. Grade Nona • Sleek Yaarting geldings 1. Christine Stroup. Grade Pony • Sleek Cells of thla yaar 1. Megan Hartranft. Futurity • Waal am 2 yaar old 3. Bobbie Jo Girton. 3 yaar eld 1. Floyd ShoMar, Jr. Lynn Famer, the daughter of Kenneth and Lynda Ear ner, Dillsburg, was selected to receive the Carroll F. Thompson Scholarship. The recipient was selected by the York County Voca tion Agricultural Teachers Association, which is given in memory of Carroll F. Thompson, formerly a vocational agriculture teacher at Spring Grove and Dover high schools. Lynn is a 1992 graduate of Northern York Area High School and is studying agricultural cducation/environ mental education at the University of Montana. Lynn has served as reporter and treasurer of the North ern York Area FFA Chapter and has been involved in the York County FFA forestry contest Lynn attended the- Penn State Conservation Leadership School and Advanc ed Conservation Leadership School She has worked as a volunteer on a work crew in Yellowstone National Park. While in high school she also served as reporter and editor of her school newspaper, and Lynn served on the student council and crass country team. As a student in high school Lynn was the driving force behind the design and construction of the nature trail ad jacent to the Northern York High School During her first year of college Lynn was a member of the Forestry Students Association, the Woodsmen’s Team, and the David son Honors College. She also was a volunteer at the U.S. Forest Service’s Forest Service La boratory in Missoula. Mont The scholarship recipient, must be a graduate of an agricultural t cducation/horticulture program in York County who is continuing their education in a post high school institution. Selection is based (Hi their future'plans, financial need, leadership activities, and scholastic per- Open Trail Pany —3. Kyle Kettering; 5. John Soydop. The South Central Area 4-H Horse Production Show was recently held at Shippensburg Fairgrounds. Lancaster County was repre sented by 14 showmen, eight of which will move onto the state show held October 29-31 at the Harrisburg Farm Show Complex. The results are as follows: Registered Appaloosa Yaarting Filly Blue-Sara Harris. Ragiatarad Paint Colts a Galdlnga of this Yaar— Blue-Allison Eberly, Blue-Devon ImhoH. Ragiatarad Paint Yaarting Filly Blue- Devon Imhoff. Ragiatarad Paint Yaarting Galding Blue-Allison Eberly. Ragiatarad Thoroughbred Yaarling Galding Blue-Robert Shuster Edelson. Stock Type Horae Yaarli ng Filly— Blue- Monica Shaver-May. Hunter Type Horse Yaarling Filly Blue-Knsty Frybarger. Hunter Type Ponies Yaarling Filly Blue-Kerra Allen. Hunter Type Ponies Two Year Old Filly Blue-Kerra Allen Hunter Type Ponies Yearling Gelding Blue-Lyndsy Holton Western Pleasure Three Year Old Blue-Sara Hams English Pleasure Three Year Old Yellow-Mehssa Morrow, Red-Samara Shuster-Edelson happenings (Continued from Page B 12) 4-H Bread Show Winners: FFA HAPPENINGS York County FFA
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