Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 04, 1993, Image 92
844-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 4, 1993 Public Auction Register OCTOBER WED. OCT. 20-IPM Valu able Real Estate, 70 Acre M/L, Lane. Co. Dairy Farm. Located 1 mile N. of May town, Pa. on Rt. 742. By Betty Jane Good. Harold “Abe”'Shaffner, Mark Dif fenderfer, aucts. WED. OCT. 20 & THURS OCT. 21 - Largo Two Day Sale Of Farm Equip!, Etc. At Our Sales Lot Located 6 Miles South Of Chambers burg, Pa., One Mile East Of Manon, Just East Off Rte. 81 Along Rte 914 Owners, Jerrold & Gloria Oaks. Marion Auction Service, 5174 Horst Rd., Chambers burg, Pa 17201 WED. OCT. 20 - 7:3OPM, Feeder Cattle Sale. Located Four States Lives tock Sales, Hagejstown, Md. FRI OCT. 22 - 1 30PM, State Graded Feeder Pig Sale. Located At Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc, Exit 13, South Off 1-81, Left Onto Alexander Spring Road 717-249-4511. FRI. OCT. 22 -330 PM Glassware and China. Anti ques and Household goods and tools. Located at Lees port Farmers Market, just off Rt. 61, Leesport, Berks Co., Pa. Ella Emerich Estate. Ken Leiby Auct. FRI. OCT. 22 & SAT. OCT. 23, Prison Ministry Auction. Farmersville. John D. Stauffer, Auct. SAT. OCT, 23 - 8 30AM Tractors, farm equip, horse-drawn equip., col lectables, misc. York Co., Pa Take Rt 30 to rt 616, Takeßt 616 S± 3 3 mi. to sauqre to York New Salem. Turn R onto Stoverstown Rd & go W ±5.5 mi to sale OR from Rt. 516 take Stoverstown Rd. E ±0.4 mi. —r NOTICE; A major New England baaed trucking company baa filed bankruptcy. Pint Fidelity Leasing Group, Inc. has ordered that the trucks and trailers, which they hare a security interest in, be sold to the highest bidder. All trucks and trailers will be sold free and clear of all liens and to the highest bidder regardless of price. LOCATION: The auction will be held at 2990 Bergey Road in Hatfield, Pennsylvania. Hatfield is located approximately 29 miles north of Philadelphia and 25 milea south of Allentown and is between Route 309 and the Northeast Extension of the Pennsylvania Turnpike. SPECIAL NOTE: This is a well maintained fleet. However, conditions may vary. A few units will not be running or in need of repair. There are no small items in the sale, selling will start promptly at 10:00 a.m. 1989 KENWORTH SINGLE AXLE TRUCK TRACTORS (10) 1989 KENWORTH Model 22-210 Single Axle COE Truck Tractors, pow ered by Cummins 6CT8.3,210 hp diesel engine and Fuller 6 spd. transmission, equipped with 20,000# rear, fixed sth wheel, spring suspension, air brakes, power steering, and 295/75R22.5 tires. These tractors are in good to very good condition with good tires. 1989 FORD SINGLE AXLE TRUCK TRACTORS (58) 1989 FORD Model LN9OOO Single Axle Truck Tractors, powered by Cum mins LTAIO, 270 hp diesel engine and Spicer 7 spd. transmission, equipped with 23,000# rear, fixed sth wheel, spring suspension, air foils, air brakes, and 295/75R22.5 tires. The majority of these tractors are in good condition with good tires. 1989 INTERNATIONAL/NAVISTAR SINGLE AXLE TRUCK TRACTORS (119) 1989 INTERNATIONAL/NAVISTAR Model 1955 Single Axle Truck Tractors, powered by International DT466,210 hp diesel engine and Spicer 7 spd. transmis sion, equipped with 23,000# rear, fixed Sth wheel, spring suspension, air brakes, and 295/75R22.5 tires. The majority of these tractors are in good to very good condition with good tires. TERMS: Complete Payment Sale Day In Cash Or Guaranteed Funds. INSPECTION; One week prior to sale from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. TEMPORARY TAGS: Temporary license plates will be available on site through an outside vendor. SALE SITE PHONE: Call Auction Company Office at 800-233-6898 or (215) 361-9099. PA AUCTION LICENSE NO. RT-000099-L to sale. Raymond Schrum, owneer. Melvin Haines, Ralph Brenneman, aucts. TWO DAY COUNTRY AUCTION VALUABLE 4’A ACRE FARMETTE ANTIQUES & DOLLS SATURDAY, SEPT. 25, 9:00 a.m. REAL ESTATE 11:00 AM MONDAY, SEPT. 27, 3:00 p.m. Just off Fruitvllle Pike at 871 Holly Tree Road, Manhelm, PA. ANTIQUE AUTOMOBILE REAL ESTATE 11:00 A.M. 4.4 acre lot, Penn Township, Lancaster County, Pen na. Stone raised rancher with kitchen, livingroom, diningroom, two bedrooms, bath, attic, storage, basement and lower garage combination. Property also has small bank barn, masonary constructed outbuilding and stone springhouse, holly trees and fruit trees throughout. This is a great property for the rural minded family. Inspection Sat. Sept. 4 and Sat. Sep tember 18, 1:00 P.M.-2;30 P.M. Please inquire for further information. Auction For; CATHERINE K. EITNIER 10 S. Broad St. Lititz, PA 17543 Elmar Murry 626-2636 Richard Murry 626-8175 Ken Millar Professional Auctioneers, Appraisers and Advisors Since 1953 AU-00648-L Saturday, September, 18, 1993 10:00 A.M. Hatfield, Pennsylvania (Philadelphia/AUentown Area) (187) SINGLE AXLE TRUCK TRACTORS ft (100) TANDEM AXLE VAN TRAILERS SAT. OCT. 23-9 AM, Farm Machinery, Household Goods. Located 3 Miles S Of Gap Along Zook Road, From Gap Take Route 41 S. To Second Cross Road Past Dutch Way Farmers ABSOLUTE AUCTION BY ORDER OF SECURED PARTY Market. Turn Left On Zook Road To First Farm On Left. West Salisbury Town ship, Chester Co. Owners, Mast & Anna Stoltzfus. Leon Kurtz & J. Omar Stolt zfus, Aucts. t PUBLIC AUCTION LYKENS VALLEY FARM SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1993 at 8:30 A.M. One Mile North of GRATZ and Route 25 in Lykens Township, Dauphin County, PA. Watch for Auction Sign along the Gratz to Kllngerstown Road at Garden Spot Road, Ist Farm East. 40 Miles NE of Harrisburg. 85 ACRE FARM Approximately 70 ACRES TILLABLE in High State of Cultivation, balance Pasture and Wooded Land. Farm Pond. Seldom do you have an opportunity to purchase a farm of this size along a quiet Township Road in Lykens Township. The farm buildings are located along a gentle slope with southern exposure. Check it outl FOR INSPECTION CALL: 717-365-3553. After inspection. ARRANGE YOUR FINANC ING, BE PREPARED TO BID & BUY AT THE AUCTION! TERMS: 10% down the day of sale, further terms & conditions to be announced when real estate is offered at 11:00 A.M. Also selling: FARM EQUIPMENT, TOOLS, TRUCKS, AUTOS, CAMPER, HOUSE HOLD FURNISHINGS, ANTIQUES, COLLECTIBLES & GUNS including: Farmall Super C; Farmall M; Oliver Cletrac Model DGH Dozer w/9’ Blade; 1990 CHEV. CAVALIER 4-DR. AUTO MATIC w/AIR only 1,200 Miles; 1982 CHEV. S-10, V-6 SPORT PICK-UP w/TOPPER, 42.000 Miles; 14- Ft Frolic Camper. Betty J. Wolfe, Attorney-in-Fact David H. Rattlgan, Esq. Williamson, Freldberg & Jones ni -,nr<n-r M,KE > AUCTIONEER, AU1599-L 717-425-3313 UtlDCri I GEORGE, REALTOR & AUCTIONEER, AU2O9-L Watch For Complete Ad On October 9 (51) 1080 STUCK Model EB, 45’ Tandem Axle Van Trailers, equipped with 13 ’0” overall height, 96” inside height, 88" door opening, scuff plate, roll-up rear door, smooth side white aluminum, hardwood floors, sliding tandems, manual landing gear, and 295/75R22.5 tires. (49) 1988 STRICK Model EB, 45’ Tandem Axle Van Trailers, equipped with 13’0” overall height, 96” inside height, 88” door opening, scuff plate, roll-up rear door, smooth side white aluminum, hardwood floors, sliding tandems, manual landing gear, and 295/75R22.5 tires. The majority of these trailers are in good to very good condition with good tires. SAT. OCT. 23 - Dutch Country Calf Sale at Leb. Area Fairgrounds. Harry H. Bachman, auct. SAT. OCT. 23 - Progress of Pen-Col 3rd Edition, Den nis Wolff, Millville, Pa. The Cattle Exchange. Ist Floor, 3-ROOMS & BATH 2nd Floor. 4-BEDROOMS WALK-IN BASEMENT OIL HOT WATER HEAT BANK-TYPE BARN, other OUTBUILDINGS ALBERT A. EBERT and IRENE R. EBERT, Owners 1989 STRICK TANDEM AXLE VAN TRAILERS 1988 STRICK TANDEM AXLE VAN TRAILERS CALL OR WRITE FOR DESCRIPTIVE BROCHURE HunwSfr Auction MCompany 4/ 1909 South Broad St • Lansdale, PA 19446 Office (215) 361-9099 SAT. OCT. 23 - SAM For Titus and Anna Keller Estate, 1376 Mastarsonvil le Road, Manheim. Will be selling furniture, Winross bucks, and Ford advertis ing items. John D. Stauffer Auct. SAT. OCT. 23 - 9 AM Real Estate, Antqiues, House hold Goods. 2 Second St., QuanyviHe, Pa. By J. Land is Kreider, Estate. Kreider, Kline & Good, Aucts. Fax (215) 361-9212