Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 04, 1993, Image 87
V Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. oT each week’s publication SAT. OCT. 2 - BAM, Valu able Real Estate, Car, Anti ques, Household Goods, Riding Lawn Mower, Roto aller, Farm Items, Tools, Etc. Located Approx. 2 Mi. N Dillsburg Along Rt. 74 Or Approx. 8 Mi. S. Carlisle Along Rt. 74 To Sale. Sign posted. Haar, V. Hardy & 0 Hardy, Aucts. TWO 15 ACRE TRACTS OF MIFFLIN COUNTY WOODLAND at PUBLIC AUCTION SAT., OCT. 2, 1993 At 4:00 P.M. Located In Granville Township, Mif flin County along Rt. 333, approx. 1 ml. east of Jet of Rts. 103 & 333 OR approx. 10 mi. west of Mifflin, Juniata Co., Jet. of Rts. 35 & 333 at “Jack's Drlve-ln”. WE MAY HAVE JUST WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR - (2) 15 ACRE WOODED BUILDING LOTS WITH A BEAUTIFUL VIEW OF THE SURROUND ING VALLEYS. MOUNTAINS AND RIV ER with a driveway already installed, sewage tested, electric and phone, (all the preliminary work already completed fo'r you), JUST READY TO START THE FOUNDATION FOR YOUR DREAM HOME or WEEKEND RETREAT. Fishing in the nearby Juniata Riv er and excellent hunting at the foot of Blue Mountain are just a few extras. Both parcels have double road frontage, were recently surveyed and well marked. BE SURE TO CHECK THESE PARCELS OUT ON ONE OF THE FOLLOWING SHOW DATES: September 11 and 18 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. or Ph. 717-527-2405 or 717-734-3561 for an appointmenL NOTE - Both parcels will be offered sepa rately and then as one unit TERMS: 10% down at time of sale, balance in 30 days. Other terms at sale, TRIPLE L ASSOCIATES, Owners Long’s Auction Service Ph. 717-527-2405 or 4458 AUOOI7O2L Not Responsible For Accidents PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE Will Offer On The Premises A 300 SOW FARROW TO FINISH HOG OPERATION FRIDAY EVENING , SEPTEMBER 17, 1993 At 5:00 P.M. Located 2V4 miles northeast of Greencastle, Franklin Co., Pa. Get off exit 3 of Interstate 81 onto Route 16 go east 500 yards, turn north on Grinds* tone Hill Road, 2 miles to farm. 35 acres more or less of pasture and wooded area. Improved by modem 3 bedroom all brick ranch style home, modem kitchen, living room with fireplace, 114 bath. Full basement with fire place insert, electric heat, 2 car attached garage. Building A is 61x221 ft. concrete block & steel siding, breeding, farrowing, ges tation building with Lisco manure pit system & office. Building B 53x297 ft. concrete block & steel siding finishing facility building with Lisco manure pit system, 9 large steel feed bins; two large poured concrete manure stor age pits, 40x60 ft two story concrete block building with concrete floors, 24x48 ft. con crete block machine shed. This farm has been out of operation for 2 years, and is a good oportunity for a swine producer to put back in production. Terms 10% when property is struck down, other terms day of sale. Inspection of real estate Thursday, September 2 and 9 from 1:00 to 4:00 pm or for appointment call 717-762-3121. Cltizans National Bank of Southam Pennsylvania Edgar J. Stull Auctioneer AU-000921-L SAT. OCT. 2 - 9AM, Fall Consignment Auction Of Tractors, Farm Machinery, Tools. Located IsennocK Auctions, New Park, Pa. IsennocK Auction Services, Inc. SAT. OCT. 2 - 9AM For estate of Ivan (John) Dun leavy. Located at 122 Arch Street, Elizabethville, Pa. David Oeibler, auct. SAT, OCT. 2 - 9AM, Fine ZA Story Brick Dwelling, Fine Antiques & Household Goods. Located At 201 Park Ava. (Comer Of Park Ave. & Chestnut St.), Ephrata, Lancaster Co., Pa. Terms By, Emerson M. Myers Estate. Horst Aucts. SAT. OCT. 2-10 AM, Publ ic Sale Of Real Estate (Approx. 12 Acres), Farm Mach., Carriage, Tools, Household Goods And Antiques. Located In The Village Of Baretown, Lan caster County, Along Rt. 322, 4 Miles East Of Blue Ball, 4 Miles West Of Hon ey Brook, Pa. Sale For Isaac N. Zook, Jr. Estate. Sale Conducted By Snyd er's Auction Service. COMPLETE FARM UL DISPERSAL “SHADY LANE DAIRY ” FARM EQUIPMENT - HOLSTEIN DAIRY CATTLE - FEED - DAIRY EQUIPMENT NEW CASTLE, PA. Farm Sold. Owners retiring after lifetime in farming. All sells without reserve on location: 2832 - OLD PITTSBURG RD., NEW CASTLE, PA. Directions: North of Pittsburgh. Just outside New Castle City Limits. Take St. Rt. 422 Expressway east of new Rt. 60 to St. Rt. 65 then Exit on Rt. 65 & go south to first light & right on Savannah Rd. approx. 1000’ to Old Pittsburgh Rd. & left to auction. Watch for KIKO signs.... FRIDAY. - SEPT. 10, 1993 - 10 A.M. 80 HERD GRADE HOLSTEINS: Long established herd. All A.I. bred, sired & home raised for many years. Atlantic Sire Power and COBA breeding. Calfhood vacc. Relatively young herd w/SO adult cows, (16) Ist lac., (14) 2nd lac., balance various ages. Been trait mated past several years. Averaging SO lbs. milk. Many due in fall. 30+ heifers, 14 of which are bred to freshen Sept thru Jan. 9 breeding age. Balance 12 mo. to calves. Sires & Service Sires inch: Jetstar - Glamor Bell - Tong - Kid - Concord - Bouva-Jim - Joy - Dancer - Clear - Trindy - Kai - Darcy & others. Health papers furnished & pregnancy checked. Some real decent individuals and in good flesh. Catalogs ringside. Merle Coy, Pedigree - 216-863-0086. DAIRY EQUIP. - SILO UNLOADERS - BALE CHOPPERS - MOTORIZED FEED CART Mueller 1250 gal. bulk tank w/1 yr. old Copeland comp., one owner - Uni versal pipeline w/2” s.s. line over 52 stalls w/S units, auto, wash, vats. Sentinel controller plus 7V4 hp Fiei vacuum pump to sell seperate - double wash vats - Rissler S.P. 45 cu. ft. T.M.R. feed cart w/scales & Honda gas engine, one owner - 4x4 bam fan - Wic bale chopper w/Honda engine - Chop-N-Bed w/gas engine - MVE SC 20-20 semen tank - Patz 99A & 998 16’ silo unloaders - 3 silo fill pipes & hoods - round bale feeder - stock tanks - Gestation breeding wheels, cow & heifer - 2 auto. Richie heated waterers - cow clippers - calf puller & come-along - milk cans - Badger gutter cleaner head - (3) Waikato DHIA milk meters. FEED: Approx. 6-8’ high moisture com - approx. 10’ haylage - approx. 250 big round bales hay -1000 bales last year 2nd cutting hay -1000 bales new 2nd cutting hay • 200 bales Ist cutting hay. TRACTORS • TILLAGE EQUIP. - PLANTING EQUIP.; J.D. 4520 diesel tractor w/20.8x38, cab, engine rebuilt • J.D. 4010 diesel tractor, 18.4x34, good rubber, w.f., been rebuilt - Int 710 5x16 plow - very good MP. #BBB 4x16 auto, reset plow - J.D. 14’ bans, disc - Oliver 12’ bans, disc -10/4 ’ bans, cultimulcher - pr. of 18.4x38 T-rail duals - J.D. 1240 6-row planter w/min. till coulters -10' Brillion seeder, very good • J.D. 17-hole dou. staggered disc grain drill - J.D. IS bans, springtooth - Oliver 564 6x30 cultivator. HAY - FORAGE EQUIP.: Good Gehl 800 forage harvester w/2 row N. com head & hay head. elec, snout - Gehl Hi-Throw blower - N.H. 27 blower - 3 Dion forage boxes w/gears • N. 1.5209 9’ disc bine, very good - Gehl 1090 9’ haybine, very good - Kuhn 3 pt. 1-Star tedder - Pequea 710 tedder, like new - J.D. 660 hay rake, very good - N.1.7’ sickle bar mower - Int. rake on rubber - J.D. 510 round baler, 5x6 bale, very good - 2 prong bale mover - Int 435 baler w/thrower - 3 bale wagons • Mayrath 30’ hay & grain elevator. OTHER EQUIP. & MISC.: N. 1.325 2-row N. com picker w/12 roll bed, good - 4 gravity boxes w/gears - Century 300 gal. crop sprayer - N.I. tan dem axle box spreader, 2 beater - Farmhand 815 port grinder mixer • 300 gal. skid tank - antique steel water bough - iron - hardware - other small items - etc. APPROX. SALE ORDER: Misc. 10:30 - Heavy Equip. 11:00 A.M. - Dairy Equip. & Feed approx. 12:15 P.M. - Cattle 12:30. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS! Lunch available. TERMS: Cash or check w/proper I.D. auction day. AUCTIONEER/REALTOR: Rusty Kiko, C.A.I. (216) 525-7420 PA License #AU-002727-L & John Huey H (412) 794-6044 PA License #AU-001588 AUCTION BY ORDER OF; SHADY LANE DAIRY VICTOR & MARGARET CHROBAK RUSS KIKO RICHARD T. KIKO ASSOC. INC. AGENCY AUCTIONEERS UuDaL REALTORS 455-9387 453.91 S 7 2*05 FULTON OR. N.W. CANTON, OHIO 4471* ' p- I r >» » J » f SAT. OCT. 2-10 AM Exca vating Estate auction of the late Lloyd C. Hoover. From Rt. #3O West from Lane, to York, Pa. after Memory Ln. exit it would be second light on Rt. 30 W. would be Sherman St. T/L off Rt. 30 W ont Sherman St., go to Olive St. which would be first street on right after you turn onto SHerman St. T/R onto Olive St. which takes you to State St. dead end, go left to Windsor St. you will see Old Wheel Inn or Grahams Recycling T/R onto Broad St. go to site. Bradley K. Smith, Patricia L. Smith, aucts. ABSOLUTE AUCTION SAT. OCT. 2 - 9:3OAM, Personal Property. Farm & Garden Equipment. Located At 903 Collegeville Road, Phoenixville. Terms By, William C. & M May March. Horning Farm Agency. SAT. OCT. 2 - 9AM, Real Estate & Personal Proper ty. Located Logan Two., fylersville Clinton Co., Pa. Earl W. Weaver, Auct. SAT. OCT. 2-11 AM Dwell ing on 3 acres located along Fairview Road, Glen moore, Chester Co. Terms by; Charles W. & Patricia A. Fowler. Larftfastdr C'lWWtf ’ SAT. OCT. 2-10 AM. Surp lus Items For Quaker Maid, Complete Kitchens, Cabinets, Misc. Located Along Rt. 61, 1 Mile South Of Leesport, Berks Co., Pa Approx. 9 Miles North Of Reading Or 6 Miles South Of Hamburg. Auction For, Quaker Maid. Dennis F. Wagner, Auct. SAT. OCT. 2-IPM, Dwell ing On 3 Acres. Located Along Fairview Road, Qlen moore, Chester Co. Terms By, Charles W. & Patricia A. Fowler. SAT. OCT. 2 - I:3OPM. Real Estate. Located 45 West Mohler Church Rd., Ephrata. Take Rt. 322 To State St., In Ephrata, Go North On State St. To Top Of Hill, Turn Left On Mohler Church Rd. Go Across Bridge To 2nd Home On Right. Watch For Auction Signs. Terms By Paul & Dorothy Newswenger. Mel Hoover, Auct. September 17 & 18, 1993 10:00 A.M. Benton, PA. Service Station Established 1938 A COLLECTOR’S DREAM tijSSj J Will be liquidating an S~T\ 3 Wsw unballavabla accumulation. $2 1920’* thru 1960'a 'O' ” <®n A/EW i USED PARTS § PARTS BOOKS S IS HJ SPECIALTY TOOLS /Sta* E -‘ffejT DISPLAYS 4 MEMORABILIA 2 PORCELAIN TEXACO LETTERS S Standard Blue Streak Ignition Cabinet <S w/Embossed Glass Bottles FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL: | J. Vane* Auction Co. A. p Orangovilla, PA 17SS5 pffiyS) m (717)784-3882 iTOj m (717)389-0650 ® 9 Jamas J. Vanco AU-00308S-L ° J. Vane a AU-002109-L 7 KING PINS VALVE SETS PUBLIC AUCTION 15 ACRE FARMETTE w/2 HOMES ANTIQUES, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, TOOLS, LAWN EQUIPMENT SAL, SEPT. 25, 1993 Real Estate located along St. Michael’s Church Road, Tilden Twp., Berks Co., PA. Traveling between Ham burg and Shartlesvllle on Old Rt. 22 near Indian Fort Inn, turn onto St. Michael's Church Road, go for 3 blocks, farm on left. Real Estate consists of IS acres, more or less, with a large stream running through prop erty & large meadow, whereon is erected a 2-story framed w/shingled siding home, a 1- framed w/shingled siding home, a 2- cement block & framed bam and other out buildings. Home #1 has a kitchen, living room, sitting room, 1 bedroom & full bath on the first floor, 2 bedrooms on the second floor, cement basement, coal hot water heating sys tem. Home #2 has a kitchen, living room & 2 bedrooms on first floor, 1 bedroom & full bath in basement, oil hot air heating system. This property would be great for an animal lover with a possible rental income. Real Estate inspection by appointment, call (2IS) 562-3186 or (215) 488-1655. Terms are 10% down payment the day of auction, balance on or before 60 days. Real Estate will be offered at 12:00 Noon. Auction for: PAUL A. BOYER & MARIAN L BOYER Eleanor E. Koppenhaver, PI A Sharon F. Kershner, P/A Auctioneer: Dennis F. Wagner AU-001427-L Phone: (215) 562-7445 SAT. OCT. 2- 11AM Lovell Angus Complete Dispersal. Culpeper Agricultural Enterprises, Culpeper, Va. John & Virginia Lovell, owners. Coleman Sales manager. SAT. OCT. 2 - 4PM, Two 15 Acre Tracts Of Mifflin Co. Woodland Located In Granville Township, Mifflin Co. Along Rt. 333, Approx. 1 Mi. East Of Jet. Of Rts. 103 & 333 Or Approx. 10 Mi. West Of Mifflin. Juniata Co.. Jet. Of Rts. 35 & 333 At 'Jack's Drive-In". Triple L. Associates, Owners. Long's Auction Service. SUN. OCT. 3 • 12Noon. Wheatley Farms Produc tion sale, at the farm, Stan fordville, New York. Theo Budnik, owner. Val and Lori Eberspacher, sale mgr. MON. OCT. 4 - 6:3OPM Wholesale Furniture. A&C Diffenbach Auction Inc. At 9:00 A.M.