Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 04, 1993, Image 90

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    842-Lancister Fanning, Saturday, September 4, 1993
I Public Auction Register I
Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. I
of each week’s publication V
Friday Evening, September 10, 1993
- 6:00 P.M.
Located 3 miles South of Dlllsburg • off Route 15 on Hickory
Road - 3 cross roads past Ettnoyers R.V. • Corner of Hickory
and Century Lane.
J.D. 4230 Tractor - Fender Tractor - Syncro Range - Wide Front - 5700
original hours - Nice Clean Tractor; J.D. 2510 - Gas - Narrow Front - Roll
Bar, Oliver 660 Gas with Front End Loader; Oliver 660 Gas - Narrow
Front; J.D. A Model - 1951 Vintage.
N.H. 315 Baler with Thrower; N.H. 489 Haybine; J.D. 640 Hay Rake with
Front Wheel; 2 - Bale King Hay Wagons; 2 - Wooden Rack Hay Wagons;
1 - Steel Tube Hay Wagon; J.D. #5O Side Mount Mower; Little Giant 40
Ft. Bale Elevator; Smoker 28 Ft. Elevator; Flat Wagon.
I.H. 710 5 Bottom Auto Reset Plow; Athens 10 Chisel 3 Pt. Plow; J.D. 10
ft. Transport Disc; Brillion 10 Ft. Cultipacker; J.D. Lever Harrow; N.H.
5192 Beater Manure Spreader; J.D. Grain Drill; Com Drag Elevator; 3 Pt.
Scraper Blade; I.H. 4 Row Com Planter; Killbros 350 Gravity Bin
Wagon; Clark 300 Gal. Field Sprayer; Martin Steer Feeder; Gas and
Diesel Fuel Tanks; 4 - Good Stock Gates; 2 - Ritchie Cattle Waterers;
Assorted Lumber; Tractor Chains; Small Wagon of Miscellaneous Items
Including Gandy Applicator, Good Tools - Hand & Power.
Don’t BE Late!
LD. Required for Bidder’s No.
Not Responsible for Accidents
Lunch Stand Reserved
Machinery And Equipment Of
Sale Managed By;
Cortland • Homer, N.Y. Area
Tuesday, September 14, 1993
11:00 A.M.
Auction to be held on the farm on the Cutler School House
Rd. Use Exit 12 off 1-81 to Homer, take Rt. 281 north to Route
90, proceed on Rt. 90 north 5 miles to Lake Como Rd., turn and
go less than a mile, turn to Creech Rd, go Vi mile, turn to Cutler
School House Rd. First farm on left. Arrows off Rt. 90.
52 Mature Cows (26 Holstein & 26 Jersey). Milky herd in all stages of
lactation. 1 Bred Hoi Heifer; S Short Yearlings (4 Hoi. & 1 Jersey); 8
Started Heifers (6 Hoi. & 2 Jersey). Cattle will be Vet Examined for
JD 4020 diesel Tractor, 18.4x38 Rubber, also JD 48 Loader; JD 3020
gas WF, 16.9x38 Rubber; Farmall Super M Tractor; Mel-Roe Bobcat
M-610 gas Skid Steer Loader; NH 489 Haybine; Fahr Tedder for parts;
NH 56 Side Rake; JD 327 Baler w/Thrower, sharp; H&S 9xlB Steel Kick
er Wagon on Good Gear, 1 yr. old; 1 Wooden Kicker Wagon; Kewanawee
Hay & Grain Elevator; JD 350 5 btm. Hyd. Reset Plow; Kory Model 185
Gravity Box w/Auger on almost new Pequea Gear, (2) Dion 1016 SE SU
Wagons (2 btrs) on good gears; NI 3618 Spreader; 16 ft Steiner Single
Chain Elevator on Wheels; NH 28 Whirl-A-Feed Blower, BARN
EQUIPMENT: Wcaverline 430 Self Propelled Hydrostatic Feed Cart,
almost new; Agri-Metal Bedding Chopper w/Honda Motor; Loyal 48”
Portable Bam Fan.
20xS0 Silo full of this years Haylage; 20x50 Silo Approx. 'A full of
Corn Silage; Standing Corn - 59 Acres of Good Com in 6 Different
Order of Sale: No Small Tools. Will start immediately on the machin
ery; then Produce; then Cattle.
TERMS - Cash or Good Check w/Positive ID. Payment in full day
of Auction.
Lunch Available
Gerald Smith - POA
Salews Managers & Auctioneers
Whitney Point, N.Y.
607-692-4540 / 1-800-MANASSE
Also Selling - Same Time - Same Place: For Ist National Bank of Cort
land, Mel-Roe Bobcat 5428 Skid Steer Loader, 470 Hrs.; Cdse - IH 540
Manure Spreader. ,
R.D. 1, Box 66
Landisburg, PA.
Ph. 789-3883
PA License #OBOO
66 - CATTLE - 66
SAT. OCT. 16 - Harper Val- Toscano Garden Center, SAT. OCT. 16 - SAM Anti
ley Hog production sale - Qreensburg, Pa. All Con- ques & Household Goods.
AnnviNe. Pa. Harry H. tainors. Bob ReimoW. auct. Loo: From Lancaster, Pa.
Bachman, auct. takeß 10mi.
■ SAT. OCT. 16 - 4:3OPM turn West ' Tr
SAT. OCT. 16 - For Ethel
M. Brandt Of 2398 Wise
garver Rd. In Manheim. 65
Acre Farm, Farm Equip
ment. John D. Stauffer,
SAT. OCT. 16 - 6:3OAM
_ _ -Jm West onto Truce Rd.
Farm Toy Consignment cross over Rswlinsville Rd.
Auction at Lancaster's onto Hilldale Rd. to 6th
Farm & Home Center off house on left. By John &
Rt. 72. Auct. Kling Aucts. Ada Roper. Kreider, Kline &
Mark Keller. Info. Good Aucls.
1314 Acres M/L Land w/214 Story
Home 3-Car Garage & Shop
Personal Property Antiques
Farm Equipment, 1985 Chev. Pickup
SAT., OCT. 2, 1993
Auction Time 8:30 AM
Real Estate 1 PM
LOCATION: 1100 Dry Tavern Rd. in village of
Ryepointville. From Rt. 272 take Rt. 897 approx. 4
mi. to auction on left. Brecknock Township, Lancas
ter County.
i wK* |L_
Real Estate consists of approx. 13 1 /> acres of till
able ground w/3 bedroom 2/> story log & frame
home w/large eat-in kitchen, living & family room, 3
bedrooms & full bath 2nd floor. Basement & attic stor
age. Oil hot water heat system. Public sewer.
Detached 3-car garage, 1 story frame chicken house
(used as shop). Approx. 7SO’ frontage on Rt. 897 &
approx. 190’ on Maple Grove Rd. Zoned RM. Subdi
vision possibilities. For terms & details call Auction
eers at 215-445-4309 or 717-733-1006. Real Estate
at 1 P.M.
Terms by
Lamar Holllngar 717-866*7777
Auction Conducted by
Randal Kline, Lloyd Kreider
Roy Good Jr Auctioneers AU2II6L
Ridge Fire Co. Pavilion
Along Rt. 23, between Phoenlxvllle, PA and Rt. 100
Sale will begin with a large collection of antique clocks, clock parts and related tools from the
estate of George Messer, Pottstown area. 25 oak & walnut gingerbreads, 20 hanging clocks, dozen
school house & drop octagon clocks. Good assortment of black mantel clocks incl. cast iron,
marbelized 2 tone and a couple of reds. Variety of camel backs, one crystal regulator. Some of the
hanging clocks have calendar dials. New Haven octagonal banjo and several other banjos. O.G.
Weight clocks. Mission style wall clocks and tall clocks. Large servants enunciator clock w/display
and bell. German oak chime clocks. Mini collection of advertising alarm clocks. Black Eastlake and
walnut Eastlake mantel clocks. Lg. flock of cuckoo clocks. There will be a collection of alarm
clocks 1900 to 1950 - many odd, all obsolete. Ingraham Adv. calendar clock “Pa. Banker’s Asso.”
some plastic novelty clocks, electric clocks, elec. adv. clocks, dresser & desk clocks. Interesting
plate pendelum clocks. Fancy iron Ansonia front escapement mantel. Steh Thomas 30 day gallery
clock. We have a few excellent clocks here. We also have lots of nice clocks that will need some
attention. There are incomplete and parts clocks, and many clocks that have suffered thru bad
storage. This is really no place for the inexperienced dobbler, but the dealer, the repairman and the
veteran collector will do well.
SOMETIME AFTER 12 NOON we will be seeing 6 Ig. size live steam model engines, a live
steam locomotive • 2V4 in. Ga. Atlantic and a really good Buddy “L” Loc. & tender. Also a 10 plate
stove from the Lawrenceville foundry and an antique Rosemont radiator made by the Floyd Wells
Co., Royersford, Pa. Misc. Antique Tools. Abbott Lawrence ornate fireplace insert, 1854.
SPECIAL MENTION • 9 multifood microwave food merchandisers that are coin operated and
serve hot foods, salads, soups and desserts. They feature product display, 110 items, all steel, USA
coin mechanisms, ready to go! AROUND 1 PM OR SO, we will get into a collection of antiques,
collectibles, cameras and old photographica. Early photos of houses, album w/tintypes, glass slide
negs from the turn of the century. Figural glass slide projector in orig. box from Germany.
Collection of folding Kodaks. Ernst Plank candle lantern projector, stereo viewer and many view
cards. Kodak scale and dark room lamp. Movie cameras and projectors.
Minolta SR#l. Old Poloroids, airplane photographers camera. Early
brass bound projector in wood box, overhead projectors, vintage radios.
cane seat chairs, inlaid table, RR timetables, glass door case, pictures
and frames, microscope. No auction of mine is ever for new only, but I
do honestly believe this is a male sale.
TED MAURER (AU-000593-L)
Successful Auction Management
Phone (215) 323-1573 in Pottstown, PA
Sat., Sept. 11th
At 11:00 A.M.
At Adrianc« Farm, Turn off Rt. #706
Just East of Montrose, Pa. above Ames
store follow arrows I
11:00 A.M.
Previously owned by U-Haul Rentals - New
& used “Horse” electric start Troy-Bilt tillers,
Honda tillers, Apache gas power welders,
Miller & Lincoln shop welders, 2” & 3” gas
water pumps, 3” mud pumps, bldrs transits,
floor jacks, 5-8 HP gas engine, gas post
augers, Hi-Weed mowers, billy goat vacuums,
concrete power grinder, parking lot sweepers,
jumping jack tampers, walk behind concrete
saws, lawn edgers (this equip, gas powered)
torch set, impact socket sets, Black Hawk 10
ton port-a-powers, 48” electric fans, Johnson
outboard motors, Makita right angle drills,
post drivers, pullers, lawn & garden equip.,
Bolens tractors, PTO tiller, mower, blower &
blade, Ford tractor WTI6 mower & Plow, etc.,
etc. If you’ve seen it at a tool rental, you’ll
probably see it here.
2 outfits consigned, plus lots more.
Barn & Milking Equipment. IH “806” D
tractor 3 pt. w/f dual PTO, 1000 & 540, IH 574
gas w/1000 & 540 RPM, NH “315” baler &
thrower, NH 273 baler & thrower, NH “489”
haybine, NH 1000 RPM #3O blower. NH #56
Super Rake, NH “304” side discharge spread
er, Fox “2250” 2 row chopper & P.U. head,
1000 RPM, sharpener & hydraulic spout, Fahr
tedder, Brillion 16’ harrow, MF 3 pt 3 bottom
plow, Winpower generator. Patz bam cleaner
equip, etc. Ford “5000” dual power diesel trac
tor, Bush Hog 12’ disc. NH "790” 10 ton tan
dem spreader, John Blue Sprayer, 38” & 34”
chains, etc. Dion JD chuck wagon, 2 IH 990
haybines. NH #770 2 row head, Oliver rake.
Patz silo unloader. 18-20 ft no motor, NH #8
tandem forage wagon, IH #56 4 row planter, 4
way wood splitter, etc. JD 4320 tractor w/cab,
3 pt., 8 ahead & 4 back syncro range, 60%
We need more consignments, call early for
Notice Date Dock & Loader Tractor
Adrlance Auctions
AYS4L 278*1574 746-3955
Jim & Steve Adrlance Auctioneer