Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 18, 1993, Image 22
Firming, Saturday, Saptwnber 18, 1993 Colored Breeds Show Held At Solanco (Continued from Pag* A2l) In the Ayrshire junior show, Keven Nolan had the champion and Rebecca Nolan had the reserve champion. The Charles Young, Sr., family won both the premier breeder and premier exhibitor awards. The Ayrshire show had 60 head entered to be the largest breed show of the day. In the Brown Swiss division, 28 head were shown to Judge Wayne Stiles, Westminster, MD. Deb and Don Moore had both the grand champion and the reserve grand champion Brown Swiss. And Joshua Hushon had both the junior champion and the reserve junior champion. In the youth Brown Swiss show Scott Wagner had both the champ ion and the reserve champion. Tom and Joy Crothers received both the premier breeder and the premier exhibitor awards. In the small Jersey show, Kathren Findley had the grand champion, and George and Doris Hough and the reserve grand champion and the junior champ ion. Karl Herr had the reserve junior champion. Only one Guernsey was shown with Kara Waldmyer winning the grand champion. Results of the colored breeds show are as follows: AYRSHIRE Junior Calf: 1. Bradford Waltimyar; 2. Debra Young; 3. Charba Young. Inlarmadtata Calf: 1. Rabaoca Nolan; 2. Karan Ham bnck; 3. Bradford Waltimyar. Sonlor Calf: 1. Brian Nolan; 2. Criag Nolan; 3. Karan Hambrick. Summor Yaarllng: 1. Brian Nolan; 2. Charles Young. Junior Yaarllng: 1. Kathryn Young; 2. Kally Young; 3. Elizabeth Young. Inlarmodlalo Yaarllng: 1. Kelly Young; 2. Brad Waltimyar. Sonlor Yaarllng: 1 . Craig Nolan; 2. Charles Young; 3. BRad Waltimyar. Dry Cows: 1. Karan Hambrick; 2. Charles Young Sr.; 3. R. ft B. Wentworth. 2- 1. Rob.ft Sharon Nolan: 2. Kathryn Young; 3. Elizabeth Young. 3- 1. Hftß Wentworth; 2. Kevin Nolan; 3. Char les Young Jr. S-Yaar-Old ft Over: 1. Karon Hambrick; 2. Charles Young Sr.; 3. R. ft B. Wentworth. o*l Of Sira: 1. Charles Young Sr. 2. Karan Hambrlck ft Findlay’s; 3. Robart A Sharon Nolan. Beat Thraa Famalaa: 1. Wantworth Farm; 2. Charlea Young, Robart A Sharon Nolan. Dairy Hard: 1. Nolan; 2. Wentworth; 3. Hambrlck. Produca Of Dam: 1. Hambrlck; 2. Elizabeth Young; 3. Oraamnd Ayrahirsa. Dam/Daughtar: 1. Wantworth; 2. Draamnol; 3. Hambrlck. BROWN SWISS Junior Calf: 1. Joahua Huahon; 2. Dab A Don Moora. Intarmadlata Call: 1. Jacob Huahon; 2. Tom A Joy Crothart. Senior Calf: 1 . Jacob Juahon; 2. Joahua Huahon. Summer Yearling: 1. Dab A Don Moora; 2. Scott Wagner. Jr. Yearling: 1. Joahua Huahon; 2. Tom A Joy Crothara; 3. Scott Wagner. Inter. Yearling: 1. Jason Smith. Dry Cow: 1. Jacob Huahon; 2. Dob A Don Moore. 2-Yaar-OM: 1. Dob A Don Moora; 2. Scott Wagner; 3. Tom A Joy Crothara. 3 A 4-Yaar-Old: t. A 3. Crothara; 2. Wag nor. 5-Yaar-Old A Over: 1. Moore; 2. Crothara. World Dairy Expo MADISON, Wis. Tall white columns, fig trees and beautiful fountains will welcome more than 63,000 guests to World Dairy Expo, Sept 29-Oct. 3. at the Dane County Expo Center, Madison, Wis. Six cattle breed shows and four sales are planned. The cattle show and schedule include: Wednesday, Sept. 29 9 a.m. Central National Milking Shorthorn Show, Central National Guernsey Show; 3 p.m. Top of the World Jersey Sale. Thursday, Sept. 30 8 a.m. Central National Ayrshire Show, Central National Jersey Show; 12:30 p.m. Central National Brown Swiss Show; S p.m. Brown Swiss Pre mier Showcase Sale. Friday. Oct. 1 8:30 a.m. Central National Brown Swiss Show; Noon Interna tional Holstein Show; 7 p.m. World Classic ’93 Holstein Sale. Saturday, Oct. 2 10 a.m. International Holstein Show. Sunday, Oct. 3 3 p.m. Parade of Champions and selection of America’s Supreme Champion Cow. premier exhibitor awards In the Brown Swiss Show. They are shown with their first place in the dam/daughter class. Oat Of Sira: 1. Moora; 2. Crothara; 3. Huthon. Bml Thraa Famalaa: 1. Crothara; 2. Wagnar. Dairy Hard: 1. Crothara; 2. Wagnar: 3. Moora. Produca Of Dam: 1. Wagnar. Dam/Daug ht art 1. Crothara; 2. Wagnar; 3. Jacob Huthon. JERSEY Junior Calf: 1. Karl Harr. Sonlor Calf: 1. George ft Doris Hough; 2. AVOID RUSH HOUR TRAFFIC REDUCE EGG ACCIDENTS P' TT€ftSH€V ■■■ mtm EQUIPMENT CO. 255 PLANE TREE DRIVE LANCASTER, PA 17603 (717) 393-5807 Klmbwly Hough; 3. Kwinotti, Kathy l> Jamai Rndlay. Summer Yaartlng: 1. Kknharly Hough. Junior Yearling: 1. Rusty Harr. Intar. Yearling: 1. Kail Harr. Sr. Yearling: I.TomHerr;2.G»D Hough. Aged Caw; 1. Kathryn Findlay. Oat 01 Sira: 1. Hough; 2. Harr. Baal Three Famalaa: I. Harr; 2. Hough. GUERNSEY Senior Call: 1. Kara Waltimyar. . r - 1/ DRAG FEEDING SCHEDULE? 8?®. I' 116 Db. -MAIN FEEDcr FEEDING SCHEDULE! COMMERCIAL LAYER CONTRACTS Reiff Shows Champion Market Lamb At Denver DENVER (Lancaster Co.)—ln the sheep show at the Denver Fair Thusday, the grand champion hon ors in the market lamb show went to Lisa Reiff. Reiff also had the mediumweight champion and the heavyweight champion. The reserve champion was shown by Jenny Hoover. Hoover also had the heavyweight champion. hi the lightweight division, Ger ald Boyd had the champion light weight and Jeff Bollinger had the reserve champion. Kenneth Reiff had the mediumweight reserve champion. In the open show, the grand champion ram, a Hampshire was shown by Theresa Anspach. Jerry Bollinger had the reserve champ ion ram with a Suffolk. ’ The grand champion ewe was shown by Jeff Bollinger with his Suffolk and the reserve champion ewe was shown by. Kelly Glaser. Kendal Reiff had the champion pair of market lambs and Lisa Reiff had the reserve champion pair. svsilsbld Tho rocult of this competition is damaged eggs... from feet, toes and collisions. Big Dutchman chain feeders can feed your (lock by running as few as three or four times a day, with little competition for feed, a calmer (lock and fewer cracks and checks. IF YOU ARE... FORCED TO FEED mor* than I6ur times a day or during peak laying periods, call Oil for your egg casualties or. .. call (717) 393-5807 far Information on how our chain feeder pampers your product... from cage to carton. • GIVE US A CALL *£* By Dutchman. IF ITS WORTH YOUR INVESTMENT, TRUST IT TO HERSHEY Keith Bollinger had the champ ion Cheviot ram, champion ewe and reserve champion ewe. Kelly Glaser had the Comedale champ ion ram, and the reserve champion ewe. Jessica Stoltzfus had the Dorset champion ram and Sara Zurin had the Dorset champion ewe. Radel Peters had the Dorset reserve champion ewe. Theresa Anspach had the Hampshire champion ram and the reserve champion ram. Raephael Peters had the Hampshire champ ion ewe and Theresa Anbspach had the Hampshire reserve champ ion ewe. Andy Brennen had the Rom mney champion ewe. Leon Hunter had the Southdown champion ram and the reserve champion ram. He also had both the champion and reserve champion ewe. Jerry Bollinger had the Suffolk champion ram and Jeff Bollinger had the Suffolk reserve champion ram, the champion ewe and the reserve champion ewe.