826-Lanctster Farming, Saturday, September 4, 1993 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication MON. SEPT. 13 -10 AM, Farm Equip., Household Items. Located Between Macungie & Hereford. Turn W Off Rt. 100 & Rt. 20 Onto St. Peter's Church Rd., Travel 3.8 Mi. To Intersec tion Of Wetzel Road, Lehigh Co., Pa. Ordered By, Mr. Allison Miller. Ralph W. Zettlemoyer Auction Co., Inc. MON. SEPT. 13 -10 AM, Building Supplies & House hold Furniture, Kitchen Cabinets, Appliances, Flooring, Plumbing, Pre- Hung Doors, Windows. Located Little Ed's Surplus, 34th & Grays Ferry Ave,, Phila., Pa. Quaker City, Aucts. MON. SEPT. 13 - IPM, Outstanding Auction Of New Furniture, Rugs, Pic tures, Lamps & Accesso ries, Also Used & House hold Items. Located Harry's Auction, 11 Graybill Rd.. Leola, Pa. B Miles East Of Lancaster. MON. SEPT. 13 - 2PM 48 Acre Farm, Rapho Town ship. Located at 2911 Hossler Rd., Rapho Twp., Lane. Co. Pa. For Irvin M. Forry & Me'*' E. p orry Horst, auct. MON. SEPT. 13 - 7PM Real Estate & business opportunity auction. Bren nans Mountain House Inn located along Rt. 225 between Halifax & Eli zabethville, approx. 1 mile S. of E-Ville. Joseph & Mary Brennan, owners. Kerry Pae, aucts. TUES. SEPT. 14 -11 AM, Elsie Wilcox Dispersal Auc tion. Located On The Farm On The Cutler School House Rd. Use Exit 12 Off 1-81 To Homer, Take Rt. 281 North To Route 90, Proceed On Rt. 90 North 5 Miles To Lake Como Rd., Turn And Go Less Than A Mile, Turn To Creech Rd., Go 'A Mile, Turn To Cutler School House Rd. First Farm On Loft. Arrows Off Rt. 90. Owner, Elsie Wil cox, Gerald Smith- POA. Mel Manasse, Sales Mana gers & Aucts. TUES. SEPT. 14 - 2PM. Shrubbery Auction. Pro duce & Flower Auction At 9:3OAM. Located Kutztown Produce Auction, Inc., From Reading 222 N. To Kutztown Exit Bear Right, Then Right Onto Oakhaven Road To Stop, Then Left. From Allentown 222 S. To Virginville Exit, Turn Left To Stop, Then Right, Then Second Left Onto Oakha ven Road, To Stop Then Left. (Follow KPA Signs). TUES. SEPT. 14 - 3PM Valuable Real Estate and Personal Property. Located just West of Manheim Bor ough, Lane. Co., Pa. at 829 Mount Joy Road, Manheim, PA. West High St becomes Mt. Joy Road. For Claude E. Hess. E.M. Mur ry Assoc, aucts. TUES. SEPT. 14 - 6PM, Valuable Real Estate 1.27 Acres. Located 5975 Old Philadelphia Pike, Gap (Salisbury Township). Take Rt. 340 East Of White Horse Approx. 3 Mi. To Property On Left. Terms By, David D. Bailor. Randal Kline, Lloyd Kreider, Roy Good Jr., Aucts. TUES. SEPT. 14 - 6:3OPM Valuable Real Estate. Located in Germany Twp., Adams Co., Pa. Bordering Uttlestown Boro. By Her bert H. Sterner. Harold “Abe" Shaffner, aucts. TUES. SEPT. 14 - 7PM Real estate auction abso lute auction of valuable commerce! real estate & equipment 2714 S. Queen St.. York. Pa. in (Spry). Ernest N. Shanaman own er. Gilbert & Gilbert, aucts. TUES. SEPT. 14 - TPM, Feeder Cattle Fall Round- Up Sale. Located Westmin ster Livestock Auction. WED. SEPT. 15 - 2PM, Antiques, Household Goods, Guns, Toys & Tools. Located At The Horst Auction Center, At 2nd Annual Klingerstown Fire Co. Consignment Sale on the Klingerstown Carnival Grounds Septeniber 11, 1993 9:00 A.M. Sharp! Located In tha villaga of Kllngaratown, Approx. 4S mllaa north of Harriaburg and 25 mllaa South of Sunbury. From Routo 25 In Gratz turn north at tha aquara and procaad thru Erdman to tha vll laga of Kllngaratown. Turn aaat at tha Kllngar atown Squara - V 4 mlla to aala alta. Antiques And Collectables Anortment of Eitl and Winron tmcki including - Quaker State Faimi, Klinger and Stehr, Cal Summen, Reed’s Sunoco, Universal Supply, M.G. Henninger & Sons, and approximately 12 more, Bill farm toys (n.i.b.), Good assortment of Davey Allison and Alan Kulwicki, Nat car memorabilia including- banks, photos, pent, key chains, trading cards, sunglasses and trucks. Schuylkill County Fair 10th anniversary tractor trailer, Ertl tractors (John Deere, Farmall and Ford), Ertl fire trucks A banks. Laurel and Hardy banks, first edition Ertl Eastern Sports and Outdoors Show tractor trailer and bank, cast iron trac tors and toys, cast iron banks including Aunt Jemima, Shirley Temple items, Elvis Presley items, good selection of baseball cards (Willie Mays, Hank Aaron, and Mickey Mantle, etc.), collection of 1950’s friction toys, large log cabin Xmas quilt, collection of animals on the nest, Mr. Peanut Jars, 5 gallon blue decorated jug, green and pink depression glass. Large assortment of milk bottles, including- Hcnickers Baby Face, St. Clair, Pa., John’s Dairy from Loyal ton. Ash Meadow Daitys from Hegins, Pa.; Rodichok with nursery thyme; Shaffer - 1930’5; Hoff man Dairy - Gratz, Pa. with nursery rhyme; Billow, Cris singer, Heinbaugh, Reed, Martz’s, Rosnberger’s, Kimmel, Engle, etc., dovetail boxes, Griswald waffle irons, cherry seeder, cast iron tea kettle, butter mold, ols post cards and magazines, old whiskey and beer bottles, Coca-Cola gal lon jubs, wick cutter, butchering crocks. Household and Furniture Assorted oak dressers - some with beveled mirrors, washstand, 4 legged blanket chest, towel racks, night stand, large wooden chair, 2 door metal cabinet, iron bed, quilt frame, library table, wooden table with 4 chairs and buffet, sofa and love seat, chest of drawers, single and double bed with headboard and frames, footstool, electric stove, stereo, peanut butter glasses, stemware, glass mugs, pitcher and glass set, bakeware, roast pan, alum, cake car rier, scrapple pans, Tupperware, electric fry pan, deep fryer, mixer, pyrex, cabbage cutter, canning jars, popcorn popper, electric coffee pot, electric iron, table light, ker osene light, metal picnic basket, calenders and yardsticks, crock pot, assorted cook pots, hand sweeper, kerosene heater, old sewing machine (1908), old picture frames, rocking chairs. Anchor ringer washer, baking board, assorted old dishes, quart jars, Christmas ornaments, coo kie jars, etc. New Lumber 400 ft. Red Oik, 200 ft. White Aih, mostly 1” boards. Large assortment of trees and shrubs (weather permit ting). Truckload of new outdoor pressure treated furniture. Vehicles 1965 Ford Falcon, 4 door sedan; 1964 Comet; 1980 Oldsmobile - 6 cyl. auto, 4 door; 1984 Dodge Aries 4 door; 1990 KBX 200 Kawasaki motorcycle; 1979 Kawa saki 400 KDX dirt bike; 198 F Arctic Cat El Tigte 5000 snowmobile; 16 ft. car trailer. Approximately 50 lots of assorted coins. Farm Equipment John Deere #55 combine, 1100 hours (can be seen at 425-2713.) 4 row AC com planter, 770 series with air champ A.C. monitor; New Idea #323 single row com picker (like new, picked less than 100 acres); gravity flow grain wagon; New Idea #lO com husker. New Holland #4l hay crimper; Dynamark lawn tractor. International flail chopper; 7 ft. roto beater; Oliver grain drill; 12 foil disks with steel wheels; old horse wagon; heavy duty round hay bale feeder. Miscellaneous Men's S speed, ladies S speed and 24” bicycles, B&D heavy duty 7” powewr taw, B&D heavy duty 6” power taw, Powercraft pad tender, Powercraft, 3/8” drill, 2'A hp B&S engine, 4 step ladders, 12' mag. extension ladder, 14’ mag ladder, 20’ mag Udder, wheelbarrow, mortar box, concrete mixer, 8" table saw, heavy duty screw jacks (2), hyd. jack, approx. 3 square while alum, tiding (new), 3 rolls of mineral surface roofing, several full & pan rolls of roofing (smooth surface, half lap and building paper), gal. spouting and accessories, used window sash, with glass, gal. roof cap, extension cords, gas furnace, kerosene fur nace, Jeep roll cage, 2Vi bushel measuring tub, milking buckets, butchering spoons and forks, Enterprise meat grinder, meat hooks, chicken feeders, etc. Order of Sale: 9 AM - household, equipment shortly after, Winrott A Ertl trucks -11 A.M., Coins, combine & vehicles - noon. More items being consigned daily. To consign call 425-2753 or 425-2750. Items will be accepted on the carnival grounds Friday, September 10th from 12:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. , This it a large tale of clean, country items. Bring a lawn (hair and plan to spend the day. Lunch stand provided by fire company. iomer Durlach Rd. (Approx. 2Vi Miles West Of Ephrata), Ephrata, Lancaster Coun ty, Pa. Horst Aucts. WED. SEPT. 15 4 THURS. SEPT. 16, Large Two Day Sale Of Farm Equipt., Etc. At Our Sales Lot Located 6 Miles South Of Chambers burg, Pa., One Mile East Of Marion, Just East Off Rte. 81 Along Rte. 914. Owners, Jerrold And Gloria Oaks. Marion Auction Service, 5174 Horst Rd., Chambors burg, Pa. 17201. SEALED BID SALE Wicomico Soil Conservation District shall offer for sale at Sealed Bids the following: 1978 Insley H 1000 Excavator - SN HI2OOC • Rebuilt Engine in June 1993, Undercarriage Excellent Condition - 2 Buckets also included Unit may be inspected at Pete Richardson’s Office, US Rt. 50 & Woodyard Rd., Willards. MD from 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM. Bids shall be accepted until 4:00 P.M., Sep tember 13,1993 and may be sent to Wicomico Soil Conservation District at 2232 Goddard Parkway, Salisbury, MD. Bids shall be opened during the regular September meeting of the Wicomico Soil Conservation District Super visors. The highest acceptable bidder shall be required to make full and final payment within 10 days after date of notification of accep tance. Sellers shall reserve the right to reject any and all bids. PUBLIC SALE SPRINGETTS FIRE HALL 3013 E. Market St., York. PA TWO-PAYS TUES., SEPT. 7, 1993 6:00 P.M. Post Card Albums and Boxes of Post Cards, York Deeds (Late 1700’s), Gra nlteware, Tinware, Scranton Whiskey Jug, Stoneware Bottles, Lead Soldiers, 1933 World's Fair Items, Many Adv. & York Paper Items, Old Baskets, Wooden Barn & Doll House, Badges, Guitar, Coverlet, Phaltzgraff Items, Banks, Halls Tea Pots, 1950’s Adam & Esquire Naughty Calendars, Wooden Plnocchlo Doll, and More To Sell. WED., SEPT. 8, 1993 4:00 P.M. ORIENTAL RUG - GRANDFATHERS CLOCK Disney items, big little books, tin airplanes, Life mag., beer trays, riding Yogi Bear tby, games, cowboy items, Bambi light, chuck wagon lunch box, other toys, baskets, pictures, basket pattern quilt, coverlet, chalk nipper, child’s piano, sad iron, Kewpie doll, Amber dresser tray (deco silhoutte), doll hi chair, Uncle Wiggly Books, nice Zimmerman painting, black top hat, anniversary clock, banjo clock, quilt, old stamps & an album, statue clock, child’s sad iron, $259 E Lionel train, Cro sley radio, Shirley Temple creamer, Fen ton basket, clowns, marbles, 1909 calen dar plate, fire engine houses, firemans mugs, about 200 fire ribbons & badges, ladies watch on chain, Mack bulldog items including jewelry, other jewelry, old pock etbook, newborn & Dolly Parton dolls in boxes, wooden rocking horse, Ballentine beer clock, pocketwatches, adv. items, bull dog, cap guns, wooden planes, pocket knives, 100 pcs. Phaltzgraff dinnerware, min. satin light, brass bucket, etc. 200 FIRE BADGES FURNITURE Approximately 9x12 red flowered orien tal rug, grandfathers clock with moon dial, two magh. dropleaf dining room tables, two needlepoint chairs, two magh. bqpk cases, oak hall rack, three section oak bookcase with drawer, piano stool, bucket bench (mortised), brass clothes tree, Vic torian sofa, empire sofa, Virginia sofa, 1950’s chrome breakfast set (chairs with wings), two brass umbrella stands, lights, trunks, walnut pump organ, oak chruch pew, Westinghouse radio (floor model), bird cage, early wooden hassock fan, wal nut oval marble top stand, most unusual tilt card table with scene in solid wood, and more. TERMS: Cash or Approved Check. Preview one hour prior to sale time. Sale Directions: Rt. 30 at Rt. 24 turn south on Rt. 24 (Mt. Zion Rd.) to Rt. 462 West a right hand turn to fire house. Auctioneer: Gary Gladfelter #345 (717) 854-7358 Quail Run Ranch Slippery Rock, PA. Rt. 70 to Exit 30 (Rt. 108) thru Slippery Rock to Branchton Road Production Sale September 11, 1993 1:00 p.m. Selling 100 Head Of Limousin Cattle 1 embryo flush, cow-calf pairs Fall calving females, spring calving females, open heifers, polled bulls Many show prospects Lunch served at 11:00 A.M. Catalogs available Owner, Roy H. Neer 412-794-5214 Rex McDowall, Manager 412-794-5609 RESTAURANT AND BAKERY EQUIPMENT AUCTION SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 12,1993 12:00 NOON 932 N. FRONT STREET WORMLEYSBURG (SOUTH ENOLA), PA. Directions: 1-81 south take Enola Exit (Ist exit after crossing Susquehanna River), go south on Rt. 11 & 15 approx. 3 miles to sale. Next to Cellular One building. Terms: Cash or approved central Pa. check. No out-of-state checke. BAKERY EQUIPMENT: Unlvex 4 speed 20 qt. mixer, excellent condition; Dispatch rotary baking oven; Dispatch proofing box; Oliver bread slicer; Vulcan baking ovens, 3 tier gas; beautiful pastry display glass cabinet; Belshaw Bros, electric donut fryer; donut icing station; sheet pans; donut filler; pans; cooling racks; bakery balance scale. REFRIGERATION: Matching Delfleld single door freezer and refrigerator; Glen co Star 5’ Bain Marie; Silver King 4' refrigerator counter; Sani Serv counter model soft serve ice cream maker, excel lent condition; 4’ Bain Marie; 4’ refrigerator SS counter; residential refrig, converted to keg system; res. Frigidaire refrigerator; Kold Draft Unlflow electronic ice machine; Mantlwoc 400 lb. ice machine; Ice O Matlc soda dispenser. FOOD SERVICE EQUIPMENT: Wolf gas charbroiler 36”; Smoke A Rama dou ble chamber BBQ smoker; Hobart electric 6-burner range oven; Comstock Castle 48" gas grill; steam table 48”; US Range gas convection oven; Vulcan gas fryer; Frymaster gas fryer; several electric grills; 9’B” stainless steel back service counter; Hobart 1612 slicer; General NSF slicer; Hatco rotary toaster; Savory rotary toas ter; Eagle 3 bay sink; Eagle 3 bay sink 3'; grease traps; many SS tables and Metro shelving. A caterer's dream - 3 piece hot food service line • on wheels - features 4 bay electric steam table, heated carving sta tion, tray holder, all interlocking for mobile food service; (30) stack chairs - burg. ex. nice; bent wood chairs; (12) tables - 48”x24"; highchairs; (12) diner stools; 300 pcs. new stock burg, linen napkins; large lot paper goods; carryout items; many decor items and signage - pigs, BBQ, bak ery, etc.; many small stainless steel items. Ditto Dean food processor; Gold Med al popcorn' machine; hot dogger w/bun warmer; Eagle food warmer; Bunn coffee grinder - ex. cond.; Sharp digital cash register; NCR register; bread drawers; 4 bulb heat lamp; Bunn coffee machines; scales; ice disp.; Amana RCS 71 OB microwave; Soupolator. This promises to be our best restaur ant auction yeti We are always seeking quality consignments. Mark Beranowski Mark Yelk Lie. *AU2S7O Lie 0AU2033 Phone 717-657-2317 Phone 717-607-1400