Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 11, 1993, Image 183
Atoo Available In 4'nS' and S'xT 6'4-xtO* TIH $O4O w/Gsts $1,095 1 '**' ” UTILITY (TILT OR GATE MODEL) Slzm: 5 xB', s'xlO', 6'4'xlO’, 6'4-xl2', 3000# QVW 16' Starting At $l,BOB w/Oate $1.695 UTILITY WITH GATE -SIZES: 12'x76", 14x76-, 16'x76“ 18'x76*. IS'xSr, 7,000# GVW, 20x81” 12,000# GVW Also Avtllablt In Car Haulsn ll', 11' 7,0001 GVW FLAT BED: Sizes le’xTß". 18’x76*, 18'x81”. B,ooo# GVW, self storing 80" long ramps casenug * TIRES TO WQ90I!) IMOMS mnimbc soil ///•HWiaisiiaanv, COMPACTON ** • Exterior Dnteh: opexy printer and • Unique ohapo of ttnk oftering !»["•• graator raaiatenoa to lima • Available with inaldo apoxy ralated motor*. coating Including a 10 yaar • Low proHl* lank lor maximum warranty agalnal mat out. visibility and stability. " . ' " V " bottom lor mora 2350 - 2700 • 3110 - 3000 • complato ctean out. 4250 • 4100 and $350 US • Pump bearing housing gallon*. assembly buHl with laparsd • Ws also manufacture truck ralter bearing* In oil bath mount modal* protected by 3 graaaabl* seals. • Available In 6 versions for Inground or above ground tanks as well as lagoon storage areas. • Excels as a stationary P.T.O. driven pump to agitate and transfer manure with straw and hay • Agitation-up to 18,000 G.P.M. with moveable propeller. RO 3, Box 84 SNOOK * S Mlffllnburg, PA 17844 WITH FLOTATI MODEL SHOWN: 4800 US GALLONS WITH 28Lx26 FLOTATION TIRES , -3 LIQUID MANURE PUMPS Your Complete Liquid Manure Equipment Dealer For 18 Yearn! $6l Car Dollla International Farm Equipment • 1 $ 2 Bottom Plow# • Dlaet 4’ • 8* • Blade* s’-8’ • Box Blades 4’-8’ • Stone Rakes s’-8’ • Post Hols Diggers • 1 Row Cultivators • Dirt Scoops • Boom Poles ■ Rear Carriers • Chlpper-Mulcher • Fertilizer Spreaders • Concrete Mixers • Field Cultivators • Potato Plows • Hay Rakes & Tedders • Rotary Mowers 3*-ll’ • 4’-7Vi ’ Finish Mowers • Bale Carriers • Sickle Mowers • Rototlllers • Log Splitters ' - • Truck Beds - 8' to 12’ Over 300 Trailers In Stock Starting At $495.00 50 Dl*' 'idols 1 • 1501 • H(|i w/i • 10 ' Wai Available With Rear SUnger Or Front Mount Pimp >£S££SSS. Controli hydrauttealy oparatad Horn tractor ant Hartaantal mala aparallng naiua: 330* Vartlaal mala uaa: BO* Horizontal pump allowing to pump mora oluny EQUIPMENT 717-966-2736 Aik For Ermii or Dnd HIGHWAY HYDRAULIC DUMP ima^fW 9 6>lo', 7,000# 6’XIO’. 10.000# ALSO AVAILABLE IN DROP AXLE IN 12' TO 16’ CONSTRUCTION (LOW DECK) 16'x76“ 18*x81 a . 20'xer B,ooo# or 12,000# QVW Starting At $3685 w/4* AdJ. Tall rr r-‘ | J p’-r 4 GOOSENECK SIZES: 20’x8', 12,000# GVW, 24'x8’ 18,000# QVW. aim: ll'xr 6 Ton, 20* to 24’xl' 8 li 10 Ton DECK-OVER CONSTRUCTION 18'x8' w/Tail 10,000# QVW $9.098 24'x8’ 10 Ton Dually w/Qoc. Brafcat $5,995 Fmlml agitation by th* nozal* located soar th* heavily **it|*d manure. Conalant homoganbatkm of bottom aadimanta by tha propel lar dlaplacing up to I*ooo GP.M. • Hydraulic hinged trailer tram* mounted on flotation Or** • PoartUtty to maintain propeller at cnitt level. • Filling pip* with atandard tripod or with front tractor mounted (land tor hitor wt up. • HaaaimnaiiSad HP: 70 Ip 120 HP on 540 RPM ISO HP. minimum on 1000 R.P.M. FemUnq, Saturdey, September ii. 1993-1 MILLER EQUIPMENT CO. RP 1, Bechtebvllle, PA 215-845-2911 lifePE IK!NEW IDEA WHITE- KUHN AGCO White 6085 GA 300 GT Gyro tractor, 2-WD w/cab Kake 6 Row, 6100 Planter, QF 5000 T Gyro Liq. Fert Tedder. 17 Ft 4 Row, 6100 Planter, Dry Fert GEHL NEW IDEA- ~ 3639 Spreader 2170 M°wer Cond. 5209 Diac Mower £22 | pre,d " , Conditioner Man n^u TRILLION- d “ c Mowcr Deep-Til Implement Bllom"'' n MDS 1481 Pulvimulcher Box ’ 12 Ft Pulverizer w C n< c j 9 Ft Child Plow MS 315 Spreader See Our Display At The Oley Fair Gaa Skid Qehl BU92Q Fm^ r.M a* in n.c cv;j B°* wA’andem Running Ge " New Idea 3618 Spreader Brillion 12 ’ Pulverizer SPECIAL OF THE WEEK Deutz DX 90, 5,590 Hrs., Fresh Motor Overhaul, Radial Tires $8,500.00 IH 1066, black stripe, cab, air $lO,OOO IH 806 diesel $ 5,500 IH 574 w/TA $ 7,200 Cue IH 584, 4x4 w/loader $11,500 MF 3505, cab & air $14,000 MF 2805, cab, air, 24 spd. w/duals ...Coming In MF 1150 $ 5,500 (2) MF 1135’5, cab & air Coming In MF 1100 $ 4,800 MF 699, 4x4, cab & air $lB,OOO MF 698 4x4 cab & air $16,500 MF 399, 4x4, 1,400 hrsbWiiil $18,500 MF 165, 8 spd. w/loader $7,500 Oliver 1755, 1,900 hrs $ 5,200 Minn. Moline 1355, cab, air, duals $ 5,500 JD 4440, power shift, 4 post $14,900 JD 4020, power shift, cab $ 8,750 JD 2955, cab & air, nice $21,000 JD 2950, hi/low shift $12,000 JD 2840, hi-low shift $ 9,500 JD 730 diesel, electric start, wide front...s 4,500 Ford TWIS Series 11, 4x4 $24,900 Ford TO2O w/sickle bar mower $ 2,400 Deutz Allis 6260 $ 9,500 Deutz DXI6O, 4x4, 4 post $ll,BOO Deutz DXIIO, 4x4, cab, air $11,500 Deutz DX9O $ 8,500 Deutz 7206, 4x4, 850 hrs $ 7,500 Deutz 130-06, cab $ 5,500 JD 111 10’ disc $ 1,500 Taylorway 7’ Soil Saver $ 3,900 Fox 3310 chopper 2 row head & pickup head $ 2,500 NI 325 12 Roll Picker $ 3,W0 AC 1300 25' Folding Field Cultivator $ 2,500 Woods 10' Offset Mower $ 2,500 NH 256 6 bar rake $ 1,800 MF 15' Flex Head $ 1,900 MF 20' Flex Head $ 1,900 IH 7 Shank Auto Reset V Ripper $ 4,900 18.4x38 & 20.8x38 duals $ 1,000 14’ Transport Packer $ 1,800 Better Bill 1500 Gallon Top Fill Spreader! 2,200 (3) 350 Bushel Gravity Wagons Financing Available L&M BURKHOLDER Between' Brownstown t Rothsvllle Ephreta, PA 717-859-2960 717-85*2712 Shop 717-859-6616 ■039 1,500 to $ 1,800