A44-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 4, 1993 Hey Fair The Oley Valley Community Fair will be held on Thursday, September 16 through Saturday, Sept. 18 on the Are company grounds in Oley located at Routes 73 and 662. Main attractions this year will be Vicki Bird, a country western singer from Nashville; the Mahon ey Brothers with their revues of the. Beatles and other fifties groups; and Tim Johnson and High Noon, a country western group from Bloomsburg. Judging of the exhibits will be gin at 8 a.m. on Thursday morn ing. From there on, typical Oley Valley Fair good food and enter tainment are in store. Thursday’s activities begin with the lamb trimming and blocking contest, followed by the Farm Youth Vo-Ag Livestock Judging Contest at 6 p.m. and a children’s pedal tractor pulling contest at 4:30 for ages 4 to 10. On Friday, Sept. 17, the fair opens with the dairy judging con test at 10 a.m. The tractor pulling contest will be held at 11 a.m. with a youth (ages 11 to 15) pedal trac tor contest at 4:30 p.m. Entertainment gets under way at 1 p.m. with music by the Oley Valley High School Band. Saturday’s porgram begins with a garden tractor and ATV pulling contest at 10 a.m. and a safe tractor driving con test at 11 a.m. Other contests include bale throwing at 11 a.m., and adult pedal tractor pull at 1:30 p.m., and pie eat ing at 3:30 p.m. The Oley Valley Alumni Band will per form at 1:30 p.m. and the Happy Dutchmen Strolling Band will wander the grounds from 1 to 4 p.m. Tro phies will be awarded to department winners at 6 p.m. The majority of the trophies have been do nated by The National Bank of Boyertown. All entertainment of the fair is sponsored in part by The National Bank of Boyertown, Pa triot Savings Bank, and Meridian Bank. Enter tainment will be held rain or shine under the Volunteer Pavilion. While some seating is available, fairgoers are invited to bring lawn chairs. Admission is free. Donations for parking are accepted. Parking is available on the grounds and at vari ous lots around the town. When the lots at the fairgrounds are fill ed, a special free fair shuttle bus is available on the parking lot locat ed at Friedens Lutheran Church on Route 73. Bedford Champion (Continued from Page A 18) Junior Holier Calvoa: Kondy Gable, Stan-EI. Intermediate Halier Cali: Dan and Ann Kemp, Stan-EI. Senior Hollar: Stan-EI. Summer Yearling: Stan-EI, Janelle Koontz. Junior Yearling: Dan and Ann Kemp, Stan-EI. Intermediate Yearling: Stan-EI. Senior Yearling: Stan-EI. Junior Baal 3 Females: Stan-EI. Junior 2-Yaar-Old: Stan-EI. Senior 2-Yaar-Old: Janelle Koontz, Stan- EI. 3- Cow: Kandy Beth Gable, Jan elle Koontz 4- Cow: Scott Fisher, Stan-EI. 5- Cow: Scott Fisher, Stan-EI, Janelle Koontz. Dry Cow, 4 and Undar; Janelle Koontz. Tour Complete Headquarters For Sprayers And Parts Self-Priming PACER PUMPS Centrifugal Pumps • 3 H.P. ‘S’ Series l'/i ” Or 2" Ports Reg. $212.00 SPECIAL $185.50 • 5 H P. 'S’ Senes 2” Ports Reg. $252 00 SPECIAL $220.50 •'S’ Series Pedestal Pump Only IK ” or 2“ - Reg. $131.00. Raven Tough Polyethylene Tanks Iso Stock A Complete Line Of: Hypro' ‘Sprayer Hose Pump. .Ball Valves And PUMPS • Nylon Fittings Accessories . p o i y Tanks We Al Teejet Sprayer Nozzles And Accessories PAUL B. ZIMMERMAN, INC. I ~'yfc 50 Woodcomer Rd., Lililz, PA 17543 fi'irt/vi 1 Mile West of EpKrate IUpSJ (717) 738-7350 . HARDWARE • FARM SUPPLIES • TS LEBANON (Lebanon Co.) Nominations for the Sixth Dutch Country Calf Sale to be held at 1:30 p.m. on Saturday, October 23, at the Lebanon Fairgrounds are being accepted. Sale Chairman Sheila Miller announces nomination forms for steer and heifer entries are being mailed to past consignors and int erested beef cattle producers. This sale is a reciprocal opportunity for catde producers to market calves to youth exhibitors and for 4-H and FFA beef showmen to buy quality calves locally. Deadline for nominating calves is Septem ber 30. ■ 5 H.P. ‘S’ Series With VC Briggs Engine 2” Ports Reg. $332 00 SPECIAL $290.50 • SPRAYER TANKS - ALL SIZES For New Or Replicemenl AVAILABLE FROM • STATIONARY TANKS • For