Union County (Continued from Pago El 2) Ray and Linda Gcsmer. The Country Cupboard Restaurant will include the champions as part of their buffet dinners in the future. Other buyers of market steers were Hoss’s Steak & Seafood House. Keister's Middleburg Auction, Martin’s Steel, and Mif flinburg Farmers Exchange. Douglas Wolta won grand champion lamb. With him are buyers Max DeHart and Lewis Dingier, West Milton State Bank. .4 purcnasv. yl. Dingier & Max 'DeHart, West Milton State Bank, owner Der rick Moyer. MAHONING ’The Nati Efficiency Rating 83% to 85% - Cut Emlcalons by 80% 3Year Warranty Except Electrical Components (1 Year) -35 Years Heating Experience PROUDLY BUILT IN INDIANA COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FUEL USED IN FOUR SIZES* STANDARD UNIT: Modal 1005 both supply up lo 100,000 BID'S per hour WOOD A COAL 1 WOOD BYPRODUCTS (SAWDUST, RARER, ETC.) FUEL USED IN MULTI-FUEL MODEL; SAME AS ABOVE INCLUDING OH., PROPANE, NATURAL GAS ★ The only outdoor furance made with a Catalytic Combuster. ★ Mahoning Catalytic Combuslar Will Htlp In Tha Following Ways: 1 Bum on* rardot wood wheh equate 166 gallons 4 You gel more heal Sots a log competed to ths of oil mocal kimaqi. 2 Your fuel source becomes enormous meshaus- 5 More bum (ms-less isloedngHmel table andpoess tew neks to pubic sate*. t Zap 90% otpohitanta. made from ire source. 3 Over el efficiency ol 85%,wheh means Ihe beta 7. Sewiwue Wdmonryl no longer goes up the cMmneyl I User IrienrSr, emit no smoke! CLYDE K. ALDERFER Sales and Service Box 246, Rt. #l, Mt. Pleasant Mills, PA 17853 FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL (717) 539-8456 4-H, FFA Post Sale Results The grand champion market swine was owred by Derrick Moyer of RD Mifflinburg. The 236-pound crossbred hog was pur chased by Max DeHart and Lewis Dingier for the West Milton State Bank for $4 a pound. The Mifflin burg FFA member is the son of Neil and Cindy Moyer. The reserve champion market swine OUTDOOR FURNACES i/rT-W t Your Home" Modal 2005 both supply up to 200,000 BTU'e par hour Modal SOOSbolh supply up to 300,000 BTU'e par hour __aOoM£ <a inch lona tha boa Model 4006 both supply up to 400,000 BTU'e par hour 400MF 00 Inch lona Bra box IMWe end eawlkelsne etoM U *«e? eMiaul mUmI Burns Coal, Wood, Oil or Natural Gas was purchased by Daniel Snyder Custom Butchering of Millmont Dan Snyder purchased the 206-pound crossbred hog for $2 a pound. The hog was raised by 4-H member Heath Oberlin, son of Roger and Linda Oberlin of Mifflinbutg. A repeat winner from last year in the market lamb competition, Douglas Wolfe of Mifflinburg was the owner of the champion lamb. His 118-pound lamb was purchased by the West Milton State Bank for $ll a pound. Doug is the son of William and fean Wolfe. 4-H member Jennifer Rishel of New Columbia owned the reserve champion market lamb. She is the daughter of Arlon and Becky Rishel. The senior stu dent’s 120-pound lamb was bought by Robert Valentine, for Mifflinbutg Bank and Trust Com pany, for $5 a pound. MAIL BOX MARKET FOR SALE New Holland 256 ha/ rake $l5OO. Cal offer 8 pm Snyder Co. 717-658-2811. Certified Tyler seed wheat from found.ition seed, not state certified, call for details $6 bit. Lyc. Co. 717-547-2113 after 5 p.m. 6 year old standardbred carriage hcrse, 16 hands, Jonathan Z Fisher. 542 Mt Vernon Rd., Gap, Pa. 17527. Lane Co IH one row pull type com picker, goodcond. $495. IH 234 two row mounted com picker $895. Adams Co. 717-334-4284. Guernsey family cow fresh w/sth calf $5OO. Wide front off 3020 John Deere $3OO 080. Luke Nolt, 231 CVD, Bdg. Rd., Ephrata, Pa. 17522. Various size slate, 1,000 8"x12“ 500 each, call after 7 p.m. York Co. 717-862-3318. Liquid chicken manure, stainless steel wet hog feeder, pipe fencing for hog pens, Lane. Co. 717-442-8583 between 7 & SAM. Hayward S2OO filter, motor, pump, valve complete, diving board, steprails, lad der, Tight cover for 18x38 inground pool $3OO. Ches ter Co. 215-383-7496. 97nananana 9Pnaaagana to | y^sMegißimi j | AUTOMATIC HEADGATE I I Full Roof Cover Heavy Duty Uteh P | For Outdoor For Positive. Locking Protection No Wrenches gp od (ceded To Adjus ■ 9 Double Linkai Back Set Open B H For Extra Stal g ja Handle Can B* _ 6\J Opefated From ' as . t » rs« _n Both Sides idjustmcnt On M a loth Sides So g 0 Full Sheet Pr» Animal Size Can b 9 On Front 1e Adjusted g a /nder p K; Pressure s Handle To Help B 9 Jlose For Slow g 9 Or Homed Cattle g Adjusts H Optional Chute B | PAUL B. ZIMMERMAN, INC. ’ a . . Hours 295 Woodcornsr Rd. £3 S Call or Writs For Mon. Thru Fri. Lltltz, PA 17543 ’ B 9 Additional Information 7to 5 1 Mila Wast of Ephrata g a And Your Naaraat Daalsr Sat. 7to 11 717-738-7365 B RJ Ihm JglßMPnaa Kevin Digan. America II diving board 15 ft. 8 step high stand 15 ft slide, 5 pool ladders, all for $BOO. Schuylkill Co. 717-345-8367. Large Kenmore room hea ter, 1 mile West of Five pointville, along Woodlyn Dr., Timothy H. Martin 1231 Woodlyn Dr., Denver, Pa. 17517. Nice big Kieffer pears, $3 a bushel, ready soon. Abner B King, 376 Buckhill Rd., Pa. 17562. Paradise, Pa. 20 acre horse farm, bor ders state land, good trails and hunting, new 2 bed room mobile home, asking SBSK with owner financing. 717-859-9696. Mercedes 1971 220-D trade towards late model JD "G", 60 series or 70 series tractor. Adams Co. 717-632-5937. Black western adult saddle, matching bridle $2OO. Also black pony saddle $75. Walking horse, saddle, new - asking $2OO. York Co. 717-259-7721. —— ; —— 17 pc. 5 ply stainless steel with front cookware set. steam con blade, 16 HP ermine, fits in trol valves, lifetime guaran pickup bed. Ex. cond. tee. 12" stainless steel -»^ d oc r c U 2Lc areat electric skillet. Union Co. $1850.717-265-6465. 717-922-1502 120 bins 14 bushel stored insWe 10 00 ® ach - Franklin mSE 0 - v “ k Lancntar Fattning.Situi 1800 International truck 3300 gross 16' gram body 22 ton hoist, needs enigne work year 1974 $3200. York Co. 717-755-8394. One pair 14.9-24 tractor tires 70% tread $l5O. Perry Co. 717-789-3865. McCurdy Gravity box, no gear w/extensions $825 15 bale wagon w/5 ton Grove gear $7OO. Franklin Co. 717-328-2336. 21 gallon Olympic semi transparent oil stain #906 Blueridge Gray $lO a gal. 080. Leb. Co 717-274-1706. Juniata Co., 3 bedroom Cape cod on 45 acre, IV4 baths, large living room, dining room, enclosed porch, new vinyl siding, in Evendale $65,000. 717-463-2744. 100.000 BID Dayton port able oil heater l/n $250. 75.000 LP unit heater new $350. Wanter front blade. Power King 1614 evenings Chester Co. 215-964-1861. 18,1993-Ei: 3960 John Deere harvester 3 row com head 7 feet pick up. 717-532-2535. 1986 EZ go golf cart, gas engine, newly rebuilt runs great, call Franklin Co. 717-762-4632, Homed Dorset ram bom early 1993- $5O, pair of gol den pheasants $35, ring neck pheasant hens $lO ea. Chester Co. 215-458-8969. Franco Belg. coal stove color brown, good cond. Lane. Co. 215-445-7417 or 717-272-0520 no Sunday calls. Case rake on rubber'field ready $l5O, 2 pt. carry-all $45. York Co 717-235-2032 Wheat straw 925 bales $7O ton, oats straw 390 bales $6O ton, you haul. Cumb Co. 717-258-3994. 430 narrow comhead for C-2 Gleaner combine $5OO 20 HP centrifugal fan has long shaft for PTO w/ transition. Perry Co. 717-789-4433. Polled Dorset bred ewes & ewe lambs. Bradford Co. 717-247-7074. Pony harness $75, pony cart $125, new russet pony harness $175, draft horse harness w/trlmming $l5O. Leb. Co. 717-272-6819 Horse for sale 14.2 H 9 yrs. old mare Appaloosa $7OO. 201-361-8560 after 5. Pygmy goats all reg. 4 bred does & 1 buck all good quality $125 ea. 717-243-9995. Jack Russell terrier pups, beautiful marked, smooth coat, parents hunt, 2 M, 1 F left, ready to go. Potter Co 814-435-8582. Ford 8700 tractor w/cab 3617 hrs., 2 remotes dual power many new parts, Ford 4-16" btm. rollover plow. Schuyl. Co. 717-943-7630. JD 3010 diesel tractor $3500. Berks Co. 215-445-4437. Service age bull dam has records to 25.000 M 904 P, $l,OOO can deliver. Lane. Co. 717-285-4335. Reg. purebred Alpine buck (b- 3/29/89), solid -milk lines, $lOO, Alpine milker (b- 6/24/92). $l2O. CAE Meg, North’d. Co. 215-253-8951. Hardy outside wood fur nace 180,000 BTU used VA yrs., $3OOO 080. Lane. Co. 215-445-6080. 13
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers