Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 11, 1993, Image 195
TH SILAGE BAGS & Trio Bonded Bags* • Trlox Bondod white T, ll' 112’ bag*; White A length avalable 100'-275'. Available Trench APH Covera w/24 month, 12 mo., A9O day warranty 1 Mail To: Alberta Ag Industries J | Regional Sales Office j 3164 Oregon Pike, Leola, PA 1'540 M **»* i A«W-« I I City. □ Silage Bags I I Steel Barrel • Low Power Requirement* FICKE (8) p □ Baggers mb<mD ith TUMBLE MIX ROTATION Less Mfr. Rebate Hi 9-21-93 • Bram Seal* System it Sizes ilntomne* • Long-Lasting Stalnlaaa NEWVILLE. PENNSYLVANIA 17241 717 776-3129 • 1-800-224-SILO BAGGERS FALL DISCOUNTS ON DAGS & BAGGERS • 7 Ft. Baby Saggar • 8 R. Husky Bagger • 8,9,10* Senator Bagger w/Feedar Tebla • High Moisture Com Bagger w/Transfer Augar 8,9410* DEALER INQUIRES WELCOME For Moro Information Call; Toll Free 1-800-661-4150 (717) 656-4578 • (717) 656-9919 model DMI72 $6,700 $250 DM235 $7,528 $4OO DM32O $8,592 $5OO PRICES WITH BEAM SCALE. LESS MOTOR ;OM PANV, S cSudct&i& PRICE 1 M CZ. li*fi.Q*o€* S NV (flMfcßr) STjtIMI/ Office Number - 717-264-9588 For Upright Silos Call For Bunker Silos & Manure Systems Bob Francis 717-532-6848 —Evenings cr- Tabb Justus 717-762-8663 ( -| Sollenberger Silos Corp. Box N, Chambersburg, PA 17201 { Nairn j Address [ City/Staft ! Zip I Best Time To Cal' l County. • □l. Bottom Unloading Silos □4. Manure Pits j□ 2. Top Unloading silos □5. Feed Bunks I □3. Precast Bunker Silos □6. Cattleguards j □ 7. Industrial Sllos/Tanks “BUY THIS UNIT”, or one like it to store your high-moisture shelled com and save a lot of energy. With the cool spring and slow start for a lot of com fields, this may ,be another harvest season coming up when the com dries slowly... In order to avoid hauling and drying costs, let us build a com storage unit to preserve your valuable grain at 20%-30% moisture. BEFORE SPENDING A LOT OF MONEY FOR ENERGY (B.T.U.’s) TO DRY YOUR CORN. YOU WILL DO WELL TO CON SIDER THE MANY ADVANTAGES OF OUR POURED CONCRETE SILOS... To unload your com, we can install the simple 20x72' About auger system, the Laidig 43 unloader, or the 17,000 Bu. Capacity Hying Dutchman. Lets discuss the options, Shallad Com and what is best for your situation. Pourad Conerata, No Uaad Slloa, MEMBER: International Silo Association No Rabullt Silos, pa Fbrage and Grassland Council No Praownad Slloa AM Society of Agricultural Engineers Sollenberger Silos Corp. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Saptambar 11,1993-05 Phone Please send Information on; B.T.U. To keep your stored com bright and yellow, you must protect it from oxygen and heat Our 6” thick concrete walls reflect 38% of light beams, resulting in 780 times more heat resisting ability than steel, and 25 times more insulating power than steel. Our 6” thick walls have a very low leak potential compared*to pre-fab silos of any kind, and a very low maintenance requirement. 11