Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 11, 1993, Image 180
D36-Lancaster Farming. Saturday, September 11,1993 SEPTEMBER SPECIALS WISCONSIN ENGINES & SHORT BLOCKS W 41770, 35 HP. Elec. Start As Low As $1895.001 2VH4D 30 HP. Elecf. Start As Low As $1625.001 TJD 18.2 HP Elect. Start As Low As $1425.00l W 1230 5.S HP 6-1 Reduction $250.001 Rockford & Twin Disc Clutch Parts Honda SPECIAL Kohler SPECIAL 2.2 HP to 20 HP Engines 8-23 HP Engines & Short Blocks. 2200 to 5000 Watt Generators 20 HP Low Ae $935.QQ Check Our Prices & Save Up To 40% Off We Also Sell & Service The Following; Tecumseh - Honda Briggs & Stratton • Kawasaki • Wisconsin Robin - Onan • Industrie': Ford & Continental Engines, Honda, Lincoln, Hobart, Miller Welders • Parts & Service., FOR ALL YOUR El NEEDS CALL: 717-768-7669 Stli E. N*W|>ort M. Gordonvllle, PA 1752* ■ U.P.S. Dally ■ Plek-up A Oallvary Available Precision HARVESTING The Model 1915 self-propelled forage harvester makes it easy to make high-quality forage. The rugged 26-inch-wide cutterhead uses 12 full-width knives to deliver a fine, uniform chop for the best quality feed. And, the Accucut" knife sharpening system makes it easy to chop at peak efficiency. Stop in and get the details. QUALITY USED EQUIPMENT FOR SALE Like New 1992 Stoltzfus 8-Ton Wet Lime Spreader With Hydraulic Spinners • (4) NH #489 Hayblna • NH #SPI49S Haybinaa • NH #1034 Bala Wagon • NH #B5l Round Balar • NH #320 Balar w/Throwar • NH #144 Windrow Invartar • Haaalon #ll3O Mowar Condltlonar Used To cut Only 100 Acraa • Deutz #K2.S2 Taddar DUTY ENGINES REPLACEMENT ENGINES REPLACEMENT SHORT BLOCKS Trade-In Available - Large Parts Inventory Complete Rebuilding • NH #3O Blowar SPREADERS • NH #791 • New Idea #3125 Slurry (New) • New Idea #361 Box • Ford CL4S Skid Loader i'S ENGINE f JERVICE § Loe. Along Rt. 772 s (717) 428*1817 or 717/741-17*7 Fax No; (717) 428-2990 RR 2 Box 314 A, Kraldlor Rd. York, PA 17403 IExH 3 OW IntonUto Ml *Da ugfab EQUiPIHIIWT p) SUPPLY CO. THINK # ■■■■l * shov * IF^3 JUST IN Trailer Load of New Meyer Snow Equipment, Snow Plowa & Spreaders JUSTIN Cat 922 leadar, Municipal machine, cab & heater, very good eond. Michigan 85 leader, 4WD, Detroit engine, cab 8 heater, very nice machine 29’ Fruehauf aluminum dump trailer Oredall Q 440, gee down, del up, remote, good cond., v.g. rubber (1) Arrow Breaker, Qae 29' Hill aluminum dump trailer \J±\ Nothing runs like a Deere ™ TRACTORS JD 2950 MFWD, cab, heat, air... JD 4055, cab .aft power shift, 39 Call For Price JD 4000 caß. WF new engine, new tires original paint, 1972 model, very nice JD 4040 4 post, power shift JD 4430, 1977 model, cab & air, QR, new engine JD 2640 w/146 loader, reverser, excellent AC Dl7, w/blade, loader & IHC 1466 Cab & Air, black stripe JD 3155 MFWD, 4 post JO 4230 Cab & Quad Range JD 3020 Dsl w/WF & Cab Deutz OXI3O, 4 Post, w/3000 Original Hours IHC 5088 Cab, Heat & Air, 2600 Hrs., •3 Outlets JD 4320 Cab, Heat & Air w/Direct Axle Duals, Original Paint $13,900 Case 930 Gas \MF $ 4,950 JO 3RN Forage head, nice Coming In JD 3950 Harvester W/2RN, loaded Coming In JO 3940 Harvester w/Electric Controls, 1000 PTO, 5/. ’ PicK-Up, 2R Com Head $ 8,950 JD 2RW w/slip clutch Coming In NH 782 harvester w/metal alert, 2RN and grass head, excellent Meyers 518, WF, w/Roof & 12 Ton Easy Trail Chassis Nl 709 Unisystem w/767 Chopper, 3 Row Comhead & Pickup Head 2100 Hrs JO 3940 Harvester w/Electric Controls, 540 PTO, w/2 Row & 5V4 1 Pickup JO 216 Forage Wagon w/Gehl Tandem Nl 486 Round Baler, excellent JO 1219 Haybine JD 1209 Haybine NH 38 Flail Chopper NH 851 Round Baler JD 336 Baler w/Ejector.. NH 488 Haybine, 9' NH 68 Baler w/Thrower, NH 495 Haybine NH 273 Baler w/Ejector. DRILLS JD 450 2446 w/Press Wheels, 1 Year Old Weavertine feed cart model 430 (30 bushel), low hours Coming In JD 260 Loader Coming In JD 397 Mid Mower, Fits 20 & 30 Series 3 Cylinder Utility Tractors Ml 245 tanderrutCAader w/top beater and end gS WT. 20.8x38 Snap On Duals Dual Wheels 18.4x34 Snap On, w/Tires 3 Pt. Green 81ade.... Woods Belly Mower. Case Rotary Mower 240 Tannant, 2 Cyl. Kohlar $3,500 at Kagor htwr • Dm* 9 Aid* Powtr Boas SWT* Bwaapar, Ta|44.*na Tralloro, Oood high dump, cab, good eend. Good, Starting At $2,500 $5,500 • r Allis Chilmara ACC3O LP, P/S, 3000 Lb., Good Cond. ~ i .... _ . _ ... 198# Shlnnlu Tractor, Now iCaao 380 Tractor, 3 Pt. PTO, --***' V 4 Nawar HPDlaaa .PTO, iDlasal, Qoad Cond. Wlaconaln, Twin iMdi 3 pt., Light*, Parts Available Coming In Coming In Coming In Coming In Coming In ....$ 3,950 Coming In Coming In Coming In Coming In $10,900 $24,900 $ 8,250 $ 3,450 $24,900 $ 8,950 $ 1,750 ...$12,000 ~..$ 4,850 ....$ 050 ....$ 3,950 ~..$ 4,950 ~..$ 4,850 2,950 ....$ 1,250 ....$ 4,000 ....$ 1,200 $ 7,750 .$ 950 $ 2,650 .$ 850 .$ 750 .$ 100 .$ 300 .$ 100 Cm* W-tB Loador, Dlotal, Powarahlft ATTENTION High Quality Of Used John Door* Farm Equipment Roomily Purchased From Local Farmer. All Vary Wall Maintained. JD 2950iaM8eat & air 2200 hrs., 1965 model, • like nWTTme of a kind JD 1600 £SQ>}el plow JD 450 hyorapueh manure spreader, like new JD 1209 mowar conditioner non-clog guards, like new JD 950 12' roller harrow JD 425 offset disk used less thin TOO acres JD ?10 disk 12' w/cushion gang attach. JD 1350-1450 5 bt. plow JD 16Aggffi|}er very nice JD 336 Defer n/30 ejector JD 246 3 pt. 2 row planter punters JD 7200 6R liquid w/no-till, excellent JO 7000 6R Conservation Planter w/Dry Fertilizer & Auger Fill JO 1240 4R Shoe, No Markers JD 7000 4R Conservation Planter w/Liquid & Frame Mounted No-Till JD 6600 Dsl. w/404 Engine, 1977 model low hours, very nice JO 4400 Del., 1976 model, 2600 hours, nice JD 443 com head JD 213 flex yellow reel, excellent JD 215 flex head w/side hill adapters Ml 325 2RN picker. 12 roll, excellent Nl #lO 1R picker JD 4400 Gas, 2600 Mrs., Very Nice JO 215 flex head, yellow reel, excellent JD 4400 del., 1974 model, nice JD 4400 Gas Combine JD 6600 Combine (Parts) MF 510 w/Comhead & 13' Platform JO 213 Flexhead, Yellow Reel TILLAGE JD 110 Disc, IVS" JD 1710 A Mulch Tiller 13', excellent IHC 450 Plow, 3X, Spring Reset (2) JD SX Model 1350-1450 Plows, Like Now Your Choice $ 1,800 JD F 145 5 Bt. Plow w/Coullers $ 1,000 White 21' Wing Fold Field Cult. Spike Attach.s 2,450 JD 3 Btm. 3Pt Box Beam Plow $ 450 JD 5 Btm. Trip Plow $ 700 JD 6-Btm. Trip Plow $ 1,100 Pittsburgh 6 Spring Reset $ 6,000 Power Harrow $ 350 JD 2 Row Mounted Cultivator $ 100 JD 16' Drag Harrow $ 800 JD 12' Disk $ 400 IHC 710 4BT Safety Trip $ 1,850 WINELAND EQUIP. INC. RD 2 Rte. 164 East Martinsburg, PA 16662 Phone 814-793-2109 Many Placaa Not Uitadl If You Don't Saa It - Give U* A Call! K ** -I?*'" Clark 45C Loadar, EROPS w/QM M 3 Diaaal Vary Good Cond. " ; F> Hollars Rubbsr Tlrs, Tandsm, 3 Whs*l,k Starting At $l,BOO | Coming In .$ 7,950 .$ 400 $ 7,850 Coming In Coming In Coming In ....$ 4,250 Coming In ....$ 4,850 ....$ 950 Coming In ....$ 4,250 Coming In ....$ 4,995 $ 1,500 $ 3,000 $ 1,500 $ 1,950 $ 5,850 .$ 1,450