Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 11, 1993, Image 165
New fetsjg? At Binkley & Hurst Bros., Inc. On Units In Stock MODEL 10HA: 10 Ton Heavy Duty Air Brakes • Capactiy: 20,000 lbs. at 54 MPH • Deck Width: 96",'Length: 24’, Height 32” • Tires: Eight 8.75x16.5 (E) MODEL 20HAL: 20 Ton Air Brakes, Low Profile • Capacity: 40,000 lbs. at 54 MPH • Trailer Weight: 7,050 lbs. • Overall Width: 96”, Length: 29 , 6” • Deck Width: 96”, Length: 24’, Height: 34” • Tires: Eight 215/75R17.5 H Radial USED TRACTOR SPECIALS (1) UT2169 Gate 970 C«b Tractor, $4,900 (2) UT2820 Ford 2310 DlMd 32 HP Tractor 1034 Original Hn., With Power Steering and 13.6x21 Rear Tim nevn PTf tin * n«nvDC (3) UT2BOI Gehl 4610 Diesel Perkins Powered UUUU UoKU aKIU LOAD&K9 44 jjp with 65 » Bucket, Lights And Pin , t Fork, Only 870 Hrs $9,500 (1) Used Case 1840 Uniloader (2) UT2815 4615 Gehl Industrial 44 HP With Aux. Hydraulics, Yellow Paint Model With Good 10:00x16.5 Tues Parker Grain Cart Also Just Traded: NH 846 Round Baler, Gehl 1200 Forage Harvester, Used Forage Boxes & Blowers BINKLEY & HURST BROS., INC. 133 Rothsville Station Rd., Lititz, PA 17543 Located 14 Mile North of Rothavlile *5 1-SOO-IT PATS U Or Available! (3) UT2161 IM2 MF 215 Tractor With 2110 His., 11.4x30 Rear Tires (4) UT27S2 Case 111 «0S 2 Post Raps Tractors, Sold New Dy Our Dealership, Nice! (S) UT2797 Casa 111 Magnum 7110 MFD Dyno Tested At 14$ HP 10.4x42 Rsdisls And 14.0x20 Front Tires, 4 Speed Reverse TRAILER SALE • Trailer Weight; 5,800 lbs. • Overall Width: 96”, Length 29'6” BlNKUmurst ■*«”*« 0 BROS, INC—' WRHE I*l Rollwvllto Station M. ■ ■ ___• Uta, P* 17S4J . 0 (717) <26-4705 Altar llaara Sauifamay Parti edit (717) aaa-OMB (717) ISMU9 (717) SM-S7M (6) UT2135 HI 9t( 4 Port 00) UT2S4S IH 504 Wide From Rop« Tractor With 11.4x31 Rear Tina (7) UT2163 Magnum Cue m 7130 MFD. 20.1x3* Rear Tim (») UT2162 Ford MOO Strict (12) UT26221H 1M Hydro With 15.5x3* (tear Tirea, C.A.H. Nice With 540- Nice! iooo PTO (9) AMU Chalmtn <OlO With (13) UT27S2 Case 111 <SS With 4 Poat Ropa A Canopy Cab And Air Condition, and Like New 18.4x34 62 Rated HP Nice! Low Ra diala Kile Financing Available (4) UT2832 Case 1830 Gas With 60" Bucket With 4 New Tires • (5) UT2718 Case 18358 Diesel NH 316 Baler - Very Good Condition Call A Ask For Landis Good Used Heavy Duty No-Tin Drill (11) UT2795 HI <s* Wide Front Gat Powered With 155x31 Rear Tirea, 3 Pi. Hitch, Hyd. Outlet, Vety Very Nice! In Stock 18x7 Lilliston Model 9680 With Double Hoppers, Double Disc Openers, Rear Hitch w/Hydraulics Included! FINANCING AVAILABLE PRICE REASONABLE The The Gregory Model Cireonrv {STOCurS 3500 Curator* Deelgned for ■ one Comnanv men operation. The Oruster will pick up manure In your chicken house and recondition the floor tor the next flock. . NOTICE! EXTENDED FALL PARTS DEPT. HOURS: Sept. 7, 1993 - Oct. 29, 1993 Mon.-Tues.-Thurs.-Fri. 7 AM to 8 PM Wed. 7AMto 5 PM Sat. 7AM to Noon BJNKLIMURSX 131 'SES HBS. (717) <26-4705 B^ISKJ MR. FARMER , WHETHER YOUR AFTER SMALL GRAIN EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS INCLUDE: • Coulter V-Rlppers Pull-Type • Non-Coulter 3 PI. V-Rlppers OR MINIMUM TILLAGE... 4200 Coultsr Chisel* OR SEEDBED PREPARATION 5000 Cultivators ■SUNFLOWER EQUIPMENT WILL EXCEED TOUR EXPECTATIONS! AS YOU WELL KNOW • THE TWO MAIN CONSIDERATIONS RELATED TO YOUR 1993 CROPLAND ARE: 1. Eliminating Soil Hardpan ■SUNFLOWER YOUR SOURCE FOR SATISFACTIONI “■StßSar* BROS. INC. (717)<iM7#s H M. Afttr ]]»«■ UMTfnc7 CiO: 17171 Ut-OtM Rl7) iU-tIM (717) 19M7H CaFnrniPtaTl. MitMawytrimlHT7l»» —. OtMi-Urillliy " UncMtf Fanning, Saturday, Saptwnbw 11,1993-D2l MOOCL U3I 2J r 'I 2. Maintaining Residua Cover - WBBB* LOOK AT THIS New 3 Pt Seed Broadcasters or Fertilizer Spreader $89.00 DEEP ULLAGE... 4000 ScriM Rlppara OR SECONDARY TILLAGE... 1200 Ssriss Disks 6000 Land Finlshars ■