Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 04, 1993, Image 6
A6-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 4, 1993 Pa. Grain Monday, Auguit 30, 1993 Report nipplled by PDA COMPARED WITH LAST MON DAY’S MARKET FOR SOUTHEASTERN. CENTRAL. AND SOUTH CENTRAL PA: CORN STEADY TO .05 LOWER; WHEAT & SOYBEANS STEADY TO .10 LOWER; BARLEY & OATS MOSTLY STEADY; EAR CORN STEADY TO WEAK. SOUTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA CORN NO. 2-Y RANGE 2.60-2.80, AVERAGE 2.71, CONTRACT FOR HARVEST 2.41-2.61; ©WHEAT NO. 2 RANGE 2.90-3.20, AVERAGE 3.04; BARLEY NO. 3 RANGE 1.70-1.80, AVERAGE 1.74, OATS NO. 2 RANGE 1.30-1.65, AVERAGE 1.52; SOYBEANS NO. 1 RANGE 6.35-7.50, MOSTLY 6.48-7.18. AVERAGE 6.87, CONTRACT FOR HARVEST 6.48-6.60; FEW REPORTED GR. SORGHUM #2 RANGE 2.50, AVERAGE 2.50, CONTRACT FOR HARVEST 2.50; EAR CORN RANGE 68.00-82.00, AVERAGE 75.26. SOUTH CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA CORN NO. 2-Y RANGE 2.55-2.70, AVERAGE 2.64; ©WHEAT NO. 2 RANGE 2.65-3.00, AVERAGE 2.80; BARLEY NO. 3 RANGE 1.45-1.75, AVERAGE 1.58; OATS NO. 2 RANGE 1 50-1.60, FEW REPORTED 1.80, AVERAGE 1.60; SOYBEANS NO. 1 RANGE 6.50-6.90, AVERAGE 6.80; EAR CORN RANGE 60.00-70.00; AVERAGE 65.43. SOUTHEASTERN, CENTRAL & SOUTH CENTRAL SUMMARY CORN NO. 2-Y RANGE 2.50-2.80, AVERAGE 2.65; ©WHEAT NO. 2 RANGE 2.65-3.16; AVERAGE 2.93; BARLEY NO. 3 RANGE 1.50-1.80, AVERAGE 1.65; OATS NO. 2 RANGE HAY, STRAW & GRAIN SALE Every Thursday at 1 p.m. Auction will continue all year long Vintage Sales Stables. Inc. (Rt. 30, 10 mlies east of Lancaster in Paradise, PA) For Into. L. Robert Frame, Sr. 717-442-4181 business president 21E-'3B-651ti homo Glenn S. Frame Mgr. NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES INC? THE ACTION AUCTION MONDAY j B iAwom» R EARLY BIRD HOG SALE 7:30 A.M. Soil Your Hogs At Now Holland Solos Stoblos. l.ic. Soo Ihom wolghod. sold «nd pickup your chock. jfk 10:QQ A.M. U M p|K HORSES Iff l mules 1?30 P.M. WEO BEEF SALE £ ss ni CALVES HEIFER SALE 11:00 A.M, COW SALE 12:00 NOON Co * s Wa hay* tha usual run of SO to 100 HeKart. all agaa. Loads ol fresh cows and springers from our rsgular shippers. Also soma local (rash cows and springers. NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES. INC. 12 Miles East of Lancaster Off Route 23, New Holland, Penna. Norman 8 ISR 397-5538 Luka Ebarly • 215-267-6608 738-1865 Homer Ebarly - 215-267-3047 Ron Ranek - 717-658-9849 1.30-1.65, AVERAGE 1.52; SOYBEANS NO. 1 RANGE 6.48-7.25, AVERAGE 6.83; EAR CORN RANGE 65.00-82.00. AVERAGE 71.32. CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA CORN NO. 2-Y RANGE 2.50-2.80. AVERAGE 2.69; ©WHEAT NO. 2 RANGE 2.67-3.01, AVERAGE 2.84; BARLEY NO. 3 RANGE 1.50-1.80, AVERAGE 1.62; OATS NO. 2 RANGE 1.40-1.60, AVERAGE 1.48; SOYBEANS NO. 1 RANGE 6.50-7.25, AVERAGE 6.78; EAR CORN RANGE 65.00-75.00; AVERAGE 68.33. WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA CORN NO. 2-Y RANGE 2.30-2.65, AVERAGE 2.47; ©WHEAT NO. 2 RANGE 2.90-3.00, AVERAGE 2.93; BARLEY NO. 3 RANGE 1.50-1.61, AVERAGE 1.56; OATS NO. 2 RANGE 1.10-1.60, FEW REPORTED 1.85, AVERAGE 1.43; SOYBEANS NO. 1, FEW REPORTED RANGE 6.65, AVER AGE 6.65; EAR CORN RANGE 60.00-61.00, AVERAGE 60.50. MONTH AGO CORN NO. 2-Y 2.68; ©WHEAT NO. 2 2.89; BARLEY NO. 3 1.60; OATS NO. 2 1.46; SOYBEANS NO. 1 6.95; EAR CORN 70.90. CORN NO. 2-Y 2.67; ©WHEAT NO. 2 2.99; BARLEY NO. 3 1.74; OATS NO. 2 1.38; SOYBEANS NO. 1 5.32; EAR CORN 78.42. Delmarva Broiler/Fryer Market Wednesday, Sept. 1, 1993 Movement of ready-to-cook whole birds LIVESTOCK IS ou: S °Gs WEDNESDAY YEAR AGO ONLY BUSINESS THURSDAY J Beef Auction 10:00 A.M. BULLS, STEERS, |QHpfIV BEEF COWS i;QQ P.M. VKI STOCKERS A FEEDERS T IP ■ ( J SHEEP mi US 1.30 P.M. FEEDER PIG SALE Plgi am aooaptad altar 630 A.M. Stata gradad from 8 to 12. Dairy Bam and Faadar Pig Bam am daanad and dlalnlactad waakly tor your promotion. Roger Floyd - 717-354-4341 FAX #717-355-0706 Ofd»r Buvw Paul Good - 215-4454M2 was about moderate. Seller offering! were adequate with demand improving a* deal er! prepare for the holiday. Live mppliei were in good balance. Proceising sche dulei were heavy. Leu than trucklot a ik ing price! were unchanged at 51-64 cenli. Trade lentiment wai generally iteady. Demand for parti wai fair to good. ESTIMATED SLAUGHTER OF BROILER/FRYERS IN DELMARVA (000) ESTIMATED ACTUAL AVG. WEIGHT ACTUAL AVG. WEIGHT 09/01 08/30 08/30 08/25 08/23 320 2,379 4.69 2,386 4.69. ♦BROILER/FRYER CURRENT NEGOTIATED PRICES FOR IMMEDI ATE DELIVERY INCLUDES MOSTLY MULTIPLE-DROP SHIPMENTS OF BRANDED AND WING TAGGED TO NEW YORK CITY FROM DELMARVA. BRANDED U.S. GRADE A RANGE 47-65 WEIGHTED AVERAGE 52.19 NO. OF BOXES 11,695. *7 of 9 plant! reporting. Oklahoma City Feeder Cattle Oklahoma City, Okla. Wednesday, September 1, 1993 Attention Dodge City OKLAHOMA NATIONAL STOCK YARDS WEEKLY CATTLE SUM MARY: Compered to leit week; Feeder steers iteady to $l.OO higher. Steer calves steady. Heifers ranged from steady to $3.00 lower with most decline on SOO-6SO lbs. Demand good for steers, fair for heif ers. Weigh-ups average to mostly full as incoming storm front prompted feed con- lumption; weigh condition coniiderahly leir'attractlve for Unyen'thanlast week. Flesh condition of feeden slightly thin thru slightly fleshy; calf flesh average to mod erately fleshy, with several sets thin. Qual ity of yearling supply plain to average, end attractive. Calf quality average, end attrac tive. Oklahoma received badly needed general rains Monday with more in fore cast. Receipts this week 10,425; last week 11,800; last year 8,743. Supply consisted of 60 percent yearlings and calves over 600 lbs.; an increased supply of calves under 600 lbs., 34 percent; 6 percent cows and bulls. Bulk of cows thin and open and bought by packers. Prices follow with weighted average weight and price in parenthesis. Feeder Steers: Medium and Large Frame 1:250-300 lbs. (274 lbs.) $117.00- $131.00 ($124.19); 300-400 lbs. (350 lbs.) $lOB.OO-$124.00 ($116.51); 400-450 lbs. (426 lbs.) $104.00-$! 15.50 ($108.98); 450-500 lbs. (468 lbs.) $96.00-$ 110.50 ($102.72); 500-550 lbs. (516 lbs.) $95.00-$102.50 ($99.04); 550-600 lbs. (579 lbs.) $93.00-$99.25 ($95.10); 600-700 lbs. (650 lbs.) $89.00-$96.00 ($92.09); 700-800 lbs. (750 lbs.) SBS.SO-$89.50 ($87.65); 800-900 lbs. (850) $83.00-$86.00 ($84.49); 900-950 lbs. (923 lbs.) $BO.OO- $84.60 ($83.08). Holstein Steen; Large Frame 2: 500-700 lb«. (600 lbs.) $73.10-$77.00 ($75.16); 700-800 lbs. (750 lbs.) $70.00-$74.25 ($72.70); 838 lbs. $71.50; 881 lbs. $66.10. Feeder Heifers: Medium and Large Frame 1: 200-250 lbs. (221 lbs.) $lll.OO - ($115.55); 250-300 lb«. (293 lbs.) $102.00-$! 12.00 ($104.52); 300-350 lbs. (320 lbs.) $95.00-$ 110.75 ($104.50); 350-400 lbs. (374 lbs.) $93.75-$ 109.75 A Sr <***% Diffenbach Auction Inc. 100 Wmi Jackson Stmt • Box 186 • New Holland, Pennsylvania 17557 Offlc*: (717) 355-7253 • FAX: (717) 355-9547 I HAY & GRAIN SALE EVERY MONDAY - 10;00 A.MT TUBS. SEPT. 7 WHOLESALE FURNITURE 6:30 P.M. FBI. SEPT. 10 FARM EQUIPMENT * SUPPLIES 9:00 A.M. TUES. SEPT. 21 QUILT. CRAFT A SUPPLIES 9:00 A.M. WED. SEPT. 22 QUILT A CRAFT 9:00 A.M. EQUIPPED FOR AN AUCTION AT YOUR PLACE OR OURS ALAN DIFFENBACH AUCT. - AU2258-L B /S&\ We offer com P lete Soil & Livestock Of] Management Programs using products Shd formulated to produce healthful food Agßestore, Inc. supplies at reasonable cost without toxic chemicals. Tour in your area: New Holland, Thursday, Sept. 30 i Nelson & Don Weaver, Weaver Homestead Farms I 245 White Oak Road 717-354-4398 Writ* or call for our (r** Introductory vldoo. 412-836-2404 or Agßestore, Inc. •4 East Bromar Avanua, Wavaiiy, lowa 50677 CRAIG'S HOG BUYING SVAHONS Four Locations To Serve You! Receiving Butcher Hogs; • No Advance Scheduling • No Consignment Too Small Or Too Large • Weighed & Paid For Upon Arrival • Competitive Prices Paid For Light Weight Hogs, Sows & Boars For More InformoHon Contact Jeff Croig At (717) 532-5224 ($99.36); 400*500 lb». (450 Ibi.) JBB.OO-596.75 ($91.26); 500-600 Ibi. (550 Ibf.) $86.00-$91.50, load 585 lb. fleihy calvei $83.50 ($87.66); 600-700 Ibi. (650 Ibi.) $83.50-$89.50 ($85.39); 700-750 Ibi. (723 Ibi.) SB2ioo-SBS.OO ($83.99); 800-850 Ibi. (825 Ibi.) $77.00-$83.25 ($80.84); 850-900 Ibi. (866 Ibi.) 575.50-577.00 ($76.40). SUu(hter Cowl; Utility Y.G. 2-4 aver age dreiiing $46.75-$49.75, Cutten Y.G. 1-2 S4S.7S-548.50; high dreiiing Utility $50.75-SS3.SO, high dreiiing Cutten 548.00-551.50. Gamier and low Cutter $38.25-$43.50. Slaughter Built: Y.G. 1 1300-1800 Ibi. avenge dreiiing SS9.SO-$63.50; few high dreiiing and high dreuingdiigh boning 563.00-566.25. Replacement Cowi: Preteited for Bangi, pregnancy, and age; Medium and Large Fnme No. 1 - avenge quality odd cowi; 3-6 year old 925-1350 Ibi. 3-7 month! bred 5550.00-S67S.OQ/head 8-10 year old 925-1175 Ibi. 4-7 monthi bred 5475.00-SS2S.OQ/head 1175-1350 Ibi. 7 monthi bred $615.00-S62S.OQ/head. Pain: Medium and Large Fnme No. 1 2-4 year old 800-875 lb. cowi with 200-300 lb. calves 5790.00-5850.00 per pair, 6-7 year old 1025- 13001 b. cows with 100-125 lb. calves 5805.00-5895.00. Lancaster Livestock Auction Wednesday’s market report has been discontinued until further notice because of insubstantial receipts. All Stations Open 7:30 am 11:00 am We Still Buy Hogs The “Old Fashioned Way”