Ei4-Lancaatar Fannino, Saturday, Saptambar is, HI3 MAH ROX I i F Fi SALE 1 1962 Buick special V 6 tor parts, also used lawn mow ers for parts. Bucks Co. 215-343-1690 after 5 p.m. Merino X Dorset ram, ready for breeding, great fleece. Dorset ewes and rams. Gentle, good price. York Co. 717-432-2412. AKS German Shepherd pups, shots, wormed, ready to go. 150. Melvin King, 404 Glenbrook Rd, Leola, ’Pa. 17540. Lann Co. Hand hewn beans, log structures, manufactured antique floonng specializng in oak and chestnut, origi nal hewn floor joist. 7 PM only 717-334-5740. Bnllion 10 ft. seeder witr hydraulic lift and track kil planted 160 acres $3BOO, Case DC tractor $l5OO Schuylkill Co. 717-386-4091. Buggy 4 wheel, new shafts, new rubber, ex. cond., delivery possible. Amherst VA. 1400 080. 804-922-7676. 2 row Nl cornpicker, 325 good cond. Bedford Co 814-766-3802. 8N Ford tractor good cond, original owner with older Sauder loader. Liner for reg. Fleetside pickup bed. York Co. 717-382-4629. Grapes purple and whites, good for juice or wine, .55/lb. Burton 155 snow booard. Like new $155 Leb. Co. 717-274-0717. Saddle bred gelding 2’/« years old, 16 hands, traffic safe, sound broke. Lane. Co. 717-354-9370 Jersey bull service age 500.00 or trade for young beef, Warm Morning stove Fisher, 1365 Fumiss Rd., Peach Bottom, Pa. 17563 1200 bushel Speedy corn crib, 900 bushel wire cnb, Sch. Co. 717-467-2482. Uebler feed cart, TMR model 780. Somerset Co 814-754-4771. Crosley wringer washing machine $2OO. Frigidaire electric stove, wide coil bur ners $5O. Both in great cond. Lane. Co. 717-354-2654. Front end loader for Far mall H. Chester Co. 215-932-7646 Flex auger, 40 feet with drive unit and motor $2OO ex. also wanted Himalayan male cat for breeding. Lane Co. 717-786-9070 Farmall Super M also wanted cab to fit Ford 5000 flat dec! York Co. 717-244-9042 9 ton pintle hitch trailer, B 9 Dow Eager Beaver, ramps, elec brakes. York Co. 717-767-4471. German shorthair pointers puppies, male, female AKC 8 weeks, also adults, good bloodline, '0 gun valulols gun cabmel Delaware Co. 215-485-1735. JD 1935 E’. parts heads, rods, pistons, crank, fly wheel, block, best offer. 703-872-5133. Service age Holstein bulls, bellsaw mill with 32 ft pres sure treated lumber for track 40’ blade. Franklin Co. 717-597-4494. Tobacco ladder wagons, 2R Stauffer transplanter, walnut logs, Pygmy goat kid. NH 6r, baler. $250. Wood saw $35 Lane. Co. 717-684-5352. Stanley-Bontitch, coil-fed, pneumatic roofing nailer, ex. shape. Berks Co. 215-562-5736. AC 13* grain head for F combine, JD 38 harvester both heads Ml 2 row wide picker. Best offer 215-536-3321. John Deere MT tractor for parts. Hunt. Co. 814-448-2910 after 8:30 p.m. Ag tires 2-700-14 RI front 2-19.5-24R1 rear new $290. Sussex Co. NJ 201-875-1597 5-9 PM Horse blankets sizes 60’, 70’. 78’. 52’, 58" used, good oorvd. Mi sc. show and work horse equip. Wer nersville, Pa. 215-693-8095. 5108 BF air dried popular frame lumber 2xlo, 2x6, 2x4,1x10,1x8,1x6.64 per b.f. 717-246-1873. Small engine parts, Microfi che, Kohler, Briggs, Tecumseh, Toro, Jacob sen, Sears, plus five more with microfiche viewer $ll5. Bucks Co. 215-346-8404. Reg. Haflinger stud colt bom 3/14/93 blonde with white mane and tail. Dam Canadian import, caH even ings Somerset Co. 814-629-6902. Nubian dairy goats for sale, milkers and wethers. Call for info. Carroll Co. Md. 410-635-6239. 18' sailboat and trailer 5 HP water cooled inboard engine with marine bans. Great motor launch $750. York Co. 717-993-2288. Mixed timothy and clover $2.25 a bale, right rye straw $2.00 a bale. Bucks Co. 215-598-0456. Cleaned treated barley $4.50, wheat $5.40 all from certified timothy $25. Clov er $65, alfalfa $7O. Ear com, oats. 717-444-3968. 2 wheel garden tractor $lOO. Alum. 5x5 dock board $125.2 8N wheels & tires $l5O. Parts for D5O pickup 2.6 Bucks Co. 215-968-5604. EFM coal stoker, EFM oil burner, milk cooler, rock gabbion nets, hand fired coal boiler. Call nights. Sch. Co. 717-467-3540. 6 HP Cub Cadet, engine just overhauled, new paint, new belts, ex. cond. 40" cut $lOOO. North'd Co. 717-758-3383 before 6:30 pm. 10 complete bee hives new frames, small cider press under miscellaneous page. Lane. Co. 215-445-5309. JD 334 3RN comhead fits 55 combine $9OO. JD 350 rake 3 pt., drawn, pto drive $350. Brady T flail mower. York Co. 717-456-7783. Antique flooring: heart pine, whine pine, oak, chestnut, hemlock, fir, poplar, yellow pinel Also log houses, hewn beans. Eve. 7-9 PM 717-334-0249. 1967 flexible Flxliner bus, 671 Detroit 5 speed, 259 K good, great for conversion. $7OOO. Don. 410-378-2785 Cedi Co. Shropshire ram 18 months old, can be registered, ready for service $125. Westmoreland Co. 412-530-8386. Potato equip., bin stacker, harvester, planter, tew washer and absorber, two row digger plus more. Snyder Co. 717-374-0759. Hat (hire boars by hard- idrnpsi ball, sired top tested Hemp pen at Ohio test July. Nice timothy hay. Adams Co. 717-528-8831. Small Lamco forage wagon, 3 beaters, roof, ex. Large styrofoam cooler chests 48'x2rx15“ deep outside. Lane. Co. 717-664-5846 days. Taking orders for deer meat and sweet bologna. Lane. Co. 717-665-7212. 4 ewes, Dorset cross twins, 2-3 yr. old, 1-1 year old, 1 spring lamb $250 for all. Union Co. 717-568-1039. Int 101 forage wagon w/lnt. 330 gear $6OO. Tayloiway 10' chisel plow w/disc $2OOO. Taylorway 16‘ disc with wings $1,500. Lower Norlh’d Co. 717-758-6221. Dari-Kool 400 gal. bulk tank, 3 gravity flow bin wagons, chisel plow 5 pt. pull type. Dauphin Co. 717-566-0731. Antique potato digger, ground driven, working cond., name plate on side says ‘Rice Potato Digger Co.’ Make offer Berks Co. 717-933-8962. 1980 Utility trailer 42 feet with Thermo King reefer unit $3500. Cumberland Co. 717-795-7038. 45 acre general (arm with house, bam & wagon shed, also pond. Huntingdon Co. 814-542-4721. 1972 International pickup truck inspected till 9-94, wood flatbed. Lye. Co.' 717-398-3924. $7OO or JD 125 box tar porta, Ml 8 black faced ewes $6O, 1 713 platform for parts, A rhauint Suffolk ram $7O. Lane. Co. Surge 75 plus pump, San- Dickuo waoonhydraulic Elam B> FiBher> 142 Harri *' **”«oontrolltar, new tanks, town Rd.. Paradise, Pa. $750. Adams Co. pipes, motors ano nttings. 7i7.A77.ji7M Leb. Co. 717-589-2123. 17562 717-877-8789. best offer. CHALLENGE IDES DEMAND TRACTORS EQUPPED FOR THE CHALLENGE .. lrt . STOLTZFUS KELLER BROS. AlbUJllS FARM TRACTOR CO. CANNS«BILCO SERVICE. INC. 71J-949-2000 215-820-0222 215-593-2407 717-569-2500 Allansaod Mifflinbum ALLENWOOD RENTAL A SUPPLY 717-538-2595 Avondale THOMAS POWER EQUIP., INC. 215-268-2181 Btoomabuca TRACTOR PARTS CO. 717-784-0250 Chambersburo STOUFFER BROS. INC. 717-263-8424 Roof for 14 ft. diameter com crib. Make offer. Levi Z. Fisher, 520 Cains Rd., Cap, Lane. Co. Mounted four bottom 16 in. Rye teed cleaned bagged trip back plow, Conn organ, $5 bu. Lane. Co. American Standard white ~ 717-653-6758. toilet. Cumberland Co 717-258-6150, JD24T baler, $825. JD 483 Haybine, 9 ft. cut $785. Both good, Lane. Co. 717-687-6601 evenings. 990 David Brown diesel tractor forklift $3300. Free dogs, one Cocker female Bichon male and female. Lane. Co. 215-445-5000. See Your Local Kubota Dealer Elizabethtown MESBICK FARM EQUIP. INC. 717-367-1319 Jersey fthore THOMAS L. DUNLAP 717-398-1391 Honaadale MARSHALL MACHINERY, INC. 717-729-7117 AKC Boxer puppies shots $ wormed show quality, also AKC adult boxer 3 yr. old leave message. Lane. Co. 717-661-2186. Reg. Border collie puppies for sate, ready now, very nice. Adams Co. 717-624-8206. 8 used day parlor btm. plows s/s can ship UPS 2 master agitator gear motors, also spare parts. Connecticut. 203-485-1452. Kubota tractors are! Powerful, versatile and fuel efficient. Our B-Series tractors come with liquid cooled diesel engines, 10-20 PTO HP, 2WD or 4WD and quick-attach implements. Optional Bi-Speed turning, HST transmission and power steering are available. Kubota's L-Series, with 20-49 PTO HP, offer 2WD or 4WD and are built with a Kubota liquid-cooled diesel engine. These models come with lots of choices which include the Ever-Clutch, a first-of-a-kind. wet clutch that doubles clutch life and the Kubota exclusive Glide Shift Transmission (GST). And, our 42 to 91 PTO HP Kubota M-Series are extremely efficient and powerful. They come with optional shuttle shift transmission, 2WD or 4WD, Kubota diesel engines and oversized fuel tank capacity. Kubota. Economical tractors meeting the challenge. Kubota Tractor Corporation markets a full line of tractors through a nationwide network of over 1,000 dealers. Kubota MIFFLINBURQ FARM SUPPLY, INC. 717-966-3114 Newßerlinville ERBA HENRY EQUIPMENT, INC. 215-367-2169 Reading NICARRY EQUIP., INC. 215-926-2441 SWWJ’SSS!? igftauw fiB: sSSvJSym.cwnv**. Blah- Co. 814-944-0818. Pa 17566. Avoo Nl 323 superpieker Standardbred horse for like new, ex. oond. Shed cale, calm, traffic safe ool kept $2700 or trade for roll or: black A womans horse, baler. Fayette Co. Lane. Co. Leola Area. 412-438-5761 evenings, 717-656-2170. 455 Cm* loader 4 way 3pt heavy duty eubeoiler bucket and cab 1992 300 $lOO, 3pt 2 row JD cult., hre, dump truck and tilt trail- like new $450. LPC. Co. er. Cecil, Md. 717-998-0638 410-658-3457. 450 Case crawler loader 18' disk harrow w/»t*n<J*rd good undercarriage 69 £#*£9 hangers. Cumber. Chevy dump truck 6 trailer, ‘ ®®- • 609-455-8026 call good cond., $20,000. Lane. 6 P-m- Co. 717-336-6806. Engtiah saddle IT’ Croaby Used bushel baskets, good like new. $5OO, also oond., take one or 17000, IL, dr *V , **.!? r * nd ne !f' 50« ea., burlap bags. 55 $500,. also others avail. S. steel drums $5. Dau. 0 ’ N-J . 717-944-5782. 908-323-9501. Stroudsburg Xq& SEBRINQ’S YORK TRACTOR, POWER HOUSE INC. 717-421-8980 717-764-1094 Hagerstown ARNETT’S QARAOE 301-733-0515 Fleminaton „ . . iataßo .SSSSf. PONIATOW.KI . BROS. EQUIP. CO. INC. SYSTEMS 908-735-2149 609-267-6100 Like New) Case IH 3800 Rising Sun . AO IND. EQUIP. CO. INC. 410-658-5568
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