Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 18, 1993, Image 36
A36-Unc«Btw Farming, Saturday, September 18, 1993 Berks (Continued from Pago A 35) The tornado, which damaged a few other farms on its path through Berks County, up through Ham burg where it eventually died out in the Blue Mountains, had flat tened the Hoffman’s field of com. It also ripped the ground right off Karen’s potato patch. “I didn’t have to dig up my pota toes that year!” she said. Amazingly, no one suffered the slightest scratch. ... .... - >.- aft,TammyGelsln ger, 19, of Wernersvllle, and Jesse Robert, 17, of Kempton R.D. 2< TAYLOR Wa Outside Wood Fired Hot Waterstoves® Simple, Practical, Cleai Safe. A 24-hour year-round system that burns almost anything and stores heat for days until needed. Save Up To 90% On Your Heat & Hot Water Bills Choose the Size You Need... 115,000 BTU to 3,200,000 BTU Output Per Hr. Contact: Pioneer Stove & Wood Products 2120 Quentin Rd., Lebanon, PA 17042 Slora Hours: Mon.-FH. 4*B For Appl. Call Mon.-Frl. 8-4 Sat. 10-6 (717) 949*3242 (717) 273-8133 Honors Unfortunately, the house was so damaged that all the couple could do was bury it and build a rancher on the site with the insurance money. Besides the terror of the black, stormy night, Karen mostly remembers the kindness of her neighbors. “People came out of the wood work to help us,” she said. “People we didn’t even know came to help us. We couldn’t say thank you enough” She also feels for those people around the country whose lives have been ripped apart by torna does and hurricanes. “When I hear about hurricanes hitting anywhere, I just cry,” she said. “I know what those people are going through.” Also honored at the banquet were two outstanding FFA mem bers. Jesse Rabert, 17, Kempton R.D. 2, a former vice president of the Kutztown chapter, and Tammy J. Gelsinger, 19, Wemersville, for mer president of the Conrad Weis er chapter. Rabert, 17, has had the top qual ity supervised agricultural experi ence project for the last two years in the area of wildlife manage ment, noted his FFA teacher at Kutztown High School, Dan Lynch. His projects placed third in the state in 1992 and first in the state this year. Gelsinger, 19, who graduated from Conrad Weiser Area High School last May, is one of the hard est working students in the prog cun. noted her teacher, Steve Miller. Two 4-H members also were honored. Lisa Geschwindt, 18, a sophomore at Lebanon Valley College, was honored for her 11 years of outstanding effort, mainly in clothing and textile projects. A winner of numerous county, reg ional, and state awards for her fashions, Geschwindt has been president of her club and a teen leader for six yean. She and Christine Hunter, 18, a freshman at Delaware Valley Col Another Kubota Reproduction ~ G5200H fiTpL w/44" Mower f 3 cyl. Diesel Hyst. Trans. A Real Value Market Limited Supply - Promotional Model • Purchase any "T" or "G" Series Tractor and receive a 20 Dollar Certificate • Purchase any "B" or "L" Series Tractor and receive a 72 Dollar Certificate IKUB 0 T B LEBANON m. «V, Im *•*, Mmm. f A * IMS Rl. 1 erri* %( «< ich—Himwww >49-2000 717-1 wood, and Lisa Geschwindt, 18, of Shoemaksrsvllle. lege. Doylestown, who also was honored, will attend the National 4-H Congress in Chicago in December. Hunter has been a 4-H member for 11 yean, taking projects in sheep, swine, horse, foods, clo thing, dogs, and vegetable gardening. “Four-H has enabled me to help me while helping others,” Hunter said about her 4-H career. Meridian Bank sponsored the awards ofsloo bonds for the youth awards and a $6OO gift certificate for the farm family. State Sen. Michael A. O’Pake presented fair agriculture director A. Wayne Readinger with a check Keller Bros. Celebrates 20 Years Selling & Servicing Kubota 72 Years Selling & Servicing Cars, Trucks & Tractors 87100 HSD The Price Fighter D. 16 H.P. w/ 3pt. & Std.PT.O. 54" - 60" Mower Certificates good for any parts or service at Keller Bros • Offer Good September thru November 1993 1 tmciawee Manor ~ Serving Central PA Since 1921 HOURS: MONOAY-FRIDAY 7i»-»:00 SATURDAY 7^o-12.00 Kubota Kubota Cuts GF-1& 3 cyl. Hyst. . Hyd. Lift Compr - 54" - 60" Mowers Available 48" T Y L-3650 GST 40 H.P. 8 Speed Shift w/o Clutching from the state for' $3,000 to help balance the fair’s budget. “Sponsors and donations like this are crucial to the fair,” said David Souders, fair first vice presi dent He noted that the Reading Fair is one of the few left in the state that does not charge admis sion or parking. The fair kicks off Monday, Sqn. 20 at the Fairgrounds Square Mall. Muhlenberg Township, with a parade along the midway headed by the Hoffman family. It will run through Saturday, Sept 25 with exhibits and judging including livestock, baked goods, veget ables, crafts, needlework, quilts and field crops. nther LANCASTER ifBO ffutoiM W*, Uneeew, fA At NMW M A FnAMM Mb 717-569-2500 ,*e<u,