Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 04, 1993, Image 70
822-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 4, 1993 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication SAT. SEPT. 11 - 9:3OAM Valuable tractors, farm e 2[" p - an . ,,< * ue ®’ collect- SAT. SEPT. 11 -10 AM, adla8 ’ tools misc. Salti- Carl wnson Estate Auction a?" f West Warren ls Loca,od Bri Three Miles West 0f War ' ren Center, Pa - And Pa ' Rd OH iff Rt 187; Sevon Mlles East XiS rH l? r v F rT,.nl 01 Rome, Pa - - 7 Miles f/kl SoUth 0f Nichols, N Y - V,a Turn N.Y. Rt 282 SoUth T ° Pa % Rt - 187 - Howard w ' Vis - W Rd 4 P”"®}* *P scher, Sales Manager & 2nd house on left Gilbert * uct Marsteller, owner. Melvin Haines, Ralph Brenneman, aucts. PUBLIC AUCTION ANTIQUES - COLLECTIBLES, GEORGE HOFF CLOCK, DUDLEY POCKET WATCH, 49” REGULATOR Cp'rf BANJO CLOCK, SIX HIT/MISS J\CISI M ENGINES, THREE MARINE nAurticmeersW. ENGINES, 100+ DOLLS - MDM. ALEX . & EFFANBEES, QUILTS COVERLETS- SAMPLERS, CAST IRON BANKS TIN TOYS, WOODEN MODEL SAIL BOAT, FURNITURE- GLASS- CHINA SATURDAY, SEPT. 18, at 9:00 a.m. LANCASTER, LANCASTER CO., PA. LOG.: 1217 Pleasure Rd., Lane., PA. Take Rt 30 to Rt. 23 (New Holland Pike) exit south, right on Pleasure Rd. to auction. Watch for auction signs. Items consist of a George Hoff Tall Case 30 hr. Clock w/painted & signed face, broken arch top; Dudley Pocket Watch No. 1792, mod.l; 49” 2nd. beat 8 day Reg ulator Banjo Clock attrib. to S. Willard; HTT/MISS ENGINES: (Excel. Cond.; Bieisch Kit; John Deere 1.5 HP w/truck; Stover Mfg. 2 HP); Fairbanks Morse; (2) IH's .5 to 5 HP: MARINE ENGINES: 1 Munce, 2 Johnsons; Lg. Model Wooden Sail Boat in glass case; DOLLS: 67 Madame Alexanders, Effanbees, Barbies, Kewpie, Porcelain, Bisque, MF JDK & Metal Head, Half Dolls, Clothes Brushs, Composition, Amish Dolls md. in Germany, Shirley Temple, DEPI9O7, Smithso nian Ist Ladies. Snookum Indian & Papoose, Ideal, Vogue, Mattel, African Amer. Dolls; Doll House, Petite Princess Doll House Fumit.; COVERLETS: 1840 Ger hart, Maytown; Red & White dated 1840; 2 w/out dates; 20+ QUILTS: Crib & Lg. Sizes w/Broken Star, Embroidered, & Plain patterns; SAMPLERS: A. Bright 1771 & F. Stone; Nice Small Linens; Crocheted Table Linen; Popcorn Bedspread; Brumbach Pencil Drawing; Artist’s Proof ‘Farm Sale’ by Whipple; Watercolors; Prints; Pen & Ink Items; Early Deeds, Deed in Frame; Picasso & S Dali Etching Prints; MARX Clockwork Loco. Train Engine w/3 Tin Litho. 0 gauge #357 Joy Line Coaches & Tender; CAST IRON: Bank Buildings, Pig, Mech. Rabbit, Can non, Ding Dong Pussies Not in Well Pull Toy (repaired) Baby in Cradle, Elephant; HUBLEY School Bus; TIN WINDUP: Gerard Coupe 1935 w/electric lights, Car w/Trailer, Indian; BRASS: School Bells, SETH THOMAS & CHELSEA SHIP CLOCKS Civil War Sword Strap Buckles w/eagles; Russian Samovar; TIN: Lionel #517 & 817 Cabooses, Doll Bathtub & Trunk, Tramway Trolley, Candle Mold, LAMPS: Whale Oil, Pewter, Brass, Glass, Jeweler's, Twin Wick, Cre solene Vapor Lamp w/inhalant; COLLECT.: Peak Top Shelf Clock; Primitive Wrought fron Lock; Indian Artifacts; Bowman’s Pocket Watches; Watchmaker's Bench & Stools; Gold, Sterling Handled Canes; Demuth Cigar Boxes; DECOR ATED OVAL WOODEN BRIDE’S BOX; Com Molds; Cowden Decor. Jug; Early GOLD SCALES: Telegraph Signal Key; Sterling & Plated Silver pcs.; Old Cameras; Wooden Burl Nest of Bowls; Amish Figures; Mantle Clocks; Tootsie Toy Cars & Train; MAMOD Steam Powrd. Roadster Car md. in Eng.; Lg. Cut Glass Vases, Decanter; Fry Glass Compote; Bristol Vases; Pressed Glass: Unusu al Stemware w/raised colored fruit pat.; Milk White Abe Mustard, Dewey Eagle Butter Dish; Blown Glass: Lg. Center pc., Irrid. Colored Bowl; Pr. of Soapstone Type Foo Dogs; CHINA: Tiffany & Co. Plate, Cup/Saucer, Limoges & German pcs.; Wedgewood Serv.; Haviland Limoges w/platters; Franciscan Desert Rose pat. serv. for 12+; Majolica & Eng. Staffordshire Bunker Hill Blue Histor. Plate; Hutschenrether Fruit Bowl & Berry Dishes; Umbrellti Stand; Post Card Albums; Sleighmaker Locks; Auto Lap Robe; Spd. Groflex Camera; Beseler Photo Enlar ger; Discover 60mm ZOOM TELESCOPE w/trlpod. FURNIT.t Nice 6 Drawer Spool Cabinets; 20 Drawer Hardwood Dental Cabinet; Early Cheese Cutter Rock er (signed); Slant Top School Master’s Desk; Nice Walnut Wardrobe; Chest of Drawers; Wash Stand; Cherry Stickley Slant Top Desk; OAK: Chest on Stand, Lectum; Sm. Painted Spool Cabinets; Sm. Lidded Boxes w/drawers; Child's School Desk; MAHOG.: Chippendale Style Claw Footed Armchair; Eastlake Style Platform Rocker, Armchair, & Side Chair; Viet. Style Music Cabinet; High Poster Dbl. Bed; Maple: Lyre Back Cane Seated Side Chairs; Dbl. Bed; Stenciled Cane Seated Side Chair; Lg. Painted Wardrobe; French Prov. Style Sofa; Creden za; Pine & Cedar Chests; New Boston Rocker, Household Items and much more. TERMS: Cash or Approved Check. All Itema aold as is. Regulator Banjo Clock will he sold with reserve at 12:00 Noon. ALL OTHER ITEMS SOLD ABSOLUTE! H.H. Items sell Ist; Antiques at 9:30; GAS ENGINES at 11:45; Hoff Clock at 12:00 NOON. Furniture after noon, then balance of antique*. Clean lot of goods. All Items must be paid In hill sale day. Auction Conducted By: REIST Auctioneers AU-1637-L AI and Art Reist Lancaster, PA (717) 560-9902, 569-20 SAT. SEPT. 11- 10AM 17 Acre Farmette & Farm Equipment For Norman & Dorothy Sauder. Located 1769 Newport Road, Man heim, Pa. John D. Stauffer, Aucts. SAT. SEPT. 11 -10 AM Real estate, 10.5 Acres, Mountain Farmetto. From Harrisburg travel N on Rt 322 at Thompsontown, turn right onto Rt. 333, continue approx. 4 miles then turn left on Rt. 235 and continue to Troxelville, turn left onto Timber Rd. and proceed 1 mile. Owner: Charlotte M. Martin. Kenneth E. Hassin- Neail A. Courtney, gor, aucts. Auction By: MRS. MELANIE PARKHURST WIFE OF THE LATE MR. E.H. PARKHURST, JR. OWNER OF THE BOWMAN WATCH CO. (717) 569-2409 Don't Miss The ALL John Deere Consignment Sale September 18 ( 1993 At 10:00 AM Tractors - Parts - Toys and More! All JD Related Items For consignment info contact: John Lauver 717-733-6319 Larry Nead 215-932-9249 Ralph Breneman Auct. 708 L 717-757-5130 Not Responsible for Fire, Theft, Accidents FALL CONSIGNMENT SALE SAT., SEPT. 11, 1993 9:00 A.M. CONSTRUCTION - FARM EQUIPMENT - TOOLS - LAWN & GARDEN - ANTIQUES 190 MAPLE GROVE ROAD, HANOVER. PA (4V> Miles north on Rt. 194 from Hanover or IV4 miles south on Rt. 194 from Abbottstown Square - Off Rt. 30). 12:00 NOON TRACTORS & EQUIPMENT 12:00 NOON A.C. 390 Haybine, H.I. Grain Drill, Culti packer, Case PTO Hammermill, I.H. Saw Mantle, 7’ 3 pt. Woods Rotary Mower, Oliver 3 Section Spring Harrow, 3 pt. Culti., 3 pt. Carry-all, 3 pt. Ford 2 Bottom Plow, Hay Wagons, I.H. Drag Disk, 3 pt. J.D. 2 Bottom Plow, 1 Hole Com Shelter, 3 pt. Ford Saw Mantle, 3 pL J.D. 2 Row Com Planter, J.D. #5 Sickle Mower, N.H. 3 pt. Sickle Mower, N. 1.3 pt. Sickle Mower, Hay Elevator, J.D. Side Delivery Rake - Small Rubber, 5’ Trail Rotary Mower. Formal! Cub w/Culti., Spring Harrow & Cultipacker, Ferguson T.O. 20, A.C.-B with New Rubber, 2 Oliver 70’s, A.C.-WD 45 with Loader & 3 pt. Hitch, 8275 I.H. Diesel with Loader, Model 1500 Walk Behind Ditch Witch, Onan 15KW 3 Phase PTO Generator, 3 pt. Befco 52” PTO Rolotiller, 3 pt. 4’ Scraper Blade & Goats. TRAILERS 9 Ton 18’ Tri-Axle Equipment Trailer, 5 Ton 15’ Tilt Equipment Trailer, Pick-up Bed Trailer. ANTIQUES Wood & Steel Wagon Wheels, Wooden Dovetailed Boxes, Crocks, Milk Cans, Quilt Frames, Lanterns, Butcher Kettle, Sausage Stuffer, Water Pumps, Wood Barrels, Wagon Box, Wooden Water Buckets, Old Gas Engines, Metal Advertisement Tins. “SPECIAL NOTE” 4 HORSE WOODEN WHEEL WAGON - EXCELLENT SHAPE! 1928 CHEV. ENGINE IN RUNNING CONDITION. 1970 FORD C-700 26’ SCHWARTZ ROLL BACK - 26,000 GVW & INSPECTED MISCELLANEOUS Pine & Oak Lumber, Wisconsin 4 cyl. Engine, Equipment & Tractor Tires, PTO Shafts, Rototiller, David Bradley Tractor, Push & Riding Mowers, Variable Speed Wood Lathe, Animal Cages, Wagon Load of NEW Screws, Bolts, Hinges & Springs, Silage Cart, Metal Shop Cabinets, Scrap Steel & Alu minum, Trailer Axles, NEW Pipe and Angle Iron, 2 Cement Mixers, 22S amp Lincoln Welder. NOTE: THIS IS ONLY A PARTIAL LIST! TERMS: CASH OR GOOD CHECK Sale Mgr. Rich Kress 717-637-1550 Sale Conducted by: Rentzel’s Auction Service Emlgsvllle, PA Pa. Lie. #761 PUBLIC AUCTION OF PERSONAL PROPERTY ON SAT., SEPTEMBER 18 @ 9:00 A.M. Located at 116 Trail Road North, Elizabethtown, Mt. Joy Twp. Items being sold include 1985 Dodge Aries 4-dr., 1971 Ford F-250 Pick-Up, Farmall “C” w/cultivator, Int. 300 Utility w/loader, tools, household goods, antiques and guns. A more detailed list will appear in Septem ber 11 issue. Selling for NORMAN & GRACE BRENEMAN Auctrs: Long & Long (AU-555-L) Of Valuable Farm Machinery on Sat, Sept 25, 1993 At 10:00 A.M. Located off Rt. 522, 2V4 mi. S.W. of Orbisonia Pa. Turn off at traffic light onto Rt. 994 W onto Valley St. Road, turn left onto Bears Road 2 mi. 2nd farm on right. Watch for sale signs. The following to be offered Case 1270 D, 135 hp w/power shift, app. 2200 hrs., 18.4x38 tractor chains to fit some, Case No. 90 front end loader to fit tractor; JD 4020 w/power shift, app. 4400 hrs., front end J.D. weights; M.H. Colt tractor w/3 pt hitch 2 bottom 12 in. plow and cultivator, N.I. Uni system and attachment base unit 802,4 wheel drive, less than 2000 hrs. 3 size screens, 713 - 13 ft grain head, 838 husker, 844 narrow row com head, 744 wide row head, 783 - 9 ft. snow blower, unit and attachment will be sold sepa rate. Meyers 8 ft snow plow to fit tractor load er, N.H. No. 1496 SP. 12 ft. haybine w/cab, air app. 1300 hrs. N.H. 273 baler w/thrower, N.H. 357 grinder mixer, NH no 30 ensilage blower, NH 383 flail chopper, NH spreader for cart, Brillion 14 ft transport cultipacker, Tay lorway 10’ tooth chisel plow, JD 18 hoe’single disc drill w/fert. seeder & grain seeder, JD 300012 ft. heavy disc, w/22 in. cone discs. JD no. 3 post hole digger 12 in. auger. 3 pt., JD 4 row rear cultivator, JD grain drill for parts, 12 ton tandem axle wagon w/16 ft. Artsway for age box, 16 ft. eze treel wagon w/Rex forage box, 8 ton chassis w/gravity box & side exten sions, White 5400 6 row com planter & moni tor, 21 ft skeleton elevator, Oliver 41 ft. bale elevator, 20 ft Mayrath auger elevator, Oliver 16 ft folding harrow, Oliver 4 row com plant er for parts, 3 bale wagons 1-18 ft. w/10 ton chassis, 2-16 ft. 3 pt pto bedding chopper, 5'A ft. 3 pt disc. Model SO F832-R 1000 RPM pump w/6 in. intake, 3 in outlet, 80 pc or 2400 ft. of 5 in. pipe, 20 no. 70 Rainbird sprinklers. 500 gal. poly tank sprayer w/90 turbo pump and 36 ft. boom Windpower Model 25/15 PT2 15 KW PTO alternator, 2 fuel tanks one 550 gal., one 185 gal. w/hand pumps, some tools, jack stand, 7 boxes Lincoln #6027 welding rods, 10 ton by. jack, porta power, 11 ft. shop table w/ vise, 5 heavy duty form gates from 12 to 18 ft., 10 milk cans, 6 usable for shipping milk, 3 pt. linkage, 3pt. draw bar, some tires & rims to fit farm wagons, 2 ton chain hoist, bolt bin & asst, bolts, DeLaval No. 76 milker pump, stainless dumping station, 1 complete milker (DeLav al), 2 paips 1-65 lb. and 55 lb. BouMatic air regulator, stainless TA in. strainer, 24 in bam fan, AI breeding folder. MAURICE G. RISSLER 814-447*3713 Auctioneers Mark S. Yoder AUIO49L Ph. 717-483-6769 Dan F. Zook AUIO63L Ph. 717-667-2550 Attention: There is a lot of good machinery at this sale. PUBLIC SALE Tractors, Uni System, Farm Machinery Irrigation Si Sprayer, Misc. Items Terms of sale: Cash or Good Check. Lunch Stand Owner