Vol. 38 NO. 45 Soy Diesel Proclaimed Good For Farmers And Environmentalists EVERETT NEWSWANGER Managing Editor ELVERSON (Chester Co.) —With soybean representa tives, legislators, environmental ists, and media hounds looking on at Bill Beam’s soybean farm. Beam first fired up a diesel tractor that was running on Soy Diesel and then started a diesel tractor that was running on common diesel fuel oil. The contrast in the smell of the exhaust between the two tractors was as one reporter said, ‘The dif ference between the Lincoln Tun nel and someone’s kitchen.” And that was the reason for the Soy Diesel bus ride from Harris burg to Philadelphia Thursday-to Special Deadlines September 20-24 Because of the Ephrata Fair in the town where Lancaster Farming is published, advance notice is given for the publication deadlines that will be needed for the last full week in September. They are: Mailbox Markets Mon day, Sept. 20, at noon. Public Sales Monday, Berks Honors Outstanding Farm Family CONNIE LEINBACH Berks Co. Correspondent FLEETWOOD (Berks Co.) If Kris Hoffman has anything to say about it, he will be the fifth generation to work the family farm at 448 Old State Road, Oley. Kris, 11. a seventh grader at Oley Valley High School, is one of three children of Barry E. and Karen Hoffman. The family was named 1993 Outstanding Farm Family of the Year by the Reading Fair and the Berks Pomona Grange at a recent banquet held in the Fleetwood Grange. This was the 38th annual awards banquet sponsored by the Agricul tural and Horticultural Association Maryland Junior dairyman contaat winnars. From left, Jaff Emlar, coordinator; April Hall, tat placa; Mary EHan Straydian, 2nd place; Jacob Thomat, 3rd place; Sam Muell er, 4th placa; and Erica Klein, sth placa. 604 Per Copy let the public know that fuel derived from soybeans has many advantages for farmers and even more advantages for environmen talists who set the agenda for clean air. A Capitol Trailways bus that was burning SO percent Soy Diesel made the trip as part of the educa tional program of the Pennsylvania Soybean Board. The Beam farm was .one of the stops. Back in Harrisburg, State-Agri cultural Secretary Boyd Wolff made environmental and agricul tural history when he lanched the Soy Diesel bus ride. The bus is the state’s first Soy Diesel bus. (Turn to Pag* A 34) Sept 20. at noon. General News Tuesday, Sept 21. at 5 p.m. Classified Section C Tuesday, Sept. 21, at 5 p.m. Other Classified Ads Wednesday, Sept 22. 9 a.m. Late-Breaking News - WflSWMflay, Sept. 22 at noon. of Berks County. "The farm has been in the family for mote than 100 years.” said Karen during the festivities. “We’re the fourth generation to farm it." “I plan to be the fifth,” Kris said. Atlantic Dairy Names Quality Winners SOUTHAMPTON (Bucks Co.) Atlantic Dairy Cooperative will present its 1993 Quality Pre mium Award to 51 members who earned t)ie cooperative’s quality bonus all 12 months of the 1992-1993 fiscal year. ‘This award recognizes mem bers who consistently produce Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 18, 1993 At the Soy Diesel demonstration are, on tractor, Bill. Robin, and Shawn Beam, soy bean fanners. In front, Sara Nichols, Delaware Valley tIUR 1 Aff'touncil; Ken Peters, National SoyDiesei Development Board; Mike Gerhart, vice-chairman, PA Soybean Board; and Art Hers hey, state repreeentative from Chester County. Karen noted that the whole fam ily, including eldest son, Dwight, 18, and daughter Sherry, 16, nonetheless help do everything on the 300-acre farm. All of the child ren are involved in numerous school, church and sports activities high quality milk for the coopera tive,” said Don M. Brciner, Atlan tic’s quality and Held services manager. “We commend these producers for their commitment to quality.” During the past fiscal year, which ended July 31, Atlantic paid out $2.2 million in quality milk in the community, as are Barry and Karen. They milk 52 Holsteins and average 17,850 pounds of milk, which is shipped to Dietrich’s Milk in Reading. The Hoffmans live on the farm bonuses. On average, 43.6 percent of the cooperative’s membership earned the extra payments throughout the year. Begun in 1987, the quality pre mium program provides a finan l cial incentive to members to pro duce high quality milk. Members must meet a series of seven quality (Turn to Pago A 29) Hall Named Junior Dairyman EVA MARTIN Maryland Correspondent TIMONIUM, Md. April Hall, 16-year-old daughter of Jim my and Linda Hall of Church Hill, Md., was named Junior Dairyman at the Maryland State Fair. She was the recipient of $3OO cash award. Awards were sponsored by the Maryland Purebred Dairy Cattle Association and Midwest DHIC. The contest was open to indivi dual 4-H or ERA members or a 4-H or FFA team. Thirteen classes of competition included judging Holstein and Ayrshire heifers, dairy goats, dairy steers and hay. Identification of dairy products, 'meat and meat products, parts of a complete milking system and feeds were also part of the competition. Contestants were judged on Rva Sections owned by Barry's parents, Earl and Pearl Hoffman, who retired from fanning several years ago and live in another home a few miles away. Before their present home, Bar ry and his family lived on a 107-acre farm along Wiest’s School Road, which they now rent to another family. It was in that home that the Hoffman’s experienced the most terrifying night of their lives. It was September 1979, Karen explained, and the weather had been hot and muggy. Hurricane David was making his way up the coast, and on this particular night, (Turn to Pag* A 35) their comprehension of the milk ing process and management prob lems concerning herd health, nutri tion and reproduction. Two written exams were given, animal health and breeding, and genetics and milking process, dairy products and general dairy industry knowledge. To complete the contest, the top 10 seniors were given a personal interview with the official judges. Miss Hall said the contest was fun. She has been active in dairy bowl and dairy judging contests in the past, placing 4th in the Junior Dairyman Contest last year. She credits her farm chares and 4-H in helping her win this contest April 'owns 17 head of Holsteins and helps with the milking. She is also responsible for picking out AI bulls for their herd. ‘ (Turn to Pago A2O) $19.75 Per Year