Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 04, 1993, Image 69
Outstanding Public Auction Antiques, Farm Equip., Furniture September 11, 9:30 a.m. Russell (Peachle) Hoffman Estate Hoffman Rd., Mansfield TVvp., Rt. 31 to Jackson Valley Rd., East 2 Miles To Hoffman Rd., Turn Right, Follow Signs. Sale On Right Highlights: John Deere Gas Farm Tractor #lO2O running condition, Ford tractor scraper blade, John Deere Sickle Bar, New Idea single row com picker. John Deere Baler, hay eleva tor, John Deere 2 bottom plow 3 point hitch. FMC tow behind orchard sprayer, antique log skid, old sprayer tow behind, horse drawn planter, antique hay rakes, chicken crates, bob wire, farm tools, hand tools, milk cans, antique grindstones. Oak pedestal table, half back chair, depression glass, full size brass bed, empire chest of drawers, camelback trunk, oak treadle sewing machine, handmade quilts, mahog. rocker, oak lamp table, antique stoves, Viet, dresser w/mirror, Lincoln rocker, iron bed, decor, tins, coal stove, old lanterns, ker osene stoves, copper tank, various chairs, Viet, picture frames and prints, iron and brass twin bed, square oak table, Viet, magazine rack, kerosene tank plus much more. Terms: Cash or approved check. Sale ordered by: Arthur Alexander Esq., temporary administrator Note: Peachie Hoffman was the last of the mountain men. This is an old-time farm sale. Lots of surprises. Early for best park ing, bring lawn chairs. Rain or shine. Teel Auctions Robert C. Teel, Auctioneer License No. AU-002409-L (717) 897-TEE L FARM EQUIPMENT AUCTION SEPTEMBER 10, 1993 9:00 AM. : CONSIGNMENTS WELCOME! TRACTORS. JD 2940 92 hp; Oliver 1800; . Font 800; Clanc4ooo lb. 2 Stage Foiklift LPG; Clark 8000 lb. 2 Stage Forklift LPG; IH 660; : Farmall 300; Farmall A; IH Cub; JD 410 Ldr. &Bh;JDH w/Mountcd Plow; 8N Ford; Steam ; Engine Replica Tractor w/Backhoe; Same 100 HP 4x4; Same 130 4WD Buffalo; JD 650 > Tractor w/Woods Mower. FARM EQUIPMENT- Kubota F2QOO 4WD Mower; N 1323 & 325 Picker; New 10’ Bril lion Seeder; Kidd Big Bale Chopper; Wic Bale i Chopper, NH 353 Grinder Mixer; NH 790 | Spreader; New Zimmerman Forage Wagon; I NH 718 Harvester; 1992 Bonanza 4 Horse | Gooseneck Trailer, Hesston-fcase 655, 8 ft, I Self Propelled Hay Bine; IH 645 18 ft. Vibra i Shenk Chisel; IH 642 30r4 bt Roll over Plow; ? Stauffer Transplanter; Single Tobacco Ladder; | Bale Basket; Fanner Boy Gravity Wagon; JD \ 115 Forage Wagon; Gehl 1090 Haybine; JD I; 450 Spreader; IH 990 Haybine; Gehl 600 j Harvester; Case IH 8540 Baler; Badger 1100 L | Tank Spdr. w/Injectors; 2 R Potato Digger w/ | PTO; Fox 3310 Harvester; Sauder Hydraulic Loader. Type D Model 1982; NH 38 Flail Chopper; NH 824 Com Head; JD Kilfner Pull Disc; NH 28 Blower; NI 2R N Com Picker w/ Shelter; MC Stalk Chopper. EQUIPMENT SOLD DAILY. ALL ADVERTISED ITEMS SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE. RECEIVING DATES - MONDAY THRU THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 6 THRU SEP TEMBER 9 - 7 AM. TO 5 PM. SAlfB ORPER 9:00 AM. - SALE STARTS 9:30 AM. - LARGE EQUIPMENT 12 NOON - FARM TRACTORS 12 NOON • LAWN & GARDEN EQUIPMENT 1:00 PM. - SHRUBBERY J 2:00 PM. • LAWN FURNITURE A& C DIFFENBACH AUCTION INC. f 100 W. JACKSON ST., PO BOX 186 6 NEW HOLLAND, PA. 17557 . (717) 355-7253 FAX# 355-9547 ALAN DIFFENBACH AUCT. • AU2258-L , Short Notice Auction if 1 Of Lingamore Farm Dairy Herd Due to health reasons will sell located East of Frederick, Md. on Route 26, through Llbertytown, left on Route 31 for 4% miles to albaugh Road, South to Ist farm on left. Fri. Eve,, Sept 14, 1993 At 7:30 P.M. 60 Head of Reg. & Hi Grade Holstein Dairy Cows 60 Consisting of 17 fresh in past 60 days; 19 due until Dec. 1; S first calf heifers due within 90 days. Reg. cows sired by Conductor & son Sioux, Mars Tony son & Cinamon son. Grades by-Bell, Mandingo, Spirit, Elton & others AI sires. All are bred AI with longevity & type in mind. Mostly young herd with 21 first calf & 16 second calf - all calfhood vac., bangs & TB tested within 30 days. Low somatic cell count, average 66 lbs. in 95° weather. Individual records up to 30,450 milk, 1021 fat; other recordes 26,000 to 28,000 milk up to 1252 fat. Exceptional herd w/quality & production. Sale held in tent. Loading chute. Terms: Cash or approved check - Not responsible for accidents. M. DAVID & PATSY A. BURRIER Phone 410-635-6237 Auctioneer; Robert C. Mullendore Boonsboro, Md. Phone 301-582-0546 Clerk: C. L. Metz Lunch Rights Reserved MCDERMOTT CONSTRUCTION CORP. COMPLETE LIQUIDATION AUCTION SATURDAY, SEPT. 11 <§> 10:00 A.M. NORTH ROAD OFF RT. 20A, GENESEO, N.Y. HIGHLIFTS, TRUCKS, MASONRY TOOLS, SCAFFOLDING NOTICE; Mike McDermott, President of McDermott Construction Corp. has decided to discontinue this successful business & pursue other Interests. Some very nice equipment here! LOCATION; North Road, Geneseo, 1 Ml. S. Of Rt. 20 A, 3 Ml. W. Of Rt. 390 exit 8.5 mi. E. of the village. SELLING; John Deere 210 C 4x4 tractor loader w/rear scraper box; Selick Super 66 38’ highlight, 6000#, 4WD & steer; 1981 Lull 844 5000# 4 WD & steer, (fresh Detroit), tandem tag trlr.; (4) mortar mix ers; high pressure washer; block saws; transits; welder; 185 Leßoi Air comp.; lad ders; mud boxes; post hole digger; post driver; 140 sections Dependable scaffold ing w/accessories; approx. 60016' Spruce scaffold plank; (2) Garlocktar kettles; Gra ce airless paint sprayer (near new); (2) power brooms; roof cutter; roof spader; Smith roof hoist; tear off chute; form stakes; wire fence; grinders; drills & other hand tools; air compressor; wood splitter; pallet jacks; gang box; wheelbarrows; (17) 40' roof trusses; concrete blankets; John Deere 318 gas & 330 diesel lawn tractors & much more. TRUCKS; 1988 Chevy 1T w/ladder rack & tool box, 35,000 miles; 1987 FBOO S/A dump, 24,000 miles, excellent; 1982 Mer cedes w/14’ body & hoist; 1986 F 250 4x4 pickup. TERMS; Full settlement auction day. Cash or good check. OWNER; mcdermott construction 716-243-0037 F —T RoyTeilsworlh,lnc. : • o~pwoptMtowAi AucnowwmT i {Kk w ~S«l*« Manager & Auctioneer 6502 Barber Hill Rd., Geneseo, N.Y. 14454 L ; 716-243-1563 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, SAT., SEPT. 11, CONSIGNMENTS WELCOME EASTERN LANCASTER COUNTY SERTOMA CLUB 29th ANNUAL SERTOMA AUCTION Flea Market ft Os Be Pork Roaat Located at tha Laeuat Orova HannanHa Schoel, OM Phltadal phla Pika, alenf Route 340. Approilmatety Iml tea aaat of Lan em*r ‘ PA - EARLY BIRO SPECIAL $3.70- 7-10 AM. HAM 0 CHEESE OMELET Homfrtot, Breed I CoHm or Orange Juleo Consign Nowl Low Ratosl Ph. 465M177 AUCTION • 6:00 AM. TW7 3D relief Last Supper picture by Zook at 1:00 PM.; Bloetrie ranfi; fireplace mentis; axtrdaa bika; mapla hatch; kitchen table A chain; lunap; piano; diuaar, quilting frames; 9x12 nig; plaapar sofa; large lot of used building motMial; wall haring a; VCR; video camera; Winroaa truck from many fire conyndaa; oak table; brownie mix; walk behind vector, shop vacuum; Agway 2000 won ganarator with alocric atari; 12 ga. Mar bn goooa gun. Grocery's Ixl2 Garden Shad, Lighting Axiom, Table Lupe, Antiques, Household Goods, Furniture, Walnut Victorian Flower Stand; Air Condi* donor; 22 Oct Banal Rifle; Patio Table * Chain; bon Park BaivA; 1936,37, 31,39,40 A 41 Tin Hunting Licensee; Oarage Door Opener; PUwr Queen Vacuum; Echo Weedeafcr with bloda; Oak desk; Sofa; Sq. Tables; Truck Load of Tods; 12 Ga. Shotgun; 22 Rifts; Itanut jar. Toy Wagon; Safe; 6 Plank Bottom Chairs; Extension Tables; Dishes; Pam A Puna; M. Stdtxfas WUtt Potwry Bata; Health Ore ham; Special Edition Bird-In-Hand Winroos Fire Truck; Building Supplies; Nuraoty A House Pints; New hams, Sporting Goods, Dinar Certificates, American Tools, Sabre Saw, Circular Saw, Truckload of small hand and garden tools, and a Large Amount of Plumbing Supplies A tools. Hus mom. If you have items to sail at low commission rates or donate, plaan phrma, 766-1297 far rates A pickup nrvioa. Garage A Attic Full - Need Cedi-uk 667-7069 or 696-6177 or 766-6297. SERTOMA FLEA MARKET: 7:00 AM-B.M PM Baa Market Space renal only $lO.OO far 10 ft frontage. Have your gangs sale with us. Phone 717/607-7069 • Ren or Azns Jenkins for space mnvuion. PORK AOX ROAST 11 DO AftMtt) PM PREPARED BY HESS'S BARBECUE CATERIHO. Cholca ol Pork or Baaf Dinner, Macaroni Salad, Appteaauea, Drink - 33.00. Tlekata may ba purehaaad In advanea from any Sartoma Mambar. Plcku. at Sartoma Food Stand baton 4:00 P.M. Toko out Dinner or Sandwich Available. Auctioneer.: Ron Funk, Gordon Rooolor, Jim Uwto AU-314-L AU-1575-L AU-1443 Auction ooivlcot donttod by Lorry Mortln Jr. TS . t„, 144 Pillow Pa 17010 ? y.--'\f I Phona 750 4004 u PUBLIC AUCTION OF CLOCKS & WATCHES FROM THE PRIVATE COLLECTION OF THE LATE WILLIAM F. SCHNURE SAT., SEPT. 11, 1993 9:00 A.M. LOCATION: 17 MILES WEST OF LEWISBURG, PA, 40 MILES EAST OF STATE COLLEGE, approximately 1 mile off Route 45, in the Village of Laurelton, on Route 235. PREVIEW: 7:00 A.M. to 9:00 A.M. DAY OF SALE ONLY. All items will be sold to the highest bidder without reserve. 343 CLOCKS such as Grandfather’s Clock, 7*7” H, Chestnut American Case, Bro ken Arch, Painted Dial. Turned Feed. Black Forest Mov’t, 8-Day, T&S; Grandfather’s Clock, B’6” H, Soft Wood American Case, Broken Arch, Painted Dial, Chamfer Comers, Black Forest Mov’t., 8-Day, T&S; Ithaca Shelf Model No. 8 (First Model) Calendar Clock; Tory & Sons Pillar & Scroll Shelf Clock; Triple Decker Shelf Clock by Birge, Mallory & Co., Briston, CT, Gilded Columns w/Eaglc on Top, Strap Mov’t.; E. Terry & Sons 2-Decker Shelf Clock, WW, Carved Side Columns. Paw Feet, Carved Fruit & Nut Top, 30-Hr.; International Time Recording Co. Oak Case Time Clock; Welch, Spring & Co. Round Head Regulator Wall Clock, “8.8. Lewis’s Perpetual Calendar”, Triple Door, Overall Length 4’S”; Assorted Cuckoo Clocks; OG Mantle Clocks; Oak & Walnut Kitchen Clocks; Wall Regulators; Wagon-the- Walls; Etc. 1(6 POCKET WATCHES include Hunt ing Case; Open Face; Key Wind; Etc. AFTER CLOCKS & POCKET WATCHES HAVE BEEN SOLD, THERE WILL BE NUMEROUS BOX LOTS OF WATCH & CLOCK PARTS TO BE SOLD. For numbered brochure send name, address & stamp to LEE D. DOCKEY, PO BOX 164, PILLOW, PA 17080. TERMS: CASH. PERSONAL CHECKS ACCEPTED ONLY FROM PERSONS HAVING AN ESTABLISHED w/ AUCTIONEER OR APPROVAL PRIOR TO DAY OF AUCTION! Conditions by ths Estate Of AMELIA S. SCHNURE Samuel B. Schell, Nancy J. Wagner & Jean S. Derr, Co-Executors Thomas E. Boop, Attorney Auctioneers: Dockey #AU229L, Dockey-Romberger #AUI6B3L & Depoen #AUI9S7L 'o7s September 4, 1993-821 SAT. SEPT. 11 - BAM Clocks a Watches from the private collection of the Late William F. Schnure. 17 miles West of Lewisburg, PA, 40 miles East of State College approx 1 mile off Rt. 45, in the Village of Laurel ton, on Route 235. Estate of Amelia S. Schnure. Dockey, Dockey- Romberger, Deppen, aucts. SAT. SEPT. 11 -9AM. Val uable Antique Furniture, Dishes, General Antiques. Located At Springetts Fire Co. Social Hall, 3013 E. Market St., York, Pa. Brian L. Gilbert & Jacob A. Gil bert, Aucts. SAT. SEPT. 11 - 9AM, 2 Day Sate Of 3 Tracts Of Real Estate, Antiques, Household Goods, Coins, Pickup Truck, Car, Tractor, Tools. Located At 169 W. Main St., Rt. 897, Rein holds, West Cocalico Twp., Lane. Co. Terms By. Benja min H. Gerhart Estate. SAT. SEPT. 11 -9AM John Deere Tractor, Farm Equip, for Gary & Sharon Bender, 2412 Harrisburg Pike, Lan caster, Pa. to be held at Norman Sauder Auction Newport & White Oak Rd., Manheim, Pa. John D. Stauffer, Auct. SAT. SEPT. 11 -9AM, 114 +/- Acre Farm, Antiques & Collectibles, Farm Machinery- Tools, Etc. Located 5 Miles Northeast Of Sunbury, Pa., 10 Miles West Of Riverside & Dan ville, Upper Augusta Town ship, North'd. Co. (Along Clemens Road). From Sun bury Reagan Street To Catawissa Ave., Continue 5 Miles On Mile Hill Rd. To Clemens Rd. From Danville Take The Rd. From River side To Sunbury. Owner, Martha B. Clemens. Mark J. Jones Auct. Service. SAT. SEPT. 11 -9AM Anti que Ford Cars, Fordson 1928 Steel wheel tractor, pony wagon/market sled, Ige. coll, antique furniture, fosewood case melodian, Victorian parlor sets, oak grandfathers clock, adv. signs, collectable primi tives, dlshes/glassware & tools. Location: 18 mi. S. of Bloomsburg, 4 mi. N. of Ringtown, 5 mi. hi. of Bran donville off Rt. 339 dost to Mt. Zion Lutheran Church along Trout Lane, Zion Grove, Schuylkill Co., Pa. By Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Pyle. Ooug/Tim Houser, aucts. SAT, SEPT. 11 - 9AM, Real Estate, Household Items, Car, Garden Tractor, Tools & Ml sc. Located Approx. SO Miles North Of Harrisburg, Pa., 1 Mile Southeast Of Richfield, Pa. (Snyder Co.). 15 Miles West Of Seiins grove, Pa. Follow Sale Signs From The County Line Restaurant In Rich field. Owners, Bernice R. Snyder, Marian E. Shirk & Donald G. Pellman. Robert L. Leitzel, Tim L. Klinei Aucts. SAT. SEPT. 11 - SAM, Val uable Real Estate, House hold Goods, Antiques. Real Estate- 2PM. Located At 234 West Main St, New Holland, Lane. Co., Pa. Terms By, Ralph B. & Eve lyn B. Mentzer. Robert E. A Jeffrey R. Martin. Aucts. SAT. SEPT. 11 • 9:3OAM Valuable residential real estate & personal properly. Located at rear of 363 North Broad St., Lititz, Pa. For Marion B. Herbein Estate. E.M. Murry Assoc., Aucts. SAT. SEPT. 11 -10 AM Complete liquidation auc tion. Highlifts, trucks, masonry tools, scaffolding. North Road off Rt. 20A, Genesee, NY. 1 Mi. S. of Rt. 20A, 3 Mi. W. of Rt. 390 exit 8.5 mi. E. of the village. Roy Teltsworth, Inc. SAT. SEPT. 11 -10 AM 80 Acres (more or less) In order to settle the estates of Thomas J. Gerdes and Naomi Gerdbs, the execu tor will sell at auction at the farm located in Washington Co., lowa. Keith Murphy, auct.